University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 9-22-1993 Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 05, September 22, 1993 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 05, September 22, 1993" (1993). Central Florida Future. 1206. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1206 central Florida Fu Alpha Omega's tactics questioned o A psychology is affiliated with the Interna­ tury church ... because the thing trol over its members." we really emphasize is total Eargle said, "We are build­ major suspects the tional Churches of Christ, for­ mally known as the Boston commitment to Jesus." ing a family~God's family .... recruiting tactics Church of Christ. Arnold said his first con­ We need each other to stay and style of the UCF The Boston Church of tact with the gro.up came about strong." organization. Christ is listed with the Cult when he attended his first "in­ He compared Alpha Omega ) Awareness Network as an or­ formal Bible talk." and the International Churches ganization which has received ''I didn'tknow that the Bible of Christ to the UCF football By ROBIN LONGAKER numerous complaints from call­ talk was only a front used to get team. "The reason they have Staff Writer ers. people into personalized stud- football practice is so that ev ­ Arnold said Alpha Omega ies with the goal ofgetting them eryone can learn what they have has practices which resemble to join the group," said Arnold. to do," said Eargle. "They are , \ Some of the practices of cult-like symptoms: " ... aseem­ Later he realized " ... thatthe devoted to a cause .... They are Alpha Omega, a religious orga­ ing monopoly on the truth, deg­ series was designed, like most learningwhatthecoachteaches. nization at UCF, have been radation of its members, finan­ cults, to convince me that I was They are disciples of the coach. questioned by JohnArnold, psy­ cially and emotionally, require­ lost and going to hell, and that "We get accused of being a chology major and former mem­ ments of submission to author­ they, coincidentally, had the cult because we challenge ber of the Boston Church of ity, a communal lifestyle and a only viable plan to .prevent the people to love each other," he Christ. phobic-like fear of leaving the occurrence." continued. minister with the Central Florida Arnold believes Alpha group." Arnold also said the Inter- Another issue raised is how Church of Christ and a member Omega is a cult since the club is national Churches of Christ the club receives funds. "The people who don't of Alpha Omega. '' ... maintain an hierarchical and sponsored by the Central Florida want to change their life call us He said, "We are trying to authoritative structure of con- Church of Christ, a church that a cult," said Gregg Eargle, a be as much like the First Cen- Please see CULT page 7 Student -challenges parking meter's accuracy • o A student blames a That was the thinking of As soon as she saw the Emerlita Dulce, a second-time ticket, Dulce says she drove broken meter for her degree-seeking student here at over to the Parking Services parking ticket. Park­ UCF, after she was ticketed for offices and appealed what she ing Services denies it overtime parking spring semes­ felt was a wrongful parking ter. ticket. ~ was broken then. Dulce parked in front of In appealing a ticket, stu­ the University Dining Center dents have two options: they By JENNIFER LUPO at about noon with the inten­ can either-submit a written ap­ Staff Writer tion of meeting a friend for peal or appear before the Uni­ lunch. Shesayssheputenough versity Parking and Traffic Feel as if you've been money in the meter for a full Appeal Committee. Dulce wrongly ticketed by the foot hour, but when she returned chose to enter a written appeal. DeHoog/ FUTURE soldiers of the parking police? from lunch she had a ticket on The pole of the meter taken out by Parking Services. They Why not appeal? her car timed at 12:35 p.m. Please see METER page 6 say the meter was broken after the student parked there. Drug dealers move to campus A new wave of deal­ their daily dosages, and Chi­ dependency-related profes­ o cago you tbs delivered sion? ers take to UCF's cam­ unique concoctions in order On one hand, discrimi­ pus to earn cash and to build financial security in nation against these aspir­ enjoy life. the early 1900s. ing entrepreneurs of the '90s A significant amount of drug subculture are taking a these informal salespeople stand against explorative BY SEAN PERRY were teenagers and young marketing. ', Staff Writer adults, attempting to avoid On the other hand, to "Wanted: man or woman the poverty-stricken envi­ condone an illegal and cul­ between 18 and 25, likes fun­ ronments that had bound turally-improper scheme filled env~ronment, unlim­ them and aspiring to a higher such as this, especially when ited income. Work at home, classification in their eco­ contributing mind-altering and choose your own hours." nomic and social bracket. substances to naive adoles­ This is how an adver­ The product the cur­ cents, would be looked at as tisement appears in an rent younger generation is a social irresponsibility. imaginary classified section peddling is a form of nar­ This unique form of free of a desperate college stu­ cotic. Whether it be mari­ enterprise may be consid­ dent. Not only is this a real juana, LSD, ecstasy or any­ ered morally and socially occupation, but there is also thing else the market de­ wrong to some, but to oth­ an unlimited amount of po­ mands, these unauthorized ers, it is just another form of sitions available . salespeople provide. The risky business. It is a profession that has higher the degree of risk, The easy money, the existed in virtually every so­ the more profitable th.e job. popularity and the ease of ciety as long as the earth has Is it the lure of easy working at home brings produced vegetation: The money along with the thrills many college students into medicine man bartered away of rebellion and risk? The the world of dealing drugs. his herbs in the tribal days, convenience of self-employ­ the gypsies provided the ment, working out of the medieval kingdoms with comfort of.home? Or is it a Please see DRUGS page 5 • • • • • • • • • College , • Book& ~ . • Supply • • " Your Used Textbook Headquarters" • • • · ·L()c(\ted.in tli~ lJ11iV~rsity Slloppes ·. • , •.··.· ,I •. • '• • '' •' . ·,· ·,·,·· ·,' .....• · ' • • ,· ' ' ' '' • • · ...., ' ·......••.. I ' .:·.· ..·,: . ., -·~,(Next •I•'•/ ' :0,.J1. ~· _,,.::, .. .... f, . ,;.,.'~.-1;.' ··:.to¥'" - ~ , ,. .;,:·,..,,;.-~•,.-,,;11.-•.!i; .Kinkos •, \0,1·.~,~J'L''-•''-l•'J'/'~'•'i'• .r;-•:••f' ' •''''i•l&',,.-,_J.,,-,,•. ,•, Dominos)' ,....,-.•,, ..... .,,.,·... .. .i,~lo.• ..,.,•·~ ,u·,• ' .• ·• •"''· ·•· \ ~ ' :. ' ·' .' ' • UCFCAMPUS c:: Alafaya ·Trail e. • 12209 University Blvd. s< ...... • McDonald's I '<-· Orlando, FL . Nations Bank tD <p. • UNNERSITY SHOPPES (407) 249-0855 COLLEGE BOOK &SUPPLY • KINK OS Sept. 22, 1993 Central Florida Future 3 • , Safety, Global Apprecia­ to encounter. tion and School Spirit were·the Participants received the The after-lunch guest themes of the Fifth Annual 1993-94 Effective Leader's speaker was Disney's safety Leader's Seminar last Saturday, Resource Manual listing all the expert, Wayne L. Mitchell. attended by leaders of campus resources and services avail­ Mitchell opened the eyes • groups and organizations . able to student groups, includ­ of the audience to the impor­ Three themes were pre­ ing instructions for creating a tance of safety and risk man­ sented as interlocking compo­ new campus organization. agement at every level, starting nents for building a better cam­ There are already over 240 with ultimate responsibility at pus at UCF: creating a safe en­ student organizations at UCF. the top of any organization to vironment through risk man­ The Consultants for Effec­ the actual implementation of • agement, building school spirit tive Leadership, made up of stu­ safety principles on "the. front in UCF students and creating a dents who volunteered their line" by the workforce, mem­ global appreciation to build an summer for special training as bersQip, or student body. • inclusive campus. leadership consultants and fa­ Mitchell used grave ex­ The participants were· cilitators, was actively present amples of accepting even a 99 .9 formed into teams to brainstonn . at the seminar and was a key in percent safety record. • the themes and were then reas­ conducting the affair. "On a national scale," he ~embled to present their ideas CELmembers will be avail­ said, "that would mean that ev­ in the form of skits, which were able to consl,llt student groups ery day 750,000 bank deposits • videotaped. throughout the year. · would be put in the wrong ac­ Student Organizations Co­ They have been trained in count, and 50 babies would be • ordinator April Bonfanti said helping groups with team-build­ dropped on their heads by their the tape could be edited into a ing, creating diversity, time- doctor when delivered." I see you still haven't gotten the message. We have moved. Come see us in the University Shoppes for a News Bits cup of tea. Or if you wish, just give us a call at 823- 845~ and tell us your story.
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