IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. I (1-2),1980 3 WOOD IDENTIFICATION: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY compiled by M. Gregory Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England Introduction This bibliography was compiled at the suggestion of Prof. M. H. Zimmermann and Dr. P. Baas, with the hope that it would prove especially useful to those who need to make wood identifications from time to time, but are not regularly engaged in this work, and are therefore unfamiliar with the literature. To aid the user, the main part of the bibliography is arranged by geographical areas, followed by a short systematic section. In the geographical section, a modified form of the scheme used in the Kew Herbarium and Library has been adopted, with works covering a major area, e.g. Europe, listt:d before those dealing with individual countries. The countries are arranged alphabetically within each larger area. In the systematic section, the gymnosperms are dealt with first, then the angiosperms, arranged alphabetically by families. Only selected works covering the wood anatomy of whole families or important genera have been included in the systematic section, in order to keep the bibliography to a manageable size. In conclusion, there is an author index. Within each country or family, the references are given in chronological order, so that it is easy to see what is the most recent work. Older works may still be of value, because they may deal in more detail with some species, contain better illustrations, etc., but care should be taken to check whether the specimens were vouchered or authenticated in any way, or whether more recent taxon­ omic treatment has made part of the nomenclature obsolete. The following information is given wherever possible: 1) Macroscopic characters, indicated by 'macro'; this usually means characters visible to the naked eye or with a x 10 lens. Microscopic characters, indicated by 'micro'; refers to characters seen under a microscope. 2) Number of species or genera dealt with, and whether there are individual species or generic descriptions. 3) Keys or lists of characters for preparing punched card keys. 4) Photomicrographs, indicated by 'photos', with magnifications given if ± standard throughout the work. Line drawings are referred to as 'figs.'. 5) The letter K indicates the work is in the library of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and Oxf. that it is in the library of the Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Oxford. (Many of the books at Kew are also available at Oxford, but I searched at Oxford only for items not found at Kew. I have checked most of the references cited.) Excluded are works on bark, charcoal (carbonized wood), rootwood and fossil wood anatomy, and all papers published before 1900. Most SEM work has also been omitted. Acknowledgements I wish to thank all those members of the lAW A who have provided information and sent copies of publications, especially Dr. P. Baas, Dr. J. Burley, Mr. R. Dechamps, Dr. C Mainieri, Dr. A.M.W. Mennega, Dr. S. Sudo, Dr. F.N. Tamolang, Mme. Y. Trenard, and Ing. S.1. Wiselius. I am vt:ry grate­ ful to Dr. C.R. Metcalfe, who in the 1930's initiated the indexing of systematic anatomical litera­ ture at the Jodrell Laboratory, for help and advice received over many yt:ars. Thanks are also due to the staff of the Library of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, to the staff of the Library of the Com­ monwealth Forestry Institute, Oxford, and to Mr. J.T. Wassink of the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Amsterdam, for the use of their facilities. Downloaded from Brill.com10/07/2021 02:49:38AM via free access 4 IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. I (1-2), 1980 GENERAL REFERENCE WORKS I G. Clarke, S.H. 1938. A multiple-entry perforated-card key with special reference to the identifica­ tion of woods. New Phytol. 37: 369-74. -- Key developed at Princes Risborough, Eng­ land. List of characters used. K. 2G. Record, S.J. & Chattaway, M.M. 1939. List of anatomical features used in classifying dicotyle­ donous woods. Trop. Woods 57: 11-16. -- Extension of Clarke's 1938 list. 115 characters for use in punched card key. K. 3G. Pfeiffer, J.P. & Varossieau, W.W. 1945. Classification of the structural elements of the second­ ary wood of dicotyledons, using decimal indices for classification and identification of wood species. Blumea 5: 437-89. -- Compares different schemes of classification. Details of de­ cimal scheme. K. 4G. Varossieau, W.W. 1948. Identification of wood species with the aid of the Hollerith system. Blumea6: 229-42. -- Comparison with Clarke's (1938) edge-punched card system. K. 5G. Metcalfe, C.R. & Chalk, L. 1950. Anatomy of the dicotyledons. 2 vols. Clarendon Press: Ox­ ford. 1500 pp. -- Micro. Wood anatomy described for each family, with data on individual genera (original and from literature). Lists of families with selected anatomical features. No keys. Diagrammatic figs. (x50, x95). Valuable bibliography. Vol. I of 2nd edn., 1980. Vol. 2 (including general section on wood anatomy) in preparation. K. 6G. Eeckhout, L. 1951. Beknopt overzicht van de terminologie gebruikt bij de anatomische be­ schrijving en de identificatie van de houtsoorten. Meded. Lab. Houttechnol., Gent, No.3, 38 pp. (Translation by H.E. Kijlstra in Trans!. CSIRO, Aust., No. 1767, 21 pp.) -- Explana­ tion of terms and use of decimal classification system for identifying woods. (Trans!. Oxf.) 7G. Huber, B. 1951. Mikroskopische Untersuchung von Holzern. pp. 79-192 in: Handbuch der Mi­ kroskopie in der Technik (ed. Freund, H.) V. Teil 1. Umschau Verlag: Frankfurt. -- Char­ acters for punched card keys described and illustrated. Photos. K. 8G. Yatsenko-Khmelevsky, A.A. 1954. (Foundation and methods of the anatomical investigation of wood.) Akad. Nauk SSSR: Moscow. 337 pp. (Russian) 9G. Trendelenburg, R. & Mayer-Wegelin, H. 1955. Das Holz als Rohstoff. 541 pp. -- General with keys to European gymnosperm and dicot. woods. lOG. Bianchi, A. T.J. 1956. Houtherkenning voor de praktijk. (lnleiding tot de herkenning van loof­ houtsoorten, met de loupe.) Meded. Kon. Inst. Tropen. No. 114, Afd. trop. prod. No. 44: 84 pp. -- Macro. Brief descriptions of some important woods. No key. Some photos. K. IIG. Boureau, E. 1956-7. Anatomie vegetale. Vols. II-III. Presse Univ. de France: Paris, pp. 333- 524; 525-752. -- Vo!. II conifer woods. Vo!. III dicot. woods. K. 12G. IAWA 1964. Multilingual glossary of terms used in wood anatomy. Committee on Nomen­ clature, IA WA. 186 pp. -- English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Serbo­ Croat. K. 13G. Anon. 1965. Nomenclature generale des bois tropicaux. Ass. Tech. Intn. Bois Trop.: Nogent­ sur-Marne, France. 283 pp. 14G. WagenfUhr, R. 1966. Anatomie des Holzes, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Holztech­ nik. Fachbuchverlag: Leipzig. 377 pp. -- Textbook of wood anatomy. Many photos (x30, x65, x75). Figs. 15G. Braun, H.J. 1970. Funktionelle Histologie der sekundiiren Sprossachse. I. Das Holz. Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie IX. I. Borntraeger: Berlin & Stuttgart. 190 pp. -- K. 16G. Huber, B. 1970. Lichtmikroskopische Untersuchungen von Holzern, besonders die Bestim­ mung ihrer systematischen ZugehOrigkeit. pp. 37-108 in: Handbuch der Mikroskopie in der Technik (cd. Freund, H.) V. Teill. Umschau Verlag: Frankfurt. 2nd edn. -- Characters for punched card keys etc. Photos. K. 17G. Jane, F.W., revised by Wilson, K. & White, D.J.B. 1970. The structure of wood. A. & C. Black: London. 2nd edn. 478 pp. (I st edn. 1956). -- Textbook with sections on identification and techniques. K. 18G. Stern, W.L. & Chambers, K.L. 1970. The citation of wood specimens and herbarium vouchers in anatomical research. Taxon 9: 7 -13. K. 19G. Rendle, B.J. 1969-70. World timbers. 3 vols. E. Benn: London. 191 + 150 + 175 pp. -- No anatomy. Coloured plates of woods. K. 20G. Dechamps, R. 1971. Com prendre I'anatomie du bois: etude descriptive du xyleme des vege­ taux angiospermes dicotyledones. Mus. roy. Afr. Cent.: Tervuren, Belgium. 104 pp. -­ Macro-and microscopical characters described and illustrated (109 photos). Downloaded from Brill.com10/07/2021 02:49:38AM via free access IAWABulletinn.s., Vol. 1(1-2), 1980 5 21 G. Normand, D. 1972. Manuel d'identification des bois commerciaux. I. Generalites. Centre Tech. forest. trop.: Nogent-sur-Marne, France. 171 pp. -- Instructions for preparing punched card key. K. 22G. Dechamps, R. (transl. and revised by Baas, P.). 1973. How to understand the structure of hardwood. Mus. roy. Afr. Cent.: Tervuren, Belgium. 71 pp. -- Macro- and microscopical characters described and illustrated. K. 23G. Desch, H.E. 1973. Timber: its structure and properties. MacMillan: London. 5th edn. (4th edn. 1968). -- Macro. 36 commercial timbers. No key. Figs. (xiS). 24G. Bosshard, H.H. 1974. Holzkunde. Band I. Mikroskopie und Makroskopie des Holzes. Birkhau­ ser Verlag: Basel & Stuttgart. 224 pp. -- Textbook with spp. descriptions (European and imported woods) and key to central European woods. Some figs. and photos. 25G. Anon. 1974. Nomenclature of commercial timbers, including sources of supply. BS 881 & 589. British Standards Institution. 87 pp. -- Latin names, standard and trade names. K. 26G. Stern, W.L. 1978. Index xylariorum. Institutional wood collections of the world. 2. Taxon 27: 233-69. (See also Trop. Woods 106: 1-29. 1957; Taxon II: 105-6. 1962; Regnum Vege­ tabile 49: 1-36. 1967.) -- Lists addresses, scope of collections, vouchers, whether samples or microscope slides available. K. 27G. Core, H.A., Cote, W.A. & Day, A.C. 1979. Wood-structure and identification. Syracuse Wood Sci. Series 6, Syracuse Univ. Press. 2nd edn. 182 pp. (1st edn. 1976). See also 297. Panshin & de Zeeuw 1970 under America, North. Selected references on diagnostic features 28G. Record, S.l. 1936. Classification of various anatomical features of dicotyledonous woods. Trop. Woods 47: 12-27. -- Lists of families and genera showing 12 selected features.
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