Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 10-1-1949 UA19/17/4 Football Program - WKU vs Evansville WKU Athletics Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Recommended Citation WKU Athletics, "UA19/17/4 Football Program - WKU vs Evansville" (1949). WKU Archives Records. Paper 652. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/652 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NG GREEN, C~Y ESTERN SATURDAY NIGHT 8 P. M. - I ...... I .LLII Cents • . N'! 1804 Ever\bod\, , Reads The W KCT W KCT I ,000 W A'ITS NEWS MUSIC Park City Daily Ne\vs 930 COVERAGE On YOllr Dial Carpenter - Dent - Sublett COlnpany C. D. S. NO.1 C. D. S. NO.2 C. D. S. NO. 6 C. D. S. NO.4 Emory Dukes, Mgr A. R. Douglas, M gr. Leichhardt Bros .. Mgr~ . 1vI. A. Vilug'hn. Mgr. 401 Park Row 901 College Street Main and SLale Strf'eLs Wlh ancl Stu le Sts, It's HERMAN LOWE & CO . Dollar Bros. Shoe Co. In Bowling Green For wthon Sports Equ~pme!1t FINE SHOES Moore's Paint- Photo Supplies Fitted by X-Ray Everything For SPOTts Ccmer State and Tenth Sts, Bcwling Green, K v, Phone 486 "Sontile1'n Kenwcky's Leading DelJCll'tment SIol'e" AS USUAL OLD FRIENDS Bowling Green Bank & Trust Co . WI LL MEET AT THE Bowling Green, K~' , "A Gl'Ow ing Bank & Tmst Co, UlV7VERSfl"Y flyN Steaks And Freezer Fresh Ie:) Cre:::m In A GTOwing CommHnilll" Are Cur Specialties BORDERS PURE IVIILK COIvlPANy- Phone S91 WESTERN'S 1949 COACHING STAFF "- HEAD COACH JACK CLAYTON ASST. COACH FRANK GRIFFIN ASST. COACH TlIRNER ELROD Coach Clayton and his two assistants after a week of hard, serious work with the Hilltoppers tonight are sending their charges against the Evansville Purple Aces in an attempt to get in the win column after last week's defeat at the hands of the University of Louisville in the 1949 season opener for Western. This meeting will be the first of the campaign for the Hilltoppers against an Ohio Valley Conference member. Last year Coach Don Ping's team were co-champions of the loop with the Murray Thoroughbreds and the veteran coach has back almost the same team which carried off a share of the league football title. Next Saturday night the Hilltoppers will take on a second OVC team when they meet the Morehead Eagles here in the Western Stadium. This football program published by the College Heights Herald, Official publication of the West­ ern Ky. State College Alumni Association. If You Can't Travel With The Hilltoppers Tune In WLBJ OR W BON -WLBJ's New FM Station MEMBER MUTUAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM THE GOALPOST " HUB OF THE HI L L" - WESTERN"'S SEN IORS Lewis B'ean- Tackle N ick Diachenko-Center Loui. Snider - Guard F rank W all h ei ser- End Shirley U n derwood-End K en",- "~ m old-Tarklf Sonny Jones-Back The Most Beautif1tl L adies S hop In BO 'II'li11g Green 431 Park Row Phone 13, ALLEN MOTOR COMPANY Your CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Deale?' For 25 YeMs 416-418 lIth St. "Better Used Cars" Phone 1584 or 2112 WESTERN'S SENIORS Dan Ward- B ack D ale Sch renk-B ack H al T aylor-B ack Fred Cl ayton - B ack J ewel Browni n g-End Arnold Robinson-Guard H arold M urphy-B ack HelIn . Hotel Coffee Shop Bo w ling Green's Smart Eating Place Go H itttoppers Go' We're For You Warren County Hard-ware Company SPORT SHOP Phone 328 934 State Street Everything For The Athlete Sho\\-n here are four of West­ ern's major backfield threats. Leaping into the air to get off a pass is Jim Pickens, first string quarterback, who oper­ ates the Hilltopper T-formation attack. Shown in the top circle is Fred Clayton, burly 205-pound line smashing fullback, from :vradisonville, K entucky. Second is Sonny Jones, speedy little 165-pound left halfback from Louisville, Kentucky, who was one of the Hilltoppers' lead­ ing ground gainers last season. In the bottom circle is Hal Tay lor. right halfback from Louisville. He was the leading scorer for Western last year with 42 points. Tonight against Evansville the Hilltoppers will be trying for their first win of the 1949 cam­ paign in the Ohio Valley Con­ ference h a v i n g dropped the opener last Saturday to the Uni\'ersity of Louisville Cardi­ nals 47 -7. Following the en­ gagement with Co a c h Don Ping's Purple Aces, Western will take on another OVC op­ ponent next Saturday night here in the Western Stadium when the :\10rehead Eagles come in. BEST WISHES TO THE From the "Kentucky's Best Football Team" BOWLING GREEN LAUNDRY COMPANY Phone 700 " Kentucky's Best Cleanel's" 929 Center WESTERN ROSTER No. Name Pos. l'leig ht Age WI. Class Home Address 20 Smith, Bill Back 5'11 " 18 175 Fresh . Evar ts, K y. 21 Lanier. J ohn Cen ter 6' 2 t;!" 26 180 Junior S e. Augustine. Fla. 22 Shor t, S am Back 5' 9 1 ," 20 143 Soph. Birmingh am, Ala . 23 Thompson, Carey Guard 5'11 " 17 180 F resh . Louisville, K y. 24 Price, Williard Tackle 6' 20 190 Fresh . Louisville. K y. 25 Dunn, Bill T ackle 6' 22 180 J unior Lexington , K y. 26 BaUie. T om End 5'11 .. 21 175 Junior Birmingh am , Al a . 27 Fowlkes, Dann y En d 6' 2 " 21 175 Sen ior Dyersburg. T eIUl. 28 Simpson, R. E. Back 5'11 .. 17 160 Fresh . S turgis, K y. 29 T aylor , Ha l Back 5'10 I ~ " 22 170 Junior Louisville. Ky. 30 Smith, Dewey Back 5'10 " 19 170 Soph . "'airda le, K y. 31 Hensgen , Doug Back 5' 9 .. 23 175 Soph. B'owling Green, K y. 32 Robinson, Arnold Gua rd 5'10 " 23 180 Senior Louisville, Ky. 33 Pickens, Jim Back 6' 11f " 22 180 Jun ior Princeton . K y. 34 Sacca , Jim T ackle 6' 2 " 19 198 F resh. Lockpor t. New York 35 McChesney. J ames T ackle 6' 2 .. 20 180 Junior Ma rion. Ky. 36 Osborne, Bob End 6' 2 " 18 165 Fresh. Lcui£vi!1e. K y. 37 Bogdon . Bill Back 6' 1 " 19 180 Soph . Canton, New York 38 Magers, Leo Back 5' 9 " 19 155 Soph. Boys T own , Neb. 39 G lod, G ene Back 5'10 " 21 180 J unior Sou th Bend. Ind. 40 Schrenk, Dale Back 5' 10 1 ~ " 22 180 Sen ior Seymour, Ind. 41 Diachenko. Nick Cen ter 6' 24 190 Senior G ary. W. Va . 42 Bl8n ton, Owen Gua r :! 5' 9 .. 20 180 Jun ior Shelbyville, T enn. 43 Hina , R oy Gua rd 5'11 " 20 180 Junior Sturgis, K y. 44 Hines, J erry Back 5'10 " 19 165 Soph. Hazard. K y. 45 McCool, Ray T ackle 6' 3 " 19 205 Soph . Lawrenceburg, Ind. 46 Cowan , Hel1l'Y End 6' 2 " 20 185 Junior Morganfield , K y. 47 Watson, Willie End 6' 1 .. 22 156 F resh. Prineton, K y. 48 Jones, Sonny Back 5' 81 ~ " 22 160 Senior Louisville, K y. 49 Sowders, John Back 6' 18 170 F resh . Middlesboro. Ky. 50 Underwood, Shirley Back 5'10 " 25 170 Senior Lexington . K y. 51 Davidson, David Cen ter 5'11 " 18 180 Fresh . Louisville, K y. 52 Snider , Louis Gua rd 5' 9 1, " 20 180 Senior Louisville, K y. 53 T alley. J oe Guard 5'1J1 , " 20 190 Jun i0r Bowling G reen . K y. 54 Threet, H oyte T ackle 6' 2 " 22 193 J unicr Shelbyville. T en n . 55 Ward , D an Ba ck 6' 1 .. 24 180 J unior Pensacola , F la. 56 Browning, J ewel En ,1 6' I " 26 190 Senior Madisonville, K y. 57 Wa llhei£er. F rank En d 6' 5 .. 21 190 Senior Shelbyville, K y. 58 Hancl,en, J ohn Back 5' 8 1, " 19 180 Junior Birmingha m. Al a. 59 E i.m er, Bob Back 6' 19 165 Soph . LOl:isville, Ky. 60 Clayton , Fred Back 6' "24 183 Senior Madisonville, K y. 6! Rue. Nelson C e n t,~ r 6' 1 .. 18 190 Fresh . Bowling Green , K y. 62 Newcom. Guy Gua rd 6' 18 175 Fresh . S turgis, K y. 63 G reen, AI G uard 5'10 1, " 21 190 Junier Louisville, Ky. 64 Am okl. K enny T ackle 6' 24 190 Senior F airdale. K y. 65 Bean, Lewis T ackle 6' 25 224 Senior Madisonville, Ky. 66 Feix , J im Back 5'11 " 18 150 Fresh. Hen derson, Ky. 68 Murphy, Harold Back 5'11 " 24 204 Senior Lancaster. K y. Stevens. Max Back 6' 1 " 18 160 Fresh . S turgis. K y. 67 Gilber t, Butch G uar d 6' 19 200 Junio r Bowli n!! G reen . K y. 69 G roshelle. F rank T ackle 6' 3 " 18 260 Fresh . Som erset. K y. BOWLING GREE N COC A-COLA BOTTLING WOR KS, IN C. Probable WESTERN Lineup FB Underwood 50 LHB RHB Simpson Taylor 28 '~9 QB Short 22 LE R E Crowning \\'allheiser 56 57 LT LG C RG RT Arnold S nider G ilbert Talle), Rean 64 52 67 53 65 SQUAD LIST 20 S mith, Bill, b :17 Bogdon, B.
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