Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 1-1-1995 Herald of Holiness Volume 84 Number 01 (1995) Wesley D. Tracy (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation Tracy, Wesley D. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 84 Number 01 (1995)" (1995). Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today. 37. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/37 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE CROW WORDS?* J PF FAITH ^ 4 'HOLINESS 11 mm: , w ? t ^ k *, w World Class Students The church will never be stronger than the edu­ cational institutions that train its ministerial and lay leaders. Therefore, International Student Scholar­ ships will be the NWMS 80th Anniversary Proj­ ect for 1995. The denomination-wide offering will be re­ ceived for ministerial students in Nazarene theolog­ ical schools in world mission areas. Goal: $480,000 Promotion ideas, local goals, and other informa­ tion will be sent to churches. Make checks payable to General Treasurer, Church of the Nazarene (in Canada, C hu rch o f the Nazarene Canada). Place in offering plate or mail (with the names of your church and district) to: General Treasurer Church of the Nazarene Canada 6401 The Paseo No. 7, 3800 19th St. N.E. Kansas City, MO 64131 Calgary, AB T2E 6V2 Help Promote World Class Give to NWMS International Student Scholarships A Gift That Keeps on Giving 10 Percent Approved Special Editor’s Choice Trout Complex WESLEY . TRACY was the only fish in the area suddenly and a boy caught their limits in min­ just has to have it when another fish utes. Moral: as the fish devoured their shows interest. Whichever fish wins comrades, they themselves were de­ ends up in the skillet. Know any peo­ stroyed. Think about it. ple who have done dumb things just During 1995, I’m going to try to to win? Think about it. avoid chasing things just because Trout also emulate people by re­ they are sparkling and new—even if peating destructive behaviors. Last they flutter enticingly like a Mepps August, I caught a trout that already spinner. had a hook in its lip and three plastic In this issue of the Herald, you can worms in its gullet. People are like find guidance that may help you at that. This year, 1995, would be a that point too. In "Words of Faith’’ by good year to stop repeating destruc­ Rob Staples, you will encounter the I' m s i t t i n g h e r e by my midwinter tive behaviors. Why be like a dumb, heart of what the Christian faith fireside anticipating trout season. dead trout? teaches about salvation. In these days About two times a year, I spend two When the trout won’t bite, some­ when isms galore clutter the spiritual days wading trout streams. Those times you can make them mad landscape, sound doctrine is more im­ hours in crystal clear streams watch­ enough to attack a fish hook. Spot a portant than ever. Read also Paul M. ing my favorite fish have probably trout suspended a few inches beneath Bassett’s splendid article “Practicing kept my blood pressure down to a tol­ the surface and keep putting a fly Holiness.” erable level, and they also taught me right in front of his nose. Do it in 20 January is the month for the Naza- some things about trout. rapid-fire casts. Sooner or later, the rene Theological Seminary Offering. I know that again this year I will trout gets so mad that it attacks a fish We have given three pages to telling catch trout because 1 have come to hook. That’s mad, but not too smart. the seminary’s story. Notice that the understand them. They are so much Know any people—? Think about it. articles mentioned above are written like people that it isn’t funny. There’s another thing about trout. by NTS professors, as are the col­ For example, a trout is a sucker for They devour their own anything new. Many a time I have comrades. I stood with walked up to a pool where a dozen an empty creel at Ben­ fishermen were catching little or nett Springs last year nothing. Upon observing that they wondering what I were all using similar lures. I would could do to wake up put on something altogether different, the trout who all Why be like a dumb, something new, and catch a fish and a seemed intent on an af­ few unfriendly glares. ternoon nap. Then I dead trout? Last year on my first trip, I arrived noticed that suddenly in the afternoon. Hordes of people there were trout all lined the banks, and every trout in the around me. About 40 county was spooked. But I had found trout seemed to materi­ a brand-new bait. I waded into waist- alize from nowhere. deep white water and soon caught They swarmed past me going up­ umns Into the Word and Rhythms o f two nice rainbows. stream. I turned and looked. They the Spirit. Trout are not the only ones who were swarming to a spot 10 yards be­ Notice, as well, a new development can’t resist trying anything that glit­ hind me where a fisherman was clean­ in the In a Woman’s Voice column. ters like new. Think about it. ing his fish in the stream. The trout During 1995 you will hear from sev­ The only thing better than a killer eagerly devoured their comrades. eral Nazarene women in this column. new bait is to have the good fortune Several anglers quickly put on red This month’s writer is Janet Williams. of attracting two trout on the same re­ and white baits. Dropping them in the We hope that this edition will help trieve. A trout who would let your stream where the remains of the you get the new year off to a great fake minnow go by untouched if it cleaned fish were drifting, two men start. J a n u a r y 1995 1 Superintendent’s VIEWPOINT Why NTS Is Important to All of Us by Paul G. Cunningham knew I was called to preach faithful obedience to the will of God and that I couldn’t go on this way. when I was 12 years of age. for their lives. God began to speak to me softly On the one hand, I was awed The combination of all these ele­ and tenderly, telling me my problem by the fact that God was ments began to deeply penetrate the was the fact I had a secret room in choosing me for such a spe­ core of my soul. I couldn’t step my life, a place where I kept things cial life. On the other hand, I through the doors of the school with­ locked away—like my terrible fear of was terrified at the thought of out feeling as though God was reach­ failure. He showed me how this ten­ spending my life doing somethinging out to me to enfold me in His care dency was really a lack of trust in that called for special skills I didn’t and keeping. Him. I began to realize my reluctance Ibelieve I possessed. I began to realize I was maturing in to accept His call resulted from the After college, my reluctant prepa­ several ways. Intellectually, I was fact that I didn’t think I had the abili­ ration led me to Nazarene Theologi­ growing through the stimulating, rig­ ty to do it. I was right— I didn’t. But cal Seminary. Connie and I arrived in orous, and rewarding academic envi­ that day He reminded me that He Kansas City with our used furniture ronment. Emotionally, I was gaining would give me everything I needed to and overloaded Chevy. I didn’t really new stability through the magnificent fulfill His call on my life. What I want to be there, but I knew in my modeling by rock-solid professors needed to do was unlock that secret heart that I had made the right deci­ room and let the Holy Spirit in to sion. In spite of such inner assur­ bring sanctifying power and purity to ances, I was deeply troubled. Connie this unsurrendered area of my life. and I both were working full-time, That is what I did— I made an un­ and I was carrying a full course load conditional surrender of my life to at school. Finances were less than ad­ I t is a v it a l institution Him, and He sanctified me wholly equate, and the combination of pres­ FOR OUR GREAT CHURCH. just as the Word promises in 1 Thes- sures tempted me to fold our tent and salonians 5:23-24. Now instead of go into some kind of work that would fear in doing His will, He gave me a better suit my perceived ability. strong delight. My life has never been In the midst of all this, I was com­ the same. ing to terms with my new environ­ I am convinced God used the NTS ment at seminary.
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