Stella Maris Catholic Church Rev. John R. Di Orio, Pastor Founded in the Marian Year 1954 Rev. Msgr. James F. Connelly, Pastor Emeritus 2901 S. 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148 Website: www.stellamarisphila.com Rectory: 215 465-2336 E-mail: [email protected] Follow us on Facebook: Stella Maris Convent: 215 462-1111 April 12, 2020 Mass Intentions For Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord The Week of April 12, 2020 Sunday - April 12 (Easter Sunday) God’s Plan for Giving—Tithing—A Way of Life: 8:00 + Living & Deceased Members of Stella Maris Collection for weekend of March 28 & 29, 2020: 10:30 + Living & Deceased Members of Stella Maris Income: Plate = $1,708.00 + AWC = $82.00 = $1,790.00 Bills Paid = Total Disbursements = ($7,538.87) Monday - April 13 Total = = ($5,748.87) 7:30 + Eucharistic Adoration Living Stewardship-Living God’s Word: Tuesday - April 14 “Where is your sting, O death? Where is your victory, O hell? 8:00 + Domenico Campese and Sons Christ has risen and you are overthrown. Christ has risen and the demons have fallen. Christ has risen and the angels rejoice. Wednesday - April 15 Christ has risen and life reigns. Christ has risen and not one 8:00 + Jennie and John Dunn dead rests in the grave. For Christ, having risen from the dead, became the first-fruits of them that slept. To Him be glory and Thursday - April 16 majesty to ages of ages. Amen.” - Byzantine Pentekostarion 8:00 + Dennis Romolini and Michael Gangemi Automated Withdrawal Contributions (AWC): Friday - April 17 Your Church contributions can be electronically withdrawn 8:00 + Living & Deceased Members of Stella Maris monthly from your account and deposited directly to your parish. Your offering can be in any amount. Please call the Rectory for Saturday - April 18 more information. Thank you! 8:00 + Katie Gatto 5PM + Rose and John Zambrano Sick Relatives & Friends Please pray for all the sick that they may be comforted: Sunday - April 19 (Divine Mercy Sunday) Jeanette Albanese, Blaise Ambrosini, Gloria Angelozzi, Dottie 8:00 + Vincent Tonelli Arcuri, Neil Baldwin, Maryann Baranek, Martha Basualdo, 10:30 + Frank & Theresa Pagnotto Raymond Baxter, Elaine Belfi, Enrico Belfi, Kim Birch, Kelly Anne Bodine, Shyla Boetter, Emmanuel Borgesi, Mr./Mrs. Church Sanctuary Lamp Bracy, Donna Bria, Dominick Bucciarelli, Rose Cappetto, William Carbo, Kelly Carr, Arthur Carrado, Doris Castagno, In Memory of Louis Chila, Elaine Cipparone, Robert Costello, Sister Jeanne Nicholas Bozzi and Cosmo & Lisa Innaurato Crane SSJ, Donna Cunningham, Jill Daly, Antonio D’Angelo, Bea DeCaro, Ron DeJulius, Anna Del Vecchio and Del Vecchio Requested by Family, Matthew D’Imperio, Lynn DiOrio, Veronica Dolan, Maria Bozzi Marie Donato, Lucy Dougherty, Dolores Edmondson, Trish Ezzie, Louis Falciani, Virginia Faulkner, Frank Filippello, Russell Fiugalski, Marlene Flocco, George Fragnito, Samantha Fry, Joan Adoration Chapel Candles Gain, Evelyn Gardella, Keith Green, Margie Gurbuz, Carol Holman, Kimberly Honeschuck, Howard Horner III, Dakota 1) In Memory of Hussein, Lucy Intelisano, Ann Ippolito, Thomas Jones, Frank Margie Savarese Kane, Vito LaFranci, Ronald Lalli, Charles LaSpada, Samantha LaSpada, Ashleigh Leone, Jamie Long, Bob Lutz, Kathleen Requested by Magnotta, Domenick Maiorano, Mario Marchetti, Marie Marino, Daughters, Pat Marsico, Carmela Martini, Lilian Mattioli, Danielle McDevitt, Andrea Cardella & Renee Savarese Rita Mendicino, Louise Mento, Lucy Michielli, Kayla Minore, Florence Mooney, Cecelia Moore, Philomena Nardello, Thomas 2) For the Living and Deceased Nardone, Kathleen Nardy, Renate Nardy, Patrick Oldfield, Parishioners of Stella Maris Matthew Padgeon, Louis Pagano, Rose Pagano, Ronald Palumbo, Jaycee Park, Jason Perri, Madeline Perri, Anna Philipp, Sophie Philipp, Sophia Phillips, Theresa Quieti, Angela Raffa, Amanda Bread & Wine Razzano, Mr./Mrs. Robert Reed, Jason Rindone, Michael Rines, Keith Ross, Joann Rua, Maria Russo, Carmen Rutolo, Lorraine In Honor of the Saia, Theresa Salvatore, Mina Sammarone, Domenic Santaguida, Anniversary of Joe & Anna Gajewski Baby Rocco Santangelo, Steven Scanlon, Lorraine Schellinger, Patricia Schiela, Anthony Sergontoni, Grover Simpson, Evelyn Requested by Spina, Ralph Spina, Regina Stanley, Thomas Sweeney Jr., Joe Gajewski Savannah Taylor, James Trainor Jr., Lori Trischler, Terry Troiano, Cindy Tuohey, Allyson Turner, Alicia Viray, Matt Watson, the military disabled, home-bound, and their families. PASCHAL CANDLE We Pray for our Deceased Parishioners, In Memory of the Relatives and Friends: Deceased Members of RONALD DI GIOVANNANTONIO ANTOINETTE PALESANO The Kubicky and Monteith Families Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them. Donated by May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, Robert and Donna Kubicky through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. On behalf of Msgr. Connelly, the Parish Staff, our Sisters of St. Joseph, and myself, I extend to you and to your families a very blessed and happy Easter. And may the Risen Christ fill your hearts and drive away the Dear Sisters and Brothers, darkness and fear of this time. Happy Easter! Today sort of reminds me of what William Clark (of Lewis and Clark fame), wrote in his Happy Easter! journal as he and the expedition members first saw the Father Di Orio Pacific Ocean in the early 1800’s. It had been an ex- JESUS HAS RISEN! ALLELUIA! tremely long and difficult journey, especially trudging over the seemingly never-ending Rocky Mountains. The Eastertime lasts fifty days: seven weeks of seven team expected an easier journey than they actually en- days (seven equals Biblical perfection) plus one day: perfec- countered. The expedition was one treacherous range af- tion plus! Like an eight-day Jewish wedding, or a child who ter another. When at last, William Clark saw the majestic can’t bear to let go of Christmas, birthdays, and school vaca- Pacific Ocean he wrote three little words: “O the joy.” tion, the Church celebrates the Easter Octave: “the marriage Yes, “O the joy!” That is how we should feel today. It’s of heaven and earth,” as the Vigil calls Jesus’ resurrection; Easter. Jesus is Risen, Alleluia! The tomb is empty, Alle- our new members’ baptismal rebirth; our renewal of baptis- luia! Easter is a time of ecstasy and a time of savoring the mal vows; our hearts’ “divine vacation” (Latin vacare, “to be mystery and magnitude of truth that Christ has died, empty”), newfound time and space for love of God and Christ is risen, and Christ will come again! neighbor. Make home an Easter garden! Adorn the dining When Clark wrote, “O the joy” in his journal, he table with a pillar candle (your “paschal candle”), a bowl full was expressing his own joy, of course. But he also was of water (ideally, from the parish’s baptismal font), a vase of telling centuries of historians and everyday readers some- flowers or bowl of sprouting grain with Easter eggs. Even thing thrilling. He told us that all the sacrifices made dur- non-singers can handle the three-fold Gospel Alleluia! Let that be your grace before meals, perhaps with a prayer re- ing this expedition were worth the misery, pain and per- calling Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35): “Be known to us, Risen severance. Today’s Easter celebration asks us to do the Lord Jesus, as you were to the first disciples, in your word, in same. It shows us that great sacrifice can bring great joy. the breaking of bread, and in everyone we meet.” For all of us this Easter is different. Because of this pan- - Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. demic, we are unable to celebrate it with our parish fami- ly or even with our own families. Yet, it should not di- YOU CAN WATCH STELLA MARIS minish in any way the promise of the Risen Christ, which LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS! gives us joy because Jesus gives life: “Life to the full,” Please Note: You do not need Facebook to view the eternal life. And yet, before every resurrection, there is video of the Liturgical Celebrations. You can access always great sacrifice and challenge. Jesus’ very life the Facebook page on the Parish’s Website serves as a model for our lives: to give life to others, to (stellamarisphila.com). Click the link and it will take bring Easter joy, “Easter life,” to others – all of this de- you to Facebook, when asked to log in just click “not spite the personal sacrifice and challenge required. now” or “x” out of the box. Go to video and click on Today we follow Mary of Magdala, Peter and the Liturgical Celebration you want to watch. John to the tomb where we find the stone rolled away. Sharing their amazement, we find that the tomb is empty! PARISH FROZEN FOOD PROGRAM That empty tomb stands as an everlasting sign of hope. Our Parish Frozen Food Program is in need of Hope for a world free from fear, free from sin, free from dinners: pasta, chicken, beef, ham, pork and fish. death. Even though we are uncertain of what tomorrow We kindly ask that meals prepared contain meat holds for us, let us be free from fear, sin and death. Let us or fish, a starch (pasta/potatoes/rice) and a vegetable. bring to our Easter celebration our real selves, including Those who receive these meals are elderly and it is our imperfections, distractions, and sometimes less-than- healthy for them to get a balanced, nutritious meal. We perfect faith. Rather than denying them, far better to turn are grateful to those who take home trays and return them them over to the risen Lord who died and rose to redeem with their leftovers/prepared meals, and/or those who us. Let us be filled with joy and gladness this Easter day! bring pantry items on a regular basis.
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