VOLUME 5, NUMBER 11 HERLAND SISTER RESOURCES, INC. NOVEMBER, ~ 1987 1630 NW 19, OKC, OK 73106 ted. Wedding Gertificates were Tuesday found several Oay March available and comedianne Linda thousand lesbians and gay Lavner performed for the newly­ men on the East Lawn of the weds at the reception which nation's capitol building, A Success followed. across 1st Street from the Saturday evening found Supreme Court Building. The WASHINGTON, DC - Lesbians many of the March attendants at first of 11 seven or eight and gay men numbering in the DAR Constitution Hall just down waves 11 of protesters ,con­ hundreds of thousands converg­ the street from the White House sisting of 200 or mo~d qays ed on the nation's capital on where the "Let Freedom Ring" crossed the street to the October 9th for a long week­ Band was playing to a "sold out" steps of the ·Court building end of activities planned by crowd. This band. brought to­ at 8 am Tuesday morning. various gay organizations to gether for the March On Washing­ The day-long protest was emphasize ho~osexuals' demands gon, was a composite of many designed to run continuous­ for civil rights. gay and lesbian bands from all ly by having a designated For the lesbians who ga­ across the country. A local wo­ number of people cross to thered in Washington from all myn was there. Said Helen Hol­ the steps at designated across the United States the gate, "This band was great! times. The end result was week's festivities were kicked There was so much energy in the a lengthy civil disobed­ off with a concert featuring Hall. There were flag twirlers ience demonstration, and Cris Williamson, Tret Fure, and performing with the band, and an all-time recbrd number Casselberry-DuPree. On Friday the Denver Women's Chorus sang of arrests - 572. evening the Lisner Auditorium accompanied by the band . It was DC Police, unable to on the George Washington Uni­ all just so wonderful! 11 handle the massive number versity campus was packed to Sunday, of course, was the of arrestees, had to borrow the roof with wimmin 11 having a day the majority of lesbians and buses from Continental great time, feeling the music, gay men had come to Washington Trailways to transfer those and clapping and dancing to for. A personal account of the arrested from the Supreme Casselberry and DuPree 11 accord­ March On Washington for Lesbian Court site to 11 Cell Block ing to one concert-goer. and Gay Rights follows this ar­ B11 processing and holding 11 11 The Wedding - an activi- ticle. facility, and again from ty which symbolized the com­ Monday was a day spent by Cell Block B to the Superior mitment that gay couples have thousands of gays in class. Court Building where the to the relationships they For this was the day they would protesters either paid a share - was held Saturday at be trained in civil disobedience $100 fine and were released 2 pm on Constitution Avenue be­ procedures to make themselves or continued their protest tween the IRS Building and the ready for Tuesday's protest at by going through arraign­ Natura 1 Hi story Museum. "The the Supreme Court. Protesters ment. filing of charges. couples filled the street" for were trained to be in one of and court procedings. the 30~minute ceremony in which two groups: those expecting to over 2,000 couples took part. be arrested - for going into a A female Metaphysical minister forbidden area on the steps of conducted the ceremony, and the Supreme Court building; and continued on page 2 many lesbians, including Robin those who would be their sup­ Tyler and her lover. participa- porte5 - who would remain in a legal area of the steps. continued from page 1 With estimates of the number of demon­ strators ranging from 200,000 (DC Police Department estimates) to over 500,000 (Speaker Jesse Jackson's estimate), the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights was deemed a big success by its plan­ A N N 0 U N C E S ners and promoters. FALL RETREAT VIDEO REVIEW AND PICTURE SWAP EYE WITNESS ACCOUNT NOVEMBER 21 6 :00 pm The following article is a personal account at c:>'f the October 11th March On Washington for CLASSEN BLVD in NORMAN Lesbian and Gay Rights. Written by Helen 1126 Holgate, it recounts her impressions of that (Pot Luck Dinner) historic day; Up at 7 am after a few hours of sleepo NEXT COLLECTIVE MEETING A quick shower and dressing in lavendar and purple - a splash of color for the day ahead. NOVEMBER 22 Fast-paced footsteps along now-familiar down­ town D.C. streets headed to the elipse on an 4:30 PM overcast Sunday morning. at In the store buying last-minute necess­ HER LAND ities, like film and passing "brothers and sisters" on the street - all part of the fam­ ily. The air was brisk, the atmosphere alive CHANGE OF ADDRESS? with the energy of love. Past hotels, shops, fountains we walkedo If you are planning to move, and you Waving and smiling ~even laughing - knowing don't want to miss any issues of the HSR we were among friends. A giant community of Newsletter, please let us know your new ad­ lesbians and gay men gathering in our nation's dress BEFORE you move. The Post Office will capitol to share a message with the rest of not forward the Newsletter, and Herland will the world: For Love and For Life, We're Not not change your address without your author­ Going Back ••••• ization. Therefore, to insure ~ eceipt of It was a wonderful, perhaps "never to be the Newsletter fill out and mail us this experienced again" event for me - the second change of address form BEFORE you move . The March on Washington by lesbians and gay men - form may also be used to add a name to the a march of over 500,000 of us from our com­ mailing list. munities all over the world. We gathered on the elipse behind the White House from 9 am CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM 'til noon. A mixture and blend of such won­ derfully diverse groups as the Radical Fairies, Name(s): -------------- People in Leather contingents from the 50 continued on pag~ 3 PUBLISHED BY: HERLAND SISTER RESOURCES, INC. Old Address: CIRCULATION: 700 PHONE NUMBER (WEEKENDS): 524-7108 City: GENERAL INFO: 495-4390 794-7464 State: ------ Zip: 672-6459 1-353-6861 (LAWTON) New Address: VOLUNTEER INFO: 672-4141 ADVERTISING: 794-7464 City: -------------- DEADLINE on all advertising and submissions State: Zip: ----- is the 15th of each month. Mail to: Herland Sister Resources, Inc. SUBSCRIPTIONS to this Newsletter are free 1630 Nl~ 19 by calling any number above. 2 Oklahoma City, OK 73106 .All submitted materials must be re­ ceived by Valentine's Day, 1988. Around the Country Thank you for spreading the word. Jean Mountaingrove and Sunlight UPDATE ON LESBIAN MINISTER Co-editors In 1984, the quadrennial conference of the United Methodist Church passed a reso~ lution banning "practicing homosexuals" continued from page 2 from the ministry. At the time, Rev. Rose Marie Denman supported the rule. Two years states, representatives from several colleg­ later she had accepted her own lesbianism, es and universities - Howard, Brown, Earlham. renounced her former attitude of discrimin­ People with AIDS, Gay Parents, Parents of ation, and challenged the ban (see August's Gays, and more. Folks of all colors, ages, issue of HSR Newsletter). and backgrounds, we marched up 17th Street Last month a hearing of 4 female and 9 in froht of the White House, down 15th Street male church authorities found her guilty of and on past the Washington Monument to the violating the ban, but gave her the light­ Mall in front of the Capitol. The streets est possible sentence and refused to de­ were lined with supporters - lesbians and gay frock her as a minister. Denman, who had men who had not participated in the march, not expected such leniency, rejoiced that but were there to cheer us on, people holding the church had risen to the challenge and signs - straights who support gays - and the affirmed homosexuals as "persons of worth Black man with the sign: Corn-fed Iowa. Fag­ and value in the eyes of God", but contin­ got. As we passed cheers went up as p~bpJe ued with her plans to switch to the Unitar­ said "Oklahoma", and occassionally ran up to ian Universalist Church. The ruling by the tell us the time they had lived there or church will stand at least until the next where they came from in Oklahoma. quadrennial conference in 1988. The two-hour wait on the elipse before from Up & Coming (September, 1987) our group from Oklahoma, along with the other 50 states, even began the march let us know how many had gone before us. We waited pat­ iently as we visited each other, listened to inspiring words from speakers organized by A CALL FOR MATERIALS the People of Color and watched sisters and FROM ACROSS THE MILES brothers run to greet each other - seeing old friends reunited. It was a beau ti ful out­ Dear Sisters : pouring of love. The Old Lesbian Celebration in Los Then, finally arr1v1ng on the Mall be­ Angeles, California in April, 1987, in­ tween the Washington Monument and the Capitol creased our pride and joy in living these to find thousands of us - we indeed were ev­ years after sixty. \~e are keenly aware erywhere! Giant speakers 20 feet high were of ageism in ourselves, in our lesbian needed to carry the sound of Whoopi Goldberg, communities, and in our younger sisters.
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