.. .. beer; . , . T.l001 "PORPOISE" DIVING UNIT - SPORTSMAN MODEL 60 ASSEMBL Y - TESTI NG - AFTERCARE 1. ASSEMBLY AND TESTING (0) Ensure that the canvos protective bog is stretched end fostened into position on the cylinder. (b) Unscrew eoch cylinder bond tension nut untiJ it is engaged by approximately three threads to a ll ow each bond to expand to its maximum. (e) Assemble the harness straps on to the top cylinder band end slide band into posi~ C.104 tion os shown-about 5" down fram the cylinder shoulder. This dimension will vary Qccording to yaur physique. Pa ss the harness straps t hrough the lewer band, positioning the plastic loops under the wire ond slide into the position shown­ about 1" up fram the lower cylinder shoulder. (d) Position the harness straps, top end (h) Release the cylinder pressure graduolly­ bottam, about 2" apart ct ri ght ongles to until cylinder volve is fully open ot one the cylinder valve out let and cylinder band full turn. tension nuts - ti ghten the tension nuts - finger tight on ly. (j) Check the demand-valve by vigorously in­ haling and exhaling - ensuring that the (e) Release a smal l blast of ai r to clean the flow of air is sufficient and ceases after cylinder valve outlet-wipe the reducing­ eoch inhalation. valve coupling clean and screw into cylin­ der-tighten with the tension bar- med­ Note: ium pressure onl y-in the position shown. The demond-volve features- "VACUUM AS­ (f) Sc rew the demand-volve hose to the reduc­ SISTANCE" - which e utomatically operotes ing-valve outlet-fing er tight only-and os the air flow commences. When out of the position hose as shawn--ensuring that the water, 0 si ight knock on the valve may start hose passes over the right shoulder. the a ir fl ow ing- this can be stopped by plac­ ing 0 finger over the mouthpiece, or by put­ (9) Couple the oir hose to the demand-valve ting the mouthpiece in the mauth to create 0 --egein finger tight on ly. slight back pressure. Respirlliory Engineers, Designers, Manufllcturers & Oislributors of: COUSTEAU_GAGNAN "AQUALUNG" 'nd " PORPOI5[" DIVING UNITS, IMDUSTRIAL 8REATHING EQUIPMENT, ACCUSORIU Memoer of the GrO<Jp ,omprising: LA SPIItOTECHNIQUE, PARIS , fR ANCE • U. S. DIVEP~ LOS ANGEUS, U.S.A •• CRESSI·5UB, ITAL Y (j) For fjnal check - immerse the cylinder­ Procedure valve, reducing-velve end demand-valve in water- with the pressure turned on, end ta) Immerse the valves in fresh water-Ieove exemine for leaks. immersed for 30 minutes or more to re­ move oll troces of solt-hang to dry, pro­ tected from sunlight. WARI'UNG: (bl Hose the cylinder end herness cerefully 00 not (eave the va.ves · unaer prellure with fresh water or totolly immerse if when not in use--c:lose the cylinder volve practicable. ond release air frem the circuit to relieve tension. Caution • 00 not allow the unit to remain overnight (k) Adjust the harness for ind ividual fitting without removing the solt, os excessive - positioning the cylinder so that the corrosion con take place. head, when thrown fuUy back will not touch it . • Da not fm the cylinder with oxygen-use (I) Prior to olvlng--check the cylinder pres· only pure breothing air, free of moisture sure-the slightest leok will empty the ond contaminotion. cylinder overnight. • Always stow the cylinder when not in use -in 0 vertical position-this enables any internal candensotion wh ich could corrode the thin eyfinder wolls, to remain in con­ tact with the thickened neck or base areal, 2. CARE AFTER DIVING which would not be weokened by normal eorrosion. The two main causes ot deterioration a re solt and strong sunlight. Immediately after leav. • Reod carefully the instructional booklet- lng the wa ter, dose the cylinder volve--re· 11 Aqua-lung Diving" I before ottempting lease the pressure from the circuit ond cover Jour first dive. the unit to protect it from strong sunlight. • Your "Porpoise" has the in-built sofety feature of "Vacuum Assisted Breothing", Wash your unit in fresh water os soon os pos­ the details of which ore contained in Tech­ sible ofter diving. nieol Sheet T.l007. 5 Rogion Street, North Melbou,nc Cable: " PORPOISE" Melbourne. Phone: 30. 3869 .. • • • • T. l 002 " PORPOISE" DIVING UNIT - UNIVERSAL MODEL 60 ASSEMBL Y - TESTING - AFTER CARE 1. ASSEMBL Y AND TESTI NG (0) Ensure thot the convas protective bog is stretched end fostened into position on the cylinder. (b) Unscrew each cylinder band tension nut until it is engaged by approximately three C, 102 threads, to ollow the bonds to expand to their maximum, end slide into the posi­ tion shown. T he top band about 5" down fram the shoulder of the eyfinder end the bottem band 1" up fram the tower ey lin­ der shoulder. The top band con be od­ jus ted up or down to suit the physique. (c) Tighten the cylinder bond tension nuts­ you that your cylinder pressure is lew. If finger tight only with the harness " 0" you use excessive pressure in turning the cl ips towords you os shown. valve off - yau may have difficulty in (d) Release 0 small blast of air to clean the turning it on when your fingers are cold. cylinder volve outlet-wipe the reducing­ You will note thot the reserve supply verve coupling clean end screw into eyl· hondwheel turns freely when the oir pres· inder- tighten with the tension bar­ sure is low--ond tightens when the air medium pressure only-into the position pressure is high. This is to prevent a shown. knock from occidentolly opening the re· (e) Ensure that the "Reserve Supply" hand· serve unti I the cylinder pressure drops to wheel at the bose of the reducing·volve is the worning level-which voriest depend· turned "Off"-use finger pressure only ing on the depth end rote of respiration. - remember thot you must be oble to <f) Couple up the demend·volve hose to the open this valve to top your reserve oir reducing.volve outlet-finger tight only­ supply when the decreosing air flow warns end position hose as shown--ensuring that the hose passes aver the right shoulder. Respir.Jlory Engineerl, O' l ion~s, Miinufil(lur.rs & Oislribulon 01 : CQUSTU.U·GAGNAN " AQUALUHG" illld " PORPOISE" DIVIHG UHITS, IHDUSTRIAL BUATHIHG EQUIPMEHT, AC:C:E$SORIE$ M.mber of the Grol.lp comprising: LA SPIROTECHNIQur, PARIS, FRAHCr • U. S. DIVERS, LOS ANGELES, U.S. ... _ CRISSI-SUB, IT"'LY (g) Couple the air hase ta the demand-valve 2 . CARE AFTER DIVING --ogoin, finger tight only. (h) Release the cylinder pressure gradually­ The two main causes of deterioration are until the cy li nder vo lve is fu lly open ct solt and strang sunlight. Immediotely after one fu ll turn. leaving the water, dose t he cylinder valve­ release the pressure from the circuit and (i) Check the demond verve by vigorously in ­ cover the unit to protect it from strong sun­ holing and exhaling-ensuring that the light. flow of air is sufficient ond ceoses after each exhalation. Wosh your unit in fresh woter os soon os possible after diving. Note: Procedure:- The demond-valve features - "VACUUM ASSISTANCE"-which automaticolly op­ (0) Immerse the volves in fresh water-Ieave erotes os the air flow commences. When immersed for 30 minutes or more to re­ move oll traees of salt--hang to dry, pro­ out of the woter, 0 slight knack on the velve moy start the oir flowing-this con tected from strang sunlight. be stopped by plodng a finger over the (b) Hose the eylinder a nd harness earefully mouthpiece, or by putting the mouthpiece with fresh woter or totolly immerse if in the mouth to create a slight bock pres­ practicoble. sure. Coution (j) For finol check - immerse the cylinder • 0 0 not ollow unit to remoin overnight with­ vo lve reducing-volve and demand-valve in out removing the solt, os excessive corro­ water - with the pressure turned on, sion con take ploce. cnd examine for lecks. • 0 0 not fil! the cylinder with oxygen-u •• only pure breothing air free of moisture ond contominotion. WARNING: • AlwoY5 stow thc cylinder, when not in use, in 0 verticol position- this enobles ony in­ 00 not leave the valve, under pressure ternol condensation wh ic h could corrode when not in use-.close the cylinder valve the thin cylinder walls, to remin in con­ and release air from the circuit to relieve toct with the thickened neck or base oreas, tension. which would not be weakened by no rm al corrosion. (k) Clip the harness into position and odjust • Reod corefully the instructionol booklct­ for individual fitting - positioning the " Aqua-Lung Oiving" - before ottempting cylinder so that the heod, when thrown you r first divc. fully bock will not touch it. • Your " Porpoise" hos the built-in sofety (I) Prior to diving-<heck the cylinder pres­ feoture of IIVocuum Assisted Breathing", sure-the slightest leak will empty the the details of wh ich are contoined in Tech­ cylinder overnight. nicol Sheet T.l007. 5 Rogion Street, North Melbourne C.ble: " PORPOISE" Melbourne. .. • • • T.l 003 15 16 17 19 22 23 24 2S 26 \ I I \ I§:I§~'; ~[ I e1r- _. - ~ ., / / / 34 36 37 39...... 44 4S 46 47 •• PARTS BREAKDOWN - "PORPOISE" SPORTSMAN MODEL 60 'nd.. P;.. , No. Duuiptlon 'ndeIl Part Ho. Ducrlptlon REDUCING VALVE AIR HOSE (Ist STAGE REGULATOR) 22. 0·' Snl "0" - Ring (2 off) I. CA·SMR.19 Lockscrew 23. U-Sl-C Tail - Coupllng (2 oft ) 2.
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