SEPTEMBER 26, 1964 SEVENTIETH YEAR 50 CENTS Yorke Is Setting Up Colpix in Hollyw'd NEW YORK-Bob Yorke has He'll he reporting to Burt taken over direction of Colpix Schneider, executive vice-presi- Records. The former vice-presi- dent of Screen Gems, a Colum- dent in charge of artists and bia Pictures affiliate. repertoire at RCA Victor planed Yorke's desire to move the Bulbo in from California, where he's record company's base of opera- The International Music -Record NewsweekIy setting up headquarters for the tions to the Coast is based partly label. on the fact that he recently Radio-TV Programming Phono -Tap Mrchandlaing Coln Machin* Oprating Yorke will he commuting be- bought a home in San Marino, tween Hollywood and New on the outskirts of Los Angeles. York until such time as head- It's reported that he'll he get- quarters for the Columbia label ting an annual salary of can he found in the film city. 535,00(> for heading Colpix. At that time, the firm will swing It's also been reported that Capitol Acquires 2 More its operations base to the Coast. Colpix has been having some The record division, which rough times and dropped an also includes the Dimension la- estimated $5)0,(100 in the past bel is now completely autono- one and a half years. Kirshner B'way Casters; Lead Field mous, having been separated had been heading the record from the music publishing divi- company activities for the past the By MIKE GROSS Choice," which has a book by thing More" to ABC -Paramount, sion a few weeks ago when Don 15 months. He came into when Ketti Frings, is scheduled for a "I Had a Ball" to Mercury and Kirshner was made president of Columbia Pictures orbit NEW YORK Capitol Rec- Broadway opening in the spring "Baker Street" to MGM. the publishing operation solely. the film company bought his - Yorke's title as head of the rec- land Al Neveins) Aldon Music ords jumped ahead of the com- of 1965, and "Skyscraper," with The upcoming season marks petition last week in the race a book by Peter Stone, is sched- ord division will he decided and Dimension Records for an Mercury's step-in as a potent upon on Monday (Sept. 21). estinutted $2,000,000. for original Broadway cast al- uled for a premiere in the fall factor through its decision to be- bums with the acquisition of the of 1965. come an angel. Thus far Mer- upcoming Cy Feuer -Ernest H. Columbia Records is currently cury's original cast album acqui- Martin productions of "Hobson's running second in the Broad- sitions have cost nearly $195,- Choice" and Skyscraper." This way musical sweepstakes. It has 000: $150,000 to "I Had a Ball" pickup, which is a result of two shows so far-"Bajour" and and about $45,000 to "Gogo Two Dealers in L.A. Capitol's partnership deal with "Kelley." Columbia's investment Loves Yott." Feuer and Martin, now gives the is reported to be hitting the company four cast albums for $200,000 mark: $50.000 for Record company investment, as a separate entity or through Drop Franchise Plan the 1964-1965 season. Already "Kelly" and $150,000 for "Ba - in Capitol's hopper are "Golden jour.' parent company affiliation as MGM Records with Metro and LOS first Angeles it up and do Boy" and "Ben Franklin in RCA Victor, ABC -Paramount ANGELES - The to pick the Paris." MGM and Mercury are running ABC -Paramount with American two stores signed by the Dis- billing also, it's not worthwhile." Broadcasting - Paramount The- count Record Center chain as The latch-on to "Hobson's neck -and -neck with one Broad- No Floor Treffis way show apiece but Mercury aters, is now well over the one franchises have quietly severed Choice" and "Skyscraper" will million mark and there arc still their ties with the organization. probably result in an investment has an edge in that it is coming Schilling said people came in out with an original cast album more shows waiting in the just for the advertised sales. in both shows by Capitol but wings. Dropping out of the experi- its financial involvement of an off-Broadway production "They don't build up floor traf- has not The latest label entry into ment are Larry Barnett's Reseda fic," he said. "People evidently yet been set. Capitol, already is "Gogo Loves You." On the Music Mart and Frank Duf- Broadway scene, though, already the Broadway sweepstakes is watch the papers for the spe - the top investor this season with Reprise Records. Late last week ford's Dufford-Kaiser Music in committed are "Fiddler on the (Continued on page 8) $200,000 in "Golden Boy" and it acquired the rights to "The Pasadena, Calif. Barnett held his Roof" to RCA Victor, "Some - another $200,000 in "Ben Committee," an "intimate revue" franchise since last March, Duf- Franklin in Paris." which opened at Henry Miller's ford since April. The two new shows in which on Sept. 16. Reprise is putting Jack Schilling, of Dufford- Capitol is now involved have For Theater Log the original cast album into the K a i s e r, explained Dufford scores by Jimmy Van Heusen grooves tonight (Monday) at the Mrs. Bienstock See Page 3 turned in his franchise "because and Sammy Cahn. "Hobson's Manhattan Center. he felt it wasn't profitable. It was just too much work for the amount of profit received." Dui - Exits Atlantic ford said he wasn't interested in going in as a franchise location NEW YORK-Miriam Bien - Elektra, Folkways Unite on Pkg. again. stock, a substantial stockholder "Sales were all and vice-president of Atlantic By AARON STERNFIELD right and rec- Oct. 10 is "The Folk Box," a who worked closely with Elek- ords sold well enough," Schilling Records, last week resigned her four -record anthology of Amer- tra s Jac Holzman in preparing explained, "but there wasn't any post and is selling her stock to NEW YORK-In what could ican folk music, with an illus- the package. profit. When you sell a $6.98 the firm's remaining sharehold- be a pattern for specialty labels, trated 48 -page book. Holzman began working on ers. Mrs. Bienstock had been two competing record compa- album and you're making 35 Folkways Gets Credit the concept five months ago cents, it's not worth bothering with Atlantic in an executive nies have pooled their resources It will be issued under the when he decided a capacity since the that folk with. When you sell a - firm's incep- to come up with a folk package three Elektra label-with credit to anthology would he a good het record opera at $14 and make tion in 1948. She told Billboard due for release in early October. Folkways given on the album for Christmas sales if he could $1, and you have to go to I.os (Continued on page 8) The labels are Elektra and cover-and distributed through get one out by early October. Folkways. The unprecedented Elektra outlets exclusively. $10 List move involves using the superior Folkways' contribution in- The package, as he conceived merchandising and distribution cludes about 30 of the 83 songs it, would list for less than $10, THE SUPREMES, Motown Records sensational singing group, are veterans of machinery of one label and the in the anthology, lithographs contain four LP's with four many Billboard Hot 100 charts. They are currently riding high with "Where rich catalog of the other. for the hook and the guiding hours of playing time, carry a Did Our Love Go?" Their new album (by the same name) and new single, Scheduled for release about hand of the label's Moe Asch, (Continued on page 8) "Baby Love," will be released this week. (Advertisement) Teen -Beat Soars on LP Chart NEW YORK - The Teen - over into pop market analysis music accounts tor 17 listings. heat, an accepted factor in the and in the current chart it has and jazz follows with 15 LP's. singles market, has now got a placed six of its packages among Leading the teen -beat fires grip take- on the album field. the best sellers. over are packages by the According to the Billboard's The pop field still leads, Beatles, of course. The group "Top LP's" chart in the current though, with 67 albums; folk has three hits on Capitol, one issue, the teen -beat packages on United Artists and one on have moved approximately 18 IIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII Vee Jay. Following the Beatles per cent ahead of its ranking is the Dave Clark Five with during a similar period last year DEAN three of its Epic albums among with 45 album in a SHOW TO positions the best sellers. The Beach Boys listing covering 150 top selling SALUTE C&W are spearheading the Yankee packages. Last year, the teen - predominance beat captured on the list with 32 listings out of NASHVILLE-"The Jimmy five of its Capitol the 150. albums. The Dean Show" will salute country Four Seasons follow with two The move -in of the teen -beat music on its Nov. 5 show over LP clicks on the Vee Jay label this be ABC-TV. The program will be year can credited to the and one on Philips. Roy Orbi - British push. Of the 45 teen - taped in Nashville on Oct. 29. son (Monument), Mary Wells beat albums listed, 17 are of Guest stars for the country mu- (Motown) and the Kingsmen English origination (five by the sic telecast are now being (Wand) are tied with two each.
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