• " ........... _ . ,.".,.,,~, "1 . Thursday, July 20, 1961 Page Twelve THE JEWISH POST '.roggestions for setting up this type I A meeting of those interested will Wanted - Exchange MTC Grows Up of an organization. All enquiries be called within the next two weeks, Baby-sitter Manitoba Theatre Centre has regarding the proposal should be at which time a committee will be d Wanted - Baby-sitter for two taken its first step on the road to­ sent in writing to Tom Hendry, formed to study the I?robJ.;m, :m children in exchange for free holi­ Man ito b a Theatre Centre, 419 to make recommendations m Vlew ward becoming a professional thea­ By REUBEN SLONIM day (room and board) at Detroit tre with the adoption of a poliey Avenue building, 265 Portage ave- of the experience of the people Lakes. Phone JUstice 64624. guaranteeing its actors weekly fees nue, Winnipeg 2. concerned. I Associate Editor of The Telegram, " Board and Room Wanted rather than expense allowances, J. Toronto IWanted: Board and room for Ogden Turner, president of the Mr. Ben-Gurion explained his "ir­ Vol. XXXVII WINNIPEG, THUHSDAY, JULY 27, 1961 No, 30 A series written for ten newspapers girl university student in River Centre, said this week. 'But, he rev.ocable" stand which had led to Reject Stand his resignation and the subsequent in The Telegram News Service Heights district. Reply to Box 0, added, "it creates a concern within The Jewish Post, 1244 Main St., (Cant. from page 1) fall of the Government, That step, (Published by permission) MTC for the person not making FOR SALE Winnipeg 4, Man. Lavon of responsibility for a in turn, was followed by the dis­ ", ", LAVON CLEARED acting his prGfession." "security mishap" in 1954. solution of the Government, and Own your own tavern or liq~or TUTORING Part-time actors and those who Mr. lEen-Gurion had already told the necessity of ,new elections. store. Un lim i ted opportunities a special meeting of the Knesset, Meanwhile, Mr. Lavon had been available in the retall beer and Tutoring in all subjects up to have not yet attained a profes­ which is in recess, pending the ousted from his post as secretary­ As the tria] of Adolf Eichmann rmne to It c1us(~ thi.s wel~I4;. the liquor ,business in Fargo. .For de-, and including Grade X in both Yid­ sional status must be provided with NO PUBLIC ENTHUSIASM world awaits the summation by both pn)scnltinn and dC£l"llse scheduled August 15 elections; that general of Histadrut, Israel's Feder­ . tails write Box E, The JeWISh Post, dish and English by high school an opportunity to act in order to he considers that the ministerial ation of Labor. before the fateful conclusion when the threc trial judg,'s hl"ing 1244 Main 8t., Winnipeg 4, Man. graduate. Phone !HUdson 9-7'564, 9 commitiee "e:><ceeded its terms of Israel has been governed lby a down their vet-dict in September. This article is the last in a to 12 a,m, and 4:30 to 8 p.m. find expression for their talents. as well as 'to further enrich and de­ reference and usurped a juridical caretaker government since Mr. IN ISRAEL ELECTIONS series highlighting iml)rcssions hy those who aHcnried sl"ssions prerogative." But Justice Minister Ben-Gurion's resignation w h i c h in Jerusalem. The Jewish Post hus been l)rivilc),!"cd to have Homes Wanted Furnished Room for Rent velop the theatrical scene in Mani­ !"inhas Rosen countered with a follow'to:I a Cabinet decision to up­ Tel Aviv (JTA) _ Prime Minister 'David Ben-Gurion declared in an election speech to an audience presented these lipicturc-word" stories and hopes that they huve Boarding homes for teenage girls. Room for rent. Suitable for stu­ toba. Making this happen is one vigorous denial of iMr. Ben-Gurion's hold \Ile ministerial committee's of 10,000 at Herzliah this week that the people of Israel had more liberty than those of any other country m proved valuahle in interpreting the d("'per mClming Illl,l l>Ilrpose Apply Jewish Child and Family dent. On main flooor in private, of the essential aims of the Cen­ charge. findings. Pinhas Rosen had been the world and that human rights in Israel were as secure as those of the most advanced count,,:,s, of this historic trial. - Editor. Service. Phone JUstice 9-6343. His address was one of dozens made during the weekend as party campaIgners sought to whIp up a quiet home. Very close to trans­ tre. What is needed then, Mr.. Tur­ the vote in the Cabinet, chairman of that committee. portation. Board if desired. Phone Prior to still lacking public enthusiasm for the campaign for the national election on August 15 to select a new , Child Who Accommodation Wanted JUstice 9-7617. ner stated, is "a good amateur orga­ Knesset. The patter of the addresses was for Mapai speakers to praIse the achIevements of theIr party Tragic Came to Drancy Young university and piano stu­ nization to grow up along side a and for speakers of other parties to assail MapaL Draney, France, was a familiar name at the Eichmann trial. Attorney dent would like accommodation for Furnished Room for Rent professional company and with the I I Exonerated General Hausner told about it in his opening speech, 1961 Fall term. Piano necessary. ,o~n~ ':I1~:1 n:,o"n~rt" · I Room ~or rent for business man "T -" i1lT~W'Ql." rl~ The Knesset Monday approved a As the days wore on, it was no longer a tragic incident hut a flesh Please reply to Mrs. H. Trager, assistance of the Theatre Centre," rr or, .,1 .1 .. ~ " ... j B ~ cabinet decision exonerating former and blood experience engraved in the heart of everyone who loves a with board if desired, On main <If an amateur acting group is Drawer 360, The Pas, Manitoba. lioor in a nice, quiet home. Close defense minister Pinhas Lavon cllild. ' to transportation. iPhone JUstice formed, the Centre would be will­ from responsibility for a 1954 secur­ It was made so by Georges Wellcrs, research scientist at Sorbol1l).C FRENCH LESSONS Call Us Today Frankfurt ity mishap that became known as University in Paris. He spoke French, a language Inore suited to gaiety ing to supply rehearsal space and French lessonss available. Grade 9-7617. The first of a series of trials arising out of an investigation ,of more than the Lavon affair. Premier David production assistance. The group and music, Yet it was strangely appropriate to the 4,000 children for '1 to 12. Call !Miss 'Zaretsky, 163 1000 former staff members at the Auschwitz murder factory will start Ben-Gurion resigned last Jan. 31 whom Drancy was a way station to Auschwitz. Bungalow to Share would ;be responsible for finding Lansdowne Ave., phone JUstice 6- Will share bungalow with single TO ORDER YOUR i;' mid-1962, Arrest orders have 'been issued for 22 of the former staff because a cabinet committee 'Cleared A child is a poem. A child is love. A child is pity, A child is also '1673, between 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. and man or couple. All privileges. 432 their own actors, directors and back members. In addition, preliminary criminal investigations have been Lavon. laughter and forgetfulness, Such a child was Jacques Stern. seven, maY'be "1-10 p.m. St, Johns Ave" JUstice 2-6167. stage personnel. started against 24 other suspects, One thousand witnesses ,were ques­ Full details of the Lavon con­ eight years old, What docs it maller about his agc. Jacques is dead. tioned in West Germany and abroad, among them 800 survIvors of the troversy have never been made Jacques is ashes, Jacques, whose mother played the piano. Jacques, Accountancy Students President Turner said the Centre Beauli/ut Rai6eJ :lype death camp. One of those under arrest is Ricbard Baer, the last public but it is believed to have whose father went to the office every day like the fathers of thousands Students in !Accounts for Char­ Foster Home Wanted is prepared ~o listen to any and all grown ou t of the smashing of an Foster home wanted for six-year­ Auschwitz commandant. of boys in Toronto and Tel Aviv. tered <Accountants office. Minimum Israeli spy ring in Cairo while Jacques, who refused to believe that his mother would never piny requirements grade 12 matricula­ old boy, Apply Jewish Child and Jewbh new 'ljear, CarJ6 Lavon was defense minister. Family Service. Phone JU 9-6343. , Jerusalem again and that his father would never again return from the office with tion. Apply to Tapper, Antel and Ben-Gurion has argued that his bonbons tucked away in a well known pocket. Chisvin, phone WH 3-3479. Muter Farein Soviet Union's supplies of arms to the Arab States have made it impossible resignation and that of his cabinet for Israel to remain "neutral" towards that Great Power, Mrs, Golda George Wellers knew Jacques at Drancy, Intelligent, remarkably WANTED (Cont. from page 3) had annulled the cabinet decision alert, he called him. from $6.00 to $14.00 per hundred lJIIIeir told a Mapai rally of 3,500 women here. No responsible govern­ exonerating Lavon, But Monday Room for Rent Foster home for 9-year-old boy Panitch. In taking over the chalr, At Draney. Jacques wore rags that were once a suit cared for proudly Furnished bed-sitting room for ment could be neutral in face of such supplies to "our neighbours who all parties except Ben-Gurion's and lovingly by his mother.
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