326 BOO WARWICKSHIRE. [ KELLY'S • BOOKSELLERS. .!dams Edwin, Stoney Stanton road, Cashmore Chas. Rowington, Warwick Marked thus tare Circulating Libraries. Foleshill, Coventry Caswell Chas. I I Portland st.Lmngtn :2\Iarked thus t are Secondhand Booksellers. Adkins Chas. 28 High st. Leamington Cheshire Wm. Long st. Atherstune Marked thus"' are Publishers. .idler Thom~'ls, Brinklow, Coventry City Boot Stores,High st.Sutton Cldfld *Art '& Book Co. II The Parade & Ager Chas. 6 Smithford st. Coventry Clare Mrs. H. B. 25 Earl st.Cov.ellltiiT works, IO Guy str.eet, Leamington .A.gle'l" Thos. 22 Rugby rd. Leamington Clark Geo. 20 Satchwell st. Lmngton }ladger William & Co. High street, .A.kerman Walter, 9 Barrack st.Wrwck Clark Hitchman, Dordon. Tamworth Alcester R.S.O Aliband Chas. Bull st. Southam S.O Cla.rke A.WelleslxmrneHlastings,Wrwck BartJett Sml. 9Church st.Strtfrd. on-A Allen D. Foleshill rd. Foleshill,Cvntry Clay Wm. I Leicester rd. Nuneaton Bishop Hy. 72 Bull st. Str.atford-on-A .Antrobus J.38 Primrose Hill st.Cvntry Clayton Walter, Tanworth,Birminghm tBiunn Mrs. Annie, Alcester R.S.O A.rch Cha.rles, I6a, Saltisford, Wrwck Clowes Thomas William, Parade, Sut­ British & Foreign Bible Society's .Archer T. Brailes, .Shipswn-on-Stour ton Coldfield, Birmingham Depot (Edward Fox, agent), I High Archer William, Alcester R.S.O Cluley & Son, 70 King William street. street, St.ratford-up<m-Avon Armishaw J. T. sa, Fleet st.Oovenhry Hill fields, Coventry tBurgis & Colbourne, 8o The Parade Arnold John, Anstrey, ..Miherstone Coleman Geo. Hy.32 Church st.Rngby & 29 & 3I Bedford s<t. Leamington Arnold Riclhurd,Henley-in-Arden,B'hm Colligan Jn. 3 Howard st. Coventry Calliladine Jn. Hy. Long st. Atherstone Ash W. Coventry rd. Coleshill, B'ham Colns Arthur, 36 Erook st. Coventry Collier Jn. 7 Regent pi. Leamingron Askew Richd. NOTth End, Leamington Commander E. Ia, Spon st. Coventry O:mnop & Son,66 Smithlord st.CvntTV Askew Richard, Raltley, Banbury Constable Jas. Wm.Ne.w st.Kenilwrtb Cooke Henry Thomas & Son, 9 High Astill Jn. Long Itchington, Rugby Cook Joseph, North End, Leamingtolll street, Warwick Aston Charles,I6 Yardley st.Ooventry Cooke Geo. H. 72 Market pi. Warwick Oox Harry, 27 High st.Sitra,t!ord-on-A Aston H. Little Wolford,Shipston-on-8 Cooke John, I Queen st. Nuneaton Cunnew G. n6 The Parade, J.mngtn Aston Jsph. 17 Butche'l" row, Coventry Cooke John, Warwick rd. Kenilwortb tCurtis W. W. I3 Hertford st. Cvntry Atkins T.WellesbourneMount.frd.Wrwk Coon Frederick, Studley R.S.O tEdwards S. 30 Baileyla. Coventry Bachelor Rerbert, Fillongley,Coventry Cooper C. Henley-in-Arden,Birmnghm Fox Edwd. Y High st. Stratford-on-A Bacon James, 77 Abbey st. Nuneaton Cooper G. P. Io9 Lit. Park st.Coventry ~Gillett F. 2 & 3 Butcher row, Coventry Badger Jn. Napton-on-the-Hill, Rugby Cooper John, I9 Barrack st. Warwick *Glover Frank, Church walk,Lmngtn Bailey Geo. :& Sons, Pailton, Rugby Copage Edward, Tanworth,Birmingh:rn tGreen Jn. W. 66 Regent st.Lmngtn Bailey Edwd. Po1esworth, Tamworth Court l.26Wellesbrne.gro.Strtfd.-on-.A. Hadley W. H. 52 Smith st. Warwick Bailey George, W()lvey, Hinckley Cox Joseph, Warmington, Eanbury Hamblen Thos.I6 The Parade,Lmngtn Bailey John, 24 Market pi. Warwick Cox Samuel, II Hayfield terra(!e,. Hopewell Jas. I Albert S'b. Rugby Bak,eT Henry, 38 Far Gosford st.Ovntry Stoney Stanton road, Coventry *Diffe & Son, I9 Rert.ford st.Cvntry Ball Mrs. Ruth, 13 Bridge st. Nun- Cranmer G. Shottery, Stratford-on-A Jubb Waiter Hy. Longfo-rd, Co~entll)' eaton; & Long st. Atherstone Creed Wm. Bear1ey, Stratford-upon-A. tKennard T. 22 Regent st. Lmngtn Barlow Thos. Hig-h st.Colesbill,B'ham Crofts. John, 38 Chapel street, Rugb~ Lacy George & Sons,B High st.Wrw-ck Barnett-George, Dunchurch, Rugby Cure William, Withybrook, Coventry­ Lait Mrs. Elizabeth, Stanley house, Barnsley Alex. Long st. Atherstone Curnock G.R.23Rothe.r st.Strtfd.-on-A High street, Kenilworth Barnsley Jsph. R>e<d 1ane, Cov<entry Dabbs T. High st. Coleshill, B'ham. tLawrence A. J. 22 Market pi. Rugby Barr Mrs. Geo. Curdworth, B'ham Daffern E. 123 Arbury rd. Nuneaton. "Uidland Educati-onal Co. (G. Leaver, Barwell William, 30 Arbury r()ad, Dale W. I2 Ely st. St.ratford-upon-A manager), I64 The Parade, Lmngtn Chilvers Coton, Nuneaton Dalton Wm. Long Itchmgton, Rugby *Midland Times C-o. Lim. (H. H. Bastock J. G.Banbury rd.SouthamS.O Daniel Thomas, Princethorpe, Rugby Hopewell, man. ),3a,Albert st.Rugby Baylis Jas. Ilmington, Sb:ipst-on·<H'l.-S Dan~els John, Eathorpe, Leamington tMorgan John, Io & n High street, Bayliss Willia.m,Wishaw, Birmingham Dav1.es Charles,24 Regent st.Leamngtn Stratford-upon-Avon Beale T. F. 24 Nichulls st. Coventry Dav~s Fredk.49 q:tesham st.Lea:nngtn Notcutt John T. I36 The Parad'e & Beechey Jas. 25 Bath st. Leamington DaVls Thos. 4 Wmdsor pl.Leammgton 37 Bath st. Leamington Bellamy Thos. Clav€il'dlon., Waa-wick Davis Wm. Hy. 49 Alma st. Coventry Ov·er Geo. Edwd. 15 High st. Rugby Bennett A.Corley mr.Filllongley,Cvn.trv Davis. Wm.. Hy. 39 Cox st. Coventry­ Pepperday J. H. 24 High st. Rugby Bennett J sph. B.erkswell, Coventry D~emmg Rwhard, Ansley, ~therston6" Quairutance F. wClarendonav.Lmngtm Berridge Christopherr-, Alces-te<r R.S.O Dwk R. & J.I3 Cross cheapmg,Cvntry­ Robertson & Gray,The Square,Knlwth Betts Thos. 48 Friars st. Warwick Dorrington Joseph, I4 Jenner street,. Society fo·r Promoting Christian Know- Birch Wm. Coventry st.Southam S.O Stoney Stanton road, Coventry ledge. Depots (Henry Thoma.s Cooke Bird Th-os. Henley-in-Arden, B'ham Doughty Alfred, Tachbrook,Leamngtn. & Son), 9 High street, Warwick; Bird William, Studley R.S.O Doughty George,I Althorpe st.Lmngtn. (A. J. Lawrence, agent) 22 Market. Bishop Edwd. I Clifton terr. Knlwrtb Drane Simon, 5 Friar's st. Warwick place, Rugby; & (Hy. Wm. Loasby) Bishop Wm. E. Warwick rd. Knlwrtb Drinkwater David, 6 Henley street.. 53 Hertford st Coventry Blackband Thomas, Alcester R.S.O Stratford-upon-Avon Spencer Geo. Market' hill,SouthamS.O Bleakmor·e William, Glascote,Tmwrtb Dumbleton W.I07 Learn ter.ea.I.mgta Stanton Wm. I] & I8 Chapel st. Blick B. Common, Balsall, Coventrv Dunton Joseph,19 Leicester s.t.Covntry Stratford-upon-Avon Blower Samuel, Long st. Atherstone Durant G. 39a,Wood st.Stratford~on-A. *Wall .A. H. 5 Payton st.Strtfrd.-on-A Borton Hy. 6 KenilwOTth st'. Lmngtn Durham Hy.s Guy's Cliff ter.Warwick Ward Geo. na, Broadgate, Coventry Brandis G. Butlers MaTston, Warwick Eburne Francis, 3 Bull ring, Coventry Brayne Thos. 33 High st. Leamington Edwards I. Trap's grn.Tanwrth.E'ham l300T & SHOE FACTORS. Brisker Clement, Knowle, Brmngham Edwards Thos. H. 5 Cox st. Coventry- Harker Samuel I& Co. 40 & 4I Smith- Bromage Thomas, I3 Pickard row, Eisher Edwin, 73 Spon st. Coventry- ford street, Coventry Emscote, Warwick Elliott John, 45 Pennington st. Rugby- :Marson George, 24 Market hall & I96 Bromwich T. N etheT Whitacre,B'ham Eliott Wm. Victoria st.Nw.Biltn.Rgby· Sooney St'Mlli:on rd. Coventry Brooks G. 3 Beacons£eld st. Lmngtn Ellison John, Mexepool, Sutton Cold- Prurkinson Thomas Francis Terry, Brooks Saml. Wolfhamcote, Rugby field, Birmingham lOI Regent st. Leamington Brown E. S. & E. Long st.Atherstone Essex Aaron, Wolston, Coventry Shadbolt T. E. 8 Market st. Coventry Brown & Go. 30 High st. Ooventrry FarndonG.Leicester st.Bedwrth.Nuntn. BOOT & SHOE :MANUFACTRS Brown Jn. sen. The Square, Knlwrth Farndon William, 28 Chapel st. Rugby­ . Brown Richd. Tainters hill, Knlwrth Farr Thomas, Alcester R.S.O Amies & Sons, I22 The Parade & 44 Brown Thos. 5 Guy st. Leamington Fell Thos.86 Clarendon st.Leamington. Clemens street, Leamington Brown William, Albion s1t. Kenilworth Fennel! Geo. 39 Chandos st.Leamingtn. Briggs & Son, I Abbey st. Nuneaton Bryan Abraham, Longford, Coventry Fisher J.29&3oGreenhl.st.Strtfd.-on-A. Cash & Co. 6I Smithford st. Cvntry Buckingham Thomas, Lockhurst lane. Flavell Thos. Round street, Rugby Chamberlain & Co. Great Heath, Foleshill, Coventry Foster William, Dunchurch, Rugby Foleshill, Coventry Bull Wm.Gr·eat Heath,Foleshill,Cvntry Foster W. Mill st. Bedworth,Nuneaton Darlison A. High st.Bedworth,Nunetn Burns James, 26 Well st. Coventry Francis Geo. 48 Bishop st. Coventry­ Hilton S. Market place, Atherstone Bul"ton Alfred, 4 Russell st. Rugby Francks & Co. II Market st.Nuneaton Industrial Boot & Leather Co. Lizn. Bush John, 23 & 24 Wood st. Strat- Franklin E.Henley-in-Arden,Brmnghm (The), 3 Cross cheaping, C{)ventry ford-on-Avon Frankt()n John, Shilton, Coventry Liggins William, 92 Span end, Cvntry Butcher Jsph. ·warwick rd. Kenlwrth Freeman, Hardy & Willis, I.imited, so :Moreton Saml. Market st. .A.therstone Butler Hy. 8 Warwick st.Leamington Cross cheaping, Coventry; soRegent ·wood J sph. Church st. Atherstone Butler J. W. I42 Emscote rd. Warwick street, Leamington; II Market pi. Butler William, Dunchureh, Rugby Rugby; & 28 High st.Stratfo:rd-on-.A BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Callow & Co. 65 The Parade, Lmngtn Freeman Alfred, Exhall, Coventry Abbey John, Bubbenhall, Kenilworth Canninf? Jn. II7 GosfOTd st. Coventry FreemanMrs.E. IS Gloucester st.Lmgtn .Abbott John, Hillmorton, Rugby Cantrill John, Lockhurst lane, Foles- Fuge Fdk. Jn.III Regent st.Leamngtn .Adams "\Ym. & Jn. Knowle, B'ham hill, Coventry Furniss Joseph, 29 Korth st. Rugby .
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