November 15, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 23 31817 find new and creative ways to help their stu- claimed 1983 compilation of Shakespeare his- As people across the country begin to at- dents ‘‘learn to be learners.’’ Mary Orr has de- tory plays. tempt to conquer tobacco addiction on this veloped her own method for using spread- Madam Speaker, we should especially ac- Great American Smokeout day, Congress sheets to chart test scores and provide teach- knowledge Professors Michael Jasperson, must continue to do its part on reducing the ers with easy-to-follow graphs on their class- David White, and Anne Marie Drew, for their addiction to tobacco. I urge my colleagues to vision and dedication as Masqueraders direc- room achievements. She also encourages her cosponsor and pass H.R. 1108, the Family teachers to use technology to give students tors from 1960 to 2001. We should also recog- Smoking Prevention and Control Act. This bill new ways to access information and develop nize the current director, Professor Christy a real love of learning. Stanlake; co-presidents, Midshipmen First would grant the FDA the authority to regulate An educator in Wyckoff since 1969, Mary Class Joy Dewey and David Smestuen; and tobacco products and the marketing of those Orr is being honored now as New Jersey’s Officer Representative, Commander Mark products, which the tobacco industry has Distinguished Principal by the U.S. Depart- Larabee. Finally, we should acknowledge the shamelessly marketed to our Nation’s youth to ment of Education and National Association of key support provided by the English Depart- create lifetime smokers and consumers of Elementary School Principals. She has long ment Chair, Professor Allyson Booth, and the their deadly products. been eligible to retire, but she continues to Director of the Division of Humanities and So- Madam Speaker, I applaud the hospitals in give her all to the students, teachers, and par- cial Sciences, Colonel David Mollahan. my congressional district for becoming smoke- ents of Abraham Lincoln Elementary School. Madam Speaker, it is fitting that we honor In fact, she continues to pursue enhance- the Masqueraders for their century of commit- free zones and commend the American Can- ment of her own already-impressive profes- ment to the power of theater to prepare mid- cer Society for their efforts in reducing Amer- sional credentials. She has already earned a shipmen for leadership in peace and war. In ica’s addiction to tobacco products. master’s degree in language arts and a doc- honor of Masqueraders’ support of the mission torate in education administration, yet Mary of the Naval Academy, the people of the f Orr is pursuing a second master’s in edu- United States of America wish them all suc- cational technology. And, all the while, she cess for another hundred years of service to HONORING DONALD W. CAMPBELL also remains an active part of the community, the Brigade of Midshipmen, our Navy and Ma- spending time with the local Rotary Club and rine Corps, and our country. earning the 2004 Wyckoff Family YMCA’s First f HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO Annual William E. Boye Jr. Humanitarian OF WEST VIRGINIA Award. GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT From her enthusiastic spirit to her detail- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES driven approach, Mary Orr has made Abraham HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Thursday, November 15, 2007 Lincoln Elementary School a model for all to OF MARYLAND emulate. I commend her on her good work IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. CAPITO. Madam Speaker, I rise today there. Thursday, November 15, 2007 to respectfully request that my colleagues join f me in congratulating Donald W. Campbell for Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, I rise HONORING THE UNITED STATES today to recognize the American Cancer Soci- being named the National Parks Conservation NAVAL ACADEMY MASQUERADERS ety’s 31st annual Great American Smokeout— Association 2007 recipient of the Steven Tyng a day when smokers across the Nation mark Mather Award. HON. JOE SESTAK the event by cutting back, forsaking cigarettes Don Campbell has been a tireless advocate OF PENNSYLVANIA for the day, or perhaps quitting altogether. and ambassador for Harper’s Ferry National IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I’m proud that in my Congressional district, Historic Park for nearly thirty years. When he all the hospitals—which already prohibit smok- arrived at Harper’s Ferry as Superintendent, Thursday, November 15, 2007 ing indoors—will today be extending their Don was a self-described ‘‘peace, love, and Mr. SESTAK. Madam Speaker, I rise today smoke-free zones and prohibit the use of to- to recognize the United States Naval Acad- bacco products anywhere on their campuses. let’s everybody get along,’’ laid-back Califor- emy’s midshipman theater company, the This includes outside entrances, walkways, nian. Since then, he has forged relationships Masqueraders, on the occasion of their cen- parking lots, and garages. Patients, visitors, of mutual trust and understanding with the tennial year. The Masqueraders, sponsored by and hospital employees are covered by this communities that surround his park and has the Naval Academy English Department, sup- policy. These medical institutions, which treat touched many with his strong values and port the moral and mental development of many diseases that result from use of tobacco steady leadership. midshipmen by bringing works of literature to products, are taking a critical step that will Don’s service, leadership, and advocacy for the stage. By engaging the Brigade of Mid- lead to patients, visitors, and staff reducing the protection of Harper’s Ferry National His- shipmen with complex moral issues and por- and hopefully quitting the use of tobacco prod- toric Park exemplify what it means to be a trayals of human nature, the Masqueraders ucts. By taking this action, the hospitals in my have helped prepare generations of future offi- community will lead by example in our efforts steward of America’s national parks. For more cers for the challenges of military leadership. to reduce tobacco use. than twenty years, the National Parks Con- While midshipmen produced theater pieces The toll of tobacco in America is dev- servation Association has proudly presented in the nineteenth century, the Masqueraders astating, with 440,000 people dying pre- the annual Steven Tyng Mather Award to a formally organized in 1907 with the approval maturely each year from tobacco use. To- National Park Service employee who has of the Commandant of Midshipmen. That year, bacco use is the cause of at least 30 percent worked tirelessly to protect our national parks. under the leadership of Midshipmen First of all cancer deaths and 87 percent of lung His contribution to the Harper’s Ferry National Class Kirkwood H. Donavin, William B. cancer deaths. Secondhand smoke is a major Historic Park will always be appreciated and I Piersol, and Frank W. Townsend, the health hazard—3,000 otherwise healthy non- am pleased that he is being recognized for his Masqueraders began an unbroken series of smokers nationwide will die of lung cancer an- service to our community. annual performances that have educated mid- nually because of their exposure to second- shipmen up to the present day. Productions hand smoke. In closing, I want to thank my colleagues for have ranged from Greek tragedies and com- In Maryland, there will be more than 4,000 joining me in recognizing Donald W. Campbell edies to classics of the modern stage. High- new cases of lung cancer diagnosed this year as the 2007 Steven Tyng Mather Award win- lights of the group’s century of service include and there will be nearly 3,000 lung cancer ner for his dedication to protecting this scenic a 1974 American College Theater Festival deaths. In addition to the thousands of lives and historic jewel. production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern lost to diseases caused by tobacco products, are Dead, invited to play at the Kennedy Cen- the annual direct and indirect health care ter’s Eisenhower Theater and honored by the costs in the U.S. caused by tobacco use is ap- Chief of Naval Operations, and a critically ac- proximately $194 billion. VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:59 Aug 31, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E15NO7.000 E15NO7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 31818 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 23 November 15, 2007 IN HONOR OF THE 50TH ANNIVER- the entire western United States—as well as a 1091. Had I been present, I would have voted SARY OF THE COLONEL JOHN founding member of the Congressional Black ‘‘yea.’’ ROSENKRANS CHAPTER OF THE Caucus. He was instrumental in the passage f NEW JERSEY SOCIETY OF THE of the watershed Civil Rights Act of 1964, SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVO- sponsoring its equal employment section set- HONORING THE DEDICATION OF LUTION ting up the Equal Employment Opportunity THE MICHAEL A. GUIDO THEATER Commission. HON. SCOTT GARRETT We honor him for the strides our commu- HON. JOHN D. DINGELL OF NEW JERSEY nity, and our country, took under his steward- OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ship, and for his impeccable sense of purpose IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that inspires us today. Thursday, November 15, 2007 Thursday, November 15, 2007 f Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Madam Mr. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, I rise today Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the TRIBUTE TO THE GREATER SOM- to congratulate the city of Dearborn for the Colonel John Rosenkrans Chapter of the New ERSET COUNTY CHAPTER OF dedication of the Michael A. Guido Theater at Jersey Society of Sons of the American Revo- THE AMERICAN RED CROSS the Ford Community & Performing Arts Cen- lution.
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