CATHOLIC NOVEMBER 12, 2017 32ND WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME VOLUME 67:7 DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS A journal of Catholic life in Ohio JOIN CELEBRATES 50 YEARS OF SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED 2 Catholic Times November 12, 2017 USCCB president decries massive shooting The Editor’s Notebook at Texas Baptist church Living a life of love and service By David Garick, Editor Start by doing what’s necessary; Pope Francis then do what is possible; and sudden- speaks often of ly, you are doing the impossible. – St. this important Francis of Assisi. ministry to the Being Christian is not just call- poor and mar- ing ourselves Catholic. We do not ginalized: “The Church must step encounter Christ only within the outside herself. To go where? To the splendor of stained-glass windows outskirts of existence, whatever they standing before his holy altar. Christ may be, but she must step out. Jesus shares his very being with us not as an tells us: ‘Go into all the world! Go! end in itself, but as an impetus for us Preach! Bear witness to the Gospel!’ to go forth and share his love with the (cf. Mark 16:15). … In this ‘step- whole world. ping out,’ it is important to be ready Three times, Our Lord asked Peter, for encounter. There is another im- A man and woman attend a candlelight vigil after a mass shooting on Nov. “Do you love me?” Each time, Peter portant point: encountering the poor. 5 at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. A lone gunman said, “Yes, Lord. You know that I love If we step outside ourselves, we find entered the church during Sunday services, taking the lives of at least 26 you.” And the Lord replied, “Feed my poverty. Today – it sickens the heart people and injuring several more. CNS photo/Sergio Flores, Reuters sheep.” If we are to be true disciples to say so – the discovery of a tramp who has died of the cold is not news. By Catholic News Service brother bishops for the victims, of Christ, if we are to truly love him, the families, the first responders, we must pass that love on to one an- Today, what counts as news is, may- The U.S. Catholic Church stands our Baptist brothers and sisters, other. He has told us that the whole be, a scandal. A scandal: ah, that is “in unity” with the First Baptist indeed the whole community of of the law of God is summed up in news! Today, the thought that a great Church in Sutherland Springs, Tex- Sutherland Springs,” Cardinal Di- the commandment to “Love the Lord many children do not have food to as, and the larger community after Nardo said. with all your heart, and all your soul eat is not news. This is serious, this a shooting during Sunday services and all your mind, and the second is is serious! We cannot put up with took the lives of at least 26 people Law enforcement officials told like unto it, love your neighbor as this! Yet that is how things are. We and injured at least 20 others. CNN that a lone gunman entered cannot become starched Christians, the church at about 11:30 a.m. yourself.” Those who died ranged in age those overeducated Christians who CST while 50 people were at- We must go out of our homes and from 5 to 72 years old, and includ- speak of theological matters as they our churches and bring Christ to the ed 14-year-old Annabelle Pome- tending Sunday services. Almost calmly sip their tea. No!” Pope Fran- poor, the suffering, the disheartened. roy. Her father, Frank Pomeroy, everyone in the congregation was cis says. “We must become coura- The numbers are huge. The task is pastor of the church, but he was shot. Sutherland Springs is 30 to geous Christians and go in search of seems impossible. But as the quote not at the service. 40 miles southeast of San Antonio. from St. Francis at the beginning of the people who are the very flesh of Two law enforcement officials Christ.” “We stand in unity with you this column suggests, God has a way in this time of terrible tragedy told The Associated Press the sus- to make all things possible. The church exists in the place where -- as you stand on holy ground, pect was Devin Kelley, described This edition of Catholic Times looks Christ is present, reaching out with ground marred today by horrific as a white male in his 20s. He at JOIN, the Joint Organization for love to those in need. That is how he violence,” said Cardinal Daniel N. parked at a gas station across the Inner-City Needs, a perfect example ministered in Palestine 2,000 years DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, street from the church, crossed the of how local Catholics are taking the ago. That is how he commanded all president of the U.S. Conference street and allegedly began firing faith outside the walls of the tradition- of his disciples to continue his min- of Catholic Bishops. as he walked toward the church al church and sharing it with people istry. That is what he asks us to do and then continued firing once in- With San Antonio Archbishop in need. today … if we truly love him. Gustavo Garcia-Siller, “I extend my prayers and the prayers of my See SHOOTING, Page 4 Front Page photo: Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, DD, PhD ~ President & Publisher Anne-Marie Larou, CATHOLIC David Garick ~ Editor ([email protected]) a volunteer counselor Tim Puet ~ Reporter ([email protected]) for the Joint Organi- TIMES Alexandra Keves ~ Graphic Design Manager ([email protected]) zation for Inner-City Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved. Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 Needs (JOIN), talks to Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is published weekly 45 Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 a client of the agency, times per year with exception of every other week in June, July and which is celebrating its August and the week following Christmas. Subscription rate: $25 per Subscriptions (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 year, or call and make arrangements with your parish. 50th anniversary. Postage Paid at Columbus, OH 43218. (subscriptions @columbuscatholic.org) CT photo by Ken Snow Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus, Ohio 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. November 12, 2017 Catholic Times 3 War brings only death, cruelty, pope says at U.S. military cemetery By Carol Glatz or as nurses, as well as the graves of Catholic News Service 29 Tuskegee airmen. Those buried or missing in action had taken part in at- “No more, Lord, no more (war)” that tacks by the U.S. and its allies along shatters dreams and destroys lives, Italy’s coast during World War II. bringing a cold, cruel winter instead of some sought-after spring, Pope Francis After the Mass, the pope visited the said, looking out at the people gathered Ardeatine Caves, now a memorial cem- for an outdoor Mass at a U.S. war me- etery with the remains of 335 Italians, morial and cemetery. mostly civilians, brutally murdered by Nazi German occupiers in 1944. “This is the fruit of war: death,” he said, as the bright Italian sun lowered in the The pope was led through the long sky on the Feast of All Souls, Nov. 2. series of tunnels and stopped to pray On a day the church offers special several minutes in silence at a bronze prayers for the faithful departed with sculpted fence symbolizing the twisted, the hope of their meeting God in heav- interlocking forms of those massacred. en, “here in this place, we pray in a Walking farther along the dark corri- special way for these young people,” dors, he placed white roses along a long he said, gesturing toward the rows of series of dark gray cement tombs built thousands of graves. to remember the victims. Christian hope can spring from great CNS photo/Paul Haring The victims included some Italian pain and suffering, he said, but it can also military, but also political prison- “make us look to heaven and say, ‘I be- U.S. military burial ground and, later He spoke of the particular pain women ers and men rounded up in a Jewish lieve in my Lord, the redeemer, but stop, in the day, the site of a Nazi massa- experience in war: receiving the letter neighborhood. They were all shot in Lord, please, no more war,’” he said. cre at the Ardeatine Caves in Rome to with news of the death of their hus- the back of the head in retaliation for “With war, you lose everything,” he pray especially for all victims of war band, child, or grandchild. an attack on Nazi soldiers. The Na- zis threw the bodies into the caves said. and violence. So often people who want to go to war and used explosives to seal off ac- “Wars produce nothing other than “are convinced they will usher in a new Before the Mass, Pope Francis placed cess. After the war, a memorial was cemeteries and death,” he said after re- world, a new springtime. But it ends up a white rose atop 10 white marble head- built on the site. Rabbi Riccardo Di citing the Angelus on All Saints Day, as winter -- ugly, cruel, a reign of terror stones.
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