OMB Form 10-900 USDI/NPS NHHP Registration Form (Rev. 8-86) OMB 1024-0018 PROPERTY NAME West Haven Green Historic District, West Haven. CT pagei United StateDepartment of the Interior Nation al Register of Historic Places Registration Form 1. NAME OF PROPERTY Historic Name: West Haven Green Historic District 27 Other Name/Site Number: NA_________________ NAT. Rt:nSTER C r :':STOP!C PLACES NATIONAL F. r.K SERVICE 2. LOCATION Street & Number: 463-465r 464r 464 (rear) 469r 473-475r 479. 481-483r 485-487r 489-495r 497-501. 507-509r 519-529 Campbell Avenue: 20r 38. 44 Church Street; 405 Main Street: 654. 662r 666. 678r 686 Savin Avenue_____ Not for publication: NA City/Town: West Haven Vicinity: .NA . State: CT County: New Haven Code: 009 Zip Code: 065 3. CLASSIFICATION Ownership of Property Category of Property Private: Building(s): __ Public-local: District: x. Public-State: Site: __ Public-Federal: Structure: __ Object: _ Number of Resources within Property Contributing Noncontributing 20 _3_ buildings _ sites _ L structures 2 2 objects 23 _6 total Number of Contributing Resources Previously Listed in the National Register:__NA Name of related multiple property listing :__NA OMB Form 10-900 USDI/NPS NHHP Registration Form (Rev. 8-86) OMB 1024-0018 PROPERTY NAME West Haven Green Historic District. West Haven. CT Page 2 United States Department of the Interior National Register of Historic Places Registration Form 4. STATE/FEDERAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1986, as amended, I hereby certify that this X nomination __ request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFRPart 60. In my opinion, the property X meets __ does not meet the National Register Criteria.. 'Signature oft^ertifying Official Date John W. Shannanan, Director, Connecticut Historical Commission State or Federal Agency and Bureau In my opinion, the property __ meets __ does not meet the National Register criteria. Signature of Commenting or Other Official Date State or Federal Agency and Bureau 5. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE CERTIFICATION I hereby'certifycertify that this property is: \S Entered ini the National Register _____ _____ Determined eligible for the National Register__ Determined not eligible for the National Register Removed from the National Register ______ Other (explain): ___________ ______ Date of Action OMB Form 10-900 USDI/NPS NHHP Registration Form (Rev. 8-86) OMB 1024-0018 PROPERTY NAME West Haven Green Historic District. West Haven. CT Page 3 United States Department of the Interior National Register of Historic Places Registration Form 6 FUNCTION OR USE Historic: DOMESTICr_COMMERCE Sub: single dwelling, business__ RELIGION. CULTURE___ religious facility, monument Current: DOMESTK;_COMMERCE Sub: single dwelling, business RELIGION, CULTURE . religious facility, monument. 7. DESCRIPTION Architectural Classification: Materials: LATE VICTORIAN/Italianate. Foundation:_STQNE/BRICK/CONCRETE Queen Anne. Romanesque^ Walls: WOQD/Weatherboard/BRICK___ 19C & 20C/Colonial and Tudor __SYNTHETIC/vinyl___________ Revivals______________ Roof:_ASBESTQS___________ Other Description: _STUCCO_______ Describe Present and Historic Physical Appearance. Overview The West Haven Green Historic District consists of the 5.3-acre Green and the buildings surrounding three sides of the Green. The First Congregational Church and several historical monuments stand on the Green itself. While the location of the Green was established in colonial times, the present landscaping and the surrounding buildings date from the late 19th century. The two most architecturally significant buildings in the district are the frame Romanesque Revival Congregational Church with its brick Colonial Revival additions on the Green, and the traprock Episcopal Church, designed by Cram, Goodhue & Ferguson, which is on the Church Street (south) side of the Green. Commercial buildings line Campbell Street on the east and frame domestic structures face the open space from across Savin Avenue on the west. The block of Main Street on the fourth (north) side of the Green is dominated by mid-20th century architecture, mostly commercial but including the City Hall. Since these buildings are less than 50 years old, the block is not included in the district. (See Figure 1, District Map.) Site The Green is a flat square block bounded on the north by Main Street, on the east by Campbell Avenue, on the south by Church Street, and on the west by Savin Avenue. Its earliest feature is the 18th-century cemetery in the southwest corner (Photograph 6) . The landscaping of radial walks lined by shade trees was initiated in the late 19th century, and the monuments and bandstand in the 20th century. 0MB Form 10-900 USDI/NPS NHHP Registration Form (Rev. 8-86) OMB 1024-0018 PROPERTY NAME West Haven Green Historic District. West Haven. CT page 4 United StateDcpartracnt of the Interior Nation al Register of Historic Places Registration Form Buildings The siting and spacing of buildings within the district fall into three categories, which are related to the religious, commercial, and residential functions. First, the two churches are surrounded by ample space, the Congregational Church being alone on the Green (Photograph 2) and the Episcopal Church (Photograph 14) with its satellite properties occupying the entire Church Street block. Second, the commercial buildings on Campbell Avenue have common walls, creating maximum density (Photographs 11> 12) . And third, the modest but comfortable spacing of the seven houses is consistent with late-19th/early-20th-century residential practice (Photographs 16, 18). The Congregational Church, on the Green, consists of the three sections, the 1859 frame sanctuary, the 1915 brick Parish House, and the 1959 brick Education Building (Photograph 2) . The sanctuary is a two-story rectangular building with projecting front tower and steeple in the Federal/Greek Revival tradition, but with distinguishing Romanesque Revival features of round arches, solid proportions, and strong cornices characteristic of its era of construction (Photograph 3) . Christ Church Episcopal, across the street to the south, also adjoins an 18h-century cemetery. The stone church building articulates a Gothic Revival design of the architectural firm of Cram, Goodhue & Ferguson (Photograph 14). The row of commercial buildings runs along Campbell Avenue from just north of Main Street to just south of Curtiss Place (Photographs 11,12). At the north the large three-story Tudor Revival Wood Building (Photograph 13) faces the Italianate Thompson Block across Main Street (Photograph 12), to be followed by a row of mostly early 20th-century stores which continues to Curtiss Place, The Classical Revival/Colonial Revival brick office building of the Southern New England Telephone Company then anchors the southeast corner of the district. The district's seven houses are comfortably spaced, starting on Church Street west of Christ Church (Photograph 16) and extending around the corner along the west side of the Green on Savin Avenue (Photograph 18). They are stylistically eclectic examples of the Queen Anne, American Four Square, Colonial Revival, Neo-Classical Revival, and Dutch Colonial Revival styles. The district's one apartment house, at the northwest corner, is in the Tudor Revival style, three stories high, and by its size and style balances the three-story Tudor Revival commercial block at the northeast corner (Photograph 17), Objects and Structure 20th-century changes have brought three monuments to the Green. The World War I memorial consists of a granite pedestal which supports the bronze figure of a Doughboy celebrating the Armistice (Photograph 7), while the Firefighters Monument features a bronze bell on rough finished granite (Photograph 8), and a large boulder commemorates a West Haven incident in the Revolutionary War (Photograph 9). The chess table is an added amenity. The most recent addition is the 1987 frame bandstand (Photograph 10). Inventory Resources are arranged in the following tabulation alpha-numerically by street address. Construction dates for buildings are taken from the 1985 Historic and Architectural Survey of West Haven except for 405 Main Street and 662 Savin Avenue, not surveyed, for which Assessor's dates are used. All resources are considered to contribute to the historic and architectural significance of the district except two less than 50 years old, which are marked NC, for Non-Contributing, at the left margin. OMB Form 10-900 USDMSPS NHHQP Registration Form (Rev. 8-86) OMB 1024-0018 PROPERTY NAME West Haven Green Historic District. West Haven. CT Page 5 United StatcDepartnaent of the Interior Nation al Register of Historic Places Registration Form Note: 497-501 Campbell Avenue and 507-509 Campbell Avenge are on the same parcel, map 35, lot 119. 469 Campbell Avenue, 473-475 Campbell Avenue, and 479 Campbell Avenue are on the same parcel, map 35, lot 123 A. See Figure 1, District Map. In the tabulation of Number of Resources at Item 3 above, the Green is counted as a site. The gravestones, collectively, in each of the cemeteries are counted as an object. C 463-465 Campbell Avenue Southern New England Telephone Company Building 1924 2-story Classical Revival/Colonial Revival brick office building. 41' x 48", with 1949 rear additions. In front elevation at each floor large tripartite 6-over-6 white windows are flanked by paired 6-over-6s. Eight single 6-over-6 windows continue strong design statement along side elevations. To balance visual vertical thrust, horizontal lines are introduced by string course that extends first-floor sills, by window caps, boldly molded cornice and roofline merlons. Proportion of window pane height to width is larger than usual, accentuating tall narrow measurements of windows. (Photograph 1) C 464 Campbell Avenue First Congregational Church 1859, 1915, 1959 Sidney Mason Stone, architect for 1859 building Sited on Green. 3-bay front tower of 1859 frame sanctuary on traprock foundation faces north.
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