w CIT1ZI VOL No. 2 Smith \MIIH>V 14, \<l\erti*ing less than 75% 15 centi Boxing Benefit Draws Many Fans Do You Have Council Urges No LNG Storage A Gifted Child? The City Council has residents to protect UM Do you fcH that your child r<-ently assed a resolution progress we have made at • in.'. h.i\c hidden talents or urging the Department of result of this substantial MI;I> h;iv<- creative abilities the Public Advocate to investment With 0M 1 hat may «o unnoticed? Do intercede on its behalf to issuance of the resolution tht vou think that your son or seek a reveral of a decision City ot^South Amboy haw of the Federal Power floes outstandingly joined in the continuing Commission in a certain academic effort to keep its residents area' If your answer to The Commission has ••iiher ol these questions is authorized Public Service ws or 1/ you know of a high Klectric and lias to use their M hool student who may Liquid Natural Gat Storage |M»ssess qualities, please call facilities at Rossville, Staten Blood Drive To Htip Mr McCabe. the Guidance Inland, as a peak shaving City Resident < ounselor in the high school t facility 721 H5« for more To accomplish this, Public A blood drive co»sponMrtd information regarding a Service will receive the gas by the South Amboy nevU> established program at its storage facility via Community Blood Bank and in Hoffman Hifh School in pipeline and store it there in the South A iv boy Lions Club south Amboy a liquid form for use during will be held on Saturday, peak periods. May 23. at Christ Church Hoffman High is in the . Woodbridge Mayor Joseph Memorial Hall on Fourth xrocess of identifying DeMarino nas asked the Street Miuients for the (lifted ana support of Mayor J Thomas The drive will be hold to T,dented Program to begin Cross and Council in the aid city resident Kathloon next yiar Students can be form of a resolution in McKeon. 30, who hat MJititifH'd by exceptionally preventing such a storage contracted leukemia and to hic'h performance, facility to operate so close to receiving medical attention ichtevement. or potential in Ihf residents of the Raritan at Perth Amboy General the following areas General Ray area, saying he believed Hospital intellectual ability, specific it represented a serious Kathleen is a graduate of Kaiiemic ability, and threat to the health and H G Hoffman High Schott, 1 reative or productive safety of nil the residents in belongs to St Mary's Parian. 'hinkmg ability this ar^ and was a former employe* If you wish to know more h 1 ni.i \ hirh' • .111- 'HI LNG ts a highly votatUe of the Oaktroe Nursinluratag in>' • re 1111|: A , • In in llMlhj ' "III I 11 > 111 Mill*. ,||H| about the program or wish to s.ifictiit|ii-i| •_:• • 111 • -• 1 j.-|,r. (-s I 11 kri il'' . < .tllir lo and explosive lajuid gas. Home. ri-- Iruiii thv » it\ nominate your son or boxmn 1 Mini.miciH ii si iipprosmutd-U tJ '*Ni Because of the storage The blood bank will open daughter, contact Mr Miir\ <• ^\ in 11 r ui en ,i I Vic Kenny was sl<itrri fur our tanks in Knth facilities close proximity, at 10 am to a p.m. and McCabe immediately By the >th match against Kr.tnk Twk'hi'o. West KeanhUirg, a there is the possibility of the anyone over it years of agja, nomtMttm your child^vou altenocri h\ in IT 1 20*1 Itirhiusa and Hav Stork I or former South AmboyUo. for city astting "fallout" if ever weighing nor* thaa iaa are Mktrg uf to oitd fctoAw aynwi», OI iht* t*n malt he*. liw itkillk ajtitinal providing accurate bojung ..n accidem should o^cur pounds, n askra to donate a Nktrf wan one knock out »KM- of lJat Kppingir. uli report data Also, a special fUMM to the list of IWIIM* we Also in its resolution, the int rf t<w are considering Final E . M+—**m feu. technicalknock IKJI when »he South Amhnv nutrients thanks got* to Dr Frank councif has requested capita 1 referee slopped the iighi in placement decisions, to be sent to the State Blood orossuM roadbsga wtll Sponsored* hy the South Dynoff. South Am boy be taken and there will be IIM* first round live other however, will be made by the Legislative Delegation for Aiuhoy I' H A . profits for Hospital l>r Dynoff donated juice and cookies available. matches also Mopped h\ (he the evening will he donated his services Friday night as professional committee Middlesex County so that referee, and three round tli.it established for that they may lend any Reservations may be lo the II year old injured on ring physician The sound made in advance by filling WMII (he limp limit. th<> (onRatl property last system was donated for two responsibility assistance they can Judge* making he decision The Township of out the form found on page S February The y^ung man's nights by L 4 L Radio. of this paper this week The at to the winner courage, iiii>' aroused the Stevens Avenue, by Tom Woodbridge has already Memorial Day spent 150.000 in their own form will also be published There wax something hir need to help from many l/evandottki.owncr next week Advance everyone us the fighters resident* who have made successful attempts to keep LNG tankers from bringing reservations will be used to from Bayonne. Elizabeth, contributions since the Parade Scheduled determine the amount of Stolen Wand flowed. Ivy accident first happened ai.d Past Commander, Jim the unstable fuel to the Rossville plant via the expected donors, and will Hill. tfninn City. otherii who are talc ing part in Resident Juveniles Campbell, of the Benyet- assure those coming in of a* . Woodbndge. South River, bake sale*, tag days, benefit Connor Chapter No 67 Arthur Kill. Mayor DeMarino wrote to short wait. and Ult Bililian Boxing Club, dances and door to door Admit Break-In Disabled American South Amboy Fire Chief Mrttctpatod in the benefit collection* to help speed the Veterani hat announced the Mayor Cross, "We have an obligation to all of our (continued on page2> far Thaddeus Janeczko The recovery Four male juveniles were parade for Memorial Day favorites of the evening, Businesses too. are adding questioned early Monday will be held May 24th at 2 with the largest their support Our Place with regard to the break-in p.m. and entry of the premises of Restaurant. Ktdgeway The parade route will start Miller. Bergen, and Welsh. Avenue and Rarttan Street, at Sacreo Heart parking lot, Poppy Drive For Vets Broadway. South Amboy invited all ticket holder* for and continue east on Main the boxing match to drinks The break-in took place on Street, then south on Stevena PETERSON at half price for a one hour Sundy. May in, and was Avenue to Bordentown period before the fight The discovered by Miller, Avenue, then east to PHARMACY proceed* of $60 wan donated Bergeti. and Welsh Broadway and then to the tothePBA for Teddy employees Monday City Hall, where services Co-Chairman for the morning, who immediately will be held summoned the South Amboy boxing event, Sgt James Anticipations are that this Open This Sunday Police Ptl Mike DeLucia Holovackn and Ptl Mike parade will be as enjoyable arrived on the scene, DeLucia, reported that the as parades in the past have followed short Iv by evening* profit* for the fund been The Melrose Black Detective Steve Mafkiewic/ Hawks will again lead off. Their imv.Migation led them Sk'ndayBpm to 9pm followed by service to one of the youths, whom organizations and several they questioned J J Harrifan Co Jnc more bands plus many 1 continued on page 2) antique cars from 721-0137 Monmouth County Dttty Rentals NOTICE And Leasing MAIN There will be a public meeting of the LIQUORS South Amboy Board of Education on May Available 21, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. in the small Discount Liquor. gymnasium of the school. All Makes Wini' & Bet?r And Models 721-1164 The Board and the Administration wit! be present to explain and. receive input ON UPPER MAIN concerning the Attendance Policy and the & DAVID STS Graduation Standards Policy. Five year old Jamie helps k« h oft (he CIIMH W* Vfffjns Post 57S -Cotdial* l.iqiint Anyone wishing a copy of the policies annual Poppy Fund Dnvf for 1981 to ttd the hospitjlued veterans I<>T7F*Y(IAIMUNTFH fartftti of Jamce Mi and Mrs Robert Aucone. stand by at Ihtir MimSt C Broadway before the meeting may stop at the Board daughter main tht family donation lo Command* Adam ftnpki aM* South Amboy in: Office between 9:00 a.m. and £00 p.m. and ChMt* teRktvtfci. Tht fend oiit* tsgw Swrtiy m (foul ol the Sacral A *.»•' 7211400 pick them up. nttfi vMrCM PH.WH CfHSMOT Mlt IMPtnBI USf. Thiareeiay, May 14, 1981 Woman's Club Hoffman To Install Off Icars PTA. Notes Tht South Amboy Fire The next PTA. Department Annual for Hoffman will be heed en Cfiimrtwi Breakfiut will May SOth at f p.m. in the bt htfld on Sunday, May 17, small gym on John Street. 1M1, at a t:00 am Maas at The meeting will include Sacred Heart Church installation of officers and Protection Engine Co No. 1 Mr Tice will speak to the will bt the boat company assembly on the prspond Chief Edward J school on the landfill site.
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