W~SHINGT()N ~ILY STATE UNIVERSITY ;YERGREEN Monday, January 27, 1986 Established 1894 Vol. 92; No. 92 President given building power by Bryan Corliss square foot building, located on E\Crgn'l'll Stall Farm Way, was 100 small. "We can 'I provide the service the stu- The Washington State Universi- dents deserve. I think it's time we ty Board of Regents Friday gave really provide this service." the university president authority Robert McEachern, the head of to initiate building projects of the Regents' finance and facilities under $500.000 without board committee, said the only question approval and moved to procede about the addition was "which with planning for a $3 million addi- biennium to fund the project. ,. tion to the food services building. Bids will be taken in July. and it The board, meeting in the CU-B is expected the work will be junior ballroom. also agreed to a finished by July, 1987. according proposal to cancel renovation of to a memo from Hartford to the Goldsworthy Hall and approved Regents outlining the propsal. Fin- paying $840,000 for work done on al plans will be taken' before the campus buildings. board for approval before construc- The board also voted to change tion begins. the name of the Washington Edu- The recommendation to scrap cational Telecommunications Sys- plans for the renovation of Gold- tem. which will now be known' as sworthy Hall came from the admi- Daily Evergreen/Joan Bezdicek the Washington Higher Education nistration, which decided the Teresa Harkins, research technician, prepares ELISAplates by coating them with Anaplasma Telecommunications System. $492.000 price tag for remodeling one floor was too high in light of marginate subunit proteins. The resolution granting the uni- verisity president authority to start other demands on the food and building projects on campus was housing budget and anticipated de- passed after an amendent that will clines in residence hall occupancy require the administration to report and revenues. WSU losing top researchers The Regents had approves! the to the Regents on construction in progress on campus. project at their June 28, 1985 by Steve Massey Breeze thinks promoting re- Palmer was also promised The resolution will allow presi- meeting. Evergreen Staff search in high demand abroad $10,000 per year for two years for dent Sam Smith, or his delegates The board approved paying two should be a top priority for legisla- "expendable supplies" to support - vice president for business and Spokane firms a total of $453,722 Washington State University tors and WSU budget planners. his research ... in addition to an)' finance G.A. "Jay" Hartford or for renovation in the Wilmer Hall cannot afford to lose its best profes- "First-rate universities are money he raised .' through in- sors, nor can it afford to keep them. closely linked to the economic de- tramural or extramural applica- Because of demand for research velopment in the state - but aver- tions. " '1 want our general plan to be consistent professors in other institutions, age or adequate universities are The letter also stated that UF with what's been going Ol1 for 9()-solne WSU could see some of its top re- not," he said. would' 'defray reasonable moving years. ' searchers seek jobs elsewhere - "It would be wonderful if the costs," between $1,000 and unless money is provided to tempt legislature came up with the money $2,000. -Edwin MeWilliams them to stay. to solve everybody's problems," Russell promised to "discuss "This definitely is a serious he said. "But what if they don't? anything that was missing" in his executive vice president and pro- and Davis Hall restrooms. and problem," said WSU President You have to bite the bullet - de- letter to Palmer via telephone. vost Albert Yates - to accept bids moved to "pay a Seattle painting Sam Smith. "That's why I've been cide what you want with the money Breeze said Florida also offered and award contracts for building or company $319,723 from the resi- trying to get pay increases (for you have." to provide Palmer with "$500,000 renovation projects without having dence and dining construction fund for removing asbestos in Streit- WSU faculty)." Some researchers in veterinary worth of equipment" during his to get a go-ahead from the Regents. Perham. Smith said the market adjust- medicine have already left WSU first four years in Florida to outfit a as long as the total cost for building The board also agreed 10 pay ment salary increases given to after receiving job offers from tropical disease research labora- stays under $500,000. $67,355 for the cleaning and resea- WSU faculty by the state legisla- other institutions. tory. Total cost includes sales tax, ling of the brick exterior of French ture are clear evidence of efforts to Gary Palmer, a doctor of veter- WSU spent just $15,000 on new architects' and planners' fees, en- Administration Building. "hold in place those (researchers) inary medicine and former gradu- equipment for the entire depart- gineering and landscape costs. In one of several information who are most marketable." ate student at WS U, was recruited ment of veterinary microbiology contingency budgeting and all items on the agenda, vice provost Maintaining the problem of los- by the University of Florida last and pathology last year. equipment and construction ex- Thomas Kennedy told the Regents ing researchers isn't limited to any spring. Bluntly stated, UF wanted Pal- penses. The motion was approved unani- final enrollment figures for spring one college, Smith said, "We want In a letter from Stephen W. Rus- mer badly. mously. semester should fall between to keep both quality researchers sell, chairman of the College of For Palmer, it was an offer he However, regent Edwin McWil- 15,300 and 15.400. and teachers. Right now the emph- Veterinary Medicine at Florida, couldn't refuse - and he didn't. liams expressed concern the board Kennedy, who missed the early asis seems to be on research." Palmer was presented with an offer Palmer left for Florida last was giving up control of the cam- part of the meeting because he was Without adequate funds, the job far above what WSU could offer. spring and now holds the position pus' appearance. teaching a class, and Yates ex- of convincing quality researchers '" will begin by telling you that I of associate professor of veterinary . 'I want our general plan to be plained ways the university wa. to stay becomes a difficult one. will let you set your own salary microbiology and pathology at the consistent with what's been going looking to increase both the num- Despite this, one professor said within the range we discussed," University of Florida. on for 90-some years," he said, ber of minority students and the WSU needs to act decisively with said Russell's letter to Palmer. The noting it "wouldn't take $500,000 over-all quality of s t u d e n t s its research money. "range" was between $52,000 and "In comparison,· WSU didn't to change the nature of the admitted. Instead of waiting for the state $54,000 a year - considerably have very much to offer," Palmer campus. " Kennedy said minority student legislature to provide funding, more than what WSU could offer said in a telephone interview. Work on working drawings and enrollment was at a "historic WSU should decide immediately Palmer. "They just couldn't offer the kind specifications for the 28,486 high. " what it wants to do with the money The letter said the University of of research materials needed." square foot addition to the food ser- it has, said Roger Breeze, director Florida guaranteed Palmer "up to vice building will go ahead. of veterinary microbiology and $6,000 for renovations" of his See Researchers, page 7 See Regents, page 3 Hartford said the current 14,777 pathology at WS U. choosing once he got there. Idaho proposal Liquor bill would increase age, hours by Jack Donley extra hour. In addition, the bill per- ho businesses will suffer. sales of liquor in Idaho will put on Sundays anyway. There's plen- Evergreell Stafl mits the sale of liquor on Sundays, Haagenson said that the bill is more drunken drivers on the road. ty of things to drink." Memorial Day, and Thanksgiving. primarily designed to reduce high- House minority leader L. Gene Haagenson said that current res- A new liquor bill combining two Presently, Idaho stands to lose way fatalities. Winson, R-Kuna, said there should trictions on liquor sales have been earl ier proposals has been some $15 million in state highway "The most persuasive argument be at least one day a week when and impediment to tourism in Ida- approved in Idaho's House State funds if the drinking age is not for raising the drinking age," he motorists could travel the high- ho. He added that extending bar Affairs Committee by a 10 to 5 raised to 21. Faced with few said, "is that it will prevent those ways without having to dodge hours to conform with surrounding under 21 from crossing state lines vote. alternati ves , Idaho legislators are drunken drivers. states will also reduce highway The latest proposal, by Rep. trying too minimize the political for the express purpose of buying Haagenson dismissed this re- accidents. Dean Haagenson, D-Coeur damage that will occur from a raise alcohol and then driving back." mark as nonsense. "It would eliminate the problem d'Alene, raises the drinking age in in the drinking age. By increasing Opponents of the bill accuse "It's not going to make any dif- of people crossing state lines in Idaho from 19 to 21, but also liquor sales, Haagenson's bill will Haagenson of political hocus- ference," he said.
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