BEFORE THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION In the Matter of RESPONSE OF MINNESOTA CITIZENS CONCERNED FOR LIFE COFNITTEE FOR A PRO-LIFE CONGRESS AND JACQUELINE A. scmImz, ITS TREASWER A. ... Comes now Jacqueline Schwietz, under oath, ,her own behalf 8 .. and on behalf of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Committee , ... ::.. ,.~ -~ for a Pro-Life Congress and hereby responses to the Subpoena to ....... .~. Produce Documents and Order to Submit Written Answers of the ..... .. Federal Election Commission, as follows: INTERROGATORIES 1. State whether any officer, director, employee or consultant of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Committee for a Pro-Life Congress ("MCCL PAC)" communicated in 1992 with Paul Coverdell or any officer, director, employee, or consultant of Paul Coverdell's 1992 U.S. Senate campaign. If so, %or each communi- cation, identify all persons involved, state the date or approxi- mate date of the communication, and describe the purpose of the communication. Answer: No 2. State whether any officer, director employee or consultant of MCCL PAC communicated in 1992 with any officer, director, employee, or consultant of the National Republican Senatorial Committee including but not limited to, Curt Anderson, Paul Curcio, Enoh Ebong, Jeb Hensarling, and Phil Grarnm. If so, for each communication, identify all persons involved, state the date of approximate date of the communication, and describe the purpose of the communication. Answer: No. 3. State whether any, officer, director, employee or consultant of MCCL PAC communicated in 1994 with Rod Grams or any officer, director, employee, or consultant of Rod Grams' 1994 Senate campaign. If so, for each communication, identify all persons involved, state the date or approximate date of the communica- tion, and describe the purpose of the communication. Answer: No. 4. State whether any officer, director employee or consultant of MCCL PAC communicated in 1994 with any officer, director, employee, or consultant of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, including, but not limited to, Paul Curcio, Liz Owen, William Harris, David Carney and Phil Gramm. If so, for each communication, identify all persons involved, state the date or approximate date of the communication, and describe the purpose of the communication. Answer: No. 5. Identify all MCCL PAC officers, directors, employees, consultants or volunteers who were involved in any way in MCCL ..~.~ Pac's contributions to, and independent expenditures on behalf ....... of, Paul Coverdell in 1992. Briefly describe each person's role. ..... ~ ! 2 ...,., Answer: Jackie Schwietz and Mary Schmit. Jackie Schwietz .. wrote the checks and Mary Schmit had knowledge of the checks. .: 6. Identify all MCCL PAC officers, directors, employees, consultants or volunteers who were involved in any way in MCCL PAC's contributions to, and independent expenditures on behalf of, Rod Grams in 1994. Briefly describe each person' role. Answer: Jackie Schwietz, Marice Rosenberg, Mary Schmit, Ruby Kubista, Tam Helmin, Kathi Roberts and Christina Diaz. .. ~ Jackie Schwietz, Marice Rosenberg and Mary Schmit planned the ..... .. contribution and independent expenditure. Ruby Kubista and Kathi in.:: Roberts planned the literature drop. Tam Helmin did the art work. Christina Diaz bought the ad space. 7. Identify all vendors or other person involved in the GOTV phone calling for Rod Grams for which MCCL PAC made reimburse- ments to the MCCL General Fund on November 17, 1994 (see Attachment 1). Answer: Life-Tel and Optima. 8. Identify the source of the list(s) use in the GOTV phone calls conducted by or on behalf of MCCL PAC for Rod Gram's 1994 U.S. Senate election in Minnesota. Answer: lists rented from MCCL. PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 1. Produce all documents that in any way contain, or refer or relate to, any communication in 1992 between any officer, direc- tor, employee or consultant of MCCL PAC and any officer, direc- tor, employee or consultant of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, including but not limited to, Curt Anderson, Paul Curcio, Enoh Ebong, Jeb Hensarling and Phil Gramm. 2 Response: None. 2. Produce all documents that in any way contain, or refer or relate to, any communication in 1992 between any officer, direc- tor, employee and consultant of MCCL PAC and Paul Coverdell or any officer, employee or consultant of the Paul Coverdell's 1992 U.S. Senate campaign. Response: Attachment A. 3. Produce all documents that in any way contain, or refer or relate to, any communication in 1994 between any officer, direc- tor, employee or consultant of MCCL PAC and any officer, direc- tor, employee or consultant of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, including but not limited to, Paula Curcioi William Harris, David Carney, Phil Gramm and Liz Owen. Response: None. 4. Produce all documents that in any way contain, or refer or relate to, any communication in 1994 between any officer, direc- tor, employee or consultant of MCCL PAC and Rod Grams or any officer, director, employee or consultant of Rod Grams' 1994 U.S. Senate campaign. Response : None. 5. Produce all documents that in any way contain, or refer or relate to, MCCL PAC contributions to, and independent expendi- tures on behalf of, Paul Coverdell for the 1992 election U.S. Senate election in Georgia, including the November 24, 1992 runoff election. The documents produced should include, but no be limited to, contracts with vendors and consultants or other contractors; scripts used in polls, surveys, GOTV phone calls, or radio and television ads; voter guides; print advertisements; any documents contained in any direct mailings and any correspon- dence, memo or notes. Response: Attachment A. 6. Produce all documents that in any way contain, or refer or relate to, MCCL PAC contributions to, and independent expendi- tures on behalf of, Rod Gram's 1994 election for U.S. Senate in Minnesota. The documents produced should include contracts with vendors and consultants or other contractors; scripts used in polls, surveys, GOTV phone calls, or radio and television ads; voter guides; print advertisements; any documents contained in any direct mailings; and any correspondence, memo or notes. Response: Attachment B. 3 I, Jacqueline A. Schwietz, being duly sworn, make the statements contained in this response on behalf of myself and Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Committee for a Pro-Life Congress to the best of my personal knowledge, information and belief, under penalty of perjury. Y STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNIPEN ) Before me, a Notary Public in and for said State and County, personally appeared Jacqueline A. Schwietz, and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument and made oath that the information provided therein was made to the best of his personal knowledge, information and belief, and, where based on informa- tion and belief, he believes the information to be true. R Witness my hand and notarial seal this 6. /Y -- day of !..< ....... ;L' &i&( _, 1997. Y Notary Public My Commission Expires : 4 .. ...!- ;l ..... ... .."< ATTACHME A ..... i ..... ...~ .~. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55400 PAY OROEROF ... .%cW"m1- )lml)3.>- . .. ......5. .. .. ...~. .. ~. .. ...- ~.. ... .~. .. .. .... .. ~~ . .. .... FOR COMMITTEE FOR A PRO-LIFE CONGRESS %t::z MCCUMINNESOTA CITIZENS CONCERNED FOll LIFE, INC 4249 NlCOLLEl AVE.. S L,,, MINUEAPOLIS. MN 5-00 1 ?3tj;. :. 1 5 3 '9 5'3 COMMITTEE FOR A PRO-LIFE CONGRESS &:::: Y3C","ISS:Jk~Z~ll~€NS CONCERNED FOR LIFE. INC h.ol. MINNEAPOLIS. MN 5yoO FOR-- - LILY A PRO-LIFE CONGRESS CUMINIIESOTA CITIZENS CONCCnNED FOR LIFE INC 49 NICOLLEI *YE S c ! .~-. .. ~ ... ... .. ..... ... .. ... .. .. .. .-.. 2121 MMlTTEE FOR A PRO-LIFE CONGRESS I MINNESOTA CIl12ENS COllCEANED FOR LlFE. INC NICOLET AVE , S dnow L EAPOLIS. MN 55W3 .~~~ ~ 19 .. !.... ..~. ~ .. ! .. .. FOR- : ... .. !: ..~ ,.. ...~ A800110M 2123 .~.... COMMITTEE FOR A PRO-LIFE CONGRESS M$$$!;EvCIT;ZENS CONCCANED FOR LIFE. INC hool YlNNEAPOLlS MN 554- 1.'111111, .~.. .. :-~ FOR ___~ ~ I ."n.r,nu ..... .. .. .. .. .. .-.. FOR -. 11'002L3S~' 1:09 b0 L6 ._ . _.--I ..-. INVOICE DATE 09/12/94 MAIL HANDLING INCORPORATED INVOICENO. 055130 SALESMAN NO. TERMS Met 0 Lv5 CIIRTOUFR P ~3 NO SHIP TO: ncci ACCL 4249 Wicollet Avenue 3261 4249 fiicolfct Avenuff , Hinneapolis 111 55409 ninneaool is HH 55409 bkb Printing 4-114 1 II Cards Printed Black h PHS 032/2 Sides JOB TICKETNO. CUSTOMER COPY MILHANOLING INCORPORATED ~~~ 7550 CORPORATE WAY * EOEN PRAIRIE MN 55344-2045 - 6121975-5000 Page 1 CUSTOMER P.Q. NO. 1 -. SHiPrQ #inneapoIis Post Office llnd 4249 Micollet Avenue St. Paul Post O6fite flinneapolis Rod 6ralss Hailing 419.847 Cass Certification 2.50 %19Q09.b2 419.947 Postal Sor ta t ion 1.06 $4 19. a5 419.847 Create Ink Jet File 0.50 $209,92 I Split Into SCF llrops 125.9s 512S.95 419.047 Railing Service 14.50 %6,087.78 I Ink Jet Set-Up 15.00 $75.00 I Add'l. For Red Political Tag5 209.93 9209.93 I Deli very Charge 15.06 135.00 St. Paui Post Office Oplivery 45.00 145.00 ua . SALEAMOUNT I CUSTOMER COPY THE SPECIA IRECr MAIL PkWDUCTION INVOlCE DATE 10/26/94 .MAL HANDLING INCORPORATED INVOICE NO. Q35595 SAL- NO. TERMS 7550 CORPORATE WAY - EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344-2045 61?/¶7C5oW Page 1 CUSTOMER P.O. NO. hLLTO lCCL snip TO 4249 Nicollet Avenue Minneapolis 1M 55409 3261 i 421.000 Web Printing I 14.40 1 fb,Olb.llO 8-112 X 11 Brochure LittIe 6irI Needs I 'This Your Help Tuesday, Wnv. 8" Pa- (JOBTICKETNO. 11948 L CUSTOMER COPY . .~ .~ .. ... I 2172 AOOP11011 COMMITTEE FOR A PRO-LIFE CONGRESS MCCUMiNNESOlA CIWEHS CONCERNED FOR LIFE. INC. 1249 NlCOLLEl AVE.. S drcDu IAINNEAPOUS. HN 5- .-. .. -. .n 2182 LIOIIIIOW COMMITEE FOR A PRO-LIFE CONGRESS MC",Y$k4FZI:.,';ZENS CONCERNED FOA LIFE, INC. -L,,B MINNEAPOLIS, MN 51409 #- IC0 !e 2184 ~OO.110W COMMITTEE FOR A PRO-LIFE CONGRESS MCCVHINNESOTI CITIZENS CONCERNED FOR LIFE. INC. ,269 NlCOLLEl AVE , S -u un UINNEAWUS. MN S5#9 /&w> 5 78a I I__. - 2185 COMMITTEE FOR A PRO-LIFE CONGRESS "' MCCUMlNNESOlA WENSCONCERNED MRLIFE.
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