Doctor who claimed he got BULLETIN: Karen finally will AIDS from surg_ery dies see Sharon again byJEFFEWS course of duty. If that method of transmission AFTER ALMOST FIVE YEARS, Karen Thompson Managing Editor is confirmed, Dennison would be the first and Sharon Kowalski will finally be reunited this Nashville surgeon Harold Dennison died surgeon stricken with the disease as the result weekend, Dare has learned. Monday from complications brought on by his of an operating room accident. Doctors at the Duluth, Minn., Miller-Dwan Clinic battle with AIDS. Current figures list eight doctors - including have agreed to a visit between the two women, at Last week Dennison's family acknowledged four surgeons - who have been d iagnosed Kowalski 's request. Kowalski was moved to thec linic, his condition after weeks of speculation re­ with AIDS and whose infection mode ftas not under judge's orders, two weeks ago. garding his health. News of Dennison's death been "definitively" documented. Those eight The two wom en have been separated since an came in a brief statement issued by his family physicians have b~n listed in an "undeter­ automobile accident in 1983 left Kowalski seriously which read: mined risk" category, according to data sup­ injured. Fol lowing the accident, Kowalski 's father "Dr. Harold Dennison passed away this plied by the CDC. Donald Kowalski was granted guardianship of his morning at Baptist Hospital. .. A memorial fund CDC records also show some 18 cases na­ daughter and has refused to allow any contact with for medical research is being established." tionwide of other health care workers who Thompson. Chief ofsurgery at Nashville's Baptist Hospi­ have contracted HIV through occupational Although Donald Kowalski retains guardianship tal, Dennison may have contracted the deadly exposure to the virus, mainly through acciden­ over his daughter, he may no longer dictate who may disease as the result of being splashed in the tal needlesticks. However, CDC claims that the visit her under the terms of the judge's order. eye with contaminated blood during surgery. possible risk to health care workers is less than Thompson will be the first visitor to the clinic,although Meanwhile, officials with the Tennessee De­ one percent. Kowalski's parents have also been invited for a later partment of Health and Environment and the John Lamb, an orthopedic surgeon on staff Janet Flanner was a Paris journalist in the 20s. See visit. •-JEFF ELLIS Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control at Baptist, said in a televised interview Monday The Incidental Tourist, page 6. -PHOTO BERENICE ABBOTT both denied rumors that special botlines had night that the CDC has misled health care been established to gather information about providers about the dangers of possible infec­ other possible means of transmission. tion. Tennessee counselor charged "That's not true at all. We're conducting Lamb told reporters last weekend that Den­ business as usual. We do not discuss any indi­ nison's family chose to go public with the news with rape of 6-year-old patient vidual cases and no such hotline has been set · of the illness in order to focus debate on the by JEFF EllIS urday night which was followed by an investi­ up," said Bernie Ellis, the state's coordinator controversy surrounding universal testing. Managing Editor gation by Metro Police who in tum consulted for AIDS surveillance. According to a report in Tuesday's Ten­ A Nashville man who works as a counselor the district attorney's office and obtained the '-' We_do not comment on individual cases," nessean, Dennison's daughter Susan, a surgi­ at a state-operated residential treatment center warrant. said CDC spokesperson Chuck Fallis. "There is cal nurse who often assisted her father, claims for emotionally disturbed children was A spokesperson for the state Department of 1:10 special hotline. It would be impossible for to remember an incident during which blood charged Monday night with raping a 6-year­ Mental Health and Retardation Sllid an internal us to set up hotlines for every case we encoun­ splashed into her father's eye during surgery. old patient. investigation into the charges in currently ter." Although Dennison had apparently suf­ Walter Frederick Durst was arrested after the under way. The department operates Cumber­ Baptist Hospital officials are examin!Pg fered from ill health for much of the past year, child's mother and Metro detectives obtained a land House, a facility for younger children, and operating-room records to determine if Denni­ resulting in the drastic curtailing of his practice, warrant charging the man with aggravated Crockett Academy, a facility for emotionally son did indeed become infected with the he was not diagnosed with AIDS until early rape. troubled teens, at 3411 Belmont Boulevard. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the continued on page 5 The boy's mother filed a complaint last Sat- continued on page 5 New Memphis gay club rr vandalized, windows smashed ··•:-: By STIJART BlVIN Attempts to reach the security company at ~:•• .;;;: ;,;,:;:"'r ;;;;;,.,;,;,t "'t ;;;q"'r ;;;r ;,;;;,.;,;;;,.:;;;,:,:;,;,. :;,;;;;;,;;;,.;,;,,"'<;;;i ""':::::;;;:t;,;,?.,.t ;;;f ""'::==,=;;;.t;,;,'::::"',::::;;;L""',,,,,- Editor press time were unsuccessful. Vandals attacked a Memphis gay club early The vandals apparently were not interested Thursday morning, January 26, destroying in theft. Bullimer said there was no evidence $4000 worth of windows before making a that the club had been entered. getaway. "We think someone came by and just took a Chaps, part of the new Numbers complex at hammer and broke out the windows," he said, 598-600 Marshall in Memphis, opened its adding that he could think of no motive for the doors in December, according to David Bul­ attack, although he added,"lt might have been limer, general manager of Chaps. The club had the competition." a complete new security system including Bullimer said owner Lamar Jones plans to glass-breakage sensors. replace the now-boarded windows with solid "We're going to send the bill to Rollins [the walls. The walls will be covered with murals company that installed the security system]," outside. Bullimer said. "The glass breakage alarm just "We'd planned to do it all along. Now we'll didn't work. It happened between 7:15 and just do it a little sooner," Bullimer said. "It's 7:45 Thursday morning, and I didn't find out more private now, and no one can look in from about it until that afternoon." the street and see who's here." • 2 f E B R U A R Y 3 - . D, 1 D 8 D "I still remember that autumn day when Lexie and I became friends ... " Mondays Cay lltanlmo llew Radio show, WEVL .fM 90, 6-7pm. Friday, February 3 Pll..,,;1 (Gay Alcoholics Anonymous) Open meetif'l. Memphis Lambda Center. 8pm. Info 901 272·9459. Mardi Gras Ball Party and dance, Towne House Tea a novel by Jane Futcher Room, 167-1/2 8th Av North, Nashville. Food, drinks, Tuesdays and costume contest. Sponsored by Metropolitan Com­ PIIHllix (Gay Alcoholics Anonymous) Open meetil'J. Memphis Lambda Center. "A wonderful high-school lesbian romance, rich 5:30 and Spill! Info 001 272-9459. munity Church. 8pm-1am. $5 donation. Info 615 228- with developing sexuality and attraction, and 8571 or 615 320-0288. the true pain and joys of adolescent love." Wednesdays PIID1ni1 (Gay Alooholics Anonymous) Open meetif'l. Memphis Lambda Center. -Carol Seajay, in Feminist Bookstore News 8pm. Info 001 272-9459. Saturday, Fepruary 4 Party Hors d'oeuvres, Memphis Gay Coalition. BYOB, Thursdays $6.95 in bookstores, or clip this ad to order by mail. P.flAG (Parents and Friends of Lesli ans and Gays) Support group. St. John's potluck.Party room, Bryton Tower, 1271 Poplar, Mem­ Episcopal Church, 322 S Greer. 1st Thursday only. Info 901 761-1444. phis. 8pm-11 pm. Free. Info 901-324-GAYS. Pllo1ni1 (Gay Alcoholics Anonymous) Open meetillJ. Memphis Lambda Center. 5:30pm. lnlo 901 272-9459. D Here is $8.00 (postpaid). Please send me one copy of CRUSH. Into tho Ught (Women·s Alcoholics Anonymous) Meeting. Memphis Lambda Center. 8pm. ln1o 901 276-7379. Name _____________ Address _____________ Fridays City___________________ St~te ___ Zip _____ Plli1ni1 (Gay Alcoholics Anonymous) Open meetif'l. Memphis Lambda Cenier. 5:30 and 10pm. Info 901 272-9459. - Alyson Publications, Dept. P-90, 40 Plympton St., Boston, MA 02118 Sa!JJrdays Twisted Sisters (ACOA) Open meeting . Memphis Lambda Center. Noon. Info 901 276-7379. Phooni1 (Gay Alcoholics Anonymous) Open meetillJ. Memphis Lambda Center. Spm. lnlo 901 272-9459. Sundays- AaaP• New Life Chun:h Sunday School. 9:3Cl!m. Worship service. 11am. lnlo 901276-1872. A Mistress Moderately Fair Holy Trinity Community Chun:h Worship service. 11am. 1216 Forrest Ave. Info 001 726-9443. • by Katherine Sturtevant ---~--- Mi Into tho Ught (Women's Alcoholics Anonymous) Meeting. Memphis Lambda Center. Noon. Info 901276-7379. Seventeenth-century. London's theater district ~ Phooni1 (Gay Alcoholics Anonymous) Open meetil'J. Memphis Lambda Center. 9459 is brought to life in this richly-detailed histori- Spmlnlo90l2n· - Sunday, February 5 cal romance. Two women - one an actress, the Pride Week '89 Planning meeting for Nashville's other a playwright - fall in love but are forced NASHVILLE · ·celebration of Lesbian and Gay Pride Week '89.1 pm. Info 615-297-4293. apart by ambition and the actress's secret past. Mondays Gay Dv1111tors Anonymous Open meeting for lesbian and gay overeaters. "Elegant prose and carefully conceived MCC, 5:30pm. Info 615-327-4614. Monday, February 6 ll■ llrvillo CARES HIV+ Edt.eatiorvSupport Group . 6:30pm. ARC/AIDS Support characters." -Publishers Weekly Group, bimonthly. 6:30pm . Family Support Group, bimonthly. 6:30pm.
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