OHIOFishing Regulations 2013-2014 Effective MARCH 1, 2013 to FEBRUARY 28, 2014 MAY 4th & 5th ARE FREE FISHING DAYS On May 4 and 5, 2013, all Ohio residents are invited to take the opportunity to experience Ohio’s fantastic fishing without purchasing a fishing license. OHIO DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WILDLIFE • wildohio.com TABLE OF CONTENTS LICENSE FREE LICENSE Ohio residents born on or before LICENSE INFoRMAtIoN 2 REQUIREMENTS December 31, 1937 can obtain a free A fishing license is required to take fish, GENERAL INFoRMAtIoN 4 license at any license outlet, or online at frogs, or turtles from Ohio waters. wildohio.com. StAtEWIDE REGULAtIoNS 5 Persons fishing in privately owned The following Ohio residents are also oHIo RIVER REGULAtIoNS 6 ponds, lakes, or reservoirs to and from eligible for a free license, but must which fish do not migrate, are not re- submit a formal application (Form DNR MAUMEE, PoRtAGE, MAHoNING, & SANDUSkY RIVER REGS 7 quired to have a license to take fish, but 9032), which is available by calling SPECIFIC WAtER & SItE REGULAtIoNS 8 must have one to take frogs or turtles. 1-800-WILDLIFE (1-800-945-3543): Persons fishing in privately owned LAkE ERIE & ItS tRIBUtARIES REGULAtIoNS 10 Persons who are mobility impaired ponds, lakes, or reservoirs that are open and require the assistance of an- PYMAtUNING LAkE REGULAtIoNS 11 to public fishing through an agreement other person to cast and retrieve or lease with the Division of Wildlife are Holders of “Veteran” license plates FRoG & tURtLE REGULAtIoNS 11 required to have a fishing license. displaying the international wheel- BANkLINE, SEtLINE, FLoAtLINE, & tROTLINE REGULAtIoNS 12 Anglers must have their license in their chair symbol possession while fishing and must show tAkE A kID FISHING 13 Certain veterans who are perma- the license to anyone on request. WILDLIFE oFFICER BY CoUNtY/CoNtACt INFoRMAtIoN 15 nently disabled Members of the U.S. Armed Forces on Residents of state and county insti- active duty stationed in Ohio, but NOT tutions Changes for this year! on leave or furlough are required to • New fillet regulations, page 4 purchase a resident license. Former prisoners of war • New bass regulations, pages 5, 8 and 9 TAKE ME FISHING • New AEP regulations, pages 8 and 9 LICENSE ONLINE FISHING EXEMPTIONS LICENSE LICENSE FEES For complete information about the A FISHING LICENSE IS NOT RE- web-based fishing license sales system go LICENSES VALID MARCH 1, 2013 to FEBRUARY 28, 2014 QUIRED oF PERSoNS WHo ARE: to wildohio.com and click on the link Resident Fishing License. $19.00 Less than 16 years of age “Buy Your License” under the Wild Ohio For persons age 16 through 65 who have resided in Ohio for Customer Center heading. Giving assistance to an angler who is the past six months. physically disabled, provided the two PHONE-IN FISHING Resident SenioR Fishing License. $10.00 persons together are using only one For persons age 66 and older born on or after January 1, 1938 line LICENSE Customers have additional options to pur- who have resided in Ohio for the past six months. Fishing in a private pond chase a last-minute one- or three-day fishing Fishing on land and water which they One-Day Fishing License. .$11.00 license using a credit card: or their parents own except where the For residents and nonresidents, the One-Day Fishing License may be exchanged for Calling 1-866-703-1928 between 5 a.m. land is in or borders on state parks or credit towards the purchase of an annual fishing license (minus writing fee). and midnight to reach a live operator. A state owned lakes LAkE Erie Charter oNE-Day Fishing License . $11.00 $5.50 fee is added to the license cost. Fishing on land and water where they or Calling 1-855-765-3474 any time for an For residents and nonresidents, the license may be purchased in advance of their parents are tenants on which they Interactive Voice Response system. Callers scheduled charter trip. To validate the license, anglers must sign it and fill in the reside and from which they derive the need their nine-digit customer ID number, date at the beginning of the trip. If the trip is postponed, anglers keep the un- majority of their income from agricul- which can be obtained from the Wild Ohio validated license until they are able to reschedule the trip. tural production on that land (except Customer Center at wildohio.com. A Annual Nonresident License. .$40.00 state-owned lakes) $3.25 fee is added to the license cost. tHREE-Day Nonresident tourist’S License . .$19.00 Members of the U.S. Armed Forces on active duty while on leave or furlough DuplicatE License . $4.00 Sign up for the weekly Fish Ohio A fishing license that has been lost, stolen, or destroyed can be reissued from any On May 4 and 5, 2013, all Ohio resi- Report and Wild Ohio eNewsletter at license vendor or via the Internet. dents may fish without a license as part wildohio.com. of Free Fishing Days ALL ABoVE CoStS INCLUDE A $1.00 WRItING FEE 2 2013-2014 OHIO FISHING REGULATIONS OHIO FISHING REGULATIONS 2013-2014 3 MINNoW SEINES AND DIP NEt REGULAtIoNS • Square mesh must not be larger than GENERAL INFORMATION ½-inch on a side. Seine and net size limits and places where they may be used are as follows: It is unlawful to buy or sell any fish tak- 1,000 feet downstream from any dam posted Where And When en by sport fishing, including angling, with Division of Wildlife signs indicating cast Fishing District Maximum Size They May Be Used bankline, setline, floatline, and trotline, net use is prohibited. Minnow Seine: Inland 4 X 8 feet Streams only, 4 a.m. to 9 p.m. fishing taken from any water area in the CLAMS, MUSSELS, & MUSSEL SHELLS state. Minnow Seine: Lake Erie * No size limit No limit • Clams, mussels, or mussel shells may not It is unlawful to transport and introduce be taken, possessed, or collected for any Minnow Dip Net: Inland 4 feet, each side All public fishing waters any aquatic species (fish, invertebrate, purpose. Minnow Dip Net: Lake Erie * 6 feet, each side All public fishing waters plant) from one body of water to an- other. FISHING LINES • Anglers may not use *Including East and West harbors in Ottawa County and waters where fishing with nets is licensed by law. more than two fishing lines, whether fas- It is unlawful for the public to tag and SNAGGING • Snagging with a hook to pierce and hook a fish in a part of the body other release fish into any public water area. tened to a pole, a rod and reel, or hand held. than the inside of the mouth is illegal for all fish except forage fish. In Lake Erie, it is also Anglers may use up to three hooks on each illegal to snag freshwater drum. Snagging is illegal from September 1 to April 30 in the Ash- It is unlawful for any person to possess a line, except as provided in the Ohio Adminis- tabula River, Chagrin River, Grand River, Rocky River, Vermilion River, Arcola Creek, Conneaut fish in any form or condition other than trative Code. whole while on or when unloading the Creek, Cowles Creek, Euclid Creek, Indian Creek, Turkey Creek, and Wheeler Creek. Hooks fish from a boat, while wading, or while FoRAGE FISH • Forage fish means fresh- may not be larger than five-eighths inch from shank to point. fishing from shore on any waters in this water drum, carp, quillback, suckers, bowfin, state where a fishing license is required. gar, buffalo, gizzard shad, and goldfish. These FISH OHIO AWARD In addition: species may be taken by any method except ApplicatIons FoR the Fish Ohio pin will only be accepted online At by means of explosives, poisons, firearms, fishohio.org Fillets must be kept whole until an electricity, chemicals, nets, seines, or traps, or angler reaches their permanent resi- by snagging within 1,000 feet downstream Anglers will receive a Fish Ohio pin for their first entry each year, and a Master Angler pin for dence or until the fish are prepared of a dam. Gizzard shad and smelt may be qualifying entries in four different species categories in the same year. for immediate consumption. taken with a minnow seine, minnow dip net, Fish must be taken by legal angling and not from pay lakes. There is no requirement to keep any or hand landing net. Deadline for online application entry is January 15. skin on fillets. ICE ANGLERS • Ice anglers may use holes Possible state-record fish must be kept frozen for verification This does not apply to anglers with no larger than 12 inches in diameter. In Lake by the Outdoor Writers of Ohio (outdoorwritersofohio.org). a receipt from a fish cleaning house Erie ice anglers may use holes no larger or charter captain which states the BELoW IS A LISt oF qualifying sizes FoR A Fish Ohio catch than 12 inches in width. Ice anglers may not date, number, and type of fish pos- Blue Catfish . .35 In . Hyb Striped Bass . .21 In . Saugeye . .21 In . use more than six tip-ups and two rods per sessed. Brown Trout . .25 In . Largemouth Bass . .21 In . Smallmouth Bass . .20 In . person. All shelters and tip-ups must display Carp . .26 In . Muskie . .36 In . Sunfish . .9 In . Fish may be transported whole or the name and address of the owner or user Channel Catfish .
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