·lr j :. ~ I J THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERL~ - BOWRING BROTHERS, Ltd ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND - Established 1811 - GENERAL MERCHANTS and STEAMSHIP OWN.ERS vVholesale and Retail D ealers in Dry ,Goods, Hardware, Groceries and Ships' Stores. • h ;•, • ' ' • _I' Exporters of \ , CodfiSh, Codoil, Cod Liver Oil, Seal Oil and Seal Skins · ·1 t~ \. ~ } Agents for '~ Lloyd's" and Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company Iron or Wooden .Sealing Ships suitable for Arctic or Antartic exploration available for Charter Sportsmen \d1o intend visiting Newfoundland will find no difficulty in selecting Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle and Food Supplies from this firm. Address all C() mmunicalions To ~ BOWRING BROTHERS, Ltd., St. J~~:;~undland. No Possible Contamination Can get through this last defence of Purity-The final ~tep in the safeguarding of City Dairy Pasteurized Milk ~- Delivered at your door before breakfast. 'PHONE 1700-3300 Newfoundland Butter Company, Limited, ~ CITY DAIRY. .:1- When writi n ~ to Advertisers kin d! ~ mer.tion "Tne Ne~Jall..ttcila..nc:i Q11.a..tt..~~t~~' THE NEWFO.UNDLAND QUARTERLY.- 1. FURNESS LINE. Operating the Fast and Up-to-date Steamers "Newfoundland" and "Nova Scotia." A regular service is maintained between St. John's, Halifax, Boston and Liverpool, and vice versa, and sailing dates are always arranged well in advance. If you contemplate making a trip we shall be pleased to furnish you with full information, and arrange your booking on either of these most popular steamers. Furness, Withy &. Co., Ltd., Sf. John's, Nfld., Halifax, N. S., Can., New York, N.Y., U.S. A., Boston, Mass., U.S. A., Chicago, Ill. , U.S. A. Geo. Neal, Ltd., GUARDIAN St. ]ohn 's, Newfoundland, ASSURANCE CO., LTD.. Of London, England. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ,r. ,r. E STA BLISHE D r8p. ,r. ,r. Provisions, Groceries, ~~ The Guardian has the largest paid-up. capital of any and Fruit. Company in the world transacting a Fire business. Subscribed Capital .. ... .... : . : . $10,000,000.00 Paid-up Capital . 5,000,000.00 Consignments of Live Invested Funds ~xceed. 25,000,000.00 T. & ]VJ. WINTER, Stock Solicited. Aqents for Newfo~nJlanJ. ''-The Fire Insurance! . ' AmericanI Tailor'' The Employers' Liability Assurance Made Clothes Corporation, Ltd., of London, Eng. have the lines that are reminiscent of Bond Street and Fifth Avenue. The durability that is found only in .clothing con.scientiously made by a firm The North West Fire Insurance proud of its workmanship. Company, of Winnipeg, Man. Dress Well and Succeed. · Hunt, fmerson, Stirling & Higgins, W. P. SHORTALL, tHE AMERICAN TAILOR. Aoents for ·Newfoundland. ' · Columbo• Hall, St. John's. P. 0. Box 445. St. John's. Phone 477. When writing to Advertisers kiadly mention ~·The Newfoundland Quarterly." THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY.-2. NEWFOUNDLAND RAILWAY. Best connection between Newfoundland and Canada and the United States, e$ e$ and the Best Freight Line between e$ CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND.~ We Make1 ·uETE"N the Very Best Quality ol Q . ' the Company havmg the largest §)~~~~~~~~~~(§ number of Policy Holders in Newfoundland. Every satisfaction given in Manila Rope, settling losses. Coir Rope, OfFice: 137 Water Street, facing Prescott StrHt. P. 0. Box E 5078. Telephone 658. Hemp Fishing Lines, GEO. H. HALLEY, Ltd., Agents. White and Tarred Cotton Fishing Lines, T. J. POWER, Manager. Hemp Seine Twine, RAWLINS CROSS GROCERY, \N. J. MURPHY, Cotlon Seine Twine, -DEALER IN- Herring Nets, Provisions, fine firoceries, fruits, fresh Meats, Sausages, Etc~ Cotlon Linnett. 140 Military Road, 75 Prescott Street, and 148 Water Street West. TELEPHONES 3200 and 3201, JOB PRINTING e$ .lJ, When anything better is invented Neatly and Expeditiously done at The Quarterly Office, 38 Prescott Street. Sixty years continu­ We Shall Make That. ous experience in all kinds of Printing in Newfoundland. Personal attention given to Colonial Cordage Co., Ltd. every class of work. JOHN J. EVANS. When writing to Advertisers kindly mention "T.ltc Newfoundland Quarterly." THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY.-3. Job Brothers & Co., Ltd., ST. .JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND. 6eneral Merchants and [xporters of Newfoundland Products. Codfish, Cod Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Seal Oil and Skins, Frozen Fish, " H ubay" and "Labdor" Brand Frozen Salmon, Berries, &c. Provisions, Groceries, Naval Stores, Fishing Supplies, Salt, &c. MOREY'S COAL Welsh and American Anthracite, North Sydney Screened Coal, Besco Coke. AGENTS FOR: Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., Liverpool (Fire and Life), National Fire Insurance Co., of Hartford, Union Marine and General Insurance Co., Ltd., Liverpool. MANAGERS OF: Ungava Steamship Company, Limited.-S.S. "Ungava," S.S. ·«Neptune," S.S. "Thetis." 13eautlJ 06i(lettl ;foreuer. •• ffiarft GuerlJ Pfot." CLANCY & CO., LTD. Those who love and remember ( Successors to J. D. Ryan.) have a sacred ·mission to perform­ The selection of a suitable memorial is the final tribute that loving ca•e can bestow. --Importers of-- A Monument or Headstone carved and lettered by the Skinner sculp· tors and artists, means everlastir.g satisfaction. Groceries and Provisions. We use only a special grade of be5t selected Marble-white or blue. HYLAN Write to-day for a beautiful selection of photos and mail order •,-=:=======::!::;::/"] form and price list. Distributors of Get the quality tbat made the name famous. THE MASTER CRAFTSMEN OF MEMORIAL ART. CORONA TEA. Skinner's Monumental Works, 353 Duckworth Street, St. John'&. Nfld. 369 Duckworth Street, P. 0. Box 884 'Phone 40. P. 0. Box 422. Established •1874· The Bennett Brewing Co., rrotect Your rroperty. Limited.-- Brewers and Bottlers of Delicious Insure with Niagara fire Insurance Company GOLDEN LAGER. of New York. Canadian Department: Montreal, DOMINION ALE, W. E . BALDWIN, Manager. DOMINION STOUT. Incorporated in x8so. Has been over 70 years in business. HAIG ALE, Unexcelled reputation for SERVICE, HAIG STOUT. SECURITY and PROMPT PAYMENTS. Newfoundland Produces no Better Beers A. T. GOODRIDGE, P. 0. Box 23. Phone 159. Ayre's Cove. Agent for Newfoundland. When writing to Advertisers kindly mention "The Newfoundland Quarterly." THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY.~4. MOTTO : THE BEST HARVEY & Co., Ltd. ( Established 1767 ) ~·"­ ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOU N DLAND. Manufacturers and Importers and Wholesale Provision Merchants. Exporters of Owners and Operators of Cold Storage Plants. and THE VERY FINEST Smoke - Houses. Buyers and Exporters of all Newfoundland and Labrador · Products. Owners and Outfitters for Steam Trawlers and Banking Shipped in Tin Lined Barrels. Schooners. Quotati o n on application. Shipowners and Shipping Agents. AGENTS FOR Furness-Red Cross Line, Newfoundland-Canada Steamships, Pan-American Airways, Inc., Imperial Airways, Ltd . .ALSO Correspandents Board of Underwriters of New York. HEAD OFFICE -- ST. JOHN'S, with Branches at Belleoram, Corner Brook, Bay Bulls, W. A. MUNN, and Rose Blanche. Board of Trade Building, St. John's, Newfoundland. Correspondence Invited. Cable Address: HARVEY. Selections Now. at Their Best Dry Goods, In All Departments. Hardware, Groceries, LADIES' AND M ISSES COATS, Dresses, Costumes, Raglans. 'Provisions, MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, Overcoats, Raglans, Mackinaws. Stationery, Jewellery, Wool Coatings, Dress Fabrics. Pianos & Organ, House Furnishings and all General Merchandise. Radio Supplies, FIRE INSURANCE. Crockeryware. Agents for LAW UNION AND ROCK I SURANCE CO., LTD. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Labradorite and all Souvenirs. ~Ydnzet=> ·, ~lfT.JOHN'S NEWFOUNDlAND. When wri t in~ to Advertisers kiRdly mention "The Newfoundland Quarterly." Vol. XXXVI.-No. 2. OCTOBER, 1936. 80 cents per yeu. In Praise of Our Land. X.-THE DISTRICT OF PLACENTIA AN'D ST. MARY'S.-( Continued). By W. J. Browne. alffi-..\.<S> ~ ou may approach St. Mary's Bay in three different centia up the valley of the South East River, and as you have .,_, ~ w•y• by l.nd, ot you may '"'"it !tom th< "'• been to Branch and cannot get any further along the coast from ~ and which ever way you chance to see it, Fortune there you must return over the narrow mountainy Cape Shore ~ will be on your side. The usual way is along the Road with your heart in your mouth and be composed by the ~ Salmonier line from Holyrood, and this way is prospect ahead. You are greeted with artificial twilight as the like a road through a park, and it is a park-a natural park, that car sweeps through the Mountain woods. This is an old roacl has been preserved by the Department of Natural Resources for as roads go in Newfoundland, for the first one built was in Gov­ this very purpose. There are lakes and ponds, mo:Hs and forest ernor Cochrane's time, which is only a little over a hundred with a saw mill here and there that disturb the serenity of the years ago. It is, say, sixty or seventy years old ; there are few place so little that the timid caribou do not hesitate to venture who can remember its construction, but it was before the branch near and cross the road at will. It is a winding way going up Railway was constructed. It is eighty-four miles from St. Joha's hill and then down, sometimes throu:h avenues of spruce and to the " Head" of the South East Arm. On this route the Gov­ birch with hedg~s of wilJ raspberry and alder, and at other ernment built a half-way house to accommodate travellers on the times skirting a hillside t() allow you grand views over wide long journey. It still stands ove~looking a chain of lakes, and heaths to the distant hills, or as you descend into the Salmonier with Father Duffy's well just below it, where travellers gen ~rally va1ley to give you glimpses of a shining brown river hastening pause for a drink. The old house at Salmonier that was kept to the sea. by the Careys, entertained hundreds of people on their way to You may come down upon it like '\ wolf on the fold in a Holyrood.
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