REMEMBER MOTHER THE ECHO Ye Shall Know the Truth"—John 8:32 VOL. XXXIII, NO. 28 TAYLOR UNIVERSITY UPLAND, INDIANA TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1949 Results of Bishop Taylor Philos Present 'Gay Nineties" Gospel Featured in Picture SP's and otherwise: take notice! Contest Announced All Taylor students who scrap their And Song Wednesday books and make the short trek from | The Bishop William Taylor Con­ dormitory to auditorium on Friday A program of living musical test was held in Shreiner Audi­ night, May 6, sometime before 8:00 pictures featuring the gospel in Junior-Senior torium on May 2, 1949. There p.m. will be privileged to witness Seniors Face music and art will be presented were three contestants with Mau­ the gala Filo Festival under the by W. Karl Steele, artist, and Mr. Banquet Plans rice Coburn taking first, Barbara direction of Miss Merry Lynn John­ "King of Exams" and Mrs. H. M. Skinner, muscians, Rioux second, and Gloria Bridson, son and Mr. Walter Shaffer. Wednesday, May 4, in Shreiner Near Completion third place. The judges of the The theme of this Philo brain­ There are many times in the Auditorium at 8:15 p.m. contest were Miss Bradford, Coach college days of the student which Plans for the Junior-Senior ban­ storm is "The Gay Nineties" and, During the program Mr. Steele Odle, and Dr. Rediger. The time­ from all appearances, things promise are eagerly awaited. To the Senior will draw pictures whose detail quet which is to be held May 14th keeper was Prof. Crose. class of Taylor University, Friday, are underway and banquet-chairman, to be plenty gay. When a conglom­ and truth will come from Scrip­ This Contest which is open to eration of such folks as Val Johnson May 6,.will be one of the best days tural inspiration. Instrumental Jean Wyar.t has began preparation any student is sponsored by Dr. of the whole school year. Thursday, with the assistance of various ap­ and Don Jennings (They will en­ and vocal music by the Skinmers George Ridout, a friend of the deavor to ride a "Bicycle Built for May 5, is comprehensive day. will be synchronized to these chalk pointed committees. college. The orations are based The decoration committee consists Two".) ; Clyde Meredith Jr. (The The tests will be administered creations through original, creative on the life of Bishop William Tay Shiek) and Zoe Brenneman (She is in Society Hall from 8 to 12 a.m. musical settings. The beauty and of chairman Opal Buck along with All the classes which are sched­ purpose of the artistry will be Elizabethtnzaoetn stanievStanley, RuthKutn Wharton,wnarton cio on prizes of §15 00 and macje iove t0 by him.); Ralph "Vil- blizaDetn &tanie>, Kutn wnarton, gio.OO are awarded and the Con- i;an" Teuber (IHe heats UD Granitz uled to meet in Society Hall on enhanced by an elaborate system Carl Daugherty and Harold Beaty. I test is held on or near Rkhnii e .•! « 11 7w™i- I Gnmnnsine the nrneram committee 5? i . u-A.J tfisnop Gentile, Nelson, and Wllhelmi with- Thursday morning will convene in of lighting effects, including the Composing the _ program^committee | Taylor's birthday. out even working up a sweat_Mum's Rec. Hall. new and rarely used "blacklight." are chairman Elaine Milhisler, Ruth The contestants were rated on WOrd.); a whole bunch more in In addition to his minstry as a Robinson, Bob Fenstermacher, and According to Dean Forrest, Tay­ organization, style contest, orig- wkat they call a Philo chorus lor has an excellent comprehensive platform chalk artist, Mr. Steele Paul Steiner. The invitations are in inality, 40 per cent; Delivery, charge of Ann Louise Smith, and her (They're going to sing.) ; and a lot testing program which was highly is a landscape and genre painter. voice and diction, melody and in­ of other ones doing such things as commended by the North Central Mr. Skinner is Manager of the assistants, Virginia Veenstra and flection, tempo, force, 40 per cent; Mara.natha Bible and Missionary Barbara Clark. singing in barbershop quartettes, im­ Association. This four hour test, Audience control, audience con­ personating A1 Jolson and Jerry Col- for which the Senior class has Conference at Muskegon, Michi­ The committee for the food and tact, stage appearance and per­ the locations consists of chairman onna, etc., etc.; get in back of a been gleaning information all year gan, which offers instruction for sonality, 20 per cent. stage, something is bound to happen long, is not given to measure the Christian service as well as vaca­ Martha Slagg, along with Charlotte tion facilities. Burtner, Alice Simmons, Bob Cough- to the stage—to say nothing of the ability of the students memory. enour, Tim Warner, and Elmer Cop­ people looking at the stage. It is constructed, primarily, to The Skinner-Steele party is on ley. Transportation will be arranged Call to Finish There is only one catch—admis­ measure, the students total grasp the eleventh 'annual Maranatha through the efforts of Delores En- Registration for sion. It is twenty-five cents for one of his major field. The college de­ Rally Tour, an itinerary which right, Bob Merian, and Margie person, fifty cents for two persons, gree should not come as a result includes appearances in Youth for Brandt. Chairman Alma Driscoll, Jo Next Year seventy-five cents for three persons, of a culmination of a specified Christ Rallies, Christian schools, Young, and Lillian Anderson will and on ad infintum. Also Don Jen­ number of credit hours and quali­ and a variety of churches in six compose the scrapbook. All underclassmen are to pre- nings is master of ceremonies. ty points. But the degree should Midwestern states and Canada. The location for the banquet has register this week for the first Reporter's notes I wrote this in a represent the students pragmatic been chosen but cannot be publicized semester of 1949-50. Registrations hurry. I am a THALO. I am going to ability in his main field of study. as yet. Progress is being made on made after four o'clock Friday this anyway. This year there are 77 students Students to Nominate the decorations, the menu has been afternoon will be considered late taking a comprehensive examina­ selected, and the scrapbook is well for presently enrolled students. tion. There are 16 fields of study Student Council Pres. on its way toward completion. Elaine No fees are to be paid at this time, Junior Presented represented: History, Bible Liter­ Milhisler and' Ruth Robinson have and changes in registration may ature, Elementary Education, Sec­ In Chapel Wed. been writing the words for the songs be made if necessary at the time In Recital ondary Education, Biology, Home which will be used. of entrance next fall. It is there­ Economics, Music B. S., Music Nominations of Student Council fore urged that all students par­ Mae Jean Gilbert will present her A. B., Sociology, Speech, Physical members for next year will be ticipate in thi§ pre-registrations Junior Recital this coming Saturday, Education, and Chemistry. made in chapel tomorrow morning, period. May 7th, at 8:00 p.m. in Shriener Since failing a comprehensive Bob Long, President, has an­ Twelve Days in a Room registrations for men are Auditorium. She will be assisted by has been known to happen before, nounced. Names of students eli­ now being made. Reauest*' for' Ernest MacDonald, who will be ac- the student body wish the Seniors gible for nomination have been Chariot rooina, aloVwithIf the room regis j companied by jPaul Davidson the best for their endeavors on posted on the bulletin boards. Her re cltal wui include the tollow Two men will be selected by the Wednesday, April 13, had finally tration charge May 20th. I . h " that day of days. lg nu lb rs; student body in the chapel period arrived and it was time to leave First semester freshman, second; !i, " s semestermPfifpr freshmanfvPcVimori from XT'/H-Z, ando-nrl UOnCCrtO 1 . J. S. Bach for the office of president. Two our Alma Mater for the a glimpse .. Grave boys and two girls will also be of the world. All of the choir all special students should register Pulpit Oratory with Miss Ruth Young. Second „ Presto. „ . chosen as nominees for the student members had been looking for­ discipline committee. Then six­ ward to this event all year. They semester freshman from A-H are Capriccietto Swinnen Contest Slated an teen names will be selected for even let us out of Chapel first so to register with Miss Butz. His- Nightingale d the Rose 1 the student-faculty committee. On we could sing a few farwell num­ tory majors should register with ,. 0 ,. Saint-Saens Taylor's contest competition gets Miss Olson; sophomore religion! Religieuse Guilmant into full swing with another one Friday, actual voting on the ballot bers before we departed. Then 1 majors, -Dr. —Forrest; philosophy!- - Gilbert announced. The Elizabeth Con­ made tomorrow will take place in came the last minute farewells Mother Machree (I would have kissed him good­ majors,Dr. 0. W. Miller; music test in pupil Oratory and Manner the Aduminstration Building. The Olcott- Ball faculty will select ten of the six­ bye, but Dr. Mohr was looking), majors, Dr. Hilbish. Sophomores., ~ ... ,, ,. will be held in Society Hall, May onna e teen names submitted <to them for and we were off on our tour. and juniors taking the B. S. course ,5, • * Verdi 12, at 7:45 p.m. The only qualifi­ should see -Dr. Jones; and sopho­ (Woman so Changeable) cations are that the contestants members of the student-faculty Now as I look back on the trip O, Divine Redeemer Gounnd committee.
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