HANDBOOK OF BASIC STATISTICS OF MAHARASHTRA STATE 1998 Rf 4 2 n — 1 J . H W Y » -t.tu - Cf Ed,c»!-»>l eManir^ i - d ^ m u u tr ^ n o iv 17-b. ' . ■ N«w ^ ■ ii'.i-ii' BOC, N o.............. I 'K ^ C n.t«— ----------- 3 n ^ cl YTRR, With compliments from The Director of Economics and Statistics Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai WWNHI " " # q,R-dctii ztr ancfr 3RJfI, -qr Hlf^4>cf1d ?T 3T ^t#rT M 3TT#. H F R f^ f? r f^ W n f ^ anf&r 3TTf5i^ 3 m ^ arepiFrcT ? i ^ g^sq ^3t?I 3TT|:. 3rerqTEm JTT%cfl ^WEJTT UilHW gR?T^c1 f^inT! 3R«TT#I 3TFpimtr 3TT^ OT%. ^n yp^i^M idld ^ 'HRcT ^qr^ff ^ r m f ^ ^ a r r fe i ^rrfNft ^rrfMt ari# '^ ylcie^i ?rc^jt?t ^^ 3TTfej W flin iR T ^ 3TT^ 37Te!^. ?. # cf vrr^ ^N^trRit f!t^, 1%iTOT^f>Tff ^ ft'SiTc^, cm W T 3TFnft 3TTt. ^ H ^K It^l^l HTfM^pftcTT ^tteT aT^it OT?n 3TT^. , ■m. Tn. H 'K ioi, , :3fa} ^ ^ n f e r ^ ^tETTc^, ^ ooo. Rc 4221— la PREFACE This issue of “ Handbook of Basic Statistics of Maharashtitra ' for the year 1998 is the thirty-eighth in the series. The mmain object of this booklet is to present up-to-date statistical d data on various socio-economic aspects of State Economy i in a concise form. In attempting to give up-to-date informatition, provisional figures have been presented, in respect of scsome items in this issue. 2. For comparison of the socio-economic aspects of f the State with that of India, the relevant data for India hhave also been simultaneously depicted in the tables prior to o the main tables. Data on trends of some socio-economic selecected indicators are presented at the end of this booklet. 3. The co-operation extended by different departmentits of the State Government, Central Government and autonommous Organisations in bringing out this publication is gratefefully acknowledged. 4. The booklet, it is hoped, will be useful as a re-eady reference. B. M. NAGRALE, M um bai: Director of Economics and Statist^tics, Dated, May 2000. Mumbai. HANDIOOK OF BASIC STATISTICS OF MAHARASHTRA STATE 1998 [ Vol. XXXVIII ] 'Jts Subject P ace H-rtlEI'=TI ■ Prefiict' Maharashtra Stale at a glance— (I) ffllTRI , . ] General information. (11) )n^dT?fl ^dHI . 2 Com parison with India. ■ 1. ?qiHH Clinitite 1.1 c) (5,HU dlMHT^, 10 Maxim u m a nd min ini n m te ni | >e ratu re r5c|>!i qi(?|ch rainy days and annual rainfall at selected centres. 2. a^=nt,o5 aif^i Area and Popiilatiiin 2.1 cf f^TefFn^ 12 Males, females and households in eacli district. 2.2. C) Hl‘ 1^1 dV+i'il'iiiJI . 14 Rural and urban population in each district. ' 2.3. 16 Area and density of each district. yHcii. 2.4. 18 Percentageof literacy in each district. 2.5. 20 Decadal variation in population since 1901. 2.6. ?n^rsqi c f r ^ ^ T — 21 Urban population by size-class of towns. • 2.7. iRf?! ai'Uc^Q'ifi 22 Classification of inhabited villages according to population. 2.8. <^^(5 HI’a fJR'cII 31^41 cHl<h-H>W^I ai-Hc^c^l 28 Cities/Urban Agglomerations (UAs -Hcgcl. with population of 1,00.000 or above 2.£. f m fb'iun-jjiT) Ji ^ ^fi^RTTEt 31 Classification of workers and non­ workers. 2.10. 4)|H -) 4>'!U||-i|| ciichfl^l Cbl4 MchNI 32 Classification of persons not at work sri^lctwui by type o f activity. 2.1], Sl^^frtcT 31lf»! vrfMlfTl 34 Population <if scheduled castes and dVti-iHt-MI scheduled tribes. 2.1L:. aiMHI^I 36 Disabled population in Maliarashtra State by type of disaiiility. P ace 2.13. 38 Population according to age f groroups, 2.14. 40 Population by religion. 2.15. :jooC| T jrfe OTc^lDlcI ejtTFRiSTl 41 Annual estimates of populati.ion n up to 2 0 0 1 . 2.16. ^^cltcTf^cT 42 M ig r a n t s b y se x a n d r e a ‘|2:QP. fel' Migration. 2.17. ^fTF'^'^TT'^lT fetPTDTFpfTR T«(eliclRrI 43 Migrants by sex and placee o of l<ist residence. 2.18. 515^ ’ Tm '"fRTTTr?! ^ rmrfte 47 Households and househoWl po)pu elation ^•SJT. by languages mainly spokcen.n. 3. Agriculture 3.1. ^fFT^ . 48 Land utilisation. 3.2, fCHctlKJI'! dl'Icl-HeiliJtbSlTl 3ll|S| 49 Districtwise break-up culturaiblele area sVfl. and cultivated area. 3.3. 5^^ fir^I73Ic^1eI sra STlfiiT r^T'^ 51 Area and outturn of principial c crops. vir<Hc!'l. 3.4. 52 Area and outturn o f principal cra'ops in each district. 3.5. ^ccii'cul^ . 60 Index num bers o f produc;tioion of pi-incipal crops. 3.6. 62 Progress under soil consen'attioion and <1 K>l'1K") 1 cflei 5in?l'l, land development. 3.7, -iKHi^PifT; -ydi'^ <jieq . 63 Distribution of chemical fertiilis(sers. 3.8. 64 Agricultural implements. 3.9. S!lcfl '-IMiHI 41vii ij'Icldr , . 65 Agricultural pumps energiseid. 3.10. dfgci ijr'iui 67 Number, area and average sisize of Hli-r) i-J ' ojxjrational holdings in Mahau'aashtra. 3.11. 68 Number of Irrigation piro.jojects wsTi. completed in State sector. 3.12. W lcl (^Hcll Cj UriiSI 69 Irrigation potential created anid aiactual a^. irrigated area. 3.] 3. 70 Government hydro projjjects commissioned. 4. Animal Husbandry 4.1. 71 Livestock population. 4.2. 74 Livestock population in each (disistrict Subject Pace 4.3. JTTfeft . , 76 M iscellaneous statistic.s relating; to aiiimai luisl'jaiulry. 4.4. ?iTwr^ 78 Collection ai\tl distj ibvition of'inilk by ?fR^^ ^^fieR 13 fEtrI^i>T. (lairit's in Ciovernav(‘ nt anti ('o- 0 [>ei-ative sectors. 4.5. TRi5.tf^ri 3 79 Milk products and milk chilling centres 5. ■RfWJIcJWq / ’/.s7/(.'/■/(’.s 5.1. 3?Fn^ Sllolcil ’TTTirsft 80 Quantity of fish brought lor curing, 3Tmi, W<qrqTWi5t 3TT^eiT f^STiTT salt issued and fish removed. Jim 3tt1^ 5.2. irrtMt . 81. Miscellaneous statistics relating to fisheries. fi.3. ■weStw irajtR^TTijT 83 Varietywise marine fish production. £.4. 85 Disposition offish catch (Murine and Inland). 6. 11^ Ft iresfs e.i. 86 Classification of forest area. (-. 2 . g?5!T ■'HTf&T Tfrm <1hV j|cH . 87 Prodnctio]! of major and minor forest product. 7. 3nPi z3iiii<j)r(T Iiuliislry (ind Minini; 7.1. cfiT^apqt^ ipFFTRran TRSl'JOT^ 88 Distriliution of working factories according to working strength. ".a. tfjROT^ ^ tpPT'TITTEfl cfiT'Tnr^Tfl ^Plcf) 89 Factoi'ies with aveiage daily ^ otYttw 5T5?g 'lei tun ployinent classified according to major grou])s of industries. 7.3. OTffll WT'TT^rriff 91 Working factories and average daily f^cSWK employment in each district. 7.4. ’?IWcfl^ 'HreiTcI, WTTiT^ 93 Productive cajiital, output anil value add ed by jn a n u l'actu re in Maharashtra Slate. WT3 95 Average (lercentage of absenteeism in the cotton textile industry. 7.6. aiVilffl* f?fsIK . 96 Industrial liisputes. 7.7. ■^FrtTg xjEfmrffi (Pmift lt>TT>i) 97 Working of cotton textile industry (mill sectoj-). 7.8. Cfp=p3l . 98 Mineral production. 7.9 3fTrlif?ra , 99 Industrial production. PMiK 8. Electricity 8.1. Sm?n, 31Tfi>I 100 Installed capacity, generation a and EIFT^, consumption of electi'icity. 8.‘2. fsK^rai ?TT^rft ?re^ ^i . lo i Towns and villages electrified. 9. ^i4y-c^\ J()i»f SiD'cfe CDtnpaiiii'eS 9.1. ‘^%v - ^m^awc^TOTi -frgTw 103 Number of joint stock Companies s as on 31st March 1998. 10. 3<P1 Banks 10.1. ^TTFTteT^ fS<ti|DTjtj'| Jf 105 Number of places having bankiiing w itw rM l fSfc^^TN w n , offices and number of banki^ing offices in each district. 11. Co-operation 11.1. T[i7m^ir^l Tt^sqi, tI ss^ I07 Societies, membership, workiting TfT^ltTS flTc^^I 3TlfT»l irr?Tl"Efl capital, advances and turnoviver. vlcHldle). 12. ^Rcl5R c] c;oi)U|c(o6U| Transjiort and Communications 12.1. ^^Rft 5tt^l ., 108 Road length. 12.2. j<HI^ , 109 Road length according to types of sisur- face. 12.3. TT^rt^sisrsft n o Oi)erational statistics of Maharashthtra State Road Transport Corporaticion. 12.4. aw^'[ , 111 Motor vehicles in operation. 12.5. iTtTRI^RTra , 112 Transport and non-transport vehiclcles in Maharashtra State. 12.6. i-^TFRnW^ q f^m siTFTCTte 113 Professional and non-professioninal MIdft-iv'J T-RfTFl. driving licences. 12.7. efrt^Tni^ efr'ft . 114 Railway route length. 12.8. , iTgT^F? cTT^ 115 Number of post offices and telegrajaph 'TTsft offices in Maharashtra State. 13. ^?ra cn?g,^ Shipping 13.1. aro^eJJT vT5T'ilT4t q 116 Number and tonnage of vessels e en­ cKrpf, tered in Mumbai Port. 13.2. iisp 117 Cargo handled at the docks aiand FcfRlcTetl *1lci. bunders in Mumbai Port. 13.3. 'T R I^ TFtJHT^tcT f^ tR ^ ’ttWl 118 Cargo i.imports and exports) handlJled . TTTcTiTs^en (aTTJira ^ Ni^ln) lira. at the selected minor ports ^ of Maharashtra State. 13.<. 119 Piissenger traffic iit the iniiioi- poits ilTETcJcp. of Maharashtra Slate. 14. ^TTtcT'fcT Inlciinl Triiilc 14.1 120 hiland Trade of Maharashtra. c^tra'? . 15.. f%ism FJdiicctlioii - 15.:. ftiamrsm g ftrsns^ 122 Iii.stitiitions and (Mii ohiioiit hy type of education 1997-9S.
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