Robert Bell and Lucy Zell Woodworth : Antecedents and Progeny, Facts and Anecdotes Woodworth, John Bell HÍT^ FOREWORD People will not look forward to Posterity, who never look backward to Their Ancestry - Edmund Burke. I have reached the age when I sympathize more fully than ever with the writer of Ecclesiastes when he says, "There is no man that hath power over the spirit, to retain the spirit, neither hath he power over the day of death. All things r:ome alike to all; there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked. For to him that is joined with all the living there is hope; for a living dog is better than a dead lion." In this vein, I feel compelled to gather together in an orderly fashion such information about our family as I can glean from recollection; from those living who know somewhat; from books that may fall under my scrutiny; but mainly from the voluminous notes of my beloved, scholarly, precise father, Dr. Robert Bell Woodworth, who could have done this job so much better than I. I remember once chiding "Dad", when he was spending so much time on other .peoples' genealogies, to "Leave hoary old myths and interminable genealogies alone." It is with reluctance, therefore, that I assume this task, but feel that I would like to honor the memory of those who have gone on before, who were like as we are, some good, some bad, none perfect I am sure, but each in his own time had joys, sorrows, pain, pleasure, successes and failures. To my sons, and any others who may care, I would like to present these ancestors as more than names and dates only, insofar as I am able to do so. Stephen Vincent Benet said, "There were human beings aboard the Mayflower, not merely ancestors." Some of what is written will be confused and inaccurate, because of the lack of accurate information and the forgetfulness of time. Would that I had been interested in my youth when I could have asked questions which no one can answer now. I apologize, also, for those errors that may inadvertently and unintentionally creep in. My sincere and loving apologies if I have offended anyone by what I have said or what I have not said about anybody mentioned in this History. I could have said more in many cases, but mere words are inadequate to completely describe anyone - each one of us in his entirety is in the sight of God, his fellow man and unto himself alone, a separate and distinct being and is unique. Hopefully you readers will agree that, by and large, these people were good people and in the main, died in faith, looking for a city, that hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. This is not meant to be a complete genealogy of all descendants. I will try only to go back as far as I have information, presenting the children of each ancestor, where available, so that others may more easily tie into the line. Colton says: "The inheritance of a distinguished and noble name is a proud inheritance to him who lives worthily of it." But Overbury warns: "The man who has nothing to boast of, but his illus­ trious ancestry, is like the potato - the best part is under the ground." Prov, 22:1 admonishes us that: "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." My sincere appreciation goes to my wife for her patience in putting up with me and the clutter and to my brother-in-law, Jonathan, for proof-reading. I would urge and hope that additional information will be added by you readers when it becomes available to you and sent to me as long as I may live. The chart in the back of this History goes down the alphabet for each previous generation. The father's number is double the number of the child less 1. The mother's number is double the child's number. Each Ancestor's number on the chart refers to that ancestor's alphabetical number in the text. If additional copies are desired, please address all inquii'ies or information to: John B. Woodworth, P. 0. Box BÍ, t^jnj^jaq^p *QY?!!r2rin*a ffå$9^ p"T* * p|^^,, ^^,^ O^A; CHURCH Or JESUS CHRIST IV * ' OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS A Philosophy YOtl-NIQUE Did you ever pause to marvel At the fact that you are you? That by the merest chance You're one instead of two? At all the many factors That have guided the human race, To put uniquely you In this peculiar time and place? That the odds against your being Were a billion to one or more, Considering life's tenuous thread Passed down from them of yore? That what you are or hope to be Is partly determined by your family tree? "Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny," By the scientists we are told. Or one is the sum of all his ancestors Both those recent and of old. They mean that the individual Is the mirror of the race In its rise from slimy creatures To the maid with lovely face. But the learned tell not all That fills the human breast, And makes of man a creature Far different from the rest. For we believe that to live and propagate Is not man's ultimate goal, But that God for His infinite glory Has given him an eternal soul. That He Who clothes the lily And sees the sparrow's fail Is aware of our every need Both spiritual and temporal. That God in His loving kindness Holds you with tender hand, And, like Mosas, Pharoah and Columbus You have a place in His plan. So, lift up your head, O Mortal, And glory in your day. For when God saw fit to create you He threw the plans away. For though the genes of the ages Are tunneled in your blood, And though the heirs of your body Become as drops in the flood. Remember this old adage Which is proven, tried and true, "That as long as the world standeth There will never be another You". J.B.W. August 22, 1953 SOME PICTURES OF OUR FAMILY Hi "Montrose" 425 acre farm of James A. and Mary Van Meter Zell at Burlington. Part of Lord Fairfax's Patterson's Creek Hunting Preserve. Taken about 1914. Extends from Osage Orange hedge at left (Wright's) to Walnut trees on right (Sloan's) and back over the ridges on both sides of the Vallev. Lucy Williams Zell L.Z.W. and R.B.W. Robert Bell Woodworth About 1938 1889 R.B., J.B., Daniel & Douglas James, Mom, Father, Susan & Robert at R. B. Woodworth Home Walter & David at Pittsburgh Four Generations at Greenbriar Watermelon Time at Burlington J. A. & Mary Zell, R. B. & Lucy Woodworth David, Walter, George, Lucy Mary James & Alice, William & Marv Leigh Edgar S. Van Meter Carrie Viola Summers Sept. 23, 1886 wife of E. S. Van Meter Edgar S. Van Meter David Gamble Van Meter Oliver Carroll Zell Robert Ross Zell Aunt Jennie Crane Henry Shirk Zell Aunt Annie Streit Belle Raymond Woodworth "Uncle Harry" Kl'.V M.*M\I1.M W, WOODWORTH A Pencil Sketch William Streit Woodworth Nannie Bell Woodworth Mary Moore Woodworth Mrs. Tobias McClintic Malcolm Graham Woodworth Susan Elizabeth Woodworth John C. Leps (mustache) "My Susie" Peter Zell Hannah Maria Hawse Mrs. Peter Zell Sussanah Barr 3rd. wife Rev. Christian Streit Rev. Christian Streit \ Hannah Cunningham wife James Carr Gamble of David Van Meter B-l Robert Bell Woodworth(Robbie to his parents, "Rob" to his wife, "Father" to his children, "Robert" to close friends, but "R.B~." or "Dr. Woodworth" to most.) I give you the greatest man I have ever known (JBW). "And still they gazed, and still their wonder grew, that one small head could carry all he knew!". b. April 28, 1868 in Winchester, Va.; bapt. Oct. 3, 1868 at Eusebia Presby­ terian Church, Patterson's Creek, W. Va. by Rev. Edward Martin; grew up in Burlington, W. Va. and Winchester-, Va. Educated at Moorefield (W.Va.) Academy 1883 and 1884 under Edgar J. Davis; Entered Hampden Sydney College in the Junior Class having taken examinations for advanced standing, graduated with A.B. degree in 1886 at 17 yrs. of age, was called "Sallie" by his classmates (probably for Sallust, or who knows, jbw) see "Class letters. Class 1886 H.S.C." 1887-1891. Awarded Shakespeare Prize in English. 1887 taught at Pantops Academy near Charlottesville, Va. "Studied Old English, Icelandic, Mittel und Neu Hoch Deutsche, Norse Tales". May 1807-1888 worked with brother Will as chainman, levelman and transitman linder James Parsons, Chief Engineer for West Virginia Central Railroad now Western Maryland, becoming Assistant Engineer of West Virginia Central; was in charge of the Cheat River extension of the W. Va. Central, 18 miles from Thomas to Elkins, W.Va.; Laid out the townsite of Parsons, Tucker Co., W. Va.; made topographical map of the site of Henry Gassoway Davis house and grounds at Elkins, W. Va. for landscaping; Laid out part of town of Elkins, W. Va.; Went to Chattanooga, Term, in Sept. 1889 to undertake an independent engineering prac­ tice but there received the call to the ministry. 1889-1891 Union Theological Seminary, Hampden-Sydney, Va.; was ordained and installed by Winchester Presbytery as Pastor of the Elk Branch Presbyterian Church at Duffields, West Virginia, including Shenandoah Junction and Mohler in Jefferson County,.W.
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