November 3-9, 2017 Your Neighborhood — Your News® SERVING PARKCHESTER, HUNTS POINT, FORDHAM SOUTH, GRAND CONCOURSE, FORDHAM NORTH, BRONX NORTH, CO-OP CITY ‘BREAKING BAD’ PASTOR GUILTY Fr. Miqueli ordered to reimburse $22,000 to St.FdeC BY PATRICK ROCCHIO not returned to active minis- name on it, and that there be The former pastor of a try since being ousted from St. a parish council, and that the Throggs Neck church was Frances de Chantal. Throggs Neck church have at found to have inappropriately “This investigation by the least two lay trustees familiar used a parish account for per- Economic Crimes Bureau with the fi nances. sonal expenses. found that Fr. Miqueli was im- According to the district The Bronx district attor- properly reimbursed for per- attorney’s offi ce, evidence ney’s offi ce found that Fr. Pe- sonal expenses,” said Clark. wasn’t found to support ac- ter Miqueli, of St. Frances de “The archdiocese has reim- cusations by some parishio- Chantal Church, who became bursed St. Frances de Chantal ners that the there could be a tabloid sensation for al- Church for the funds, $22,450 as much as $1 million in funds leged romps with a male body- of hard-earned money donated that were misappropriated. builder in 2015, had improp- by parishioners for the better- A second letter from Bishop erly obtained parish funds for ment of the parish.” Walsh to the parishioners ad- personal use. Clark’s offi ce also made rec- dressed concerns about Fr. Fr. Miqueli is effectively in ommendations to the Archdio- Miqueli’s future in the Catho- the process of restitution, for cese of New York about fi scal lic Church. which the Archdiocese of New controls that they have agreed Walsh’s letter to the parish- York has already reimbursed to implement at St. Frances. ioners stated that the archdio- the parish, according to a let- Among these recommen- cese had attempted to investi- ter from Bishop Gerald Walsh dations are that parish un- gate “accusations of morally to the current pastor that was dergo a complete audit and abhorrent behavior” but as read at masses on Sunday, Oc- be audited every three years, of yet the allegations haven’t tober 29. that the parish have a single been substantiated. No charges were preferred general purpose credit card against the priest, who has with the pastor’s and parish’s Continued on Page 82 New South Bronx Parade Everyone was in ‘good spirits’ at this year’s 32nd Annual New 33rd Veterans Day Parade attracts new attention South Bronx Halloween Parade on Saturday, October 28. Sally (l) BY SARAH VALENZUELA and Jack Skellington enjoyed this year’s parade. Of the invitations sent, 15 crowd seemed most thin. One of the biggest goals the schools signed up to ‘sponsor “Every school that signed up See more photos on page 32. Photo by Aracelis Batista United Veterans Parade Com- a block’ of the parade, an idea has been encouraged to adopt mittee of Greater New York had thought up by committee mem- a block from Randall Avenue,” this year was to increase atten- ber Dana Carotenuto. Carotenuto continued. TOP BRONX NEWS STORIES dance at their annual Bronx Vet- “I’ve lived in Throggs Neck One school, St. Theresa’s El- HOOD erans Day Parade. my whole life… I go to the Vet- ementary, signed up to sponsor BOR - YO The Bronx Times IGH UR The committee engaged a erans Day Parade every year. the block of Randall just off of E N On-Line $-"44*'*&%4'035)&#30/9 N E R W different part of the community I went last year and it was dis- East Tremont Avenue. U O S Your world is for its support: grade school stu- heartening to see the streets Principal of the school, Jo- Y ® dents. empty,” Carotenuto said. sephine Fanelli, said her school 24/7... NOW To get the attention of the dif- “There should be veterans will have a bus ready to bring so are we. ferent schools for the 33rd pa- walking down the street with their students and their parents rade the committee sent formal people celebrating them.” to and from the parade and Pel- ÜÜÜ°LÝÌiðV invitations to dozens of schools While the parade overall has ham Bay. in the borough. generally received a lot of com- These schools also received 5)&-"5&45#30/94103544$03&4 These invitations included munity support, the part of the materials about military veter the option to participate in a parade route that extends down '00%t)&"-5)t5&$)/0-0(: $250 prize writing contest. Randall Avenue is where the Continued on Page 82 A CNG Publication • Vol. 23 No. 44 www.bxtimes.com GoFor To More Our Blog Information To See Our Weekly Visit Specials!Us At VistVisit Our Our New www.bronxdentistny.comNEW Web-ite: Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com www.reliablebronxdentist.com GOT IMPLANTS DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT COME SEE US (718) 547-5280 2 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, NOVEMBER 3-9, 2017 BTR LET US CATER YOUR NEXT... `>ÞÊ*>ÀÌÞÊUÊ À«À>ÌiÊÕVÌÊUÊ-V Ê*>ÀÌÞ "vwÊViÊ*>ÀÌÞÊÀÊÞÊ ÛiÌ ROASTED TURKEYS SIDES WE ALSO HAVE Stuffi ng w/Sausage Sliced Pork w/Gravy 12-16 Lbs. Roasted Potatoes Sliced Roast Beef w/Gravy 18-22 Lbs. Sweet Potatoes w/Marshmallows Lasagna & Eggplant Parm String Bean Almadine 24-28 Lbs. Fresh Cranberry Sauce PLUS A FULL LINE OF PIES 30-36 Lbs. Turkey Gravy PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY Try Our Specialty RAVIOLIS Pork Roast Braciola Sausage & Broccoli Rabe Ravioli Pumpkin Pasta Ravioli Roast Beef Steaks Portabello Mushroom ravioli Cheese Ravioli Homemade Burgers Shrimp, Scallop & Lobster Ravioli Meat Ravioli Spinach Ravioli Sausage Roasted Pepper & Fresh Mozzarella Ravioli Chops Sundried Tomato & Smoked Mozzarella Ravioli Every Thursday is Thanksgiving At Barino’s. Come See Our Selection And Pick Up Your Holiday Menu. ÎÓ{{Ê* , Ê6 1 ÊUÊ ," 8]Ê 7Ê9",Ê£ä{Èx 718.828.9200 Thank you for your ÕÀÃ\Ê`>ÞÊÊ->ÌÕÀ`>ÞÊÇ>Ç«ÊUÊ-Õ`>ÞÊÇ>Ó«ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÜÜÜ°L>ÀÃ>ÀiÌ°VÊUÊ7iÊ>ÛiÊvÌÊ >À`à continued patronage! Have a Happy Thanksgiving BTR BRONX TIMES REPORTER, NOVEMBER 3-9, 2017 3 Bronx voters have choices on Election Day, Nov. 7th BY PATRICK ROCCHIO “I can relate to everything that peo- Voters in the borough will have ple are struggling with and hopefully choices on Election Day. we can work together to resolve these All three citywide major offi ces – issues.” mayor, public advocate and comptroller Cerini has the support of the New – are up for grabs on Tuesday, Novem- York Post and Nicole Malliotakis, Re- ber 7. publican mayoral candidate. In the borough, the most competi- A number of third party candidates tive race between major party candi- also are in the race, including Marjo- dates will likely be in the east Bronx’s rie Velazquez on the Working Families Council District 13 where Assembly- line, John Doyle on the Liberal line, man Mark Gjonaj and local activist both of who ran against Gjonaj in the John Cerini are facing off against one Democratic primary, and Alex Gomez another on the Democratic and Repub- on the New Bronx line. lican lines. Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. The assemblyman, who already is up for re-election this year, and is represents part of the 13th district, “Too often if feels like the ‘Tale of Two Bor- facing opposition from Camella Price, “I know the struggles of the homeowner, the has made oversaturation of supportive oughs.’ We’re either one city or we’re not. We running on the Reform line, as well as parent, the small business owner,” -- John housing and ensuring that the borough must have a City Hall that supports all New Republican Steven DeMartis and Con- Cerini Photo courtesy of John Cerini has ferry service central priorities in Yorkers equally - no matter what borough servative Antonio Vitello. his campaign. they happen to live in.”—Assemblyman Mark Diaz has made it is his priorities at- term-limited Councilwoman Annabel Gjonaj said in a statement that the Gjonaj.. Photo courtesy of Gjonaj campaign tracting positive development, creating Palma, who will take a post in the sec- city has to either be one city or not. educational equality and taking care of ond de Blasio administration, should “We must have a City Hall that sup- He cited several construction proj- health disparities. the mayor win a second term. ports all New Yorkers equally - no mat- ects in the community where former In the 14th Council District, Coun- Diaz said in statement that he was ter what borough they happen to live single-family properties are being con- cilman Fernando Cabrera faces a chal- frustrated with trying to pass bills in in,” said Gjonaj. verted into large apartment buildings lenge on the Working Families line the Republican-controlled New York Gjonaj, a married father of two sons, by developers. from Randy Abreau, an attorney who State Senate. has garnered the support of a number He believes that he would fi ght was an offi cial in the Obama adminis- “In the council, I can deliver both of labor unions, as well as most local harder against overdevelopment than tration. more funding for local programs, work elected offi cials and Governor Cuomo. his opponent. Another Cabrera challenger is Jus- on increasing the charter school cap, His opponent, Cerini, sees overde- “I know the struggles of the hom- tin Sanchez, who will be on the Liberal support more affordable housing and velopment as the key issue in his own eowner, the parent, the small business party line.
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