Nodal Economic Profiling Project Maruleng Limpopo Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust and dplg, 2007 Maruleng Context IInn 22000011,, SSttaattee PPrreessiiddeenntt MMrr TThhaabboo MMbbeekkii aannnnoouunncceedd aann iinniittiiaattiivvee ttoo aaddddrreessss uunnddeerrddeevveellooppmmeenntt iinn tthhee mmoosstt sseevveerreellyy iimmppoovveerriisshheedd rruurraall aanndd uurrbbaann aarreeaass ((““ppoovveerrttyy nnooddeess””)) iinn SSoouutthh AAffrriiccaa,, wwhhiicchh hhoouussee aarroouunndd tteenn mmiilllliioonn ppeeooppllee.. TThhee UUrrbbaann RReenneewwaall PPrrooggrraammmmee ((uurrpp)) aanndd tthhee IInntteeggrraatteedd SSuussttaaiinnaabbllee RRuurraall Maruleng DDeevveellooppmmeenntt PPrrooggrraammmmee Sekhukhune ((iissrrddpp)) wweerree ccrreeaatteedd iinn 22000011 ttoo address development in these Bushbuckridge address development in these aarreeaass.. TThheessee iinniittiiaattiivveess aarree Alexandra hhoouusseedd iinn tthhee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff Kgalagadi Umkhanyakude PPrroovviinncciiaall aanndd LLooccaall Government (dplg). Zululand Government (dplg). Maluti-a-Phofung Umzinyathi Galeshewe Umzimkhulu I-N-K Alfred Nzo Ukhahlamba Ugu Central Karoo OR Tambo Chris Hani Mitchell’s Plain Mdantsane Khayelitsha Motherwell UUP-WRD-Maruleng Profile-311006-IS 2 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust and dplg, 2007 Maruleng Maruleng poverty node Activities z Research process Documents People z Overview z Economy – Overview – Selected sector: Agriculture – Selected sector: Tourism z Investment opportunities z Summary z Appendix UUP-WRD-Maruleng Profile-311006-IS 3 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust and dplg, 2007 Research process Maruleng Summary of what we have done AAccttiivviittiieess DDooccuummeennttss PPeeooppllee Desk research Maruleng Local Municipality Representatives from the Integrated Development District and Local Plan 2005/2006 Municipalities Visit to the node Mopani District Municipality Experts in the agriculture Integrated Development and tourism sectors, Plan 2006-2011 including NGOs Personal interviews Mopani District Municipality Development consultants LED Strategy 2006 Local community members Telephone interviews Monitor Bohlabela Opportunity Investigation Provincial funding and LED agencies Various other Local business people UUP-WRD-Maruleng Profile-311006-IS 4 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust and dplg, 2007 Maruleng Overview IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn KKeeyy ddaattaa ppooiinnttss CCuurrrreenntt aaccttiioonn Introduces the node; Lists pertinent acts and Describes current summarises key issues figures interventions SSnnaappsshhoott GGeeooggrraapphhyy GGoovveerrnnaannccee AArreeaa ssuummmmaarryy SSppaattiiaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt IIDDPP aasssseessssmmeenntt KKeeyy cchhaalllleennggeess DDeemmooggrraapphhyy DDeevveellooppmmeenntt pprroojjeeccttss LLooccaall ppeeooppllee ppoorrttrraaiitt IInnccoommee aanndd eemmppllooyymmeenntt EEdduuccaattiioonn HHeeaalltthh DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ssccoorreeccaarrdd UUP-WRD-Maruleng Profile-311006-IS 5 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust and dplg, 2007 Maruleng Maruleng poverty node z Research process Introduction z Overview Key data points Current action z Economy ± Overview ± Selected sector: Agriculture ± Selected sector: Tourism z Investment opportunities z Summary z Appendix UUP-WRD-Maruleng Profile-311006-IS 6 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust and dplg, 2007 Introduction Maruleng Snapshot Key information MMaarruulleenngg Population: 2001 94,382 Area 3,247 km2 Population density: 2001 29 people / km2 Estimated GDP: 2004 R0.96 billion Province Limpopo Main town / city Hoedspruit HHiissttoorriiccaall oovveerrvviieeww zz MMaarruulleenngg MMuunniicciippaalliittyy wwaass ffiirrsstt eessttaabblliisshheedd iinn 11999977 uunnddeerr tthhee nnaammeeHHooeeddsspprruuiitt // MMaakkuuttsswwii TTLLCC.. TThhee mmuunniicciippaalliittyy wwaass nnaammeedd aafftteerr tthhee MMaarruullaa ttrreeee ±±ªªMMaarruulleennggººmmeeaannss ªªtthhee ppllaaccee ooff MMaarruullaaºº.. zz HHiissttoorriiccaallllyy iitt ccoommpprriisseedd tthhee EEaasstteerrnn TTrraannssvvaaaall aass wweellll aass tthhee aappaarrtthheeiidd hhoommeellaanndd ooff LLeebboowwaa wwhhiicchh wwaass ddeessiiggnnaatteedd ffoorr PPeeddii--aanndd NNoorrtthheerrnn SSootthhoo--ssppeeaakkiinngg ppeeooppllee.. zz UUnnttiill MMaarrcchh 22000066 iitt wwaass aa ppaarrtt ooff tthhee BBoohhllaabbeellaaccrroossss--bboorrddeerr mmuunniicciippaalliittyy tthhaatt sspprreeaadd aaccrroossss LLiimmppooppooaannddMMppuummaallaannggaapprroovviinncceess.. IItt iiss nnooww wwhhoollllyy wwiitthhiinn tthhee MMooppaannii DDiissttrriicctt MMuunniicciippaalliittyy ooff LLiimmppooppoo.. Source: Stats SA Census 2001; Maruleng Municipality IDP Review 2005/2006 UUP-WRD-Maruleng Profile-311006-IS 7 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust and dplg, 2007 Introduction Maruleng Area summary Farming z The Maruleng Local Municipality (LM) has an estimated current Urban 9,591 population of about 107,247 (2006) residing in a total of 33 rural 2,494 9% settlements (98%) and three urban settlements (2%) 2% z Ninety per cent of the population resides in the west of the node, formerly known as Naphuno II district (part of the former Lebowa) Rural 95,162 z The economic and political centre of the municipality is Hoedspruit 89% which is the main urban concentration in respect of infrastructure, business and institutional functions z Total estimated population The municipality borders the Timbavati Private Reserve and Kruger National 2006: 107,247 Park in the east, and the Blyde River Canyon in the west. In the north the area borders the Greater Tzaneen and Ba-Phalaborwa municipalities, and in the south Bushbuckridge z The node continues to face large infrastructure and service backlogs, in particular with respect to water and roads, especially in the densely populated north-western areas z Maruleng has a solid economic base centred on agriculture and tourism, with significant potential for growth z Twenty-eight per cent of its adult population is employed, with a further 53% classified as not economically active. The latter segment rely heavily on government transfers z The majority of the land is either traditionally administered or in private ownership. While estimates vary, indications are that about 18.5% of private land is subject to land claims z A lack of urban / settlement planning and the resulting residential sprawl is complicating and driving up the cost of service delivery Source: Mopani District Municipality IDP 2006-2011, Monitor interviews UUP-WRD-Maruleng Profile-311006-IS 8 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust and dplg, 2007 Introduction Maruleng Some observations about Maruleng “The tourism sector is not very attractive – it requires huge investment and only a few locals benefit” ± Municipal manager “There are a number of residential developments in the area but they do not contribute to the municipality as the municipality does not provide their bulk services” ± Municipal manager “There are funds available to municipalities and businesses but people in Maruleng do not access them because they lack commitment and are not willing to help themselves” ± Limpopo LED official “There is no culture of entrepreneurship ... people are always just demanding things … I think that sometimes you need to behave like a father … they just need a good hiding” (in response to key development challenges in the area) ± Bank manager and long-term Lebowa resident “We need more equitable access to tourism opportunities and entrepreneurs as well as tourism awareness in communities” ± Local tourism facility owner and tourism / ecological activist “They are going about land claims in the wrong way … just issuing blanket claims … there is no systematic study … the result is lots of litigation” ± Local farmer UUP-WRD-Maruleng Profile-311006-IS 9 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust and dplg, 2007 Introduction Maruleng Area summary Maruleng’s spatial and economic development pattern is deeply marked by the legacy of apartheid with the majority of the black population confined to dense rural settlements with limited economic activity and access to urban infrastructure WWeesstteerrnn qquuaaddrraanntt NNoorrtthheerrnn qquuaaddrraanntt zz CCoommpprriisseess mmaaiinnllyy ddeennssee zz DDoommiinnaatteedd bbyy ggaammee rreesseerrvveess rreessiiddeennttiiaall aarreeaass ooff tthhee zz LLiimmiitteedd mmiinniinngg iinn MMiiccaa ffoorrmmeerrLLeebboowwaa hhoommeellaanndd zz HHooeeddsspprruuiitt aatt tthhee ssoouutthheerrnn zz NNiinneettyy ppeerr cceenntt ooff MMaarruulleenngg’’ss eeddggee iiss tthhee aaddmmiinniissttrraattiivvee ppooppuullaattiioonn rreessiiddeess hheerree aanndd ccoommmmeerrcciiaall cceennttrree ooff tthhee zz LLiittttllee eeccoonnoommiicc ddeevveellooppmmeenntt rreeggiioonn bbuutt iiss aa ttyyppiiccaall zz MMaajjoorr iinnffrraassttrruuccttuurree aanndd ““aappaarrtthheeiidd ttoowwnn”” sseerrvviicceess bbaacckkllooggss SSoouutthheerrnn qquuaaddrraanntt EEaasstteerrnn qquuaaddrraanntt zz MMaaiinnllyy ttoouurriissmm aaccttiivviittiieess,, zz MMoossttllyy ggaammee rreesseerrvveess aanndd cceenntteerreedd oonn tthhee BBllyyddee RRiivveerr pprriivvaattee llooddggeess CCaannyyoonn zz FFeeww,, mmaaiinnllyy wwhhiittee rreessiiddeennttss zz FFeeww,, mmaaiinnllyy wwhhiittee rreessiiddeennttss zz BBoorrddeerrss ddeennssee sseettttlleemmeennttss ooff BBuusshhbbuucckkrriiddggee UUP-WRD-Maruleng Profile-311006-IS 10 Nodal Economic Profiling Project Business Trust and dplg, 2007 Introduction
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