~~~ ~~ ~ -Hillary does. The great first continued to refer to Foster’s Who Killed impression was a long time ago. killing as a “suicide“; from But we may also be getting to Vince Foster? then on, general speculation know Hillary. What has already shifted to possible reasons or emerged about her Whitewater by Murray N. Rothbard signs of Foster’s supposed doings shows how very true it is ”depression” that had led him that greedy people were break- You read it first in RRR to this alleged act. ing the law to make money [I’ Foster g a t e,” September The dismissal of the Foster during the Reagan years, just 19931. More and more, it looks slaying as a “suicide” suc- as the Clintons have always as if the key to Whitewatergate ceeded in burying the Foster said. Her secret life in Arkansas and to much else that is rotten Affair for several months. is coming as a surprise even to in the Clinton Administration Then, in early December, the her critics, who have tended to centers on the mysterious Foster death, along with see her as a sort of fanatic and slaying on July 20 of the White Whitewatergate, came rapidly to credit her with afanatic‘smoral House counsel and long-time to the fore. It was discovered integrity. But the key to her is lover/and partner of Hillary that chief White House coun- ambition-a passion that has Rod ham, Vincent Fos t e r, sel Bernard Nussbaum had consistently subdued her sup- Jr. What do we know about spirited out of Foster’s White posed feminism. And judpg by Foster’s death? Vince Foster House office, apparently what has already transpired, left the White House at 1:OO under the noses of the the Whitewater revelations P.M. on the 20th, in an appar- bumbling Park Police, a crucial will reveal more about her than ently normal mood, after file on Foster’s desk: a file (or about Bill, possibly including having spent most of the files) dealing with the White- the rumored affair between her morning grappling, as a key water Affair. Nussbaum then and Vincent Foster. At any figure and attorney with the gave the file(s) into the safe- rate, the Clintons have gone tangled matters of White- keeping of the Clinton’s per- to great lengths to keep the Watergate. Foster was not seen sonal lawyer, David Kendall. secrets secret. alive again; his body was dis- It was Nussbaum‘s curious Bill wasn’t the only one who covered at about 6:OO P.M. in taking of the Foster Whitewater lied to the American people remote Fort Marcy Park on the file that sparked the agitation that famous night on 6oMinufes. Potomac. Foster had been shot for the Clintons to come clean It was Hillary who, in effect, in the head and killed. [Fort on Whitewatergate, and grabbed the mike and insisted Marcy is more a lookout over finally to the naming of the that the marriage had been the river off the highway, than special prosecutor. repaired. She expressed her a ”park”.] Time of death was By mid-January, further- contempt for standing by one’s estimated at between 4:OO more, the Nussbaum removal of man, Tammy Wynette-style, and 5:OO P.M. the Whitewater file had skyrock- even as she was standing by The investigation was eted in importance. For it was her nominal man; later she quickly handed over to the discovered that Nussbaum would vent her derision Park Police, an outfit with either separately, or together against cookie-baking wives, expertise largely devoted to with at least two other people: only to bake cookies for her spearing litter in the park. The Hillary’s own chief of staff, Bill, like Lady Macbeth in a Park Police quickly pro- Maggie Williams, and Bill little apron, though she may nounced the death a ”suicide” Clinton’s special assistant, still have been carrying on and, even though the autopsy Patsy Thomasson of the noto- with Foster at the time. report has never been released rious Thomasson clan in In its way the Clinton marriage to the public, the lapdog media Arkansas, removed the file is working. Which is not to say obediently went along with from Foster’s office on July 20, that anyone’s enjoying it. 1 this unproven hypothesis, and the day of Foster’s death, and 5 March1994 not, as the White House had Willie at 10 P.M., after Willie was discovered lying straight previously claimed, two days had finished a stint on the on a hill, "every extremity later on July 22. Larry King show. straight, as if it were ready for Since that disclosure, two In short, the White House the coffin." The gun which fascinating discoveries have did not know about the discov- shot him in the mouth was been made in the Mysterious ery of the body of Vince Foster clutched in Foster's right hand. Death of Vincent Foster. First, until 9:15 P.M. But in that case, There were many anomalies the Wall Street Journal, in a why oh why did Nussbaum, here. In the first place, the lengthy editorial of January 14 Williams, and Thomasson body, in such a case, should ["The Foster Test,"] indicated remove the file, which they be consistent with the person's the truly sensational implica- presumably did during office original position. In other tions of this new chronology of hours, that is, long before 9:OO words, Foster should have the Foster Case. I urge our P.M. of July 20??Why did they been lying down if he shot readers to get ahold of this WSJ remove the file when, as far as himself' in the mouth. The editorial, and read it careMy they knew, Foster was not bullet would then have been preferably more than once. dead, and would return to his lodged in the ground behind Secondly, the intrepid New office the following morning, him. And yet the police were York Post sent investigative so that there would be no need never able to find the bullet. reporter Christopher Ruddy to to spirit the Whitewater file out Where is the Foster Bullet? inquire into the body and the of the office for safekeeping? The police speculated the slaying itself, with some sensa- ?he wconcludes its account Foster bullet "must" have tional conclusions of his own with these intriguing words: gone back into the woods. But [Christopher Ruddy, "Doubts "Let us specify, lest compiling in that case, he would not have Raised Over Foster's 'Sui- these facts gets us accused of been lying straight and rigidly cide"', Post January 271. the dread crime of innuendo, on the ground. First, the WSJ chronology. that we do not know what to Secondly, when a person Foster died between 4 and 5 make of all this. But we do shoots himself in the mouth, a o'clock. No one knows who think it's high time someone reflex action usually hurls the found the body; apparently, found out." Amen! Those of gun up to 20 feet away from the person who called the you who don't mind commit- the body. It is unusual for a police was told of the body by ting innuendo in your heart suicide to remain, after death, its discoverer. The police and are invited to mull over the with the gun gripped tightly in ambulances arrived on the implications of this story. Espe- his hand. Vernon Geberth, a spot at 6:OO P.M. or a bit after. ciallywhen combined with the former New York detective It apparently took several investigation by Christopher who has written a nationally hours for the police to identdy Ruddy of the New York Post. recognized homicide-investi- the body and notify relevant Ruddy interviewed the gation textbook, says that gen- people. Thomas "Mack" Fairfax County paramedic erally "after the firing the gun McLarty, White House Chief of who was the first rescue is away from the person," Staff, and the boss of the White worker to see Foster's body; although he acknowledged House in the absence of the the first Park Policeman on the that in "rare" cases the suicide Clintons (who were vacation- scene; various other witnesses can keep gripping the gun. ing in Little Rock), only found to the body; and a medical Thirdly, the murder weapon about the Foster death at 9:15 examiner and former New was a .38 caliber Colt revolver. P.M. McLarty informed Hillary York City homicide investiga- A .38 Colt firing into the head of the death of their mutual tors and forensic experts with almost always results in a 'Itre- buddy Foster in a phone call to whom he discussed his find- mendous amount of blood, Little Rock at 9:45 P.M. (East- ings. Here is what Christopher blood all over the place,it ern time), and he told Slick Ruddy found: Foster's body would be a mess.. [A] .38 makes a powerful explosion. second person who called the deflected by any phony, There’s a backwash of blood police; if this is what happened, coverup, ”Rehnquist” Com- and tissue.” And yet: every- does anyone in his right mind mission. This time, let‘s not get thing was remarkably clean; think the killer was a ”lone distracted by the moralequiva- there was little blood any- nut“? Why would a lone nut lent of the Fair Play for Cuba where. There were no pools of take the trouble tomovethe Committee, or by the Rus- blood around the body, no body andmakeit lookksuiade? sian Embassy, or Castro, or mess, no splattering of blood What would be the lone nut’s Sam Giancana or Jimmy on face or shirt, no blood on motive? A lone nut murderer of Hoffa.
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