How rare is rare? Quantifying and assessing the rarity of the bush dog Speothos venaticus across the Amazon and other biomes T ADEU G. DE O LIVEIRA,FERNANDA M ICHALSKI,ANDRÉ L. M. BOTELHO L INCOLN J. MICHALSKI,ARMANDO M. CALOURO and A RNAUD L. J. DESBIEZ Abstract The bush dog Speothos venaticus is a medium- Keywords Amazon, bush dog, camera trap, conservation, sized Neotropical canid. It is considered to be rare and its group size, rarity, relative abundance, Speothos venaticus biology and population parameters are still poorly under- To view supplementary material for this article, please visit stood. The Amazon is one of the main strongholds of this https://doi.org/./S species and is important for maintaining viable populations, as the region still holds extensive tracts of pristine habitat. We gathered field data from camera-trap studies throughout the Brazilian Amazon to estimate the relative abundance Introduction of the species and gain an understanding of its rarity, and how this compares with estimates from other vegetative for- he bush dog Speothos venaticus is a medium-sized mations and for sympatric hypercarnivores. We focused on T(c. kg) Neotropical canid that lives in packs. The spe- three pristine or partially disturbed sites and one fragmen- cies’ biology and population characteristics are poorly ted site. The estimated relative abundance of the species was understood, and it is one of the least known carnivores in – . individuals per trap-days, confirming that South America (Eisenberg & Redford, ; Zuercher ’ the species is rare. The bush dog s abundance in the et al., ; DeMatteo & Loiselle, ). Most information Amazon is equivalent to that in all other areas outside the available on the species in Brazil comes from opportunistic Basin. The mean group size recorded was c. individuals. observations (e.g. Peres, ; Silveira et al., ; Rocha There were no differences in group sizes between forests in et al., ; Michalski et al., a), and it has only recently the Amazon and in other regions of Central America; how- become the subject of longer-term studies (Lima et al., , ever, there were significant differences between forests and , ). open habitats. A combination of competition/predation, The bush dog is recognized as being a rare carnivore habitat structure/integrity, and disease may be acting syner- (Zuercher et al., ; Oliveira, ; DeMatteo et al., gistically in determining the abundance and rarity of bush ), and is categorized as Near Threatened on the IUCN dogs. Red List (DeMatteo et al., ) and Vulnerable in Brazil (Jorge et al., ). The Amazon Basin represents the species’ main geographical range and is important for its long-term conservation (e.g. Zuercher et al., ; Oliveira, ). Currently, the Amazon has sufficient suitable habitat to TADEU G. DE OLIVEIRA* (Corresponding author) Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Cidade Universitária Paulo VI – Caixa maintain a genetically viable population of bush dogs Postal 09, São Luís, Maranhão, 65055-000, Brazil. E-mail [email protected] (Oliveira, ). FERNANDA MICHALSKI† Instituto Pró-Carnívoros, Atibaia, São Paulo, Brazil The Amazon Basin is the largest tract of lowland rainfor- ANDRÉ L. M. BOTELHO‡ Mestrado em Ecologia e Manejo de Recursos Naturais, est, although many areas are under pressure from ongoing Campus Universitário Rodovia, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil habitat loss and fragmentation as a result of human en- LINCOLN J. MICHALSKI Faculdade de Itaituba, Itaituba, Pará, Brazil croachment and development activities, especially along ARMANDO M. CALOURO Universidade Federal do Acre, Centro de Ciências the so-called deforestation arc (Nogueira et al., ; Silva Biológicas e da Natureza, Campus Universitário–Rodovia, Rio Branco, Acre, et al., ). To date, .% of the original forest cover has Brazil been lost in the Brazilian Amazon alone (INPE, ) and ARNAUD L. J. DESBIEZ Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, Murrayfield, further decline is predicted (e.g. a reduction to % of the Edinburgh, UK original cover by ; Soares-Filho et al., ). The *Also at: Instituto Pró-Carnívoros, Parque Edmundo Zanoni, Atibaia, São Paulo, Brazil Amazon provides a safe haven for species that range within †Also at: Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação de Vertebrados, Universidade its boundaries (Rodrigues & Oliveira, ), by a combin- Federal do Amapá, Macapá, Amapá, Brazil ation of extensive tracts of primary forest and a network ‡Also at: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Acre. Campus Avançado Baixada do Sol, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil of protected areas. However, given the current rate of defor- Received January . Revision requested April . estation and the number of existing and proposed hydro- Accepted June . First published online October . electric dams (Tundisi et al., ; INPE, ) there is Oryx, 2018, 52(1), 98–107 © 2016 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605316000624 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 01 Oct 2021 at 00:35:22, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0030605316000624 How rare is rare? 99 likely to be a major shift in the ecological landscape towards tributaries (George et al., ). The Amapá National many isolated and fragmented habitats; for example, . Forest, in the north-east, is a sustainable-use area compris- million ha of forest are expected to be flooded as a result ing continuous tropical rainforest vegetation, predominant- of the construction of hydroelectric dams (Fearnside, ly never-flooded terra firme forest, with some areas of ), representing % of the total area of the Brazilian flooded forest, bamboo and rocky outcrops (Michalski Amazon (FAO, ), which will contribute directly to et al., b). The Alta Floresta site is located along the de- widespread extinction of vertebrates (Benchimol & Peres, forestation arc of the Amazon and includes terra firme forest ). fragments of varying sizes, shapes and degrees of connectiv- The detection and study of cryptic or elusive species has ity (Michalski et al., ). become easier and more reliable with the advent of camera trapping. Although the technique has drawbacks for certain species, such as arboreal or very small species, it has been Methods utilized effectively to study several mammalian carnivores and has proved a reliable source of data for estimating rela- Defining rarity tive abundance and population density (Carbone et al., ; A rare species is one that is uncommon, scarce or encoun- O’Brien et al., ;O’Connell et al., ; Oliveira, ; tered infrequently (Gaston, ). For the purpose of this Kasper et al., ). Although the rarity of bush dogs is wide- study we define a rare species as one for which the number ly acknowledged, there is no specific quantitative measure of of camera-trap records is low, which is an inherent reflec- abundance, nor has the abundance of bush dogs been com- tion of low density and small population size (Rabinowitz, pared with that of other sympatric hypercarnivores. The ap- ). This definition has been used in other studies of parent rarity and distribution of this canid could be a mammals (Cofré & Marquet, ; Yu & Dobson, ; product of competitive interactions with the puma Puma Harcourt et al., ). We assessed camera-trap data concolor, jaguar Panthera onca, and possibly ocelot (photographic records) from our study sites (Fig. ) and Leopardus pardalis (Oliveira & Pereira, ), as they for several uncommon and elusive species in the share similar prey species (Oliveira, ; Zuercher et al., Neotropics (e.g. Martins et al., ; Tobler et al., ; ; Lima et al., ; Oliveira et al., ). To address Negrões et al., ; Pimenta, ; Botelho, ; these issues we estimated the relative abundance of bush Oliveira et al., ; Borges et al., ). Difficult-to-detect dogs in the Brazilian Amazon and compared it with those species such as the short-eared dog Atelocynus microtis, in other biomes and potential sympatric competitors/preda- giant armadillo Priodontes maximus and giant anteater tors to assess the long-term conservation and persistence Myrmecophaga tridactyla were all recorded at rates of no prospects of the species in this area. more than . records per trap-days. Thus, we con- sidered species with , . records per trap-days to be rare. Study area The study focused on four sites in the south-west, central, Bush dog abundance south-central, and north-east of the Brazilian Amazon (Fig. ). Three of these were mostly pristine (with slight dis- The location and arrangement of cameras was targeted turbance; i.e. , % alteration by human activity, such as fire towards mammalian carnivores. All cameras were spaced or logging) and one was fragmented. The study site at Alto .– km apart and typically positioned at – cm height Tarauacá Extractive Reserve, in the south-west, is in an area along forest trails, riparian forest/stream banks, and at other of open and closed rainforest with alluvial seasonally sites where carnivores were likely to be detected. The proto- flooded forest and some degree of disturbance related to col used for camera placement was based on the objective of the latex extraction industry. The sites surveyed in the gathering data on the abundance of carnivores and other Reserve included areas where subsistence hunting had low mammals, and cameras were placed at optimum distances and high impact (Botelho, ). The mid-Tapajós/ from the focal area to capture all mammals, and particularly Amazonia National Park area in central Amazonia is char- bush dogs (mean shoulder height – cm; Zuercher et al., acterized by a humid equatorial climate and hilly terrain ). This protocol was also followed to capture data on with a mosaic of rainforest vegetation types. We used smaller (, kg) mammals, such as small rodents and mar- study areas both within and outside the park. The area is supials. Thus, we predicted the camera-trap sampling proto- dominated by tall terra firme forest (– m) interspersed col would provide a robust representation of how common by areas of lower forest and lianas (– m). There is also an or rare carnivores were in these areas.
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