' % Tho Wosthor af O. A Waottoi Avtraga Dsily Circulation Par tha Maath of fbbrmcT.. HHl Pair, eat moth rhaage ia peratee today, UmiOkt aad- 6,677 day: ftaah aarthweal wlada. Mambar Of tba Aodit B nteaa af Manche$ter-^A City of Villago Charm PRICE THREE CBff®l,S (TWELVE PA< S.\TURDAY, MARCH 22,1941 ^ CiaaalSed AdverUalag On Page ( Sabotage Reported at Army Camp Yugoslav Party Calls Committee Holds New York, March M.—W’l— Cant. Thomas C. Ktokaid, Na­ val attache at the U. S. e « ^ - ay in Rome for 2 1-2 years. Said on hie arrival home today that Session to Vote On Members conditions }n Italy during the past two montba had become ••much worse.” He meant, he added, that the On British Fund acquiring of food and ammuiri- Q u it Uon„ was becoming more diffi­ S tate cult and that Italy was hard Senate Apppoprialions Miss N Y A ihlt. Unit Arranges Unusual Political Revolt Agaimi Plan to Gipitulate to ^^^^turday Mating to For State 20,000 Planes Nazis Claim AllisrChalmers German Demands for SBake Ballot; Leaders 4 Bombers Predict Approval by Is Chosen To Aid Britain e Qoser Alignment with Strike Peace Axis Spreads as lnd©» Nightfall on Monday. Made Daily 17.Year-Old Stamford In 18 Months pendent Democrat* Washington, March 22.— Being Sought Girl Selected as Most Only German Newsmen Act; Opposition SeiiB- {AV-*Congres8ional »PP*‘°P ^ Representative of All 10,700 lo Be Provided tors Plan to Resign. ating machinery today milled Permitted to Make ahead on eleven billion dollars Receivini Training. Government Hopeful of Under Terms of $7,- of expenditures for ships, air­ Settlement B e f o r 000,000,000 Aid Bill; Tour of Plants; Thou­ Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Maiyh 22.—(A>)— A spreading politi­ planes, guns and other sinews New Haven, March 22—(T) ^To New Mediation Board Plan Air Route. sands Speed Output, of war. The Senate Appropri­ pretty Florence Sdplone, I7*year* cal revolt against the Yugo- ations Committee ariranged old Stamford girl who Inmod to Holds First Meeting Washington, March 22.—(4P>—A Berlln, March 22—OR—German | Slav governments plan to an unusual ^turday session machine w o r t * when ot^r so u ^ production schedule to supply newspapermen, after q tour of capitulate to GermW materlalixe, ^ of Income failed to By The Associated Press Great Britain with some 20,000 aircraft factoriea, reported todaylmands for closer alignm eOT “Miss NYA The government was reported that the powerful JU-88 dive with the Axis today thi HousU'pVrov^ hopeful today of quick settlement American-made fighting planes In 000.000 fund for aiding em- 1 Richard A. Larrett, •tots dl- the next 18 months — 10,700 of bombers are rolling now out of the Independent . Democratic lof the AlUs-Chalmers atrike at assembly ptonta at the rate of | battled “democracies,” and rector of the these under terms of tho $7,000,- party, fourth most importairt mlniatratioo. announced tar —lec­ Milwaukee before the new Natlon- more than four per day, adding to In the country, to order fill leaders predicted the measure lal Defense MedlaOon Board holds 000,000 British Sid bill—was re­ the Reich's server of air power. tion aa moat ported today to have been worked Only German newsmen were ita members holding govern­ would win Senate approval by the girla receiving todusWal Its flmt meeting Tuesday. ^ ^ Production of vltol Jefen- out by high administration offi­ permitted to make tho tour. They ment jobs to resign-^e mass nightfall Monday. training under the administra­ cials. Forwarded, by Um House yester­ tion’s program. articles at the Milwaukee 7*ctoiy said tens of thousands of work­ resignation waa oitrered as an was halted In January when a u Supplementing this tremendous men, from 15-yesr-old apprsnUces day for Senate consideration was B rib e r At Camp Biaad>ng program, there were authoritative immediate protest. a $4,078,810,074' supplemental de­ Uke her brother. Edward, who auto workers, seeking a union Second Lieut. Wilson R Buie, Jr. Army Quartermaster Corps, FoUowing up the reslgnaote • irtd support columns found sawed In two reports that surveys now are under fense appropriation to speed up la serving with a Stamford com- shop, wslked out. The firm holds one of the^.snpw-nn ' way looking toward eatabllahment (Ooatlaued On Fags Bight) yesterday of three Berb membaw the armament program on the $45,000,000 In defense orders; In new Army barricks at Fort Meade, Md., aa he Inspects s solid of.the cabinet, aU oppoaltloB ae»-• I A report ^hst the Army and of an aerial route to England over home front and provide Industrial (Oenttooed On Page Mght) column. C^structlon quartermaster officers at the post said th ^ which pursuit ships, as well as atbra. membera of the Serhlna producUon adequate for Uie needs N ivy were oonaldering taking o ^ r '®'“*?.S.fl„,VeThotog™ ^ - that there had been ’’prolonged Peasant and independent Demo­ bombers, could be flown by easy of 4,000,000 fighting men. the AlUs-Chalmera | iklUful satataglng" of conatrucUon work there. stages. Germans Aver cratic parties, also were report^ Wins UBealmouB Approval strike Is not settled, was denl^ by planning to quit their offlcaaj aaa the Navy. Army tourcet dscllned A course beginning at New­ Tbe foreign-aid approprlaUon Probate Judge foundland and touching Green­ two Independent Demoernta warn won toe unanimous approval of an to comment. _ . land. Iceland, and poaalbly Ireland 224,000 Tons declared to have already stepped jtpprbprlaUdna Subcommittee yes­ DaelalOB to Betnm Bright Spot A bright apot appealed In the was deacribeo aa under contempla­ out. terday. and leaders said it would Fixed Salaries Tons of Nazi Bombs tion. ’This waa said, however, to Te Oaeperato With Britain .pe taken up by the Senate Mon­ declalon of AFL building trades entail numeroua dllHcultles.- such workcra to ratum to work on proj- Of Ships Sunk Sources clone to tta aeaatora day. with lltUe debate expected. ecta vital to the Army’a air pro- as the lack of fscHltles and possi­ said one of them had left fa* Senator Nye (R-ND), a Plan Is Heard ble Danish xibjectlons In Greenland Greece or E g^t to orgsalM oo- her of the subcommittee, nram nat W right Field, Ohio. A Poured on Plymouth 1|aa welt aa Ireland's refusal thus far atrike of 400 AFL craftamen atart- Battleships . Make Ex­ operation with Britain. « unaucceasfuUy to cut the $7,000,- to grant Britain baaM on her ter­ Leaden of the Serbian Penamsk 000,000 fund In half and —id he , ^ I ek March 4 becauae five CIO elec- P rO D O S a l to Increase 1 ax tnclans were employed at the field ritory. _ . tensive Raid in North ,rty, which tacluden most «< would renew the effort in the fuU “Scouting" Work On Bonte ?ugQslivla’s Serb farmers, ai^ committee. Although Nye JotaM - _ _ 1 John Breldenbach, president of th« British, AtUck German “Scouting” work waa reported Atlantic; U-Boat* ■nil 1 Levies on Insurance | central Labor union said Easterii Libya nounced they had caUad a mss4- other committee members In votr the men would return to work to­ Warships and Supply to ta under way on thla proj^t- Air Force Also Active. Ing, probably for tomorrow, at tog out the bill, he said that he Companies by $700,- ed route, with the thought that which all Its membera also wonU was uncertain how hs-would vote day ”ln the Interesta of the na­ Vessels Off Frisiau Is- If It could ta estabUshed pursuit tion." , ^ Oasis Position be ordcrod to quit thalr state Jate when It came before the Senate. 000 Causes Excitement CIO atrikera at the plant of The^ ahlpa of relatively ahort-range Berlin. March 22— —AdoM R ^ r t a from Mosoow aakl d to Divtaioa Of Fuads lauds During Daylight. might he ferried under theta own Hitler's battleahlp* have made an Yugoatav mtolstsr to Soviet Ruto Fund* which the aubcommlttee Aluminum Company of America, Hartford, March 22—ur>— As- Eldgewater, N, J., called a Lost By Italy power across the Atlantic In' extensive raid In the North At­ sia,sia. Milan Gavrilovlc,Oavrilovic, had seat in approved for carrying out the for- wnaider a BuggeaUon] London, March 22.-^A^- ^ng-stone”_____ hops. Such“ a system e^-aU f hUI were divided as fol- auming It will run Its full coutno today to 1 wMld 'ol^tep’the dangers of sul^ lantic and. these, with U-boats bla raalgnatlon. until June 4, the General Aasembly from Sidney HUlman. aasoclate Luftwaffe poured tons of Aa this . t opposition sprsM lOWBt « • . 1 n I T I*-- 1 marine and raider threats to which end the Luftwaffe, have destroyed through Yugoalnvla. German Mli^ 1, Ordnance and ordance storea. heads Into the final half of Ita pro­ U « bomb, .nd British Break Last r as-1 shipping is subject. the total of 224,000 tons of "ene-' gram next week, the 12th of the Uter Viktor Von Heeren oontarraB. Including arma and ammunition, day atrtoe, go back to work, and Plymouth for SIX hours last ci.I Armed Sund in my” shipping, It was announced! at length with Premier Prngis* $1,848,000,000. current aeaslon. adjuat a wage diapute afterwwd^ | night and early today as the today. Cvetkovie and Foreign Mtoiata* ■ 2. A ircraft and parts, $2,054,- ’Fhe mid-way mark The plant employs 8,000 Are.; 800 Su^ode, M*. .eet Admiral LuetJens, aa Alkaandcr Oncar-Markovlc.
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