«• *WP Rescued boy's mom advocates CPR training, A4 OllfcSRjVMl ummmisiAXMrn/ii rm,tnwm~ Putt** you 1« touch Thursday wtth yow world October 7,1999 Serving the Westland Corhmunityfor 35 years Q VOLUME 35 NIIMBF.R 36 WESTI.AND. MICHIGAN * <J8 PAGES • http://observeroctrmric.ton> S »•!• fc«*»T«*« CM« HHWPWH»# AsCf IN THE PAPER Teens make slight MEAP gains Wayne-Westland educators are concerned The percentage of nth-graders earn­ A breakdown of MEAP results for TODAY about MEAP results, in which almost one- ing state endorsements in math, read­ John Glenn and Wayne Memorial high third of llth-graders failed to earn state ing and writing war.highef 4n 1999 schools wasn't available early this endorsement in math. Students have made than in 1998,,'as Wayne-Weatland Btu-" week - but it should be ready early LOCAL slight gains over 1998 results* dents made slight gains in the wake of next week, Barreai said. curriculum improvements. District results BY DAKRELL CLEM fell short on state endorsements in "It does take time," Sam Barresi, Buddies: Thesecond STAFF, WRITER reading, science and writing, assistant superintendent of instruc­ Diatrictwide, juniors made one of dclem9oc.homecomm.net On a brighter note, juniors who tion, said, - their strongest gains in reading, where annual Buddy Walk, held the percentage of students earning Nearly one-third of Wayne-Westland failed to earn diploma endorsements Students earn state endorsements in Saturday in Westland's after taking Michigan Educational math, reading, science and writing by state endorsements jumped 5,8 percent high school juniors failed to score high in 1999. Central City Park, helped enough on the last Michigan math test Assessment Program tests in May will "exceeding" Michigan test standards have two more chances this year - (Level 1), "meeting" them (Level- 2) or "It certainly is a real positive - that 5 those with Down,syn­ to earn a state-endorsed diploma for percent," Barresi said. *We are looking that'subject their senior year - to paws the exams, demonstrating "basic" knowledge. drome and their loved school officials said. (Level 3). for this kind of trend to continue." New state test results also show that Most Wayne-Westland students take ones lead better lives, pro­ large percentages of local llth-graders Not all MEAP results proved gloomy. Otherwise, they fall into Level 4 and ceeds support research receive no endorsement. ' Please se*e MEAP. A2 and other efforts. /A3 Observe: Second- COMMUNITY LIFE graders Eliza­ Varoooom! They're a biker beth club that doesn 't fa vor Alley beer guzzling and long and hair.: They prefer to ride Scott Snider as a group to area ice feeljhe _cream parlors and devote moisture BY DAKRELL CLEM their spare time to chari­ inside STAFF WRITER table work. These motor- the cup dclefnAfw».'hnifM»«v>mfn.net cyclists defy the Hell's after A Westland City Council candidate Angels stereotypes. perform­ Monday angrily accused three incum­ ing a bents of election-season political grand- They're the Gold Wing standing on city cable station WLND. Road Riders Association, science Nine-time candidate Dorothy Smith experi­ sharpiy criticized a program about ChapterH./Bl ment Westtand redevelopment that featured -with council members Charles "Trav" Grif­ water at fin, David Cox and Justine Barns. "It turned out to be a campaign Wild- stand, and I'm going to tell you right ATliftMF •t i ifttr\ ri C*/ XJXSlub now - I resent thai," Smith s»nid tlurmj- Elemen­ a council meeting. Comfortable convergence: tary'- Smith blasted the latest 'Our Town" council program as self-congratulatory A Franklin residence as Griffin and Cox campaign for the shows the distinctive Nov. 2 council election. Barns isn't seekAg re-eln uon but is beauty of the Arts and supporting Griffi« and Co*. Crafts style. /08 Smith said she and fiv<.. other council 8TA/T PHOTOS BT Tun HAWI^V hopefuls should be given equal ;»ir time. Other candidates include incum­ bent Glenn Anderson and challengers ENTERTAINMENT ..Limes God bout, David James, Michael Ke'hrer and'.Michael Rintz.. On stage: The Theatre Young scientists go exploring Please see BLASTS, A6 Company opens its season BY JULIE BBOWN the eye, prompting a discussion of with "Death of a Sales­ STAFF WRITER evaporation. man."/El jbrowndw. homecomm ,n«t "Good scientists observe every­ he students at Wildwood Ele­ thing," said Teichman, now in her mentary School were learning 33 rd year of te-aching. "What do you Television: Documentary the steps of the scientific see, anything? Let's watch carefully." focuses on the roles pho­ Tprocess. Teacher Diane Teichman Water vapor, a gas; developed in • •guided"'the way for the second- cups inverted over warm water. The tography has played in graders, showing the differences Wildwood students did a fine job of American social life /EX among liquids, .solids and gases. describing what'they saw. BY DAHREIX CLEM "It was cool," said Alex McNellis, 7, "Moisture. OK. Good words we're STAFF WRITER when the experiment ended. He liked using,"the teacher said. The lesson [email protected]<^omm, net putting a cup over warm water and came from a science kit new to the An 18-year-old Westland father is REAL ESTATE seeing water vapor result. Wayne-Westland district this year. accused of brutally beating his 8-week. - ^his past Monday morning, the Principal Kurt Tyszkiewicz spent Old daughter, who is in critical condi­ student* started by .paihiig-up with gome time with the class, observing Learning: Tina Groves (left) tion at University of Michigan Hospital -•- The big three: Meet the their partners. They then'^ot their. what they'd observed. He agreed that" and Shelby Lawsohy second- in Ann Arbor. new presidents of our netri dishes. , students as young as kindergarten Cecil Williams was arraigned Sun­ 1 graders at Wildwood Elemen­ '',••,• n it was ice, what was it? It benefit from science lesaons. tary, took part in a science day on first-degree child abuse charges major real estate vas sv solid," Teichman said of the "Very important," said Tyszkiewiez. after police said he admitted to 'heating boards/fl petri dish contents. Some dishes had Those are the kinda of things that experiment with warm and the baby "because.it wouldn't stop cry*.' it}-other* i*othing-vi*ibte to are hands-on " _...,... ; cold water. ing," police Sgt. Michael Terry said, Please see ftABY, A4 / INDEX • At Home 0 Homecoming fun • Classified Index F8 un Autos • • " G10 Home A Service G9 0V JULIE BROWN Recreation, Rider's Hobby Shop of STAFF WRITER Livonia will do an astronomy program Jobs FM jbroir-o©oe.hom<-coiT-m.net with telescopes. They'll have informa­ Rentals P9 You're encouraged to turn off yOur tion about looking at the stars," Martin • Community life Bl TV set Thursday, Oct 14, From 6:30- said. iCrossword F8 9:30 p.m., the fifth annua.1 "Turn Off Wayne County is providing an out­ • Entertainment El the Violence" program for families will door stage, which will feature perform­ be held at the Bailey Center and Cen^ ers including the Earth Angels. MB2 • Ofattuarie* A6 tral City Park in Westland Boys and Yo-Yo Universe pros, • Optaion* AIMS Its purpose "is to ask families to turn Westland's Police Department will *B«*)Estat« Fl off their television one night/come provide a police dog, Drug Abuse Resis­ CI together as a family," said Margaret tance Education game* and emergency •jSft.;. Martin, therapeutic and program vehicle*, The Explorers will offer food supervisor for Westland Park* and* and help with activities Recreation. Families are encouraged to The Fire Department will provide HOW TO REACH US work against violence. emergency vehicles and an indoor obstacle course, Marine Safari will Its rewarding to pull together 600- have exotic animals, the Westland City Ntw&room.lUMwm ?00 kids for an activity, snaid Robert Council refreshments, and the West- Newsroan Fax'.7S4-M1-727 9 Kosowaki, Westland Parka and Recre­ land Rotary and Toarmina's Pi is z a will ' £^$'(-'Jt>ro4metiJ ation director. "They can't beat it any­ bring pizza. mm vmm* m AVAKIK utMtn-k ,- Nigtnm/sports 7J4-*».2KM where, just a great program. We're able State Rep. Eileen DeHart ( D-West- land> and the Civitans will have a Memories: Monica Cyorke Reader Comttmt Um» 7*4*1^2042 to put on quite a show," he said. The eYettt is sponsored locally by the "Kids Around the World' activity First (queen > and her escort, CimifW Ato*tt*k* 7>44tl^t00 Mayor's Tank Force on Family Enrich* Step will offer "Hands Are Not for Hit Andrew Gliesman, enjoy OWtay AtfwV$ir#; T*4-»l-2*00 ment. It's aimed at the who]e family ting." Home Depot will have pumpkin painting and Jump.-A-Ratna group homecoming at Lutheran Hon* Deltvory mm**** and ha<t in the past attracted those of High School'West land. Ryan all ages games There will he art* and (.rafts •This year will feature an inflated tables, along with TnCity Sqals teach Noel was named king. At Titanic for youngsters to climb on and ing bocci right. Brendan Knorp, choir arouftd 'It's really big," sa^d Martin, and band director, directs the adding that there will be an inflated U'rfited CVn-'hral Palsy will have fi nuirchmg hand. For more, obstacle course » football pass, and the f>«d> AihlH-n' please sec Page A4 *Thia yT »fl1 alsoiaaiure hay ndes CJ ub of W e a 11 a > i d b a rr e 1 r a c I ng O i r i • «174 courtesy of Wayne County Park** and Please mt1 ymcTM M* UttJUflPAY, OOfOPBW 7, 1000 14 f* jftyt*;..:!*!* Livonia district officials pleased with MEAP participation level BTfflCHAKDPEAlL back in force as MEAP-takers social studies, will be released statewide MEAP participation.
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