Forecast last Game Partly cleully end little temperature ch."" ". .... H.-,.. play ............ .. ......,; hit- upper 4h north to 501 1OUth. the _ ......, ...hIIt North c.r.n ... It_ .. ,.,...,.,. eleudy __ tu"''''' c...... .....ltht and ail TOUlon 1:................. ...".p... " .... Serving the State University of Iowa and the PeQfJle of Iowa City 10 centa per copy . AEC Makes No Decision On Iowa Sites Iy PHIL RIISITTIR Staff WrI .... The eastern Iowa sites pr0- pelled for the $348 mlllioo Atomic Energy Commission (AECI seem to have lOme advantaees, but no idens la Dra.ng Fight Judlment can be made at this .tace. Aid John A. Swartout, held of the four·man AEC team ~!~erator. a 200 billion bBJ Honors U S Cavalry Wages electron volt particle accelera. 0 0 tor, Is to be completed by 1973. V P Wallace 'l1Ie AEC basic research inltalla· W W SU .... ERWILL (I ) • .; tIoa will bave two concrete ac· .....,.. r ght • president of the low .. St.to B.nk F'Ie rce V a II ey W a r celerator rings, each about a .nd Trvst Co., low .. CIty, poInts out .. section of one of tho two R.·tes Today -ne In diameter pot,ntl.1 slttl for , proposed nucl,.r p.. rticle occeler .. tor In ..... PLEIXU, South Viet Nam (AP) - South Vietnamese THe TIAM members are John south,.st low. to J.ck M. B.no, , member of tho Atomic A. Swartout, assistant AEC gen. Eno.,.., Commlllion Inspection to,m, which looked over Ihe DANBURY, Conn. f!I- Former paratroopers and Hanoi regulars clashed Friday night in an eral manager for reactors: Ray. .rN Friday. -AP Wirephoto Vice President Henry A. Wal· action broadening the sweep of the Ia Drang Valley battle, mood L. Fricken, bigh energy lace's ashes wUl be returned to where U.S. cavalrymen are wagm' g the stiffest American .... _1 d' .. of the soil of his native Iowa, where yo ..... cs program IVlSlOn reo be t led ground action of the •• IQI'ch: and Jack M. Bane, con· M h" t S 'k Th he gan a career tha carr "~~ ... • truction divlalon engineer, all ac In 1sst rl e rea tens him virtually to the threshoid of Shooting flared in the northwest near the Cambodian of Washington, D.C.: and Robert the White HOUle. frontier. A U.S. spokesman said a Vietnamese paratroop S. IJvlngston, Oakridge Labora· G " 7 L h' D 4 As President Johnson led the detachment heading south toward tory electro-nuclear division di· emlnl aunc Ing ec, tribute to Wallace, It was an· the valley ran Into a stiff [ight. rector, Oakridge, Tenn. nounced Friday that pallburers E dOf W He reported beavy fire from They are one of eight groups at his funeral today will be fel· n . ar North Vietnamese regulars in- checking 85 proposed sites In 45 ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP) - A machinists \Inion strike low-parishioners at St. StepMn'. flIeted light casualties and held atate •• FiDaI selection will be against McDonnell Aircraft Corp. stopped production Fri· Epi copal Church In Ridgefield, U T H ' up the rel.nforcements. made by the AEC m' Waoblngton Conn. None of them il nationally n SAIGON IS 'ttl ( In January, 1966. "" day of Phantom ]'et fjghter planes and threatened to force prominent. p 0 a 01 , ment to the aix-day-oldcommJ nf battie a reg· to Swartout said the main factors postponement of the Gemini 7 launching D c. 4 at Cape WALLACE DIED Thursday at help counter a general Commu· they were looking for were "good Kennedy, Fla. 77 of lateral sclerosis, an iocura· nist ofCensive that appears aimed geographical conditions, adequate Ab 17000 chinis k th S L . f D ble disease which aUecta the Says Offl'c'lal at removing the tarnish of a water supply, a lot of inexpen. out, rna . ~s struc e t. ~UJS C on· nervous system. series of mixed reverses and alve electric power, and. good nell plant, where the GemIDI capsules and the righter planes In Washington, President John. Iy JON VAN stalemates ,and testing the might community atmosphere." are built. About 200 machinists son declared: editor of the U.S. miUtal'1 build-Up. STARTING PROM the Union walked out at Cape Kennedy, C F. "The death of Henry A. Wal. Alter a nlgbt in which they at 8:30 .Frlday morning, the group where McDonnell technicians opper Irms Ince stills an original Amerlcan DES MOINES - How long the beat off four Communist attacks .pent three hours at a U59 acre prepare the spa c e s hlp 8 for voice. He alway ••poke h.is mind war In Viet Nam will la.t Ja not and killed 21 of the enemy, ele· area north and west of North flight. Company and union om· _ and always from a deep sense .• up to the Government of the ments of the U.S. lSt Cavalry Liberty, and a 3,337 acre site daIs met with federal negotia- of social justice. HIs viewl may United States, a State Depart· Airmobile, Dlvlsion in and around Just west of Sunbury about 30 tors in Washington in an attempt Rescl'nd HOlke not always have been popular, ment spokesman said here Fri· the valley bad a relatively miles east of here. to work out a settlement. The but they were always IIlncere. day. The North Vietnamese Gov· quiet day. American casualties, 'The flatness of the land II a White House pushed for a quick ernment in Hanoi will decido how which have been ranging from defiDlte advantage," Swartout end to the strike. NEW YORK IA'I - The copper "I consider him a good man lOOn the wlr will end. moderate to heavy were des· .ald. 'But the bedrock depth and Space agency o(ficials pre· Industry rescinded Friday its . ~~~nt~y g:it ~ls~Ii~I~anL His A R.LUCTANT AMISH BOY, Em.nuel Borntr ..or. 15, Wit led U. Alexis Johnson, Deputy crlbed as light in the overnight load bearing capacity Is also 1m. dicted a postponement of the price Increase. IIy puWlc lehool effIel.l. Frld.y morning from .n Amish .choot Under Secretary of State, Bald engagements. portant." Dec. 4 shot if the strikers do not FORMER PReSIDENT Harry MIa, Hnleton to the IINrlay public Ichool. But Em.nuM .. nd the Viet Cong cannot hope for A U.S. spokesman said the of· "-_L found return to work this weekend. The act.ion followed a govern· S. Truman. In whose cabinet Wal. j to Swartout laid beWV<;J< his 31 sdtoolrn,t •• foll.wocl the .dvlco of onlooking p.rent ••nd v cry. {lclal count of enemy dead it on any alte. further conside~ed Some of the 235 McDonnell ment deCIsion Wednesday to s~U lace served, said: refilled .. 10. Frld,y .fternoon the bu. returnocl attd 2t child,..,. 'If they wish, they can pro. 1,207. wOUi. d have to undergo extensIVe technicians at the Cape reported 200,000. tons of copper from Its " ('m as sorry as I can be. Hen· long for a long time their Ulti. 852 JET bombers from Gu8lO •• tin Th bedr k d th h t--" il t th try .. loft with ,Hle'.'1 for Ho,loton. L•• dlng young 8omt..... r I, ...5 e. e oc . ep • e to work despite the picket line, 5 """p e. ry was an asse to e coun • mate destruction," Johnson laid, made two more ralds on IU ' Aid, would be a .maJOr cost fac· and preparation of the Gemini TWO OF THE higgest pro- Wallace's ashes wlll be Interred Arthur ....101', Oelwein luperlnt.nftnt. -AP Wirephoto "But Soulh Viet Nam and the pected North Vietnamese posi. tor In COOI.truction because uf capsule continued on a curtailed ducers, Anaconda Co. and Phelps Monday at Woodlawn Cemetery h I United States are willing to make tions in the mountains between the bearing It would have on the basis. Dodge Corp., rolled back boosts in Des Molnes. Yo un gAm -IS Bot, the lacrlfice" necessary 10 de- the cavalry holdings and the fo::t:~:r..~RY It di h A spokesman for the National of t~o cents a pound for copper, Born on a farm in Adair Coun· feat them. C8lObodian frontier, six miles to bedrock 1 adbe In u es I ~tyw Aeronautics and Space Adminis· pultlOg the pri~ back to 36 cents ty, Iowa, Wallace was a plant HANOI COULD, on the other the west. adeqaate o~ bothar11f., c:~c H. t rat ion said work schedules a pound. effective Monday. expert and developer oL hybrid • band, recognize that th' praent still uuexplaJued 1I'U a Jag in Garland Hershey, head of the woUl,d, be arr,anged, but he add· Kennecott Copper Corp., an- corn wben the late President Th G I P - war leads them nowhere. the of. communications con c ern i n g Iowa Geological Survey. Decid. ed, I don t see how we can go other major producer, had not Franklin D. Roosevelt made hinl en 0 n eace ficialsaid. If they took approprl. American casualties In the battle Ine wbether or not Iowa has the through the whole w~end and raised its prices. secretnry of agriculture. ate action, peace could come al· set off Wednesday by the Com· proper depth would take more still. stay on schedUle. The copper price InCTca. cs WALLACE W.u elected vice most at once. munlst ambush of a cavalry bat· . F (ty pa tly compl~ted Ph president on Roosevelt's ticket OELWEIN (~P) - With their weepinot mothers and Allin W.
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