OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SAN ANGELO COLLEGE SAN ANGELO, TEXAS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1957 NO. 9 [EZ ROBB Ex-SACsters Miss Charm Win Honors To Be Picked 6TH ANNUAL D.E. DAY TO BE PEAKS TUES. San Angelo ex-students are making good showings at senior colleges this Charm Week ends tonight after HELD ON SAC CAMPUS year. Miss Gray recently received a three days of preparation and in­ letter from the Texas University li­ struction. Miss Charm will reign over One of the largest turnouts ever is R. M. Cavness; Response, Member brarian praising Jesse Duggan who a dance given in her honor tonight expected today as distributive educa­ of Odessa High School D. E. Club; was library assistant at SAC from in the Ram Room at 7 o'clock. Miss tion students from seventeen different Description of Day's 9ctivities, 1955 to 1956. charm was elected by popular ballot high schools congregate on the SAC Gary Watson, presiding. Mrs. Carter has also received word Thursday night, the final night of campus to participate in the annual 10:30 to 11:30—Contests concerning outstanding journalism charming instruction in hair styling, D. E. Activity Day functions. Joe 1. Job Application students at Texas University who poise, and make-up. Gabriel, D. E. co-ordinator, is expect­ 2. Ad Layout and Copy Writing were former SAC journalists. Royce Miss Charm candidates were nomi­ ing approximately 150 students to be 11:30 to 1:00—Lunch, San Angelo Dixon, past Ram Page editor and nated by clubs and organizations of present for the day's activities. College Cafeteria (free) Annette Ray, formerly Rambouillet SAC. Their qualifications were listed The 6th annual D. E. Day will get 1:00 to 3:00—Contests editor are both making A's and do­ as: underway this morning at 8 a.m. with 1. Window Judging ing unusually well in the journalism 1. She should be neat and attrac­ the registration of all visitors and 2. Sales Demonstration field. Royce will study Russian lit­ tive. guided tours of the campus. Follow­ 3. Business Speech erature this semester, and is very in­ 2. She should be polite and cour­ ing this, the day's schedule will be: 3:30—Awarding of Prizes terested in all phases of literature. teous. 10:00 to 10:30 — Open Meeting — 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.—Dance (free to George Nick Manitzas, son of Mr. 3. She should have poise and self- Wayne Fogle, Distributive Educa­ high school students) and Mrs. Nick F. Manitzas of 115 S. confidence. tion president; Welcome, Pres. Dr. Music by the "SACsters" Bishop, has been promoted to cadet 4. She should have a pleasing per­ Crowning of Miss Charm first lieutenant, supply, public in­ sonality. Dress is Semi-formal formation officer Squadron 10 at A. 5. She should also have a pleasant Two Social Clubs Prize donations for the different INEZ ROBB and M. He is a member of the Pe­ speaking voice. To Hold Dance contests have been donated by "M" troleum Engineering Club and the The Miss Charm nominees are as System Stores, San Angelo National One of this country's most cele- Sigma Alpha Chi and Lambda Tau, Bank, Hemphill-Wells, Western Mat­ Geology Club, and Inter-Faith Coun­ follows: Doris Massey — Sigs; Helen bJited newspaper women is on her two social clubs of San Angelo Col­ cil, the American Institute of Mining Wills — Future Teachers; Irene tress Co., and the San Angelo Ad­ w y to San Angelo to speak in the lege, will hold their annual Presenta­ and the Metallurgical Engineers, Young — Home Ec Club; Ruth vertising Club. CJ y Auditorium at 8 p.m. Tuesday, tion Dance in the Cotillion Room of Southwest Sportsmanship committee, Breazeale — Lambda Tau; Lil Rog­ Fe . 12, and journalism students from the Town House Hotel. The dance is city editor of the Battalion, and vice- ers — Spanish Club; Reta McCut- SJ.C will usher at the occasion. to start at 8 o'clock February 9, and president of the Southwest Journal­ cheon — WRA; Margaret Dehnel — HShe is Inez Robb, wise and witty will climax 18 weeks of pledging. ism congress. A senior, he is major­ Press Club; Lee Allen — DE Club; columnist, brilliant feature writer and Presentation of pledges will take ing in petroleum engineering. While and Eleysanna Gailey — Nurses. oitstanding reporter of the United place about 8:30 o'clock before pa­ at SAC, George was sports editor of Admission to the Semi-Formal Miss Pi ess whose daily column appears in rents of old and new members, fac­ the Rambouillet. Charm Dance will be 50c. th; Scripps-Howard and many other ulty, administration, and ex-members oitstanding newspapers from coast MISS CHARM ... 1957 of the sororities. to coast, including the Standard Calendar Of Coming New members being presented in Ti mes. to the Sigma Alpha Chi are listed as: 1 The San Angelo Branch of Amer­ Events At SAC Joan Behrens, Zona Hudgens, Pearl ican Association of University Wom­ Horn, Dixie Harris, Carolyn Stroth- Friday, Feb. 8 — en is sponsoring Mrs. Robb's visit er, Marilyn Schwartz, Marie Bieder- D. E. Day. as a non-profit, public service feature, mann, Bobby Bilderback, Niki Lang- Miss Charm Dance. Miss Charm f ckets, $1.50 for adults and $1.00 ley, Helen Edwards. presented at this time. far students, are available at the box Students eligible for the Lambda Lamba Tau initiation — Woods JOE GABRIEL, Sponsor office or by writing. The topic of Tau presentation are Bitsy Kirkpat- Sea Foods Restaurant. Schools invited for this event are: her speech is "Such Interesting rick, Jean Adon Nell, Betty King, Sigs Initiation — Sittons. Brown wood High School, Lamesa Ptople." Arlelle Guess, Peggy Abbott, Ann High School, Cisco High School, • Mrs. Robb's experience as a news- Saturday, Feb. 9 — Baldwin, Voleta Harwell, Jan Mc- Odessa High School, Stephenville psperwoman has given her a perfect Basketball at Arlington. Dougall. High School, Fredericksburg High btckground for her local appearance. Cotillion Room at Town House The dance will be formal and ad­ School, Levelland High School, Big Die popular United Press columnist Sigs and Lamba Tau have presen­ mission will be by invitation only. Spring High School, Tivy High his been covering the world's top tation. Music will be furnished by Sammy School, Littlefield High School, Brady newsstories, royal weddings, corona­ Deulong. Tuesday, Feb. 12 — High School, Midland High School, tions, and international society events Basketball at Kerrville. Snyder High School, Abilene High for nearly 20 years on assignments School, Brownfield High School, San th at have taken her to more than Thursday, Feb. 14 — fC countries. 6 p.m. Advertising Clinic in audi­ 710 Students Antonio High School, Uvalde High School, Del Rio High School, and I Inez has interviewed practically torium San Angelo High School. everybody of any importance who Basketball here. Enrolled At SAC his set foot in Manhatten in the last Friday, Feb. 15 — San Angelo College now has 710 II years, from Edward, the Duke of 6:30 p.m. — Dean's Honor Roll students enrolled for the spring se­ [I indsor, down to Evil Eye Finkle, a Party — Cafeteria. mester. 522 of these returned from gent who made a living from wres­ Saturday, Feb. 16 — the fall enrollment, and 188 are new tlers who hired him to hex their students. A part of the new students opponents. Basketball here. are men just out of the service; Saturday, Feb. 23 — HAS FLOWN others have just graduated from high Basketball here. TO FAR COUNTRIES school, and the rest are transfers She figures she has flown at least Monday, Feb. 25 — from other colleges. Of the 710 en­ half-million miles, written stories Basketball at Austin. rolled, 424 are full-time students. m 30 or 40 foreign countries, Feb. 27 - 28 — 835 students were enrolled last ent three months in uniform cov- Fine Arts Series — Pajama Game semester, and 700 last spring. A drop ng some of the bitterest fighting — Municipal Auditorium. WHO WILL IT BE? YOU? from fall semester is always expected the African campaign during the March 1 — in the spring, since those not really st war, and literally got blown out Texas Jr. College Teachers Asso­ interested in getting an education or her nylons on the second day of ciation Meeting in Dallas. Thirty Freshmen those failing drop out then. (Continued on Page 2) Take Tests At SAC Thirty freshmen took placement tests Monday and Tuesday in the auditorium. These students have en­ WAYNE FOGLE, President tered SAC this spring semester as On hand for the occasion also will beginning freshmen. Included in the be Plasco G. Moore, Director of D. group are veterans, mid-term high E., Austin; Brice W. Cecil, Assistant school graduates, and others trans­ Director of D. E., Big Spring; and ferring from senior colleges who John W. Youngblood, Area Super­ want the individual attention received visor of D. E., Big Spring. in junior colleges. Margarete Dehnel is the editor Lee Allen will head the Ram Schulze will be assistant in chief of the Rambouillet Page this semester. Lee grad­ ditor of the Rambouillet, SAC this year. Margarete graduat­ uated from Levelland High "nnual, this year. Ken grad­ ed from San Angelo High School. She is a member of ated from Mason High School, School and was news editor the Press club, Spanish Club, lis majors are speech and there. She was freshman edi­ and D.E. club. Lee was Miss (iurnalism. He is president of tor of the Ram Page last year. D. E. last year and is vice Mary Ellen Davenport, fresh­ he Press Club.
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