Center for Chinese Business 西弗吉尼亚大学中国中心 简 报 NEWSLETTER 2014 年 8 月总第 13 期 Vol.13, August 2014, 本期目录 Table of Contents o 西弗吉尼亚大学商学院校友任学锋任广州市委书记 Mr. Ren, Xuefeng, WVU Alumni, Was Appointed as Party Secretary of the City of Guangzhou o 上海管理干部快速“融入”新的美国校园生活 Shanghai Officials Embrace American Campus Life o 西弗吉尼亚大学与陕西省携手培养能源金融高级管理人才 West Virginia University and Shaanxi Province Jointly Train professional leaders in Finance-Energy o 上海商学院大学生暑期西弗吉尼亚大学游学项目圆满结束 SBS Students Completed Summer Program at WVU 1 West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution o 新闻直通车 NEWS EXPRESS 西弗吉尼亚大学商学院校友任学锋任广州市委书记 Mr. Ren, Xuefeng, WVU Alumni, was appointed as Party Secretary of Guangzhou WVU. About 10 WVU alumni have been promoted to be “State Governor” level officials in China. 据报道,近日,西弗吉尼亚大学商学 院校友任学锋担任广东省委委员、常委 和广州市委书记。任学锋曾于 1996.07— 1997.02 在美国西弗吉尼亚大学商学院 中国中心“领导干部高级培训项目”学习。 On August 27, Mr. Ren Xuefeng, 据中国中心主任周昆教授回忆,在西弗 WVU Alumni, former Vice Mayor of 吉尼亚大学学习期间,任学锋非常勤奋 Tianjin Municipal Government was 好学,深受教授和同班同学的好评。 promoted to be the Party Secretary of Guangzhou, the biggest city in south of 自 1994 年西弗吉尼亚大学中国中心 China. Mr. Ren studied in the Chinese 成立以来,已经有近 300 名来自北京、 Executive Education Program from July 上海、天津、陕西等地的领导干部在西弗 1996 to February 1997 at WVU College 吉尼亚大学参加培训。学员学成回国后, of Business and Economics. Dr. Victor 工作都非常努力,成绩显著,至今有近 10 Chow, Director of Center for Chinese 名学员被提拔为省部级领导。 Business recalled that Mr. Ren studied very hard during his stay at WVU. More than 300 Chinese Executives from Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Shaanxi used to study in the Chinese Executive Education Program at WVU Center for Chinese Business since 1994. They work very hard and keep connected with WVU after they successfully completed their study at 2 West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution o 高级培训项目 EXECUTIVE EDUCATION 上海管理干部快速“融入”新的美国校园生活 Shanghai Municipal Government Officials Embrace American Campus Life Culture given by the director of Office of International Students and scholars at WVU and seminars on American’s rich library resources and information system. In addition, they also had the opportunity to visit the campus and WVU surroundings, which gives them a better understanding of American Education Every second week in August, and Culture. West Virginia University welcomes thousands of new students from all over the world. This year, it witnessed 每年 8 月第二周是西弗吉尼亚大 seven unique faces from Shanghai 学的新生欢迎周。今年,西弗吉尼亚 who are enrolled in Executive 大学再次以特殊的方式欢迎来自上海 Training Program at WVU. 的 7 位特殊”新生”。 Center for Chinese Business (CCB) at West Virginia University threw a 西弗吉尼亚大学中国中心为他 dinner party to celebrate their arrival. 们举行晚宴,热烈欢迎他们的到来。 In order for them to be better adapted 为了使学员“融入”美国校园生活, to American Campus Life, CCB also 中心安排 4 位研究生为他们的助教, assigned four graduate students to 帮助办理入学手续,解决过渡阶段遇 assist them in academic registration, daily life, communication and to solve difficulties during the transition period. Under the instruction of CCB, seven Shanghai officials attended two lectures in American History and 3 West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution 到的困难;安排大学国际处处长为他 们开设 2 堂独特的美国历史和文化专 题课程,减轻他们短时间内可能经历 的文化冲击;安排教授在图书馆专题 开设讲座,让他们熟悉利用美国丰富 的图情系统开展课题研究;安排他们 参观大学和所在城市,熟悉周边环境。 ,并与华人学者教授、留学生代表进 行了座谈。 西弗吉尼亚大学与陕西省携手培养能源金融高级管理人才 West Virginia University and China’s Shaanxi Province Jointly Train Professional leaders in Finance-Energy and corporate innovation etc. Center for Chinese Business (CCB) at WVU will provide guidance in their research, organize their participation in International Energy Conference in America and direct them to attend seminars given by American energy experts. In addition, during their stay in U.S., they will attend forty seminars and sixty Abundant in energy, Shaanxi lectures in American English and Province attaches great importance to Culture, and visit U.S. companies and cooperation with West Virginia governments. University in energy development and professional training. In 2014, Shaanxi 作为能源大省之一,陕西省非常 continues to send government officials 注重与美国西弗吉尼亚州在能源开发 to WVU for long term training and 和人才培养方面的合作。2014 年陕西 research in finance energy, technology, 省继续选送领导干部到西弗吉尼亚大 4 West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution 学参加中长期培训。 另外,在美期间, 西弗吉尼亚大 培训团培训学员将围绕能源金融、 学中国中心将组织他们参加近 40 个 科技能源和企业科技创新等专题,开 专题讲座、60 多次美国英语和文化专 展学习和研究。西弗吉尼亚大学中国 题课程,以及多次的赴美国企业、政 中心将安排教授指导他们的研究,组 府的参观访问。 织他们参加在美国举办的能源国际研 讨会,安排能源专家给他们作专题讲 座。 o 学生交流项目 CHINESE VISITING STUDENTS 上海商学院优秀大学生暑期西弗吉尼亚大学游学项目圆满结束 SBS Students Completed Summer Program at WVU During the past month, around ten well-known professors from the College of Business and Economics at WVU were invited to give Shanghai visitors lectures on various topics, such as Finance Management taught by Dr. William Riley, Chairperson of Finance Department; Emotional At the beginning of August, 2014, Intelligence and Career Development a delegation of professors and students from Shanghai Business School (SBS) finished their 20-day Summer-campus visit to WVU and returned to China. Both professors and students greatly appreciated the opportunity of their learnings and accomplishments at WVU during their stay. 5 West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution they were guested in American Family to gain a better understanding of U.S. society and custom; they took outdoor challenge course to develop teamwork capability; and they also had the chance to interact with visiting students from Germany universities. Apart from the above, given by Dr. Nancy McIntyre, Senior SBS professors and students toured Associate Dean for Research and other universities in Pittsburgh and Outreach; and U.S. Federal Reserve District of Columbia as well, such as System lectured by Dr. Paul Speaker, Carnegie Mellon University, an Associate Professor of Finance at WVU. Not only SBS professors and students found those topics attractive, they also enjoyed the exposure to American English Culture, Campus Life, Hospitality and Tourism Management, and Information Systems etc. In addition to academic study, University of Pittsburgh, George Center for Chinese Business (CCB) Washington University and arranged a wide variety of activities Georgetown University etc. for them to participate. For example, Through one month’s study and visit, they said they gained a lot from the experience. Upon their leave, College of Business and Economics hosted a graduation ceremony and lunch for them. Dr. Jose V. Sartarelli, Chief Executive Officer and Dean of College of B&E, addressed on the ceremony, with the presence of Dr. 6 West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution William Riley, Chairperson at Finance 学院的暑期游学交流项目,按期回国。 Department and of Michael Wilhelm, 师生们非常珍惜在西弗吉尼亚大学的 director at Office of International 学习机会,他们学习认真刻苦、取得 Scholars and Students. 了优良的成绩。 In an effort to achieve the strategic development of WVU within the next twenty years, CCB has in recent years expanded and strengthened its cooperation with many Chinese universities in scholar communication and student exchange programs. These attempts not only enhanced the cultural interaction 在为期近一个月的学习中,西弗 between U.S. and China, but also 吉尼亚大学商学院邀请近 10 位著名 provided academic support to both 教授为师生特设多项课程, 如金融系 WVU and its partner schools. CCB will 主任 William Riley 教授的理财管理, continue to bring cross-culture 商学院常务副院长 Nancy McIntyre 的 情商与职业生涯发展,以及曾多年任 CEO 的 Paul Speaker 教授的美国联邦 储蓄系统等,深受师生们欢迎。另外, 针对不同文化,语言,以及来自不同 专业的同学,商学院还开设了美国英 语与文化,美国校园文化以及学习生 活,美国酒店与旅游管理,管理信息 opportunities to professors and students in this respect and we are deeply thankful to the strong support from Shanghai Business School for this trip. 2014 年 8 月,来自上海商学院的交 换师生圆满完成在西弗吉尼亚大学商 7 West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution 系统等专业课程。 waterfront Place Hotel 等,实地了解美 国企业,参观了历史街区 South park, 透过建筑风格了解历史文化。 经过了一个月的认真学习以及访 问,他们完成了全部课程与活动,收 获颇丰。西弗吉尼亚大学商学院为他 们举办了结业典礼并共进午餐。西弗 吉尼亚大学全球事务首席执行官、商 学院院长 Dr. Jose V. Sartarelli 为典礼致 除了课堂学习,西弗吉尼亚大学 为学员们安排了丰富的活动。如访问 美国当地美国家庭,实地深入了解美 国社会以及民俗风土;参加野外团队 拓展训练课程,培养团队合作精神与 互动;学员们还积极参加了与德国大 学生的交流比赛、相互交流学习生活 与文化,并进行了友好的体育比赛。 此外,师生们还有机会前往宾夕法尼 亚州及华盛顿特区参观其他著名大学, 如卡耐基梅隆大学,匹兹堡大学,乔 治华盛顿大学、乔治城大学等,体验 学术氛围,加深对美国大学的了解。 他们还参观访问了美国国会,参观 辞并颁发结业证书。金融系主任 William Riley 教授、国际学生办公室主 任 Michael Wilhelm 等出席典礼。 为实现西弗吉尼亚大学提出的到 2020 使大学更加国际化的发展战略, 近几年来,西弗吉尼亚大学中国中心 非常注重加强与中国大学在教学与科 研交流、学生交流等方面的合作,让 更多的学生和学者有机会体验不同的 8 West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution 文化和学术氛围。西弗吉尼亚大学中 们提供尽可能的帮助。此次赴中国的 国中心不仅给来访学生和学者提供了 学习考察得到了上海商学院的大力支 学术方面的支持,还在生活方便给他 持,在此表示衷心的感谢。 o 关于我们 ABOUT WVUCCB 西弗吉尼亚大学中国中心 Center for Chinese Business 与经济学院的非赢利性机构,经过 18 年 的发展, 她已经成为中美经济、文化和 教育合作的重要桥梁, 在推动中美政府 高层互访、教育、经贸合作,特别是中 国官员培训等方面作出了重要贡献。 Contact us: Add: P.O. Box 6025,Center for Chinese Business (CCB), College of Founded in 1994, the Center for Chinese Business & Economics,West Virginia Business is affiliated to the West University,1601 University Avenue, Virginia University College of Business Morgantown, WV 26506, USA. and Economics. After 20 years of development, it has become an Phone:304-293 3047 important bridge of economic, cultural Fax:304-293 3274 and education cooperation between USA Email:[email protected] and China. It is playing more and more Visit us at: important roles in promoting the government high-level officials visits, http://be.wvu.edu/chinese_business education, trade and economic 简报送:西弗吉尼亚大学校友、合作单 cooperation, and executive education between China and the United States. 位同事 美国西弗吉尼亚大学中国中心成立于 This newsletter is delivered to WVU 1994 年,是隶属于西弗吉尼亚大学工商 Alumni and partner organization 9 West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution .
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