Agenda Item : 1/01 = application site 653-659 Uxbridge Road, Hatch End, Pinner P/1482/17 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Committee 653-659 Uxbridge Road, Pinner Wednesday 27th September 2017 653 Uxbridge Road, Hatch End, Pinner P/1482/17 653-659 Uxbridge Road, Hatch End, Pinner P/1482/17 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Committee 653-659 Uxbridge Road, Pinner Wednesday 27th September 2017 LONDON BOROUGH OF HARROW PLANNING COMMITTEE 27th September 2017 APPLICATION NUMBER: P/1482/17 VALIDATE DATE: 09/06/2017 LOCATION: 653, 655, 657 & 659 UXBRIDGE ROAD, HATCH END, PINNER WARD: PINNER POSTCODE: HA5 3LW APPLICANT: MR ADRIAN BOHR, TROY HOMES AGENT: PRESTON BENNETT HAMPTONS CASE OFFICER: DAVID BUCKLEY EXPIRY DATE: 29/09/2017 PURPOSE OF REPORT/PROPOSAL The purpose of this report is to set out the Officer recommendations to the Planning Committee regarding an application for planning permission relating to the following proposal. Demolition of existing 4 dwelling houses and redevelopment to provide four storey building to accommodate 26 flats, with underground parking to accommodate 23 parking spaces, 3 surface parking spaces, cycle and bin stores and 2 x vehicle access. RECOMMENDATION A The Planning Committee is asked to: 1) Grant planning permission for the reasons set out below: 2) Grant planning permission subject to authority being delegated to the Divisional Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance Services for the completion of the Section 106 legal agreement and other enabling legislation and issue of the planning permission and subject to minor amendments to the conditions (set out in Appendix 1 of this report) or the legal agreement. The Section 106 Agreement Heads of Terms would cover the following matters: Heads of Terms for the Legal Agreement i) To provide an open book review of the scheme at 80% of the sales. The Council will seek to clawback 80% of any super profit (if any) generated by the scheme to reach a policy compliant scheme with regard to Affordable Housing. ii) Carbon offsetting payment in accordance with Policy 5.2 of the London Plan: Contribution of £42,354.00 towards carbon reduction programmes within the Borough ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Committee 653-659 Uxbridge Road, Pinner Wednesday 27th September 2017 iii) Local Good & Services Commitment Strategy iv) External materials strategy v) Planning permission monitoring fee vi) Employment and Recruitment Plan; Projected cost £29,801 based on payment of £3,000/£1m of development cost. vii) Legal Fees: Payment of Harrow Council’s reasonable costs in the preparation of the legal agreement; REASON The proposed development of the site would provide a quality development comprising of a satisfactory level of residential accommodation, thereby contributing to the Borough’s housing stock. The housing development would be appropriate in terms of material presence, attractive streetscape, and good routes, access and make a contribution to the local area, in terms of quality and character. The proposed development would provide a meaningful contribution to the Boroughs housing stock, whilst ensuring a satisfactory mix of housing throughout the development. Whilst the development would not provide a contribution towards Affordable Housing within the Borough, a comprehensive Financial Viability Assessment, which has been robustly tested independently, has demonstrated a zero provision is the maximum reasonable. Notwithstanding this, a review mechanism by way of a S.106 obligation would ensure that a contribution may be captured if the financial situation of the development changes across its development lifespan. The proposed redevelopment of the site would result in a modern design that responds positively to the local context, and would provide appropriate living conditions which would be accessible for all future occupiers of the development. The layout and orientation of the buildings and separation distance to neighbouring properties is considered to be satisfactory to protect the amenities of the neighbouring occupiers and the development would contribute towards the strategic objectives of reducing the carbon emissions of the borough. The decision to GRANT planning permission has been taken having regard to the National Planning Policy Framework 2012, the policies and proposals in The London Plan 2016, the Harrow Core Strategy 2012 and the Development Management Policies Local Plan 2013, and to all relevant material considerations, and any comments received in response to publicity and consultation. RECOMMENDATION B That if, by 28th March 2018 or as such extended period as may be agreed by the Divisional Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee, then it is recommended to delegate the decision to REFUSE planning permission to the Divisional Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning on the grounds that: The proposed development, by reason of failure to demonstrate an acceptable review mechanism in relation to provision of an appropriate level of affordable housing and by failing to off-set the carbon emissions of the proposed development ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Committee 653-659 Uxbridge Road, Pinner Wednesday 27th September 2017 would fail to comply with the requirements of policies 3.11, 3.12, 5.2 of The London Plan 2016 and policy CS1.J/T of the Harrow Core Strategy 2012, policy DM50 of the Harrow Development Management Policies Local Plan (2013) and the Supplementary Planning Document: Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing (2013). INFORMATION This application is reported to Planning Committee as the development would be for 26 new residential units and therefore falls outside Schedule 1 of the Scheme of Delegation. Statutory Return Type: (E) All Major Developments Council Interest: None Floor Area: 3,180 sq m GLA Community Infrastructure (CIL) Contribution (provisional): £ 111,300 (based on a £35 contribution per square metre of additional floorspace) Harrow Community Infrastructure (CIL) Contribution (provisional): £349,800 (based on a £110 contribution per square metre of additional floorspace) The provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 have been taken into account in the processing of the application and the preparation of this report. EQUALITIES In determining this planning application the Council has regard to its equalities obligations including its obligations under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010. For the purposes of this application there are no adverse equalities issues. S17 CRIME & DISORDER ACT Policies 7.3.B and 7.13.B of The London Plan and Policy DM1 of the Development Management Polices Local Plan require all new developments to have regard to safety and the measures to reduce crime in the design of development proposal. It is considered that the development does not adversely affect crime risk. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Committee 653-659 Uxbridge Road, Pinner Wednesday 27th September 2017 LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) ACT 1985 BACKGROUND PAPERS USED IN PREPARING THIS REPORT: Planning Application Statutory Register of Planning Decisions Correspondence with Adjoining Occupiers Correspondence with Statutory Bodies Correspondence with other Council Departments Nation Planning Policy Framework London Plan Local Plan - Core Strategy, Development Management Policies, SPGs Other relevant guidance LIST OF ENCLOSURES / APPENDICES: Officer Report: Part 1: Planning Application Fact Sheet Part 2: Officer Assessment Appendix 1 – Conditions and Informatives Appendix 2 – Site Plan Appendix 3 – Site Photographs Appendix 4 – Plans and Elevations ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Committee 653-659 Uxbridge Road, Pinner Wednesday 27th September 2017 OFFICER REPORT PART 1: Planning Application Fact Sheet The Site Address 653, 655, 657 & 659 Uxbridge Road, Hatch End, Pinner, HA5 3LW Applicant Preston Bennett Hamptons Ward Pinner Local Plan Allocation No Conservation Area No Listed Building No Setting of Listed Building No Building of Local Interest No Tree Preservation Order No Other No Housing Density Proposed Density hr/ha 577 hr/ha Proposed Density u/ph 200 u/ha PTAL PTAL 2 London Plan Density Urban Setting: 200-450 Range hr/ha Dwelling Mix Studio (no. / %) 0 1 bed ( no. / %) 5 units/21% 2 bed ( no. / %) 19 units / 71% 3 bed ( no. / %) 2 units/8% 4 bed ( no. / %) n/a Overall % of Affordable 0% Housing Affordable Rent (no. / %) 0% Intermediate (no. / %) 0% Private (no. / %) 26 units / 100% Commuted Sum TBC Comply with London yes Housing SPG? Comply with M4(2) of Yes Building Regulations? Subject to a planning condition, the scheme will meet accessibility requirement; in addition, all units can be accessed via lift, corridors are wide enough for wheelchair accessibility. Bathrooms are adjacent to bedrooms or further adaptability. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Committee 653-659 Uxbridge Road, Pinner Wednesday 27th September 2017 Transportation Car parking No. Existing Car Parking 8 spaces No.
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