Remove Partition In \ jog Depot Waiting Room \M Mah|<v.m 7W.wJ.lp MlUi'l if.£J j ~— «BB <?." jocujnied ih» N.-V- Yoih and i iti'hrltfU rut Murth r 3M 1-unK Bunch Ksiirci<i "as ft'^n or- ... ,, . | mtam dcrerj *n rnvc-ve ft phutlcs ia tin) A ,?1Suu^l(l *«»*an \omh , HH l J*UrtW'U> '1 •('"•', v/ v!i hi, u »•"« ».-<-t;i! -of lht luard-r ci ;9K ^i^lJTii".* * -v I Mrn-KmlJ, Cou.lv Gn-nUJuu ffl "' "Oesirf^'prrties^ fin.U by both i 'i«^By- f« W'lwiK wt H| iklrto/twith i«i] commute*, tho rail- | Jwfee Elvii. R. .SlnimUf .mil «^ •• f\iil Mi'lt to" p.»nntw It- Ofn-m- ' ^.cii fU«.. H§| ber. Int- pnrtffior.esJ aica, whW | <i«fHl1 *• *»y«Mf. M «-«»•*' |H wu h be uicrt bj tlit u.lfocd frt **-. » c.'WU'd wiw fcHl'iiB Mfs. |^ ' |!(>|;->t Hliili'Ke hjn bet1.-, Vacprvl S«|>Oil», fa, •»! . ftiuill Si, iiAi- i «^jjg »in,-c that time. aw*», *Uo rid^' after lieJ-f I HH Mr. .<fliuch»«L said offk.dls were reslisit w i'.-<f'» Amboy Gener»l I HI notified by Robert-A Da-,, I>lrec Hosyllal whtrt she mi foun-l BBjfc tor Vl Kit- 'Oiyismn ol Kuilroad with hv« sun«.tnn wouiuU in (be •» TMTpotlation, that s.n uspB.tion head, «nnt and abdumer. Vas. Kfi t'i d b *>n Tm-iK "' ?ht "tEimn an<' j R»p»ll»i " willow end mother of H| uaitmiE room tpar<? »ii fraind t9 I "««• *«1 '>«" tendliiK hir j^^ be inadequate for the number of market at (he sama address, H r.ul patrons using tho facilities *««n she «»alioL w8f§ James F. Mahei, Lloyd Rd , who ~ mtti last wrrk prcsenieu pcMums sign- y-, , -^, HIHI tuf,!. tnd towiislilp. cUlincd the AJ*?(L-lfc *JfM>l^r •• ct.itior ia mvi by 1MM sail patrons mtut <\."t\ Piirii „ i'fl'1 wialher, torn. flP 4 M/f HB r rj^^^aS Oj Area Man m "copL of Ihi! lal~t JjuiMMiei „*'« Cilv Folic* p-e pressing j ^W pmtests w«t» ondouea bv boit- !,!,eir SEV;!},'0< th" ^^ of sl Cl lowiibhip Mayo.1 lirfK rr£t>uich f/'lpfti i'U Mu«jnn injin wlw vias mouth anrt borouKh Mayor Jidward E. ',at'lllV b*dt"'' "it!l * lul("t>l ' ri" Eiigio Hvrns and forwarded to Hit- Stats day- I>i'p»rlnieBt of 1 rariiportation and Victim of trc !)-in?i siuy.n^ WJU A r< Hie State Board of Public Utility thary Pji'e.jon of to Ravine nr of In Commissioners Matnwan Mi Paricrtun flirnimh- ranks Mr Mah<- reminded council that «• <o niultlP'^ ^ad SO"™1" at the Ins he commuter USE of tho railroad st,i- ^"ey Ci'y M.-UKJI Lrnwi a. o 2u Irouil ll ! , tmn had incrofised consld»rably PJJ ^'""V , , , T I " :^ 6I.U-0 survuo ttu<i ended on the Mt% Mary Atlptnnra of Jc«ey j m*- i-li bayshuw b-anch of tho Cenlial (ity<iitimr«d Mi Hi.t(prson lying ,fr.a(«w K.lhiMd of New Jeisei and the scirl mn'nou<i :n thi> nvr of Ills I Scout, adu-nt of the Aldene Plan. |C"" vote at 5b6 Oaaii Avt. l-rl- - Tho railroad's latest Ids." to I day, about 2 p PI ttqurce the commulpr out imo tin' i Pnlife .aid Mr PatUson npp.it- W% wctlwr dminfi the j.o'dcit months | T'ly v,as a''uk,l><1 '^ a h"lduP ' £ | of ths war "a just to. much Mr Ima « *IMI «"•'*«>»eJ ""• 31"11 L'"'n fc * , fchl.t1! said. 'I (condnutd ufl p(i,ic fuiir) i"Hk MATAWAH AL, M. !. •$„ , *v_', re !;Jj ''tor in tfe» Sav SfOlitS Furm rfr«jr Wft>$ B'tikired Fox sum has iwo «aamed rfs&tresi- JTie own r f i&» ff'« Kfouiike Temple Building Drive Continues I! Matawan IWV it r i.qLSrn. 'it ill- scr efi V fit. ' I «ttff of she Ni * Ba-r >vi '{ 0a- y J J cnd Sou tin -d ir»rt ; 'wri <• "" i and t t£ Ntv; r'n. S 3r ( " Kair.nj, I or I WV i rirp 1.1 I, lint (Iffi UC x i >• _ t i c »„!«• ~* 'Ar ii '5" - n I m T«.*-Xirt h- K.. i \>!f> 1 i c ^ 1 | c6 .1 --i 1 Itri (f 1) 0 'pl'«i- in. 3vs reuuui in. o'tic*- JLaaeui " '£ but* RitruiQ 1 1m.f1, Ufrge fc.urvtar v r fere, iiu» tianw 1 £<" XTjf --<. isi ip r, • ..X j i*j itr H " ^ripv-rit* t ,. t i ftu oi t> ' r Ir a i u L r tV «.  "'t >l It (t' ^ f^^lt J pill W il ftr( n? } r i iui • alls n.i jur tun- Jjin! s! liu. ,nr,) 'iji • 1 , lirib'itois j3 1 m -u-n, Ic»-n5!y &p» ,1 oi u,»£1.1. U pc'i'uttn S^j itJi Haul cf ' nmuc ti n^ a.iul Ufoii: Ttiii, by local Leiv>iir« nno 'ts aUr, pivri »•, -, rtp^c.i to c L!I J,igt. 111 turt, of (he Nanuwl L^fi'tV'-'i" M iteople k.nnw akmt 'ht l able^ l**jpiip uiiv^v n c/ nti^,j( Buy [ i. ^^ii 1,1V, I'J tii.rf iv <• 1 "«v« iivrtt of ti\t ,i» -j< £!•( i n " t r ut OTitaiiun ,-> ab ,i,t tNf- 1 Oti^ J s p»rjl(,)l it, v ill, i>i2nikfn> t (, giuir u1 '!») m >'' '''1' f 1 r 1 "Ci, Voum^w *.)-i lun,di' 1 tvrs voiuj -ijh<;r sc<; j^, on ifv'U K^pptifH Usiftui- «oi4. or linxd pUce in it l» minute three le,tils AnyiVm y.i^hna ^r UMQ se<! OrRets t»' caltes Thf' eoil'iiirute Jo fU iwfuf-ol W«na«n rhitw II of Tcmpte Sha!(«ti> fcuudin;!.. -.mm 1 fflifijnaj tttlHing ptans wen* fs/in,ul,,(nl. SIIPPH here is rot a fuM.I .diM.ijj; or-iVoieis of Malawaji «MV ci<i so by a>« oi a fund raising driv• e now coin-1 examining »hi> j>rii|inscd expansion ot ?he present E io,i *.-«! ni eel thahat jmailisR a UicJt ml t » School Of Wssioas ... hiiilijing pftjgfsi«5 njj! adrf addiiiOiu!' hjiMwg a^!. (!ert !o riBhl) Peter '.'< aitacS. bwSgei Kid (lit l>uli. m cm ,' nni" -- hi p! V-oipti! Vt,'ti"s of ?*« ^ _ until olhcf HJ31(^« atfccw! bctli,'u^ tnad^ fuionro chaarm *H; 4fjAi^ ^eujisl." **rssrdcai £iSi* to Underway lit MaiaWUIl • «cccswry fey *a mcrcasc in UIP nwTvbrr'iliip 0* ihe! ArjwM Kajrfan, thairman of thr hutwdiiTfiirid drive. Voter*- i,erwe than O" proj«.Li to 112 iunae! *.yc , Matawao Infonnd- • *••••—— cu«(>rcsaii«n ef »v« UW famiiiu iisct' the I ..... Tit" franc*- calls i.re liimipibtml rho I,i-itui is j,<iiiabLc! T'e PrV 2'u! ' •Tw« Oy i i-iojp oi finaiH.i' Wirfe- 'upon rcyuct from Jlj1" PHJ"nk'™r> us* Jnnnunced Uj^lit t ll"< .in wllcfi ujiaib Iwlt thp t-^gus jitiSclio, ."'nauo cfy.!i man League j "Udl «'J««J' or ^Jh-ioa'jc wesr-nt en \'iter, ui &latuw<iu )irge>r <*?- a >-.<tmb<ir of the First Methoclist try eliRibie citizea (o vote no Fcb l.hnrtli Mataw>n, pud v,»s s ie» i»v Tht* mTi'hciy f^ i» 1 n^rijbpx'ship is cj??r 10 alr> £ coiner. 1 ^ bemf ntld *it (he Hrvt B-ptist WV Issues i a stimulatmg jini rpwaidtrs ex {citu^s nf w 1.7 as" >r mem- 2J2 Mam li P01K are upen fnjm t witi! gmnfl( ,upef vu&v »;f i/is'jrance. «ieni.e, a cnaiict lu ,J.L>'( p op!e Iwrihip infri ration ' contact Mr^ wi.s King jomiij pn For ,uiioi ii.'u.-awt;-.. «J! Sutvti -i li"-*1 h-j wnfs, A'--s Jai« and s woncicrfs I ivay to Una the- Kenneth ^Soyer, .Msmbtrship cha«- 5*8-^15. (Mall) Wolsh; two sons Gar;- E. pulse nf the coniimin ly man,. W Avgndale Lane, Matawan Church. Matawin. "Hie Rev. 3Io»e Vote Flyer »mi Donald T., both at home; two Perry is (if pastor of tn« Second si^'Pii, Mrs.
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