Regional Directors Aane.. ic a n Region I Missouri and Jllinoi. J ohn Knoche. RR # I, Box 214A, LaGrange, MO 63448 Dexte.. Cattle (573) 655-4152 knot:[email protected] Term Expires: 11/2003 Association Region 2 Oregon and Idaho Anna Poole, 13474 Agate Road, Eagle Point. OR 97524 26804 Ebenezel" (541) 826-3467 [email protected] Term Expjres: I 1/2003 Concol"dia, MO 64020 Region 3 Washington, British Columbia, Hawaii, and Alaska Mark Youngs, 19919 - 80th Avenue, N.E., Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 489-1492 Term Expires: 11/2003 2001 Officers Region 4 Colorado, Nebraska. Wyoming, and Utah President Carol Am1 Trayno1·, 749 24 3/4 Road, Grand Junction, CO g 1505 Patrick Mitchell (970) 241-2005 [email protected] Term Expires: 11/2003 7164 Barry Street Hudsonvill e. M l 49426 Region 5 Montana, Alberta, and Saskatchawan (616) 875-7494 Allyn Nelson, Box 2. Colinton, Alberta, Canada TOG ORO shamrockacres@ hotmai I .com (780) 675-9295 [email protected] Term Expires: I I /2003 Vice President Region 6 Kansas. Oklahoma. and Texas Kathleen Smith Marvin Johnson . P.O. Box 441. Elkhart. KS 67950 351 Lighthall Road (580) 696-4836 papnjohn @clkhart.com Term Expires: I 1/200 I Ft. Plain, NY 13339 (5 18) 993-2823 Region 7 lndiana, KenLucky. and Ohio Kesmith @telenct.nct Sta n Cass. 19338 Pigeon Roost Rd., Howard. OH 43028 (740) 599-2928 [email protected] Term Expires: 11/200 I Secretarv- Treasurer Rosemary Fleharty Region 8 Alabama. Arkansas. Georgia. Florida. Louisiana. Mississippi. N. Carolina. 26804 Ebenezer S. Carolina, and Tenne~see Concordia. MO 64020 Donna Mar tin. 196 15 Asheville Hwy. Landrum, SC 29356 (660) 463-7704 (864) 457-4916 [email protected] Term Expires: 11/2001 (£vening:; & 1veekends) dfle @a Imanet.net Region 9 California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico W cs Patton, 7069 County Rd. 20, Orland, CA 95963 Settd 2J&de-t ~ mtd adu.etlidetllellf., (916) 865-7250 [email protected] Term Expires: 11/2001 to.· The Dexter Bulletin Region 10 Pennsylvani a. W. Virginia. Virginia, Maryland. Di ~tr i c t of Columbia, & Delaware Gwen Casey-Higgins. 4533 Lockes Mill Road, Berryville. VA 2261 1 Richa rd Henry (540) 955-4421 [email protected] Term Expires: 11/2002 17409 E. 163rd St. Lee's Summit, MO 64082 Region II New Jersey and New York [email protected] t Curre11tly vacant Term Expires: I 1/2002 Region 12 Maine. New Hampshire. Massachusells, C<> nnecticut. Rhode Island. & Vermont Gary W illiams, RR l , Box 5131, Sedgwick, ME 04676-9714 (207) 326-4717 Term Expires: 11/2002 Region JJ North & South Dakota. Iowa. Wisconsin, Minnesota. and Manitoba Chuck Daggett, 4 150 Merino Avenue. Watertown. MN 55388 (6 12) 446-1 423 ch [email protected] Term Expires: 11/2002 Region N M ichigan, Onrario. Quebec. and Eastern Provinces J ohn Potter, 2524 W. Elm Valley Road. Galie n. Ml 49113 (6 16) 545-2455 jpouer@rcmc I I. K 12.mi.us Te rm Expires: 11/2002 ©American D~x te r Cattle Association Page 2 The Dexter Bulletin Autumn 2001 ********************** ! HELP WANTED ! Message from the President ********************** The ADCA is adding a part-time Greetings from hot and humid rates. We hope to expand this area in position of Advertising & Marketing Western Michigan. As I write this. rhe the future to include advertising and Coordinator/Web. ite Administrator/ fo recast is for temperatures in the mid communications as well. Member hi p Book Ed itor. Duties will 90's, along with humidity in rhe mid • The Board voted to subsidize a include the fo llowing: coordinating the 90's. I am cerrainl y thank ful that we feedlot test of Dexter steers, ro be annual ad vertising campaign by aren't subjected to these extremes for done in Oklahoma. This should give researching markets and writing and extended periods of time. us valuable in formation on how our placing ads in appropriare periodicals: As you can see. l am still yo ur breed can rare in this area. acquiring. housi ng. marketing. anti President for another yea r. Thank you • We have taken the initial s tep~ dis tributing promotional ite ms: to the Board of Directors for the vote of toward looking at upgrading the maintaining the ADCA website through confidence. registry process. More information coordination with the wcbmastcr: We had n very good AGM in wi ll be coming in future months. receivin g and replyin g to e mail upstate Nc \.v York. and came away wi th As always. there are many things inquiries on rhe webpage; manngi ng the a good sense of accomplishment: that need to be accomplished in order online breeder listings: coord inating • The Classificati on Committee fo r our Associati on to continue to be articles ant! advertisements with the worked hard during the meeti ng successful. The pri mary thing is ADCA Bulletin Editor; coordinating. weekend to update and modi fy the communication. Many times. fee lings developing and collecting adver­ classificati on traits to better are hu rt or people are upset because tisements throughout the yecu· for an accommodate the dual purpose only part of an issue is communicated. ann ual membership book: working nature or the Dexter. My thanks go lf anyone has a ques ti on. or doesn · t with ADCA members to best represent to the committee for their efforts. unde rstand why some thing is Dex ter catlle, etc. The system should now be a useful happe ning. PLEASE AS K' T he A basic knowledge of Dexter callle tool in evaluating our animals. officers anct directo rs of this asi>oc iation is preferTed. Salary will be comnlen­ • We had an excelien t presentation on have been elected to help th e surate with the crede ntials a nd "color'' of the Dexter, and how membersh ip do the best job possible of determined by the Board or Directors at vari ous co l o r~ can occur geneti call y. ra i ~i ng and marketing Dexter cattle and their August 2002 meeting. Candidates • We crcarcd a '·promotional items .. are always willing to help. lr you ru n must submit a letter of interest. a segment of the Associati on, with into roadblocks, please contact me and complete resume with at least 3 letters Anna Poole currently heading it up. I' II do what I can to help. or recommendation, and a writing This will start out wi th hats, T-shirts T wish everyone the best jn all their sample to the ADCA offi ce at 26804 etc. that have the ADCA logo that Dexter endeavors. Patrick Mitchell Ebenezer Road. Concordia. MO 64020. members can buy at very reasonable ADCA President Materiall> are due prior to March 1, 2002. Con tents Officers and Directors ............................................................................................. 2 Message from tbe President .................................................................................... 3 20{)1 AGlVl in NY State ......................................................................................... 4-5 Annual Meeting JVlinutes ...................................................................................... 6-7 Board of Directors l\lleeting Minutes ................................................................... 8-9 Video Show Results ................................................................................................ 10 Chond rodysplasia Gene Identified ....................................................................... ll Breeding Practices ............................................................................................ 11-12 Good News, Bad Ne,vs ........................................................................................... J 2 Preferred Dexter Steer Feedout lnfor mation ....................................................... l2 I Sa'v a Dexter in Ireland ....................................................................................... 13 When Living in Eden Became More Like Living in Hell ............................... l 4-16 From the Editor ..................................................................................................... 17 ALBC Annual Conference........................... .......................................................... 17 ADCA Gifts ............................................................................................................ 17 · Cover photo: "Summertime and Classified Advertising ....................................................................................... 18-21 . the living is easy." Photograph lnforntation ....................................................................................................... 22-23 ' courtesy of Limkt Hawkins, Winding • Deadline fot· Winter 2001 Issue- November 1st • · -Llme Farm. · · The Dexter Bulletin Autumn .2001 -· · · . · · , • · Page 3 2001 Clnnua£ CJetwtcd .JJileetituj m.Neat ~ State Pilotograplt.1 hy f..'aJ/iy Smirh. Bo11mu feji and right pfmtugmph.1 hy Mar/.. L. Dc11·is. Page 4 · The Dexter Bulletin Autumn 2001 If you plan it. they will come, or at to represent your m·ea to be sold as part Results of the Li ve Show least it seems that way. For the 200 1 or the fund raiser or sending a video or There were about 25 Dcxters in AGM. we had nearly 100 at some of the your animals does a lot to help make the attendance, but not all were for sale. events. The ox trai ning was a success. event successful. There were six oxen, and my husband We got some great publ icity in the Best wishes to Slavka Perrone, who and I loaned four cows and two calves Albany Times-Uni on newspaper. T! decided to sell all or her Dexrers. She for exhibition. was an opportunit y for Dexter wi ll no longer be a Regional Director. Here's what I have for results. I members to spread the word about which means
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