Fremantle by-election Westport community information heats up session sparks concern PAGE 3 PAGE 5 GazFremantleette Communitynews.com.au CityTUESDAY, JULY17, 2018 set to zoom in Rego recognition proposal Leah Roberts “The exact number and cameras covering the cap- locations of the new cam- puccino strip, Esplanade THE City of Fremantle will eras will be determinedas Reserve, Kings Square and consider using automatic part of the tender process,” the High Street Mall. numberplate recognition he said. “Consideration is Mr Scanlan said other on all main roads leading also being given to the use crime prevention strategies into the CBD as part of its of automatic numberplate have been applied through CCTV network expansion. recognition to cover all the environment design. The City allocated main roads into the Fre- “The lighting was re- $743,000 in the 2018-19 bud- mantle CBD: Marine Ter- cently upgraded in Princess get to improve coverage in race, South Terrace, Queen May Park,” he said. “A fur- Fremantle after receiving a Victoria Street, High ther $15,000 has been allo- Federal Government Safer Street, Market Street and cated in the budget for Communities Grant of Beach Street.” lighting improvements.” Artist Grace Comeagain (second from right) with SuzannahMacbeth, CaitlinLawton and Renae $928,336. Mr Scanlan said similar Mr Scanlan said the City Boyd. Picture: Martin Kennealey www.communitypix.com.au d484673 The CCTV system is con- technology was used developed its CCTV strate- trolled by the City of Fre- around the world and in gy with Fremantle police. mantle and footage is only other Australian states, “The focus for the strate- released to the police for using infrared cameras to gy was the placement of Painting for apurpose investigation or prosecu- read numberplates. CCTV covering all critical tion purposes. The system scans all ve- infrastructure, crowded MORE than 150 people, support ‘Create Ranger Create Ranger Parks It can also be released to hicles and identifies unreg- places and locations identi- underthe guidanceofIn- Parks’. Ms Comeagain, aYa- spokeswoman and Freman- lawyers and members of istered and stolen vehicles, fied by police intelligence digenous artist Grace matji Wongi woman, said it tle resident Suzannah Mac- the public to defend them- as well as disqualified or within the Fremantle Comeagain, have createda was the first community beth said the painting event selves in court. suspended drivers and CBD,” he said. dot paintinginspired to pro- painting that she had com- was asuccess. Community safety team other “persons of interest”, “Monument Hill was not tect the Australian Outback. pleted. “The paintingwas afun leader Chris Scanlan said such as those with out- aconsideration when the At the Grower’sGreen “The painting shows peo- way to bring Create Ranger the upgrade was expected standing warrants. CCTV Strategy was created Farmer’s Market in Beacons- ple gathering in the ranger Parks supporters together to to be completed by Novem- The City began its CCTV in November 2017; this may field, the Fremantlecommu- parks among animals and show their support,”she ber next year. operation in 2008 with 36 be reconsidered.” nity createdadot paintingto the wildflowers,” she said. said. Josh Wilson ADVERTISEMENT LABORFORFREMANTLE Investing $2.8 billion in public hospitals and restoring $17 billion of funding cut from schools. Guaranteeing TAFE fundingand waiving up-front fees for100,000 TAFE students. Securing local infrastructure—the widening of Spearwood Ave and Kwinana Fwy,the North LakeRoad fly-over, the High Street upgrade,and METRONET’sThornlie to Cockburn rail link. AFAIR GO FOR FREMANTLEAND COCKBURN Learn more on Facebook at Josh 4Fremantle Authorised by MDixon, WA Labor,54Cheriton St, Perth WA 6000 FREMANTLE NEWS........................................1-10 Editor: Denise S. Cahill 92371571 OPINION ......................................9 Deputy Editor: Belinda Cipriano 9237 1419 LIFESTYLE..............................14-17 Reporter: Leah Roberts 9237 1429 WHAT’S ON ................................19 Photographer: Jon Hewson REAL ESTATE........................29-32 Sales Manager:Emma Pratten TRADE DIRECTORY ..............22-23 Advertising Representative: Sharlene Galvin EMPLOYMENT......................24-25 Real Estate Representative CLASSIFIEDS ..............................25 Donna Hamlyn SPORT ........................................26 Motoring Representative: US Emma Pratten PICKS Phone 9237 1000 Email fremantlegazette @communitynews.com.au CT Classifieds: 132013 Distribution: 9237 1630 A E Ourenvironment The crazy bull Published by: Community Newspaper special continued. Miguel Maestre Group,34StirlingStreet Perth 6000 TOR’S and printed by Colourpress NT 54 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA Page 6 comes to Freo. 6017. Editorial Director: Ken Burrowes Page 14 CO EDI INSID Milestones ATTADALE Rotary held its Changeover Dinner at the end of June, during which outgoing president Colin McCulloch handed over the role to Ian Pitt- away for the 2018-19 financial year. Attadale Rotary is involved in the local community as well as overseas projects and warmly welcomes any ladies or men who think they would enjoy meet- ing like-minded people and the friendships that go along with the Rotary ethos in ‘Service Above Self.’ Have amilestone? Tell us at: [email protected] FREMANTLE Completewith our THE ULTIMATE MAGNIFICENT 1 Reverse cycle air-conditioning 2 Westinghouse kitchen appliances 3 Interior &exterior painting MOVE-IN READY 4 Built-in robes 5 Windowtreatments GRANNYFLAT 6 LEDlighting throughout BONUS EXTRAS 7 Floor coverings throughout CHOOSE FROM OVER 20 DESIGNS OR CUSTOMISE $FROM 99,200 YOUR CHOICE OF DOUBLEBRICK OR ACRYLIC RENDEREDMASTERWALL FOR THE SAME PRICE! LIMITED TIME ONLY Call 6365 2920 Search summitgrannyflats.com.au Conditions apply. Images forillustrative purposes only. Perthmetroprices only. PROUDLYPARTOFTHE SUMMIT HOMESGROUP BC 10 NewHomeBuilding | Renovation &Improvements | Developments | Investments | Realty | In-houseFinance 689 2 July 17, 2018 www.communitynews.com.au NEWS 3 Race to the line in by-election POLITICS gionalinvestment,tourism da Cox said Fremantle and and push for FTTP NBN for fees are all investments in Leah Roberts and the implementation of the Cockburn Coast had all homes andbusinesses.” our productive capacity,” the NBN in the West End been forgotten by Metronet. FormerFremantle mem- he said. AS the by-election draws were the biggest issues. “Thegreater Fremantle ber and Laborcandidate “I willcontinuetofight closer, residents going to “A slightly more posi- and the Cockburn coast Josh Wilsonsaid theFre- for afair share of shipbuild- the polling booths on July tive economy would be a areas arefilled with poten- mantle electorateneeded ingwork,and to see Federal 28 are starting to voice their great benefit to the entire tialfor tourism as well as support to strengthen its funds support local railand opinions on what matters region,” she said. investment, withpopula- positioninrelation to so- road transport projects.” most. “It’s been avery difficult tiongrowth requiring phisticated manufacturing, The Gazette reachedout The Gazette asked Fre- periodIthink. transportsystemsand innovation, creative indus- to AustralianChristians mantle chamberofcom- “Freo has been through other moderninfrastruc- tries, education, and candidateMark Staer, Ani- merce chief executive its downturn much longer turesuch as proper rollout tourism. mal Justice Party Katrina OlwynWilliams what she than elsewhere. If we could of fibre to the premises “Laborhas acommit- Love, Liberal Democrats thought were the main is- see and feel investmentin NBN,” she said. ment to a50per centrenew- John Gray, Australia Peo- sues for Fremantle and Freo, investing in our infra- “TheGreenssupport Olwyn Williams. able energy target, the im- ple’s Party James Har- Cockburn residents. structure,the train line passenger rail extending plementation of an NBN foucheand independent Ms Williams said topics from Cockburn to Freo fromFremantle downtothe congestion for commuters. service guarantee, and im- Jason Spanbroeak for com- including regionaldevelop- those kinds of things.” coast, openingupthe area “TheGreenswillinvest proving access to Tafeand mentbut they did not re- ment suchasWestPort, re- Greens candidateDorin- to visitors, and also busting in transportinfrastructure university while reducing spond before deadline. Rising star award for teacher WHAT started as aholiday to teach English to students in Vietnam led former IT professional Sam Murray to teach at the North Fre- mantle School of Early Learning. Last month he was awarded Educational Expe- rience ‘Rising Star’ at the Australian Early Education and Care Awards. The Spearwood resident said that in Vietnam, his wife was offered ajob at a bilingual kindergarten. “When Iwent to the in- terview to drop her off, the COCKBURN manager of the kinder- garten offered her ajob and told me that they also want- ed to give me some work,” he said. “I had athree-year-old pre-kindy class who barely spoke English and Ifound that Ihad aknack for teach- ing the younger years. In addition to teaching, Mr Murray alsopartners with Bicycles for Humanity to collectunwanted bicy- cles and give them to people in need. He said the children were aware of the need for bicycles around the world. “My kindy children have areal sense that with enough (bicycle) spare parts they can help people.” Teacher Sam Murray. Picture: Jon Hewson www.communitypix.com.au d484462 BOOK YOUR
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