MAINTAINING A ROLE FOR WOMEN’S ORGANIZATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE A GUIDE ON HOW TO EFFECTIVELY ENGAGE WITH INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE MENA REGION ON GENDER EQUALITY AND CIVIC SPACE AUTHOR | FLOOR KNOOTE, COMMISSIONED BY DIMES CONSULTANCY THE KVINNA TILL KVINNA FOUNDATION This production has been financed by Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Responsibility for the content rests entirely with the creator. Sida does not necessarily share the expressed views and interpretations. This report provides an overview of selected International Financial Institution (IFI) policies that are focused on gender equality and civic space, with a particular focus on the MENA region. The report sets out how IFIs interact with gender equality and civic space (in particularly in Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia); summarizes how they contribute to gender equality; and sets out concrete recommendations for those stakeholders involved in the landscape on how to, jointly, maximize IFIs impact on gender equality and civic space. Author: Floor Knoote, Dimes Consultancy The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation Editors: Charlotte Pruth, Monica Erwér, Ane Birk Reference group: Marie Wikström, Rebecca Sonntag, Linda Säll, Sahar Yassin, Amani Rizq Design: Johanna Lingaas Türk TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................. 4 GLOSSARY OF TERMS .......................................................... 6 1. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE ........................................ 10 A. JUSTIFICATION FOR STUDY ................................................... 11 B. SCOPE ............................................................................... 12 INSTITUTIONAL FOCUS .................................................................. 12 C. METHODS AND LIMITATIONS ............................................... 13 D. UTILITY OF DOCUMENT ....................................................... 15 2. IFI MANDATES AND WORK IN THE MENA REGION ..... 16 A. IFI MANDATES AND OPERATIONAL MECHANISMS ................. 17 THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND AND THE WORLD BANK GROUP ........................................................................................ 17 EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT AND THE EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK ............................................... 19 THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK AND ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK ................................................................................................... 21 NOTE ON POLICY VERSUS PROJECT LENDING .................................. 21 A NOTE ON THE FINANCIAL ACTION TASK FORCE ............................ 23 B. FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS OF IFIS TO THE MENA REGION AND TO EGYPT, JORDAN AND TUNISIA ............................................. 24 3. IFIS, GENDER AND CIVIL SOCIETY – AN ANALYSIS OF POLICY, RHETORIC AND PRACTICE .................................. 27 A. GENERAL: WHERE DO IFIS GENDER AND CIVIL SOCIETY INTERSECT? ........................................................................... 28 B. OVERVIEW OF SPECIFIC STRATEGIES AND POLICIES APPLICABLE TO GENDER AND CIVIL SOCIETY ............................................... 30 C. HOW IFI POLICIES WORK IN PRACTICE ................................. 33 MACRO-ECONOMIC POLICIES ........................................................ 33 COUNTRY FRAMEWORKS AND LOAN AGREEMENTS ......................... 34 GENDER EQUALITY STRATEGIES ..................................................... 36 MONITORING, RESEARCH, DATA COLLECTION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE PROCEDURES ............................................................ 43 OPERATIONALIZING CSO AND CIVIL ENGAGEMENT THROUGH OUTREACH DEPARTMENTS ............................................................ 48 1 SOCIAL FRAMEWORKS, SAFEGUARD AND ACCOUNTABILITY MECHANISMS ............................................................................... 50 FINANCIAL INTEGRITY (CFT AND AML) POLICIES ............................. 52 D. IFI EFFECTS ON GENDER GLOBALLY ..................................... 53 4. HOW IFIS WORK FOR GENDER AND CIVIC SPACE IN EGYPT, JORDAN AND TUNISIA .......................................... 56 A. ANALYSIS OF IFI INVOLVEMENT WITH GENDER AND CIVIL SOCIETY IN MENA ................................................................. 57 REGIONAL GENDER ACTION PLANS ................................................ 57 ENGAGEMENT AND AWARENESS OF LOCAL STAKEHOLDERS IN THE MENA REGION ............................................................................ 60 SHRINKING CIVIC SPACE ................................................................ 63 B. OVERVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF IFI CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENDER IN EGYPT, JORDAN AND TUNISIA .................................................. 65 EGYPT .......................................................................................... 65 JORDAN ........................................................................................ 68 TUNISIA ....................................................................................... 72 5. RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................... 75 RECOMMENDATIONS TO IFIS ................................................... 76 MACRO-ECONOMIC POLICY LEVEL: ................................................ 76 COUNTRY FRAMEWORKS AND LOAN AGREEMENTS: ........................ 76 GENDER POLICIES AND STRATEGIES: .............................................. 77 MONITORING: .............................................................................. 77 SAFEGUARDS: ............................................................................... 78 FINANCIAL INTEGRITY POLICIES (AML/CFT) ................................... 78 CSO ENGAGEMENT AND CONSULTATION ....................................... 78 TO CSOS BASED IN THE MENA REGION ................................... 80 TO CSOS BASED IN THE NORTH ............................................... 81 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (UN AGENCIES) .................... 81 TO NORTHERN GOVERNMENTS ............................................... 82 ANNEX 1: IFI FOCUS PER COUNTRY ................................. 83 ANNEX 2: WORLD BANK GENDER STRATEGY RESULTS FRAMEWORK ...................................................................... 84 ANNEX 3: INTERVIEW GUIDE ............................................ 85 ANNEX 4 SELECTION OF IFI ACTIVITIES IN EGYPT, JORDAN AND TUNISIA ...................................................... 90 2 3 Abbreviations AFDB African Development Bank AML Anti-Money Laundering CFT Countering the Financing of Terrorism CIDA Canadian Development Agency CPIA Country Policy and Institutional Assessment CPF Country Partnership Framework CPF Country Partnership Framework (WB) CPR Country Performance Rating CSO Civil society organizations CSW Commission on the Status of Women (UN) DPF Development Policy Financing DPL Development Policy Lending DPO Development Policy Operations EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EC European Commission EFF Extended Fund Facility (IMF) ENI European Neighbourhood Instrument ENP European Neighbourhood Policy EU European Union EIB European Investment Bank FATF Financial Action Task Force FCS Fragile and Conflict Affected Situations FDI Foreign direct investment FSA Financial Sector Assessments GBV Gender Based Violence IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICR Implementation Completion and Results Report IDA International Development Association I IDB Islamic Development Bank IEG Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank IEO Independent Evaluation Report IFC International Finance Corporation IFI International financial institutions IMF International Monetary Fund IPF Investment Project Financing ISR Implementation Status and Results Report MENA Middle East and Northern Africa MoU Memorandum of Understanding ODA Official Development Assistance OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OP Operational Policy 4 PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers PSI Policy Support Instrument SAP Structural Ajustment Programmes SCD Systematic Country Diagnostic (WB) SEA Sexual Exploitation and Abuse SEMED Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries SIDA Swedish Development Cooperation Agency SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprises UN United Nations USAID United States Agency for International Development WB World Bank WBG World Bank Group WEE Women’s Economic Empowerment 5 Glossary of Terms Term Explanation Bretton Woods Collective name for World Bank Group and the Institutions International Monetary Fund (IMF), institutions established in 1944 at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA. Conditionality Practice of requiring members to adopt changes in their domestic economic policies as a condition for receiving balance of payments loans from the fund. Economic polices or structural reforms that [borrowing] members agree to follow as a condition for the use of IMF and World Bank resources [loans] often called performance criteria or benchmarks. Correspondent A bank, located in one geographic area, that Bank accepts deposits from a bank in another region and provides services on behalf of this other bank. Internationally, many banks maintain one account with a correspondent bank in each major country so as to be able to make payments in all major currencies. Correspondent banks are usually established on a reciprocal basis, with the two banks maintaining local currency accounts with each other. Country Outlines the programme of policy reforms and Assistance
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