7,3M3/ /"A Hi .*w»i. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from University of IVIassaciiusetts, Boston littp://www.arcliive.org/details/pocl<etalmanacl<fo1783amer fe V I . , > ^^ I "W Pocket Almanack t \ |, For the Ytar of cur I LORD f j I! ^ ' " ^ 7^3- ii .., I jl i Being the Third after Leap Year, ? j if ANDTHE \\ \ Sevenvfi of American Independ.'^nce. 1 1 II I I • I I ^ T Calculitfd for- the Vi^ ^ ^ j •^^^ fo 7 T H E i---;^^ \^. ^f ^ . , Commonwealth OF l! iviajjacnujeti:^ MaJJachufett^^ \ \ » f Latitude 42. jo. North. k f Longitude 69. 23. W, from i^oDdon. K BOSTON t T II Printedand^ioIdbyT. &J.FLEEr, I if I at the Bihle and Heart ia Corohill. 1 « 1 ^ .! t : K O L r P s E S ia ihc Year 178^, , THERE will b. s,x Eclipf.s this.y«r,viz.fir ^•UN o'f 4 and two ot the MOON, in the following order] i. fbe hfft Will be of the Sun, on the 3d day of March at minutes alter 49 a o'clock in the morning, invifiblc. II. The fccand will be a total eclipfe of the Moon,' oq the 18th of March, in th^ afternoon, tho' the going off wiU oi^ly be fecn 0/ us. The eclipfe begins at 6 minute, after P. the middle 3 M. will be at 57 minutes after four The rife Moon wiil at 6 o'clock about 9 dibits eclioi-d " ' acd at half after 6 the eclipfe will end. ' III. The third will beef the Su», April ift, 15 minutei after 4 o'clock in the afternoon, invifible. IV. will The fourth be of the Sun, Auguft iyth.in the afternoon, vifible, if the air be clear, as follows 'Beginning to be vjfible, - - 5h. 38m Middle of the Eclipfe, - - ^6h. 33m And at 37 minu:es paft 6 o'clock, the Sun wili fet nc:t four digWs eel ip fed. V. The fifth will be of the Moon^ September the loth; in the afterr.oon, vifible, if the air be clear, except the Aii coming on, which wiU be before the Moon nfcs. The Eclipfe begins - - 5h, 4m. ^f. Beginning of the total oarknefs, 6 a 49 The Moon rifes at 17 minutes after 6 totally eclipfed. The middle of the Edipfe, 6h. Total darknefs ends. The Eclipfe ends. Duration of total darkness. Duration of the Eclipfe, Digits eclipfed 21. Moon's lat. »' 4z" S. D. The fcmidiameter of the earth's fhadow 8t the ]) - The Mcca's horary motion from the - - Horizontal fcmidiameter of the Moon, Horizontal parallax of the Mood, [ 59 wiil Sun, a6rh, [ VF. The fixth and laft be of the Sepjf at 15 minutes after 7 o'clock in the morning, invifiblci by rcafon of the moon's fouth latitude. 1 ' -1 r ^^1,1, — _^^ I M i ' Births, &c. of the Sovereigns in Europe. LEWIS the i6tb, King of Fiance and Navarre, born Auguft 23, 1754. married May 17, 1770, to Maris Antonictta, Archduchefs of Auftria, born Nov. 2. I755, j I—Their Iffue, Madame Maria Therefa Charlotte, born December T9, J 778. Louis Jofeph Xavier Francois, born Oftober 12, I7?i. Spain, born Tan Jo, I ! CHARLES the 3d, King of 716. Has Iffoe by his late Quren, Maria Jofepha, bor.- Jiily 16, T744. — Maria Lruifa, born Nov. 24. 1 745 Charles Anthony, Prince of Afturias, born Nov, ri, 174.0. —Ferdinand Anthony, King of the Two Sicilies, bonj Jan. I 2, 1 751.— -Gabriel Anthony, Grand Prior of Spain. iborn Mavl2, 1752 An'honyPafcall, bornDcc.31 ,175^. J GEORGE the ^d, King of Great-Britain, born June 4, j|»738, prcclaimed King Ofl. a6, 1760, married Sept. S, 1761, to the Princefs Charlotte, of Mecklinburg Strelitz. I; crowned Scot, iz. 1761. Their LTuc are,GeorgeAugiiftus I Frederick, Prince of Wales, born Aug. la, I762.— Fre-; 'derick, Bii'hop ofOznaburg, born Aug. 16, 176^.-—WIIJ jliam Henry, bom Aug. ii, I 765.— Chailotte Augufta,| iborn Sept. 29, 176C.— Edwaid, born Nov. », 1767..— Augufta Sophia, born Nov. g, I 768.- — Elizabeth, born JMay 3 2, i77o.-.-Erneft Auguftus, bcrn June 5, 177 I*- Auguftus Frederick, born Jan. 27, 1773.™ AdolphufFrc ^erick, born Feb. 24, 1774..— Mary ,born April 25,1776. —Sophia, born Nov, 3, 1777.— O^avius, bora Feb. 13, 1779. — Alfred, born Sept. i-Jjt??©. V/ILLIAM the 5th, Prince of Orange and NalTaB born Marth 8, 1748, Hereditary Stadtholder of theSeven United Provinces of Holland, marrifo to the Princel'sl Frcdcrica Sophia Wilhelmina. of Pn^ffia. Freberick in. King ofPsuffia, born Jar. 24. iTi-i.j Catharink II. EmprefscfRuliia, born May 2,1729.: MARtA Franczs Isabella, Queen of Portugal,' born "Dec, 7, 1734. GusTAvus in. King of Sweden, born Jar*. 24, 1746. Christian VH.K. of Dcnma'k, born Jan.a9jT749. Stanislaus Aucustvs, King of Poland, bon Jan. t7, T732. Joseph Benedict Augustus, Enn.pcror of Ger i^ maoy & Kin g of the Romans, born Ms/ch 1 3, '741. A fpecdy Cure for the -Ague. AEOU T an hcur bpfore thf return of the fir, lee iV- friend or attendant catch a common hou^e fp^d !<5ad wrapi>iri^ it ftrft in its web, then in fomc moifteneii •Asfer r>aper,or honey, and give it to the party affl)£ted byj w?.y cf bo!u5 : if the dilorder is but Aight, one dofe ofteni t.*fc<f>s a cure ; but it fe!d<;m requires at tnofl ab'^ve threel (i( \(kix is J and" the effedV of this medicine for the rooft; psrt fesn the firft tirine of taking it, the fits being lcf?l " yi-^Jp-^r, ano /hc^^ei" in dMrafjon. J /? Cure for the Confumption. THE follow inje finople c;i^e for that waftin? diforder the Confiimpticn, has JpteJy beco difcovcred, havire proved fucreAfui in many dangerous cafes in Carolina, and has min fired greatly to the relief of feveral petfons in PennfylvanJa and otber places. —-"^ake of the bnk of the foial! wild Cherry. Tree, and the low land Beech-Tree, ((wt make a Batten- Wood) equal quantities ; of vt-hich Trong d?c >£tion, and jive a pint thereof per day. in fevera! portion?, or mote if the ftcmich v. ill bear it ; and to ren- little der it the more pa'atabie, it m9y bs m-xed wi'h a tie «>e3k roddy cr tea, as it may be mrft agreeable to fible parier.t ; «ltho' a few da^s ufe of if may occafion f?- atrerations for '.he better in the affliftcd perfon, vet this courfe of dtliking it muft be pcrfifted in for at Icaft three •^h* to render the cure effefluai. Divefiions for making Soap •yjJith Pot-Afh. TO every "pound of Greafe put half a pourd of Pot A^, with a little water at fitft, and let it firomer water a iittle § then keep it boiling ^nd filling up with enough as is done with other S*af> with Lye, till yoo have advife not to be for your Pot-Afh and Greafe ; but would bear : too craving in making more than the quantity will After you have put se much water io a$ yviu intend, let rf it boil fteadi'v one hour or a little more. One pound fen pounds} I'cnd Pot-Afh will make a ?ail of ?ood Soap ; 'ill will make St much^^ make a bar.el ; but fifteeti pounds et'er, almr.ft eqiial to hard Srap. When you begin| utfour pails of rain water at firft with your Pot-Afliard' pails to two barrel? Greafe to every barrel of Soap j eight ,j snd fo in prcportjcc. /J-cic^r-LeJ, A^r, <^tL^ AbQV^J5b^^^^^^^ J\NUARY 1785, begins on VVe-'ne 1 FEBRUARY 1783, begins on Saturday New Maon ift Day 2 in the Afternoon. Firft Q^uarter 9th Day 7 at N''^ ht. Full Moon 17th Day 2 in the Morning, Lall Quarter 24th Day 6 in the Morning. Rfrna.-ksbie Days, &'c. F..9f^. cr I Sr.ozu rain, 5 r'urficaflon Virgin Mary, » 4 51 1 'oMr/iftak.by f<ci/.Y'v 1781. 3 5 7 2 12 30 M:nirca tak.by 5^^^.-:. jjSa. 2 ^• 8 41 1 27 Cc/^ and bliijia-ing. ' S 9 47 2 19) freaty with Fz-^^f^ fjgned 10 o 5 5£2 3 6 ExpdF: fnoiv. 6 (177?. 59 3 57 '^ay's length ich. 4 m. 16 58 6 morn 4 3 Fifth Sut)d. f sftsr Epiphany. Jo 56 $! o 5 20 [/j?^/o/j born I ..- 1732. 1 6 55 6| 6 i; I.e. Northe^mpt. Gtr..PKyh.\6 2 5+ 6| 3S 7 o 'ir.^/m tak.by iy£»ci> 178216 53 6 3 27 7 AC # Arogee. '6 50 61 4 14 8 33 Valentini\ Day. [6 4S 61 5 4 |I5 7 "^yn ilow of click 14m. 35f.i6 47, 6i 5 50 10 jS I'lSlE^, eptuagifima Sunday. :6 46 6 34 r> jc A cold/torm 6 45 6 })ri 12 2 SuD. Judicial Court bofion. 6 44 6 7 4 12 49 Sun eiitcrs Pijccs. 6 4* 6 S iz Mode) ale Kveather, 6 40 6 9 57 <^maa Tidss. 16 39 6 10 4c Twi! ght ends 7h, 6 38 6 4 19 Sexage/in:a Sunday. 6 32 6 m.-'rn. 5 10 2412 St. Matthias apoft. & mart. 1 6 36 6 I 6 Com. Prayer Bock eflab. by!6 35 6 ^ 4 a6 (A£l of Parliament '6 6 4 1552.
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