PUBLIC 423 E,tmOAD ST. ATiV. I, 07000 PLAYGROUNDS THE WESTFIELD LEADER OPEN THf HADING AND MOST WIDELY CmCUlATiO WICKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Utiuonct OIHKH Poatbffa I'fttd SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 46 at W«ntlteia, NT J, WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1968 26 1'agcg—10 CenlH Miiiilowuskin Park Census Near Completion Pellicone Named Outlines Water Co. Service To Mark July 4th Observance Priest Named to New Parish McKinley School To Seek Fall No plans have yet been announced iablished, Faiiwr Meaney said. Ho The 4511) annual linlcacndviicu for tlio building of a second Roman in temporarily residing in the Holy Action in Crisis day service sponsored by the Catholhi parish in Westtield, A- Trinity rectory. Principal Went Fields chapter, Sou* of the The toMowtttf letter haa been though a pnlast, the Ilev. Thomas •Father Meancy's appointment American Revolution, WeMflcId School Vote •eat by Robert W. Kean Jr., pxul- B. Menney, lias Iwen named to the jolosely follows a Holy Trinity church D. Joscpli Pcllit»ne wos chapter of tlie DAR und Robert I. pf JOdncalioji will press lor voter approval next fall on a e*e*t of the EUubethiown Water parish and arrived to assume his du- census wnose completion later thus prirtoipal of McKinley Sclxwl by tin- French Society, Children ol the proposed new Jiorllisidt elementary school on Pixxspccl St., Mis. J. Paul Co.. to Mayor Robert U. Mai- "Summer Fun" ties in WosUield Saturday. month hi expected to form thc bush, 'Board of Jidueut.loii last «i(jhl, fili- American Revolution, will he Weiss, chairman of 11K facilities committee said last night at the board reany, explaining alept taken by for the boundaries or the new punish. ling thc vacancy created Ijy thu sitift held at 8 a.m. tomorrow at the According Aa tentative plans an- meeting. the company during the May 3* According io Msgr. Charles B. of -McKinley's principal, Joel B. Theme At Center bandstand In Mlndownnkln park. flounced several months ago at a In a progress report on Hie propose*] facility, Mrs. Weiss said; 'bod aad ferlag the crlilc period Murphy, i>asLor of Holy Trinity iLangholtz, io Jeffw.so.i Scliuol. Miss An "unuiuol" program baa meeting of the Town Council, the "Since 1937 this site has been des- fotltwlnc the ftatfagt of contaml. The WcstfieW Comrnunlty Center Church, five of eight areas of the •Kathdeen N. Zepf was named as- been planned by John L. Ludtow, Archdiocese of Newark plans to ignated (or a school to take caro of •attan In tht water. has announced a full program of - community census have been com- sistant, nnnripal of Joffei-swi School Council Discusses chairman or the anrmal atostrv eroot a church-schood-convent cum- future construction on thc northskle. cummer activities (or all ages, from pleted. at an annual salary of $13,000. Mr. Dear Mayer Mufcesny: once, and will ttaturo a tpeaker plex <m the former Blado-florrue- Bills for Library, The need for tlie now school Is right four years through senior high. •Pollicone will ceoeive $13,300. The following to at report to you and raising of the colors by the ... Father Meaney has been assistant now, as the children are alrendy Camp Pom Poo Onfc (Indian for southwesterly come* rf Miss Zcpf had been appointed an Curbing Work SAR color guard. t- tj ' pastor of St. Mary's Ghurch, R3h- here. 'Presently over 300 of Frank- lkta b «lcmentflry administralivc intern at Thc Town Council mot at a si«- lin's eleven hundred population wa Group singing will be led by IICHj, , tho Juno mooting of Wie Board of flooding wfakh ocoumd on May » MB, Ralph W. Halt regent ol No name has yet been given H*. ^W. He was ordained to the priest- ci-al meeting Last night to discuss housed in the antiquated Elm Street from 9 a.m. to 12 noon for boys and Education and dad preriously been a bids for renovations to the Westficld School. the Wcttfleld DAR, new parish, nor its boundaries e»-'wond M years ago. fifth grade teacher at Columbus f ark +-5-6 yrara from July 1 to 31 Memorial Lit>rary and replacement "During the past year, Ralph Jof- School. At last itigWs iossion, John o! curbing in the central business furaon, architect and fornw school •P, Molbnook was nanicd to Uie in- jorc, trie projrrarn will toe under tho Una Amiga j'\v dislmict. Ixurd member, explored In detail ternship for the firs', somoster of U10 it L. ti in * direction of Mfcs 'Margaret Brown Revise Schedule Its decisions were not known at the possibility of modemiitng Elm a BtaJf school year. ^•Suf,SrS,u?.J?LrT?I^! 2 ** * <malif»«» volunteers. 17- Year-Old In Honduras press lime last night hut wiU be Street School. It was decMed that re- IT^^~?uTT^_?unT:iL N»"»ver Canrp is a complete day For Swimmobile Approved faculty appointments for reported in the July 11 edition at modeling would be entirety unsatis- ™Ln£rL «"T™«Uf Si! campinovor Cang serviw of . prov«ted t>y North- Valeric Carlisle of 553 fit. Marfcr 4ege. atudenta. left Houston, home of the coining school year are: John the Leader. factory. Not only-would tbe cost be S2r S-LS- i !^!2f2^ ff^! •IlK N J * for Chris**™ House, The American Swimming Pool Avc. will return U> WestfleW Moh- the Amiga, June 16 en a chartered W. Bratowicz, $6,600; Mrs. Ada K. TV next regular session «f the great, out Westfleld would sUU be J£l «2T1 JJ^21!Z 5 J£ ' <* - the Community Cen- Company of Caristadt delivered uSo ODeef, «8,00O: Mrs. Blanche K. Is-Town Council will be JkeW July 23. saddled with an old building In a v*»w Bret the cfrcunatancet of the ^ fc^ „,, gi^s .i years old. day after serving in Sari. Antonio,, Honduran aMUner. Each paid SITS for 7 2 now Swrmmobite Monday afternoon Honduras, for three weeks ae-ooe of for his place on the plane. They re- aac, psychologist, s*pecial service, poor location too far from the ele- The camp.haa two 4-week periods, after construction delays, due to (n- 100 young summer volunteers io re-l ceived no compensation for their 410,683 iHicllldes $195 mileage and Robert J. Verse mentary children. July 3-31 and Aug. 1-28; camperships dement weather and difficulty ID mote Central American villages oe) work, and they live as guests of thc •five" per cent additional far 10 "Therefore, the boar* haa been in are available, obtaining parts, postponed ao earlier a pc-ople4o-people mission caHedtba) people they serve, usually in themonths); Samuel Kurtz, «6,6O0; ML<* Elected Assl. Trust constant contact with Mai firm of Janice C. Maaley, $«.6OO. "SoulsviHe" is e conversion of the .home of the mayor. Other donations, Eppel and Seaman and their srchl. •Also Mrs. Eleanur H Meserve, Officer at Suburban revised schedule to *e_Mffl Vafcame, famed *• *•*** <* nodical aoppuei, make lect. Brooks Kaufman, has bead ID, tbe Boulevard haven for "Soul Brothers and Soul 49,300: Miss Shorrel Hogers, »,3M. s««9Pn baa been decided with a year's study of Mgfa school up the difference to support tho The directors of Suburban Trust working closely with, a committse of iMtss Andrea 1. SaMutfi, «,600; Sisters" 13 years up on Tuesday* Spanish, is spending the last of tier Amrgoa in the field, Company announced this week the our school personnel regardlngtbe (Leonard I. Scoulmxi, t6.600; Mrs. - _ and Thursdays from B-10i30 p.rn., Jury 1-July 14 — Unoobi Sdwot three week term vaccinating, teach- Thii first team wMl return to Hout- election of Robert J. Veree as as- educational needs and phllooophy for 'Paula R. Weesman, (juklance vmn- t&-.km. Itoo la? Miess wgjh and it is free to paid-up members. July IS-JUry 28—Columbus School ing hygiene, giving tteraJcy dosses ten July 8, and fl second group of sistant trust officer. Mr. Verae oame the proposed 30-room. school.' 1h« mlor, M,925 (includes five per cent Ihese thnee welsi pb,g pong, pool, table games and July 2feAug. U-Frankbi Sdnoi and doing whatever *e can to help 100 wM leave. Tbe (hard and final to the bank in January )96t, and architect has been consulting with additional for 10 months). "soul music" from, a jukebox, ape- Aug. 12-Aug. as-*IcWnley School the people ki Hondunu and Guate- group leaves Jury 28. In aU 300 wiH will continue io be located in the .the State' Board of Education la to oar tyatam, or tea* than «ra>balf cwri "tappenangt" and a "soul-food" Tho Swimomobrlo will operate mate. She will twain her asnkr year serve, chosen from several tbouuqil Mrs, MaKtle Stover was transfer- WestfieW office. Trenton who must approve Mtf otw of one par oaot'Of our toM system- cantata will be ottered. from 9 «,m. to S p.m. daily with the in WestMd High School in Septem- tvpUcaate oetiooolly. red from second grade teacher at A graduate with a business degree school plans. Further, our Board ef ESWM»H to in 0 well pace JSetters. for Jonkr and Se- McKinley School to second grade at from Kahioigh Dfcktaua Unrvorsity. Education hae kept the WeaUtrid •i lOGMfeBCt wDOW tnO ) what adults cannot db," Jefferson School and Leslie A. Ewen Rutherford, Mr. Verse also has planning Board Informed regarding . The «*r vanti of the young sty* Guy Bevil, founder and darac- from sixth grade at Krank-Hn Annex earned the American Banking Iroti- all devctooments.
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