SITUATIONS DOMESTIC <C«i*.l INSTRUC. COURSES (Cont.) REPAIRS AND SERVICE (Cent.) MISCL. FOR SALE (Cont.) | MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAL! MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAL! WOMAN, colored, desires day •posi- ROOFING REPAIRS, gutters, spout- ARMY OFFICER’S UNIFORMS. 36 R. BINOCULARS, Bausch & Lomb, 7*50. COA'l'—Canadian beaver, size 18. ex- I ELEC ICE SITUATIONS MEN (Cont.l SITUATIONS tion. Mon., Tues., Wed.; reliable and highly cultured woman ir.g; materials on hand. A. B. C. BOX. Universal. 4cu, WOMEN (Cont.) <~ ; worn 6 inos. Any reasonable coated lens, like new, with case; cellent condition. Call OL. 1117.—28 dependable; refs. DE. 6465. Teaches English, sell-confldence. ROOFING CO.. RA. 0350. —39 It.; good condition; $30. WO. 8370. offer. Call GE. 1381. 28* *69. OR. 2088. COATS—Gray Chesterfield. • : WOMAN, colored, g.h.w., 9 to 10 Ircedom from self-consciousness. ROOFS ziD-ln ACCOUNTING for small business, GIRL, desires REPAIRED, gutters, and BABY BED, mattress, bumper, $12. lining. white, soda fountain a.m., till after dinner: or MI. ° BINOCULARS—Make, "Sard". 7x30, Red flannel soring coat. * part time. spouts; also new roofs. CH. 9439. audits, tax; reasonable; by former work; experienced. LI. 7-0837. 2550.__ Play pen. pad. $12. Highchair- perlect condition, carrying case, $15 each, both size 13; excellent ELECTRIC' motors, a. c.. 14 h p”T * References. DU. 4568. Govt, tax agent. JE. 3-7878. GIRL, colored, wishes counter work [ Learn tablc comb., $7. OV. 2838. 28* 850.00 Will bring to your house condition. CO. 0085. Apt. 104. * good cond.. $5. SH. 170). W’OMAN. colored, desires day's work Typing—$8 Month • ADM. ASST.—Jr. acct -auditor, 34. or waitress; BABY BUGGY, like new, sturdy built, EX. 8352. COATS-—Ladies’ fine winter at ELECTRIC RANGE—-Atestinghouse 4- 3:30 to 11:30 p.m. or g.h.w. 5 days week. LI. 4-5475. or coats draft new Beginners Brushup Course TELEVISION REPAIR $15. AD. 1879. —1 and burner; excel, cond. WI. exempt; car. consider MI. 7170. WOMAN, colored, BINOCULARS, Zeiss, 0x30, new con- below cost. HERMAN'S. 0003. •ravel: 575. CO. • experienced: g.h.w.: TYPING SCHOOL service BABY CARRIAGE and mattress— LADIES ELECTRIC RANGE, 7527. HOSTESS or traveling companion time. 9 till 14011 Prompt by electronics engi- dition. featherweight, and coated CUSTOM TAILOR, 800 3-burner, deep ADMIN. mornings, part 3: refs.; O St, N.W., ST. 2252. neer. sized crib, almost 17th st. well, oven ASST., graduate of business position desired by capable older 5 AT. eves., week ends. OW. 0439. Regulation maple lens, with carrying case. OR. 2085. n.w.. NA. 8154. and broiler; General Elec- days. 9798. new; college. 3 yrs. coll, in Geo. Wash woman; hostess for some —39 best offer. OL. 1371. —28 BIRCH LUMBER, also COATS. SUITS. TUXEDO, size 38; tric; very reasonable. UN. 2637. years at YOUNG WOMAN, col., wants day’s BABY cedar, cypress. U.. 500 hrs. flying time in single — CARRIAGE—Hedstrom twin shirts muskrat coat, mink ELECTRIC RANGE. leading southern college, charming work; Mon.. Wed., Thurs.; cleaning MOTOR TRAVEL UPHOLSTERY Couches, chairs re- Hr, hemlock, locust, mahogany, cape, GE. new guar- and multi-engine aircraft in Navy • carriage, like new. #35. Call FR. Zeiss camera. MI. 1791. 28* antee; autom.; $375. personality, very versatile. NO. fine lingerie; exp. ref. TR. 4755. webbed. springs reset; your home or maple, oak. pine, redwood, walnut, MI. 2142. and U.S.A.F., shorthand, 100 worn.: 3529 1180. —29 etc. COFFEE TABLE, solid mahogany., 28* MORNING WORK for girl I’ve had 4 YOUNG LADY desires trip to Tampa my shop; furniture repair, all kinds. RUCKER LUMBER, 1320 Wil- typing 85: white, aee 27. married. * BABY CRIB (Kroll) and mattress. son hand tooled leather ELECTRIC RANGE. L. LADY, 35, seeks work Sat. nights. yrs.; vie. Conn, and Nebraska. VI. betw. Jan. ;il and Feb. J. Share S. M. JANNEY. GE. 0380. blvd. JA. 4-1234. top; dropieaf; & H.. aTburn- 2 children; desires pos. of a perm, $22; carriage, $18; refgr.. $35; In $40. SH. 3445. er. deep well: Sundays, hat check eir! or hostess 3514 ’til Mon. noon, or EM. 9134. I expense. Call WA. 411**. —38 VENETIAN BLINDS washed, repaint- BOILER, American Standard good condition; $40 nature with good nay. OT. 8203. * excel, cond. AT. 1253. Severn, COFFEE cash. WI. in restaurant. Box 280-L. Star. EFFICIENT COLORED nursemaid MIAMI. Feb. 17: return ed. retaped re-corded. PARK AVE. and Iron Fireman anthracite TABLE, round mahogany. 1705. 28* •3# Feb. 36; take BABY CRIB AND CARRIAGE SALE— stoker; $3o: antique bedroom ELECTRIC LEGAL SECRETARY. experienced, wants to take care of colcTed 3: reas.; 48 De Soto. MRS. VENETIAN BLIND CO- 6314 R. I. excellent condition. OT. Sun • chest, walnut, TOASTERS (3> at $6: ADV., direct mail expert, sales prom., ED- During remodeling we are offering 9412 $150. desires temporary for one working parents' children in her WARDS. LI. • ave Riverdale. Md- UN. 1345. BOOKS. Liquidation EM. 7868. Spertl sunlamp. $18: M. & H. house public rel.: top refs free resume. wo^k 5-671)0. Ext. 4-3546. many specials. All nationally ad- several lots, COLD month. OV. 3712. own home. Call GE. 014 Sun- VENETIAN BLIND REPAIRS and including entire PLATES (3). size 6x8. KI. thermostat. *5: overcoat, size 38 P. O. Box 7170, Washington 4, D C. 9, MIAMI—Lady wishes iw'o weeks, vertised brands. Taylor Tots, with library of the 8-6893. MAID or g.h.w\; colored girl wishes days nnl". round supplies CITY AWNING CO- 3930 Warrenton (Va.) LA- 6-6980. trip; married, gentile couple this adv $7.95. NATIONAL BABY Country School, a ENLARGER. part-time job. 5-day wk.; ref. DI. EXPERIENCED WOMAN desires part- pret.. share exp. JU. 7-67 70. • Georgia ave. n.w.. RA. 5100 private high school. Wide Bolar. 5x7. perfect, used APARTMENT MANAGER; vicinity of time SHOP. 2461 18th st. n.w.. opp. variety, COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY! 3 going Into 2171. work in morning or maid in LEAVING MONDAY, Dallas, via WALL PAPER removed by steam, oc to 75c per book lor quick sale; p°s.; Army; $60. HO. Alexandria, can furnish local ref- Tex., Ambassador Theater. —31 E\11^tiling for color! Free instruc- 5838. MANUSCRIPT TYPIST—Work called doctor’s office or hotel: ref. TU Columbia. S. C.. Augusta. Ga.; one free estimate. JO. 3-0037. —38 a lew special items, 81 to *2 erences Box 248-L. Star. 28* BABY FURNITERE—Full-size maple each tions by experts. BRENNER. 933 ENC., 13th for. completed promptly and de- 3884. or two riders; ref. req. JA. 8-4830. ESTATE BOOK EDIT. BRITANNICA— • crib and mattress. $30; high chair SALES, 1807 H livered. OL. NT AT COLORED GIRL desires work • n.w. Pennsylvania aye, n.w. Catalog free! Excel, cond.: also World Book 7539. and 3rd floor: Sunday and Mon- Ene. of any kind. pad. $10: playpen and pad. In good cond.: reas. MANUSCRIPTS typed—25 cents References. 748 DAYTONA BEACH — WATERPROOFING only- 1<* c m. COMPRESSOR, EM. 3436. Take two; $10 OW. 5442. —28 to 10 p.vn Frigidalre, l1/, h.p. IASS per page. CO. Longfellow st. n.w. TA. 9667. * water cooled, (21. Emerson pedestal type 1 2708. 29* Thursday. TE. 3225. BABY FURN.—3troller. crib, BOOKS—Exceptional collection; sell perfect condition; NEAT COLORED WOMAN, desires job high ready to speeds. 34-in.: like new: moving; MEDICAL SECRETARY desires posi- DRIVING TO MIAMI, Fla., about Specializing In residential basements. chair, trainer chair: mdividuaHy: seen Sat., install; $200. 81S Ken- •* days a week: can do work: good condition. Sun., Mon. best offer accepted. tion in doctor’s office; experienced; night Feb 2nd: will take some Using only proven materials and and Tues., 807 ilth nedy st. n.w. MEYERS, 1331 references. one to Reasonable. SL. 2951. st. n w "8* Conn, ave DU. AD. 8960. • methods. COUCH—Opens 5742. good references. UN. 2708. share expenses. WA. 7084. Phone MR. JOHNSON. BABY STROLLER, Turquoise, BOOKS. Childcratt. set ol 14 into, bed; needs DIRECTOR TWO COLORED WOMEN, for day’s adjust- books. some repair; RA. FANS, attic kitchen, exhaust; all NURSE, practical, white, exp., dr. MIAMI, in new car; JA. able foot rest like new; 82.,. Ceil SL 9"54 $35. 7006; guar- work: 1 any day except Tues. and couple going 4-0050.___—38 and sun shield; ex- anteed sizes Installed. 60 years’ best references. Pref. aged or chronic a m.. Feb. 3; take congenial BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, discomfort unless repaired. reliable AVAILABLE Fri.: other, 3 days: good refs. HU couple ALL TYPES of brick work and small cellent condition; cost ¥25. sell 515. like new: • service. GICHNER. LA. 6-6600 cases. Live in. CH. 8380. or ladies; share sacrifice; teachers On short notice, creative exp.; luggage jobs; very reason. RE. 8036. CO. 6768. —28 recommend for COUCH, 32-ln. industrial Ian; versatile, NURSE, practical: cases of any kind: space: rels. TR. * LET US BABY better marks. Lifetime Simmons. studio: good con- £>ne l designer. 12 years in ad- EXPERIENCED colored wants to exchg. 0830. KEM-TONE your rm. or apt. STROLLER Perambulator. gift. GE dtt:°n: *45; time 18-inch office lan. Call experience woric day and night; exp. and ref. lady DRIVING TO N. o any Sun. or Mon. OV. 1443. nurse 1 or 3 Y.. Friday. Feb. 2. Call AD 4343 weekdays. 4:30-0:30 Thayer: excellent #15. !*(>«» • vertising promotion and production. Cali DI. 7060. * children. Monday condition; Newton st. n.w.. Apt. B. 1351; leaving 8 p.m., return Sunday. p.m. Estimates free, Call Sun., eves. GE. CASES, desks, office cha.rs, FILE Thorough knowledge of lithography, through Friday: sleep in.
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