CATHOLIC JULY 1, 2018 THE 13TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME VOLUME 67:20 DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS A journal of Catholic life in Ohio JUBILEE OF ANNIVERSARIES 2018 2 Catholic Times July 1, 2018 Sharing His love, encouraging hope Editor’s reflections by Doug Bean By Michael Ames to their facilities or for special Diocesan Office of Development programs, such as those for their Peace be with you and Planning youth or senior populations. This year celebrates 60 years Some of the programs and min- In a culture consumed with worldly be with you,” as of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. istries that your gift will support concerns, it’s important to emphasize he did Sunday, God has blessed our Diocese with are the education of our future that the Catholic Church is, first and June 24 at the faith-filled, active and caring peo- priests and deacons, quality ed- foremost, in the business of saving diocesan Jubilee ple through the years. There is a ucation of our children in our souls and leading them to heaven. of Anniversaries great tradition of support for the Catholic Schools and Parish PSR It seems as though the growing ca- Mass for married couples at Colum- Bishop’s Annual Appeal, which Programs, evangelization and cophony from outside the Church has bus St. Andrew Church (see Pages enables the many ministries and programs for our multi-ethnic drowned out the real purpose of its 10-12). That peace can only be found programs to flourish for the ben- Catholic communities, family life mission. If you read or listen to main- through love for Christ. efit of so many of our sisters and enhancement and preparation for stream media these days, you’re not That inner peace also leads to good brothers. The theme for this year’s Christian marriage, programs for seeing or hearing much about spiritu- works. The Catholic Church is the Appeal, “Sharing His Love, En- youth and young adults that tend ality simply because it doesn’t provide greatest charitable organization in couraging Hope,” serves as a re- to deepen their faith and the var- a ratings or readership boost. the world, and the driving force is the minder of what we are called to ious programs facilitated by the There are problems all around us. In faith of the people to serve God. Char- do as followers of Christ. Office of Social Concerns. the world, in cities, in families. Most ity comes from the heart. Today there are so many chal- Please consider a gift to the of the issues are familiar to us. Many This Sunday, July 1 is the feast of lenges that the Church faces in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal if you of them are age-old conundrums. St. Junipero Serra, the great mission- care of its people, but we have the have not yet had a chance to do So how do we solve them? By argu- ary who spread the Catholic faith to opportunity through our support so. As Bishop Campbell reminds ing and shouting? the natives on the West Coast of the of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal to us, “In His Gospel, Jesus chal- We should try listening to God the United States during the 18th century. help meet those challenges. lenges us to be good and faithful The feast is not celebrated this year Father for answers and then allow The goal this year for the Bish- stewards of all the gifts He has because it falls on a Sunday, but the Him to speak through us. He should op’s Annual Appeal is $6.75 mil- entrusted to us.” We are called be the source of all solutions to dilem- Franciscan missionary serves as a in- lion. Currently, total pledges and to share those gifts, bringing His mas that plague the human race, the spirational model of apostolic zeal for gifts have reached $5.75 million love and hope to others. one we rely on during difficult times. bringing souls to Christ. and nearly half of all parishes have To make a gift or receive addi- If everyone would let Our Lord work Three days later, our country will ob- met their targeted goal. Of those tional information about the 2018 through them -- infused with grac- serve Independence Day on Wednes- parishes who surpass their goal, Bishop’s Annual Appeal, con- es through the frequent reception of day, July 4. We pray that God will 100 percent of all dollars collect- tact the Office of Development the body and blood of Christ in Holy bless America, which was founded on ed that exceed their goal will be and Planning at (614) 241-2550 Communion at Mass -- we would find Christian principles from which jus- returned to the parish. Many par- or toll-free (877) 241-2550, by peace in our nation and in our lives. tice and peace should flow. ishes have greatly benefited from emailing at devmailbox@colum- Whenever Bishop Frederick Camp- Let’s pray that more people come to meeting this challenge, allowing buscatholic.org, or by logging on bell celebrates Mass, he greets the find the true peace that the world so them to pay for improvements to www.columbuscatholic.org congregation with a profound “Peace desperately needs. Catholic Times is on summer schedule! Things slow down during the summer, and that includes the Catholic OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ~ Clergy Assignment Times. In June, July and August, we will be publishing every other week. Rev. Tyron J. Tomson, from Parochial Vicar of Sacred Heart Church, New Philadelphia; Look for the Catholic Times in your mailbox just prior to: July 15 & Immaculate Conception Church, Dennison; and Holy Trinity Church, Zoar, to Pastor, 29; August 12 & 26. We will return to a weekly publication St. Bernadette Church, Lancaster and St. Mary Church, Bremen, effective July 10. schedule in September. Front Page photo: Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, DD, PhD ~ President & Publisher Robert “Bob” and CATHOLIC Doug Bean ~ Editor ([email protected]) Margaret “Lu” Tim Puet ~ Reporter ([email protected]) Cudak, celebrating their 70th wedding TIMES Alexandra Keves ~ Graphic Design Manager anniversary in Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. ([email protected]) 2018, with Bishop Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is Frederick Camp- published weekly 45 times per year with exception of every other Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 bell at the dioc- week in June, July and August and the week following Christmas. Subscriptions (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 esan Jubilee of Subscription rate: $25 per year, or call and make arrangements Anniversaries. CT with your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus, OH 43218. ([email protected]) Photo/Ken Snow Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus, OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. July 1, 2018 Catholic Times 3 ODU bolsters Mass for JOIN staff and volunteers management team, announces promotions Ohio Dominican University added a new member to its management team and pro- moted several staff members, university President Robert A. Gervasi announced. Sister Diane Traffas, OP, was named vice president for mission and identity. Mark Coo- per, who previously served as vice president for marketing and public relations, was ap- pointed to an expanded role as vice president for advancement and external relations. Gervasi also announced two staff pro- motions as a result of the restructuring in the marketing and advancement areas of the university. Christie Flood Weiner was named associate vice president for advance- ment and director of alumni relations and Tom Brockman was named associate vice president for marketing and public relations. Sister Traffas, a member of the Domini- can Sisters of Peace, has served as the Di- rector of the Center for Dominican Studies Bishop Frederick Campbell celebrated Mass on Monday, June 25 at Columbus St. Joseph Cathedral for the staff and at ODU since October 2016. She holds a volunteers of the Joint Organization for Inner-City Needs. JOIN provides material assistance for low-income families bachelor’s degrees in English and educa- in Franklin County. In the homily, Bishop Campbell said, “May God grant us the grace to live our lives through the tion from Marymount College in Salina, saving love of Jesus Christ. For those who live their lives only for themselves will lose them. When we do our charity, Kansas, and a master’s degree in educa- we assure those we serve that they are always loved — just as Jesus loves us. So pray to God that we receive His tional administration from Wichita State blessing in our mission to serve those in need.” University. She has worked served as an elementary school teacher and school prin- cipal in two states as well as at Amakohia Shepherds of Columbus Pilgrimage Girls High School in Owerri, Nigeria. She also has held leadership positions with Catholic Health Initiatives. Cooper, who joined the university in 2012, has more than 25 years of experi- ence in higher education as senior director for marketing and communications at Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, and in public relations, marketing and communi- cations roles at Capital University in Co- lumbus. He has a bachelor’s degree in jour- nalism from Ohio State University. Weiner has held numerous alumni re- lations and advancement roles at Ohio Dominican for nearly 20 years, and most recently was director of alumni relations and advocacy. She earned her bachelor’s degree in cross disciplinary studies with minors in theology, journalism and com- munications from Ohio Dominican.
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