NASEBY Parish Council 7TH MARCH 2019 DRAFT Minutes Chairman: Councillor Paul Reedman Clerk: Katrina Jones, email: nasebypc@outlook.com Draft Minutes of Meeting of Naseby Parish Council Held on 7th March 2019 in the Village Hall, Naseby at 7.30 pm Present: Cllrs Reedman (Chair), Howat (Vice-Chair), Dyett, Nicholson, Vann and Carter . In attendance: K Jones (Clerk) and three members of the public. 233. Apologies for Absence: None. 234. To Confirm Minutes of Meeting held on 7th February 2019: It was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2019 which were duly signed by the Chairman. ACTION: Clerk to post approved minutes on Naseby.org and on the parish noticeboard. 235. Declarations of Interest: Cllr Vann in items 240 and 252. 236. Public Participation: A member of the Friends of Naseby Play Area group attended to speak regarding item 242. 237. To Fill Parish Council Vacancy by Co-option: It was unanimously RESOLVED to co-opt Rachael Johnston to fill one of the two Parish Council vacancies. 238. To Note Proposal by Daventry District Council to Join Cottesbrooke Parish Meeting With Creaton Parish Council To Form a Council To Be Known as Creaton and Cottesbrooke Parish Council. Following Recent Consultation and To Note Further Consultation: Noted. 239. To Note Completion of Adoption of Public Open Space on Cottesbrooke Road: It was noted that this had completed and the money had been transferred into the Parish Council’s bank account. The Clerk was asked to ask the auditor if the commuted sum money received needed to be ring fenced for the Public Open Space. 240. To Confirm Instruction of Solicitors to Act on Behalf of Naseby Parish Council to Draft Lease in Accordance with Previously Agreed Heads of Terms with Naseby Village Hall Management Committee: It was RESOLVED to appoint LGSS Law Ltd to draft the lease for the play area. 241. To Note Change of One of the Conditions of Grant for Play Area from Daventry District Council Allowing Money to Be Claimed in the Next Financial Year and Refusal to Change Condition Relating to Delaying the Drafting of Play Area Lease: Noted. 242. To Consider and Agree Any Action Regarding Play Area Including Fencing Type, Gate, Omitted Path, Benches and a Potential Land Drain Including its Funding: The Clerk was asked to write to the Village Hall Committee to ask if they wanted to put in any drainage at the time the play area is installed. 243. To Agree Additions to Countrywide Mowing Contract: a) to consider and decide on the additional weed killing requested by the Village Hall Management Committee including extra costs: It was RESOLVED to agree to the cost of weedkilling and the Clerk was asked to write to the Village Hall Committee and the mowing contractor to confirm this. b) to reconsider access arrangements for the southern public footpath section from the allotments to Cottesbrooke Road. It was RESOLVED that this would be deferred to see if any problems arise. 244. To Agree Resolution to Pay Spratton Parish Council Money to Subsidise the 59 /60 Bus Service and: a) to note the £17,000 of government transport grant now available towards the £32,000 cost of maintaining the existing 59 and 60 bus services for the year 2019/20, subject to parish councils funding the remaining £15,000 of the cost: Noted. b) to note the indicative response dated 17th February 2019 for Naseby's contribution of £2,362.50. This was caveated as being subject to the views from a public meeting on the 2nd March and a full parish council meeting resolution: Noted. It was also noted that the contribution required had increased since February to £2,700 and this figure was used on the handouts for the public meeting. c) to consider the level of contribution towards the £15,000 sum to be made by Naseby Parish Council: It was RESOLVED to agree a contribution of up to £2,700. 245. To Agree Purchase of Replacement Battery (To Replace Battery Due to Expire on 1st April 2019) for Defibrillator and Confirm Purchase of Replacement Pads Following Deployment of Defibrillator on 1st March 2019: It was RESOLVED that a replacement battery pack should be purchased and an extra set of pads. It was RESOLVED to approve up £100 be spent on defibrillator consumables as and when required. 246. To Receive Update on Tree and Vegetation Trimming at the Obelisk and Agree Further Actions: Cllr Howat confirmed that there were trees on the island, for which the Parish Council are responsible, and it was agreed that three quotes would be obtained from tree surgeons. Cllr Carter agreed to meet on site with the tree surgeons. 247. To Appoint Northants CALC as Data Protection Officer for 2019/20 at a Cost of £10 for Service: It was RESOLVED to appoint NCALC as the data protection officer for the Parish Council. 248. To Consider Request to Provide Funding for Naseby Open Gardens: It was RESOLVED to agree to pay up to £50 once receipts had been provided. 249. To Note Responses to Approach to Other Parishes Regarding a Shared PCSO for 2020/21: It was RESOLVED not to pursue this further due to lack of interest from other parishes. 250. To Adopt Proposed Parish Council Action Plan Arising from Matters Discussed at Strategy Meeting: It was RESOLVED to adopt the action plan and review and update it quarterly. 251. To Consider Future Payment of Mole Invoices Split Between Parish Council and Village Hall: It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council would continue to split the invoices equally with the village hall. 252. To Further Consider Grant Application Received from Naseby Village Hall Committee: It was RESOLVED to defer this pending receipt of further accounts. 253. Planning Matters: a. Planning Decision Notice: DA/2018/0869: Land Off Cottesbrooke Road, Naseby, Northamptonshire: Formation of agricultural vehicle access. Permission Granted: Noted. b. Planning Decision Notice DA/2018/1063: 11 Bakehouse Rise, Naseby: Work to Tree subject of Tree Preservation Order DA 355. Permission Granted: Noted. c. Planning Decision Notice DA/2018/1085: 28 Nutcote Naseby: Single storey rear extension. Permission Granted: Noted. d. Planning Decision Notice DA/2018/0985, 3 Purlieu Court, Naseby: single storey rear extension. Permission Granted: Noted. 254. Reports: a. Highways: no report. b. Street Lighting: no report. c. Neighbourhood Watch: The Clerk will put the volunteer who has come forward in touch with the local co-ordinator. d. Village Hall Committee/Sports Court: no report. e. Playground Inspection: no problems reported. Cllr Carter will email a copy of the report to the Clerk. f. Naseby Battlefield Project: Cllr Howat reported that the Battlefield Trust had objected to the proposed removal of Battlefield signage on the A14. g. Mowing: Cllr Reedman reported that the recreation ground had been mowed. h. Trees and Footpaths: Cllr Carter reported overhanging trees and hedges and it was agreed a standard letter would be sent to households identified. i. Friends of Naseby Play Area update: no further report. j. Defibrillator: no report. k. Wind farm: no report. l. Website: It was agreed that the Clerk would send details of how to add information to the website to Cllr Howat and Cllr Nicholson. m. Speed Information Display: Cllr Reedman asked if a rota could be drawn up to move the speed sign. n. Welcome Booklet: no report. 255. Finance: Bank Balance on Bank Statement as at 1st February 2019 £60,153.43 Less money ring fenced for projects: Play Area Reserve £12,000.00 Sports Court Reserve £1,000.00 Lottery Grant for Play Area £10,000.00 CIL Money £7,524.00 a. Receipts i. Interest on 31.01.19 10.34 b. Payments for Approval: £ i. Katrina Jones (Clerk salary and home use 423.79 payment) by Standing Order ii. Katrina Jones reimbursement for payment of 25.00 delivery of bus meeting flyers iii. Eon for street light repair 992.40 iv. Opus (direct debit ) 38.36 v. LGSS Invoice for POS legal fees dated 4th 29.01 February 2019 vi. Parish Magazine Printing for printing Naseby 77.60 News vii. Welford Xmas Tree Farm 275.00 viii. Maximow for rolling recreation ground 148.00 ix. Rugby Pest Control: Moles 60.00 x. CHT for replacement defib pads TBC Deferred. xi. Wicksteed for annual inspection report 54.00 It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments except item 255.b.x. for which no invoice had been received in time for the meeting. The Clerk advised the Council that they would need to open another bank account due to rules on how much the Council could hold in one account. 256. AOB (For Information Only) a. Cllr Reedman advised that he is prepared to continue as Chair for another year but could not attend the Annual Parish Council Meeting in May so it was agreed to change the date of the meeting to 9th May at 6.30pm and hold the Annual Meeting of the Parish immediately afterwards at 7.30pm. The Clerk was asked to book the village hall. b. Cllr Dyett gave the Clerk the receipt for refreshments for the bus meeting and defibrillator training to go on the next agenda. c. Cllr Nicholson suggested having a noticeboard and postbox at the village shop and would also investigate a separate mobile phone for the Clerk. 257. To Note Next Meeting: Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 4th April 2019 at 7.30pm: Noted Meeting closed at 9.06pm. .
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