T1E DALY Energy Tip of the Day ENERGY CONSERVATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERYONE! GAZETTE Don't use hot water unless you really need it. Rinse Guantanamo Bay, Cuba dishes and operateyour garbage disposer with cold water. You'll save energy and the cost of heating the Volume 37 Number 45 Monday, March 8, 1982 water. Reagan returns to big-city' politics today ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP)--Presi- few yards away. recurring federal budget deficits dent Reagan is enjoying the end of But it's back to work for the have led to a frigthening economic his vacation before charging back president later today, when he situation. into the great battle of the budget flies back to Washington. on Capitol Hill this afternoon. Domenici added (on NBC's "Meet Digest Reagan has dug in his boot heels the Press") that he expects con- agan ate barbequed steak and against cutting defense spending gressional Republicans to agree on NEW YORK (AP),--Libyan leader Moam- ended a concert by country music and trimming tax cuts in order to an alternative to Reagan's 1983 mar Khadafy is blaming the sour star Merle Haggard at a ranch near pare the federal budget. And that budget--and soon. relations between his nation and his California home yesterday. has many members of Congress upset, the U.S. on the White House. In including some in his own party. an NBC interview, Khadafy contends The scene was about as far re- Reagan will meet tomorrow with all 30 massacred by that Washington has given the world moved from Washington as you can 53 GOP senators. Many of them have the false impression that he's a get. The president and wife, criticized his unwillingness to terrorist. Nancy, sat on a bale of hay in an compromise on the 1983 budget. open-sided barn, clapping their Salvadoran troops? WASHINGTON (AP)--The Senate today, hands and tapping their toes to the Senate Finance Committe chairman resumes debate on whether to expel music. A herd of cattle grazed a Pete Domenici yesterday said the EL SALVADOR (AP)--Peasants in a Harrison Williams for his role in village in southeastern El Salvador the "Abscam" scandal. The New Jer- said yesterday that U.S.-backed sey Democrat is appealing his con- Your pet can be 'dipped' for fleas, ticks.free government soldiers massacred at viction on bribery and conspiracy least 30 of their neighbors. charges. He insists he was framed On Wed., March 10, you can bring ticks and fleas on the base. by FBI undercover agents. your pet to the base's Dog Pound Pest Control has already sprayed They showed reporters 14 skulls and have him/her "dipped" in a the Corinaso Point, Villamar and in a field and said the bodies LOS ANGELES (AP)--The Los Angeles special solution that will rid your Nob Hill housing areas. had been dumped in two wells. The coroner's office still isn't say- dog of ticks and fleas. If you don't want your area to reporters peered down the 50-foot ing what caused the death of John There will not be any charge for become re-infested, please bring wells and saw nothing. But they Belushi as tests on the comedian's this service. your pet to the Dog Pound between noticed a strong smell of rotting body continue. One official says addition, this will greatly In 8 a.m.-noon and 1 p.m.-4 p.m. and flesh. The El Salvador Human he thinks choking can be ruled out Control--which has started aid Pest have your pet dipped--free-of- Rights Commission says it's in- as a cause--but that a heart at= to get rid of an active campaign charge. vestigating the report. tack is still a possibility. Seabees celebrate their 40th; Bottita reigns as new queen by JO1 Martin Fucio manned by Marines. "Seabees have things frequently without regard to Then the Seabee cake was present- always had a close relationship regulations, a remark that drew ed. The blue and gold cake was cheering, boisterous crowd of with them," Fermo said, and intro- another thunderous round of cheers. topped with the Seabee and Civil speech, Fermo ees, their friends and guests duced the evening's guest of honor, After Navadel's Engineer Corps emblems. introduced the Seabee Queen candi- celebrated the 40th anniversary Col. George Navadel, commanding The cake was escorted by the dates. The queen is selected on the of the Naval Mobile Construction officer Marine Barracks/Ground youngest Seabee in GTMO, 18-year old basis of poise and appearance, Battalions (Seabees), and the 115th Defense Force. Utilitiesman Apprentice Michael anniversary of the Naval Civil knowledge of the Seabees, fund Hernandez, of Public Works Depart- Engineering Corps, at the Windjammer Navadel started by recalling how raising, and popular vote. ment (PWD) Maintenance. Friday night. in 1942, the year of the Seabee's Fermo first announced the runner- The other escort was the Seabee was Theresa They also saw a new Seabee queen birth, he was a six-year old buying ups. Third runner-up with the most continuous service: Stoddard, second was Pam Tuckey, crowned and, in a surprise develop- War Stamps. He heard that the Command Master Chief (Construction- and first was Judy Socie. ment, saw a Seabee named the Naval stamps bought ammunition and "picks man) James Starr. Starr came To much applause and cheering, Station Petty Officer of the Year. and shovels for the Seabees." in the Navy in 1954, and has served A Seabee using those picks and Fermo announced that Sharon Bottita five seasons in Antarctica. For The evening got off to a quiet shovels on Guam would later become was the 1982 Seabee Queen. Navadel his service there, two antarctic enough start, with a prime rib Navadel's father-in-law. placed the crown on her head. landmarks are named for him: Starr dinner and soft music from the Navy Navadel drew thunderous applause Choking back tears, the new queen, Lake and Starr Nunatak (mountain). Show Band South. when he said he knew John "God bless who is the vehicle registration The audience rose for the Seabee The Windjammer's walls were cover- America" Wayne. The 1942 John clerk at Base Police, said, "I want song. Most Americans first heard ed with Seabee paintings and em- Wayne movie "The Fighting Seabees" to give special thanks to the people it in that 1942 John Wayne picture. blems. Large paper bees hung from introduced America to the Navy's at Base Police for their support. the ceiling. new battalions. The biggest thanks of all to my "We're the Seabees of the Navy Official ceremonies started with In Vietnam, Navadel said he learn- husband Benny, without whom none of We can build and we can fight." the presentation of colors by ed to "fully appreciate what can be this would be possible." a Seabee honor guard, marching in done with Seabees. .They move Construction Electrician 2nd Class Fermo then presented COMNAVBASE in freshly starched greens, with mountains, build towns." Navadel Benny Bottita works at the telephone Capt. M.D. Fitzgerald with a $500 white helmets, leggings. and belts. added that the Seabees do these exchange. check for the Scholarship Fund. Musician 3rd Class Ed Posey, from Fermo next handed a plaque to the Show Band, sang the national avadel. The plaque showed the anthem. enceline, what Fermo called "the Then the speeches, and the cheer- oundary between freedom and ing, started. Capt. L.A. Fermo, ommunism." the Public Works officer, read the 'morous essay "What is a Seabee?" Then the surprise of the evening essay was in Thursday's lame. Fermo called forward Builder tte.) Fermo was loudly cheered 2nd Class Daniel Groff, who works when he read how Seabees like at the PWD carpenter shop. Fermo comic books, and dislike "officers, announced that Groff had just been drill, or secured heads." The named Naval Station Petty Officer loudest chder came when Fermo said of the Year. (The Gazette will the Seabees have "the best job in have more on Groff in a later issue. the Navy." Fermo first came to GTMO as an Groff had been working closely ensigp during the 1962 Cuban Missile with the Navy Show Band South, Crisis. His experiences here arranging tranportation and helping influenced him to stay in the Navy. set up equipment. Chief Musician Fermo added that his return to William Hocke, the band leader, GTMO was "bittersweet." Twenty presented Groff with a band T-shirt, years ago, Equipment Operator 3rd upon which was printed "Logistics Class George Denich, a member of Petty Officer." Fermo's unit, was operating a mobile crane near Kittery Beach. He lost The band played, and Seabees, his brakes and was killed. A white Marines, sailors and civilians marker on Kittery Beach Road danced the night away. Several commemorates him. SEABEE QUEEN SHARON BOTTITA AND COL. GEORGE NAVADEL CUT THE Seabees clambered on stacked to reach cake at the Seabee Ball. The cake is flanked by the youngest tables, and each other, ceil- Denich, Fermo and their unit were Seabee, UTSA Michael Hernandez, 18 (left), and the Seabee with the paper bees hung from the building GTMO's original fortifi- the most service, Command Master Chief James Starr. (Official ing. The Windjammer's walls echoed C-B! C-B!" cations. Those fortifications were U.S. Navy photo) to the chants of "C-B! The Daily Gazette Page 2 Monday. March 8, 1982 i Educational Notes 7Bfue Caribe 1fl LOS AN .ES METROPOLITAN COLLEGE will be holding registration March #eve a caa A1'r community 8 through the 17 for the following courses: Survey of Art History I, Bookkeeping and Accounting I, Emergency Medical Technician 010B, Principles of Marketing, Real Estate Finance, Public Speaking I, bulletin board History of the Americas I, Graphic Measurements, Basic Psychology for Supervisors, Introduction to may be sent to the Gazette Community announcements Sociology, Fundamentals of Writing, Stop #53 or hand carried 'office througfrGuard Mail Arithmetic for College Students, Affairs Office in the(AdministratiOn Tuesday, March 9 to the Public Automotive Tune-up I, Jogging, and is 9 a.m.
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