S .p C I Vole 17, No. 38. CASS CITY, MEHo, FRIDAY° FEBRUARY 3, 1922 8 PAGES z_ ~.iIHALICH'S SHOP TILL : EMPTIED BY THIEVES t NING BASKET AT MAYVILLE ! ![II 111"!I[!!i ' ' !!I!I!! !!llI !!!II[!: IIIII[ II II!I ii:[!I / i Peter ~{[ihatich's shoe shop was en- "Fl~il'l~:' i~" ,ii ......PFi~L~!)~t}_~i i~ : ~',~i ~ ~[~[ i Fercy Aiien, the mascot of Ward% tered Sunday afternoon or evening Independents, saved the day for the L~ IIIIIII I[IIIII and a sum of money amounting to ap- II[ :iVI III!I lIUg# ll~Qlig~li local team at Mayville last Wednes- proximately $10 was stolen from the day night. till. The money drawer was locked, I The first half ended whh a scm'e of SEVENTY-SEVEN CASES ARE but the thief pried up the top of the ~SENTBIENT PREVAILS AMONG i ROGERS, URGING SPEEDING UP i21-12 in Mayville's favor. When the REPRESENTATIVES ,. OF CEN- LISTED ON THE CALENDAR counter with the shoemaker's hammer LOCAL CITIZENS FOR MORE TO GET U. S. AID, SAYS %000 score was 30-30 in the last half and TRAL POWER CO. APPEARED !only a short time to play, Allen threw FOR T~E FEBRUARY TERM IN and thus overcame tt~e difficulty of a I BE locked till. Entrance was gained JUST CHARGES AND ELIMINA- MILES TO BUILT DURING BEFORE COUNCIL AND SEVER- the basket which made the two pdrlts TUSCOLA COUNTY. I THE YEAR 1922 / AL CITIZENS MONDAY. through the living rooms while Mr. TION OF WASTE. necessary for Cass City to cinch the and Mrs. Mihalich and family were i ~ . game. Ab Ward starred in h% posi- tion as guard., C. Burr, B. Benkelman absent from home., No clue. Considerable dLcussion in late days The February term of circuit court John G. Clark, N. J. Frost, Jos. N. i State Highway Commissioner land F. Champion of the regular squad opens in Tuscola county on Tuesday, Rankin and Fred W. Rapson, repre- -~- thas aroused a great deal of sentiment. Frank F. Rogers, in a talk on "the !did not accompany the team to May- Feb. 14, commencing at 1:00 p. m. The ONE DIVORCE TO NINE ~among local citizen~ #avoring +he in- i state's road program for 1922," before {vileo senting the Central Power Co. of Bad l following cases are listed in the cal- Axe appeared befdre the village coun- ~'IARRIAGES IN TUSCOLA :stallation of water meters. i the Retail Merchants Bureau of the endar: It is a well known fact that there is i Sag:haw. Board of Commerce and road dI and several citizens at the council Crhx4nal Cases° ,altogether too much water wasted by commissioners from five counties at rooms Ms:day evening witlh ~e pa:',- There were 255 couples united inipatrons of the village waterworks Seventeen cases are sceduled at, this pose of interesting qass City citizens Saginaw Tuesday night said that he marriage during the year in Tuscola system, that unequal charges are on- term of corot for violations of the {n securing electri'c service from the expects within a very short time the }county, accordn~ to the figures issued raa liquor law. The defendants are Wmo Central Power Co.'s plant at Bad Axe. forced by the present schedule of state administrative board would be l ea E s by Cbun~y Clerk Guy' N. Hill. During Rynaski, Jacob Bredthover, Dan M.ro Clark, the first speaker, ex- the same period there were 29 decrees 'rates and that a few take advantage flooded with petitions from 30,000 to Hutchiinon, Gus Ertel, Ass and Jer- plained the origin of the company. of divorce granted through the circuit of opportunities to use water for oth- 40,000 signers urging that the road Exemption for Dependents Has ome Root, Stadey t usselI, Louis Kuo Bad Axe% municipal plant was in a court. As a comparison there was one er purposes than that for which they bond issue of $10,000,000 for this ?,ear iare paying. be not sold and that state road work Been increased from $200 zel, Stanley Gacose0 Frank /~'ie.~;sner, :bad way a few years ago with anti- divorce to every nine ma-riages dur- Krupa, Mike Binder, Walter Go- A metered system would equalize be curtailed in line with the suggest- to $4000 John quaked .equipment, bonds due and no ing 1921. ]emak~ Os(:a?: N~×on, ..:o>~ph locker, sinking them. these' differences. The citizen who ion in the petition signed by 54 resi- fund to meet Efforts to Fr,.nP S'.)v~a, John D':tjano:dd, and i~%erest the Edison or Commonwealth economized in the use of water would dents of Eaton county read before the ILq is Ktal;:o Co. i benefit by his economy and the man administrative board in Lansing In making" out his income tax re- in furnishing electric current to ~wo other cram:hal cases ale hsLd {who persisted ::: v,,a~:n{-would pay Tuesday morning. turn for 1921, the average taxpayer Bad Axe proved futile., This condition II II[IIII IIIIIIII as follows : ~ed to the organization of the Central his carelessness and would ~not will find a considerab!e saving" in com- "The 1922 road program has been } The People vs. Wm. Wao'ner, bas- Power Co. with a capitalization of p]!ofit at the expense of his careful laid out and we are ready to go ahead parison with the amo:mt of tax paid IF IIIL I IIIIIIZI ~@~hbor. in short, the water consu- on the same income for 19~20. Itardy. $]_50,00Q With the 6bject of not only and if the people of the state want us People vs. llem'F ~%~ohr, as- mer would pay for what he received-- The exemptions providc.l by tn-c The furnishing" Bad Axe but several towns to go ahead, they had better let the i sault with i~%ent to do .a'eat bodily the Thumb district with electric Gem Black ef Sandusky Was Elected ~o more and no lesso !administrative board know it. by res- revenue act of 1921 are .~x,0,)v for <n- i~ harm° ~:urrento Mro Rankin added that their Nern'bers of the council are not op- olution and by letter from commer- gle persons (the term including wid- Presida:t and Oscar Buschle~ o[ posed to the meter system, but have Civil Cases° vision included the rural districts al- cial clubs and other organizations," ows, widowers, divorcees, and. persons Shover Sere of Organisatio:~.. installed because they did w-eorge ~. ~lacl:: vs. ?;,~. J. Spears, so. ff not meters Ms': Rogers is quoted in the Free separated h'om husband and ~Afe by Pigeon and Kinde have at~:eady been 1 not fee]. it expedient in the past few Press: "Some are a !itt!e afraid of mutual agreement), $2,500 for mar- new trial. connected with the Bad Axe plant and -years to make the investment, the the taxes. The Michigan Grange has ried persons whose net income was The Princ e Wolf :~on:p~n?,.... a cer- I About eighty of the Holstein breed-ihig, h cost of coal and other expendi- ©wendale and Gagetown are said to taker~ a stand against the $10,00%000 $5,000 or less, and $2,000 for married ~poratio% VSo Zemke'Bros., new trial° i ers of Sanilae county attended the 'or- ture s at the municipal plant ruskin:2" Gustave Kipitzke vs. Michael Be- be in a very receptive mood. for this year through the issue of the persons whose net income was $5,000 Iganization meeting Friday, January icarefu 1 financiering a necessity. dote, appeal. Five months after the Central Co. :'dichigan Patron which appears under or more. Under the revenue act of {27, at Sandusky calted by the San i:lac i Postmaster Deduce has tong been m: Carl Mitchell vs. Roman Carpovich, commenced operations the plant was date of Feb. I. ~1918 the personal exemption allowed County Farm ,Bureauo " " trespass. making a profit and production costs iadvocate of the use of the water me , a, married person was g2,000, reo;ard- H. W. Norton, head of fl~e bureau'ter and advocates a plan to install ': "There is available this year in fed- less of the amount of net income. The John A. Cole vs. Edward E. Dewey, are being lowered as new towns are of Animal Industry and Secretary of them whereby the viIla~:e may avdd oral aid money, $%000,000 and we assumpsit. added a/{d the load increased. The have got to match this with Michigan lP ors°hal exemption allowed a married the state association, gave a talk on making the initial purchase o::tlay. Sioux City Seed Co., a corporation, ~iant has doubled its consumption bond issue and Covert act money if i pers°n applies also to gb_e head of a iwork to be accomplished by the of He suggests tl:at each water user be Continued on page eight. %hree times within six months. Out- ganization. we are going to get the money from !famil5 man or woman who supports side towns are given the s~me rates i" The constitution was adopted and required to purchase his own me~,er Washington. It is at a point where! in one bouseho!d one or more relatives .v.,ithin a six months period. The vii- we are going" to keep on going or turn ibY blood, marrmg,% or adoptmn. as are rnaintained in Bad Axe.
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