Located inside The today’s issue of The ConwayChronicles Lebanon Daily Record If you are On the Net The Lebanon having delivery Go to problems with www.lebanondailyrecord.com our newspaper after 7 p.m. tonight to see carriers, up-to-the-minute results call April at from today's 417-532-9131 municipal election ext. 260 Volume 69, Number 82 Daily Record TUESDAY 50 cents APRIL 8, DEATHS Davidson You need to read today’s Leb a non Daily Record 2014 Thomas B. Russell Waynesville Memorial • Agriculture news Pages 4 & 5 Holman-Howe/Lebanon See Page 2 GOOD Linda Ann Cabanting 4 REA SONS • Harwood Avenue homes — 1942 Page 2 Holman-Howe/Hartville Janice Kay (Avery) • Track and fi eld team opens season Page 3 www.holmanhowe.com • Conway Chronicles Pages 6 & 7 www.lebanondailyrecord.com Getting ready for voters Man charged after breaking into home Suspect, 27, allegedly threatened girl inside residence with a knife From LDR Staff Have a comment? A 27-year old Lebanon man Go to www.lebanondailyrecord.com faces a trio of felony charges after allegedly breaking into According to a probable the home of a teenage girl, cause statement fi led by the who he said he had “romantic Lebanon Police Department, feelings” for, and threatening Deskins went to the home of her with a knife. a teenaged girl, who is under Ryan Andrew Deskins, 27, the age of 17, at about 4:30 is charged p.m. Friday. The girl told the with a class police that Deskins, who she B felony of said is an “acquaintance” from first-de- her church, knocked on the gree bur- door for several minutes, but glary, felo- she did not answer the door. ny armed Deskins allegedly then started criminal calling her cellphone, but, action and again, she did not answer. a class D The girl told the police that felony of Deskins Deskins once again knocked unlawful on the door. When she didn’t use of a weapon. Deskins was answer for a second time, he released from the Laclede With less than 24 hours until finally stopped. A few mo- County Jail after posting his the polls opened, workers with ments later, she reported that $25,000 cash-or-surety bond the American Red Ball Transit See ‘Charges’/ page 12 Co. spent Monday whipping on Saturday. polling places into shape in an- ticipation of election day. Above, workers unload voting equip- ment from a truck at the Na- 7 seek seats on R-1 tional Guard Armory on Monday. At far left, a worker assembles a voting booth from a box at the Board of Education National Guard Armory. At left, workers unload election equip- Candidates stump on long ties to the area ment. The polls open at 6 a.m. From LDR Staff names appear on the ballot. today and voting will continue The Daily Record asked a 1. What made you decide until 7 p.m. Results from the series of questions to candi- to run for school board? election, which include local city dates for the Laclede County Triplett: I am just completing council and school board races, (Conway) R-1 School Board. my fi rst term as a school board as well as a bond issue for the Candidates for the board Lebanon R-3 School District, will member. I believe in continu- be posted at www.lebanondaily- are Sally Triplett, Terry ity, and by remaining on the record.com after the polls close. Hileman, Norma Webster, board, the knowledge I have Kevin Dampier, Travis Doing, gained during my term will LDR photos/Kelly Morgan Tony Prock and Stanley R. Bai- be benefi cial in supporting ley. Board incumbents our admin- are Triplett and istration. Bailey. Board I feel we AMERICAN HERITAGE TRIP 2014 member are func- Jennifer tioning Jones under Trip off to a good start for LHS delegation did not strong file for leader- American Heritage students have somber experience at Arlington National Cemetery re-elec- ship and tion. our district We departed Lebanon planes and space research. less at the more than 400,000 of us were so hungry that we Webster and Dampier is moving in bright and early Sunday and Continuing to men and women who rest in couldn’t tell you what we did not respond to the ques- a positive direction. Conway headed for the St. Louis air- the Arlington Na- the Arlington Cemetery. had for dinner or even if it tionnaire. is a great school and strives port. tional Cemetery, However, our luck was good. The last thing we The Daily Record typically to look at every aspect of our Blessed with good weather we watched the no longer seemed visited that night was the Iwo runs photos of candidates, but students’ potential. We strive and good luck, we boarded Changing of the good. Not only Jima memorial, which our since only two photos were to help students be success- the plane on time, had mini- Guard Ceremo- did we lose Dr. tour guide explained in detail available, the news staff opted ful not only for their time in mal turbulence during the ny, and four stu- Ford, our bril- — at least three times. As the to publish no photos so that school but in life. I would there would be no perception flight and did not lose any dents from LHS liant leader, but a bus passed, we could see the like to continue to be a part of favoritism. of that. luggage! — Rachel Morris, student’s phone was flag being raised, not once The following are their re- Hileman: I decided to run After landing at the Wash- Savannah Jackson, Bry- accidentally tossed into but twice. Our bus made two sponses to the questions from for school board because I ington-Reagan Airport in anna Gryzb and Trevor a sewer drain. circles around the memorial (Washington) D.C., we toured Miller — participated After fi nding Dr. Ford, we the remaining candidates, believe we need change in our as our tour guide continued and the responses are printed the Smithsonian National Air in the wreath-laying ceremony departed from Arlington to to explain the optical illusion See ‘Conway board’/ page 11 and Space Museum, where we at the Tomb of the Unknown finally get dinner. After a in the order the candidates’ learned about the evolution of Soldier. We were left speech- long day of sightseeing, most See ‘Heritage Trip’/ page 12 Lebanon teen injured in Registration now under way for annual Mercy Me Run Dallas County crash Sunday From Mercy gun for both races. The cost to Both races kick off at 8:30 urgent care and the pharmacy. From LDR Staff Accent, failed to negotiate a Runners, joggers, walkers register on or before Wednes- a.m. on April 26, at Mercy An awards ceremony will be A Lebanon teenager was in- curve, traveled off the right and families are all invited day is $15 for adults and $10 Fitness Center, located at 515 held in the south parking lot jured in a one-vehicle accident of the roadway and struck an to Mercy Fitness Center - for anyone 17 and under, and Cowan Drive. Proceeds from following the event. The top at 3:05 p.m. Sunday on Route embankment. Lebanon’s 11th annual Mercy also includes a t-shirt and gift the run will go toward the male and female from each T, 5 miles south of Tunas in Baker was taken by am- Me Run. bag. After that, registration purchase of equipment at Leb- race will receive a trophy; the Dallas County. bulance to Mercy Hospital This year’s event, set for will cost $20 for adults and anon’s Harke Park for children top three in each age divi- According to the Missouri Lebanon with what the patrol April 26, will feature 5K and $15 for children. Prices then with additional needs. sion in both races will receive State Highway Patrol, Frankie described as minor injuries. 10K races. go up by $5 for same-day Parking will be available medals. L. Baker, 18, the driver of a The driver was wearing a Early registration has be- registration. at the hospital south lot near See ‘Mercy Me Run’/ page 12 northbound 2003 Hyundai- seat belt. Page 2 THE LEBANON (MO.) DAILY RECORD TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 www.lebanondailyrecord.com CALENDAR DEATHS HARWOOD AVENUE HOMES—1942 The Lebanon Daily Record THOMAS B. RUSSELL Calendar of Events is open to Thomas B. Russell, 65, of churches, civic groups, clubs, schools and other Lebanon- Lebanon, died Monday, April area nonprofi t organizations. 7, 2014, in Lebanon. Calendar items may con- He is survived by a daugh- tain the following informa- ter, Holly Green and her hus- tion: event, date, time, place, band, Mark, of the state of sponsoring organization and Oklahoma, and a sister, Sharyn person to contact for more in- Pendergist and her husband, formation (FFI numbers). The Mike, of the state of Colo- Calendar will be published according to space available. rado. Arrangements for Thomas APRIL 7-8-9 B. Russell are incomplete at this SUNNY VIEW FREE time and will be announced by WILL BAPTIST CHURCH Holman-Howe Funeral Home REVIVAL — 7 p.m. with of Lebanon. Bro. Craig Perry, evangelist. Special singing nightly. For more information or to TUESDAY, APRIL 8 visit the website, go to www. LCA BOARD MEETING holmanhowe.com — 7 p.m. at Mercy Hospital Lebanon board room. JANICE KAY (AVERY) MERCY HOSPITAL LEB- DAVIDSON ANON BOOKS R FUN Janice Kay (Avery) David- FUNDRAISER — 9 a.m.-5 son, 64, of Richland, died p.m.
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