ha* were de- ihctr own occan*. in warmer *a to lo her chandler «a» a fine ai toil know, alwar* annoyed indecil' Wonder aha never made Iii< to thrM lillle prr*. clime*, miy about il," tanl Kate laughing. 'I mean fobbing up Here •This, hopper, opened 1.1* A X V. ] »•> wor- ilir did he Kjtn for conceit* thai other* of the kind M ! SC E otn- «tato of indeed' Waa c*er a man •« me before laat, fell this diacuvcty iM-furr. lect*. mora fully for;ji*« naily very male one of I lie Imt of hiim, ard h»*e affairs, j aadly. Night rot ?al«l h*r hand much may I* dweller* there. It ia and unreasonable' ried with liim, that 1 could This *i« iho of a* he left having, in tlir thinning. npon larger of the Wtt to I* (ound. II" will partem Ik*I|i *j>eakin{» thought I*ee, Fruai tk<- (ImIm M varum. not tho niannar. well known that the hack bone of the to I>i«] Frederick I«ee follow hu weep- risht out.' hi* of hoaintM lo return home, on iImj ihem, tlioucli in ( largest require a little filing up to mike him jn»t quickly place *p" V month* ha*« ainw were «hark hccofTR-a a mat* of »crjr aoon af- KATE S EXPERIMENT. I'll do wife' lu« vru too •Ah! when T"u worried of the on which Mr» Morton 'Si* paa«ed yon jelIjr m* mind, but dun't vou (oar l*ul what ing No, pndo deeply! evening day I one In Kale. ler haa commenced, ami wo may wounded for that. *A clod 'Of courae. If I liailn felt unrrinl, I nll«J Kite. \V would Iki not look martini/ »aid Mr*. Morion, day putrefaction il in th« manner. W'mvn country hopper npm by genile«t pnMihl* (lown <hi thai thotild a fi«h of the kind here men* my word" have «a id anvthlag.* lie Vea, ait moniha have winga of, irgne ta«te know, au.l a Indignitled and ungraceful! wouldn't iway from tin*T Why would ponder have mora than mm, you Upon met • what did VMi ? Waa the wifr. tinned, even ten limca it aue.be with, a girl, ho hml until h« Such were some n| hi* mental 'Indeed ? Well, «iy uv-jr ami tlie oflVoee of Kate Wliy perfume," replied hanpy Kat« llarhell, high ipirilnl man ne*»r look* ami acta ju«t right ejaculation*. magnify low ami full of ami •I aaw and I knew ihe vertebra- would he only acren incite* and .11 ol Iwr own, waa ahout be- And then, aa his grew eicited, he your tone of voice loye, would he tin* ever liefore lit* Frederick yeaterday, a prett* strong get» a woman to lako eliiipe of him.' feeling keep oym' aa '' liim at the moment eyaa reated I half acrne* ; at*o frailer than the a man* olhcn of ftirted from liic chair and word* aa the falling ilrw Ilia aelf lo*r li.nl heen »onndcd liti hail my my upon anJ, being married. Like great Now Kate llirbell meant all «he mid end up began pacing )our pontic prie!e ihark they would Mill toouer an.! »e*. who the matrimn* the floor, a« he did «o—'It i*rath- •Mr*. Morton!' (teen touched. The of rielicula hail 'a, peri*h. her aje approach a little more. She had no thought of field-, muttering, weapon waa a ♦Knew fiiin ? almuldn't you know It ia an intereiting fact thai the firat barn •imI Kate*« notions of the marriage rr- lint er lato in the lo nuke this diacuvary !— There half-angry, indignant cxprci- Item u«ed ngainat hun, and to ridicule he *ai Why altar, ing her will to that of her hu«hnnd-|o.h#, day ►ion in of Kate. liim •' de*erihrd wai found near LmJ'« Iviiki were not the clearest in the world. to »ml Why didn't flu> find it out licfor* ! the voice millifif Kata aliould havo rrad roughly managing him m<ieh morbidly I'urpnerd prettv waa 10 We an and«r in Cornwall: and the near a acnwn •Piil vou tout hand like the mora *1 thought ho el>anp«d I'.ni!, tin*, )a*t, KfMmiixl Im, the betrothej of Kate, to t*mnnit« Mcanwlfflc Kale had thrown herself la* lifflilr, hi* charactcr cluaoly, and ahould have h*r*elf Not that ahe dtiicni'J that I Caithnrea: the other* in m touch of a the f*itt ||1(.n vonr handa, in ait month*, »ooldhard- John O'ilroat'*, Mn«i|irr voting mm, had, perhaps, of her her l«cd, where aha lay, weeping bitterly. feather, upon yon underatiMHl it letter. Hut ahe «a« ignorant •;niel, o»cr him. or make him a iwrr witiKrt the** ritretnc it to or ili<l c»i«n it rade him.' *ituate>l between point*. • a U-?r herself, Wliit a storm had been Mown about designed corrcct, jrou nf ln« wcaknenca, and Sore ly reecpnire jitacca imng will \%ihe though lint »he a of hrt suddenly heavily upon •rill, ktJ pood opinion in Mr* MortonV 11* tako the of the whole eoa»( aware There waa an areli look Th they range h ih« control of rcston. lie their car# It was an hour licfire f icd- litem ere of their e\i«tcnre It was in n mor« un>i«r own <enee of and Seliete-I filly ]yr taate and poprirtt, real washed the llnlith Vhan- ere* beneath <»oik« of her am! a merry flutter in her roiec. of (• Hiilain, by ww nttnral!* of dilution or force, erie» I.re'e disturbed to run Kato'a litis brooding, clou.led and atatc aye*. inpatient that it would S» the ma <wt thing in the world ferlinga began dropped unforgiving ! that ia too had!' nel and the (Jcrman Ocean but hitherto the made turn at all wm IkiiIi and of- friend. of i.urn! that 1'rederiek I<ce took lua 'Mra. Morton Now and a strong lot* of approbation tKe law in clear. lie surprised way to make thom governing carry- it r no eieaturo hat l-»en n«' were routi.hi •Your filled, di«l not d«** of *uch kcenl* like satire, or fended. What could all lint mean' What, •Vou anncvcd ami incited,' homenarJ. experiment \ appearance fori anvjhing- nd^ule out th« new arrangement* ahont to b* ing The door of tho rn »m in whieh tho la<lie« lieed in Ireland. To him to a :auli waa to bad ill at onee come oyer In* young w ife' ed Mr* Morton. 'Thiahy ynarnwnarknowl- On entering hia which he did al-' r »*•*• point made. dwullirg, were at ih« moment, and KioW- ofT od him. Ilara (!>• weak- •A country clod he muttered to him- edcment, ami, in mtrlt a frame of mi»d,* Ton nio«i he went into the aittuig opened wound it ih>I lay Iwtti' a few montlx hopper nuiaelcaaty, paths, A happr Urnle Kate arirk !,*• entered. "Can't Akiwii," Jim Wilion ia a la»¥ on the other o*er un- with fanSta ihe Ml who li.oi vainly in the neat of h ehara'ler. All thia, ami self o»er and again. 'Ungraceful, charged and aratrd himself very plarr where after thia little conversation took wai neter to t pJare, tour •Not Kate, aa »he •famp, known do work In lanced h* kind all that! thought liirevulf, at 'can: m ctrn; jw.- he «• >a when Kale in, an unei- entirely,' whiapered day'* «,<!« m counter frelwj*, rn of genteel, and Very complimentary anting Ifg !<•* thought him*"!! the >»t f»rtnnat* and ever could find not how Jim ene- wj« *• a* a natural ►writ to the ear of her friend, 'lie ia *>«tljr nobody urnw, ami maw!* lie indeed feet. And he, eoonrtjuenee, lo him, her unsuccessful work »>f rc- prinelj«le«. m<-n in aueh a forele. |>ecudly obtaining areompti»he«l what did leaM, in inr cceded in the worlj. though many are of opin- ill mesnnean or diahorv>r. When l«ee Ins wife in th«ir cham- naa hurt and nlT-miid. lint you formation around rcmmdnl him improted—at eyea, V«»e *nd *nin<T*<l woman for a wife. Swift. joined Kvervthing right 'And in oihera* evea too,' thought Mra, ion that he due* % little *tealing. Jim «>< Kate did not full* understand two hours after *he had left be found ear to him'' of lint unfortunate evi-n the (Venur«e, the »wect lionet-moon, with- ber, him, evening— loung- If glided away a* »lie ami returned llie well known to the andaohc waa never as a know what I now.' return- nro«e, young police, « character. Such a thing *oung girl's tint *ho I id retired to I* I and w is 'I hardly aaid, irp he ku aaeumcd, eliding Motynn, "•it a 'ir ofdiaeord. though, during the tim#, sleeping. position naturally allowed the freedom of the 'Hut I know I nwsl il»n word* man'a rmiling aalatation arre»le«i being theeity. Kv :r»te knowledge of the character of Om the well morning both looked tcry aoher, ed Kate iloivn, a* he did, in the chair, and throwing Katn raw a good manv thing* not etaetlr to Hut the new into like *crr rare oe- cotii.tr* clmJ* police coming office, ?• m «he ia a'«ut to mamr. t« of and both wire cold and distant A few ungraerful, undipmlicd, and Kite of hi« over tl.e arm.
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