Auistralian Last Year Each Australion Universify has its own newspaper staffed by students. Apart from fhe typesetting and printing, these papeirs are completely produced by members of the university, most of whom have ha^d littfe previous experience of journalism, and all of whom are pursuing university courses. "The papers vary greatly in size The papers, both through advertising and circulation; Honi Soit, the and through articles, are made use university of Sydney's paper, has of to publicise student societies, and a circulation of about 11,000, sometimes an issue is almo.it com­ pletely devoted to one subject—foi Preparing lo take their pluco, iu a new parlour game. while Nucleus, the New England example, Honi Soit's Commemora­ University's paper has a circula- tion Day issue—supplements such as tion of 2,200. But alt the [iapers the Pelican W.U.S. Supplement in encounter much the same prob­ 1960 are occasionally included. lems and have many common One of th.e main purposes of most characteristics. papers is to give you entertainment. THE SEARCH FOR Censorship, for example, was a They are sometimes successful. Dif­ difficulty encountered by several ferent methods are followed. All the papers during 1960. Student writers papers print humorous articles and frequently show a lack of respect stories whenever possible, but the for many accepted Institutions and most popular form of university HIDDEN GNUS standards, and a good deal of the humour during the past few years material printed is critical or con-' has been satire — a type of humour I have, I believe, iliscovered a new parlour game, one which I can heartily demning. An editor, moreover, may related very closely to that of the recomnieud to all existing or aspiring policemen, social - climbers aud university often regard attack as one 'of his university revues. stndeuts. I call il, £or 'want of a better title, "Do-Il-Yonrself-Newspaper-Readiiig." paper's most important functions. The larger papers, whose printers The responsibility for the views ex­ have the necessary facilities, also at­ (brain-washing taken-in). All you need is a copy of an evening paper (preferably pressed in an article does not, how­ tempt what might be called parody soluble) and a vivid imagination. ever, remain simply that of the issues. Honi Soit, ^ Tharunka, writer. All the papers are printed We start, dear reader,, onpags; 2. for those hard of hearing. "The Stretched across columns 2 and 3 by a local daily Press or printing Semper Floreat and Farrago all printed such "skit" issues, imitating On Wednesday, June 1, Dr Vcr groom kisses the bride as dad looks we have one of those beautiful head­ firm, and these firms are held re­ wocrd launched a white "peace" on." "Dad," we are told is a pub­ lines which make this game so re­ sponsible for the material they print. local publications, in 1960. dove from his pad in Bloemfon- lican as well as being Britain's chief warding. It states in bold black print: To avoid lawsuits and public dis­ The one problem that all papers tein (has South Africa joined hangman. Commented the head of "Montgomery Declares: Reds do not favour, a printer will scrutinise the face, and that is apparently not yet (he spaccrace toof) A.A.P. re­ one of Sydney's breweries, "Al least. like U.S.A." Anxious to impart this material submitted by the students, solved, is a lack of written contri­ ported that "It fell with a dull he's honest about it." important news I radioed the White and is prepared to refuse or censor butions. Students accept their paper thud to the ground in front of House and although the President copy. without realisingjhe time and work , In the fifth column wc read the the silver-haired Verwoerd. Emb;jr- following, "Brisbane, Wednesday.— was al golf, his secretary gave me involved. This work arises because rasscd officials poked and prodded the following comment. "Oh!" Semper Floreat, the Queensland the voluntary editorial staffs find that A youth who arrived from Sydney University paper, changed printers the milk-white doverbut it steadfast­ yesterday (Tuesday), was gaoled for SkippiDg blithely through the they not only have to edit the paper, ly refused to fly." Well-known sin­ during I960 after fighting against but on most occasions have, in addi­ a month today (Wednesday), on a pages in (he rush to get to (be unreasonable censorship. Farrago, ner, F. Sinatra, contacted at Holly­ charge of stealing a bottle of milk social page, the observant reader tion, to fill the pages with copy of wood commented, "Man, like, if the Melbourne University paper, has their own. Occasionally a paper yesterday (Tuesday). A. Caponc will notice Ihe foilovring mwa disagreed with its censorship, and your bird won't split from the pad, jun., labourer, etc., pleaded guilty in items. Pelican, the paper of the University may have one or two prolific writers you can't prod her." who continually do work for the the Police Court lo having stolen the "Drive for Policemen": "Sydney of Western Australia, has satirised its Page 3 contains a wealth of fun milk, valued at lOd." Could some censor, the president of the council. paper, but such writers cannot main­ for the reader. There is a full colour suburban police have lost 'family' tain a varied and interesting output Law Student inform me of the sen­ contact with many people in their Most student editors feel that prin-' grey and white photo of a bespec­ tence I might expect if 1 take two tcrs are loo severe and wary in their throughout a full year. tacled gentleman osculating a young "patrol area, Mr L. H. Grifilths said "Honi's" instead of one next Wednes­ today" — Mr Griffiths, h must" be censorship. Last year all the papers continu­ woman dressed tn white. Under­ day? ally called for niore material. neath, the scene is vividly described remembered, dear reader, specialises The type of material and layout • Here's a heading no niatricuUiled in understatements. "Club Caustic: vary -greatly from paper to paper.^ Morality of Poker Machines" — In During I960 On Dit, in Adelaide, lout could miss, "Police Hun in Car printed a considerable number of Smash." "Two top-line C.l.B. de­ an age of automation and teenage articles on political topics and occa­ fectives on a special investigation immorality nothing is a surprise. sional political cartoons, while "Trousers Torn Oil: Night Drive Led were injured today when a police car to Blows" — No comment. "Royal Semper Floreat aimed mainly at ^ True Red Brick plunged through two fences at Croy­ humour in the form of satire and' Rattle: Prince Andrew presented don, narrowly missing a womau, wilh leopardskin rattle" — Sir Ed­ parody. Opus, the Newcastle paper, Tlirougli most of the middle ages, uuivcrsily students printed mainly news and humour, weeding her garden. Mrs S! Loren ward Hallstrom unavailable lor com­ but late in the year started printing had neither benches lo sit on nor lexis lo read. Classes >9ere held was weeding the front garden when ment. "Broke Drink Ban" — A short stories and poetry. Hon! Soit in ihc corners of cliurelics where ihe sindenis stjuattcd on a the car came through her iron gate policeman .giving evidence against a printed feature articles and. ran a layer of straw. and the fence, habitual drunkard said, "He appear­ ed to be fighting white elephants." — regular literary page in which short Too poor to buy texts or-parch­ turn up intoxicated; cover all neces­ "I heard a bang, and the car was stories and poetry appeared. Pause and think reader, wbof would ment and ink for taking"" liotcs, sary ground in their courses; and through the fence In a dashj" said you pronounce to be the drunkard? • The printing of the papers often students had to rely largely on their not leave town without student Mrs Lorcn. "It took the gate with involves technical difiiculties. Ncu- memory to retain what they heard permission. it. My iron gate is in pieces. I Page 64, the social page, Valhalla; cleushas to send copy to press in or saw demonstrated. Most instruc­ Maitland since there is no suitable Students in the Middle Ages were jumped. It gave me a start." Mrs in column 1 we read "Seen at the Press in Xrmidale. This makes lay­ tion was oral, the master reading usually earnest, ii-rcpressible, and. ' Lorcn said the car was' not speed­ Sheep Show." Mrs Lipehilz Bellini out ^from galley proofs impossible, from the text then making detailed •chronically insolvent. They fought ing. (But remember, dear readers, took fashion honours in a bikini- and- copy for.' the paper must comments or "glosses." with townspeople and civic authori­ it was, after all, a police car.) She length heliotrope rumble sack, but be submitted a week before printing. After a le'cturc, the student would ties and with the equivalent of our went, on to say, "There was no for hats you couldn't beat Miss The staff of all the papers ipust learn usually rush lo a tavern to go over "boys in blue," They alsp hazed squealing as there usually is when a car crashes into the front of my Krupa-Bongo's red paisley and goat­ al'^ least the rudiments of sub-editing the lecture and to spend hours in dis­ newcomers, consorted with- low skin turban which she confided to 'and layout. (These are the direc- cussion and argument — which women, irritated their lecturers, and place. This was the sixth one." lions sent to the printers concerning naturally became fnore heated, il­ spent much of .their time revelling Mrs Lorcn, could wc, Ihc readers, mc was a drum and the lastcst Goon- choice of type and the arrangement logical, and even nonsensical as time till the small hoiirsi put to yoii.
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