> X l £ V ® f . W U THE 'BIG TIMBER PIONEER Thursday, December 20, 1925 uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu REED POINT Johnny Dundee Wins In Fifteen PIONEER CLASSIFIED ADS Round Contest With Bernstein w:.?- J. D. Stritch returned Tuesday from a' trip to Livingston. Mrs. H. H. Marlow was a Billings call­ NEW YORK, Dec. 17.—Johnny Dun­ Dundee scored heavily with both er last Friday p. in. • dee, New York, the world’s feather­ bauds lo body iu the thirteenth while NOTICE—No ads will be accepted for these columns unless accompanied by cash. ('.. M. Hart attended the Shrincr’s con­ weight champion, added another star a few jolts from Bernstein drew blood Figure 10 cents a line for first insertion; five cents for each subsequent insertion. vention in Billing Friday. lo his crovvn tonight by taking the from his left eye. Bernstein had slowed Mrs. Carl Bue was a Columbus shop­American junior Jighlvvcighl champion­ up when the fourteenth began and out­ ■■■.. ----—■ Count six words to line. ggse~ssgg=^ ^ per Monday. ship from Jack Bernstein ol' Yonkers, side the clinches Dundee shot hard Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Havsha spent a on Ihe judges decision al'ler a 15 roundrights lo the jaw and to the body. few days in Billings last week. boul, the feature of the Christmas rnar- They went into a hard hotly exchange ñmnmimiiimmimmunmmimmimnnmmmmmmmmumm!!!mni!!3iiE]LHíi!íiism!í¡iii!iii;¡!i!3nn:i¡!i2iisii[íms¡nííñT. \V. Marshall and family motored ily program at Madison. Square Carden. but Dundee drew away and shol for llie lo Killings on a business' trip Monday. Bernstein won the title from Dundee jaw as the fifteenth opened. Fi*om a Mr. and Mi’s. O. C. Schuyler returnedlast summer. Dundee’s championship!clinch Dundee placed both hands to the FOR SALE Furnished rooms for rent. Tom Kue, Wanted—Plain sewing to dp. Front un Sunday stub from Billings, where head and Bernstein was unable lo land room Howard building. 4-41 was not involved. American Eagle Cafe. r ihe> had been for a week. They fell each oilier oul in the first a blow. Dundee staggered him with a I. M. Myers and family motored to right to the jaw, Bernstein countering Wanted—Second hand two-way plow; Wanted—10U0 lbs. yellow sweel clover round, exchanging blows al the close. One three-room apartment for rent. seed. Hickman Hardware. 5-21 ilie home of C. W. Jenkins on East with a left to the jaw. They clinched double disc John Deere plow to trade Bernstein began a body attack in llie as the fight ended. 50tf Apply Motor Inn. While Beaver, Sunday afternoon and second, hut Dundee ended it, countered or sell. Wm. Dallman. 5-2t Mrs. A. W. Newman and young son, For Rent—3 room house, across from Notice of Stockholders Meeting with his two lists to the body and drove Sammy Mandell, of Rockford, 111., and Adclbert, and daughter, Geraldine, re­ Bernstein lo a corner, Bernstein was Sid Terris of New York, fought a ten FOR Sale—American Eagle cafe and Auditorium. See Frank Webber. 51-tf Notice is hereby given that the an­ turned from Big Timber on Saturday's nual meeting of the stockholders of missing in the latter pari of the round. round draw in the semi-final boat. lodging house, McLeod street, and three siuh after a twelve day’s sojourn there, Terris, who is built ,after the fashion lots and laundry back of Patterson For Reut—C. M. Chase house on Mc­the Citizens Stale Haul; will he held Bernstein landed oftener than Dun­ Leod street, also building on McLeod n.jojed a pleasant visit there. dee in the third, smashing several hard of a kangaroo, used the tactics of that store. Cheap. Tom Kue, Big Timber, at the office of said bank in Big Tim­ Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Marlow aiid two street known as Bray m arket. See Clias. ber, Sweel Grass eounly, Montana, on lefls to the jaw and body. Johnny made animal to such advantage that the hard­ Mont. 44-26t. W. Campbell. 4-tf children, and Mr, and Mrs. Lambert cn- Bernstein miss oftener in live fourth er hilling westerner was kept puzzling Tuesday, January 8. 1!)24. at 7 o’clock ,iu;>ed a fine dinner and pleasant after­ p. m„ for the purpose of electing di­ hut he could not avoid a number ofimlil near llie end of the bout. Man- For Sale—Pure bred Tamworth boar noon al the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. telling blows, including a hard left deli’s punishing blows in the last min­ pigs. Good cross with any breed of rectors and for the transaction of such ii. T. !• lemming. other business as may come before the hook to the jaw and a smashing left utes squared the decision. hogs. Prices right. C. E. Crum, Mel­ MISCELLANEOUS ,1. M. Baker, accompanied by C. M. to the stomach. Bernstein was keeping Mandell weighed 139, and Ferris 12714.. ville, Mont. G-lf meeting. llir! and Eldon Harsha, motored lo li-3 IL L. LEWIS, Cashier. on the attack, forcing Dundee to clinch. Apparently in great "Jain, Babe H er' Have your Christmas portraits finish­ Gibson Sunday and visited the Mid The Yonkers hoy carried the fight in man, formerly of California, was forc­ A good Duroc hoard pig for sale; a Northern Oil well rig at Sixsliooter. good individual. A. Gow. - G-lf ed early. Kauffman Studio. 52-tf the fifth. Dundee was willing but un­ed to quit at llie end of Ihe eighth ses­ Florence Smith of Grey Cliff, visited able to get inside with a worth while sion of his 10 round preliminary with For Sale—Pigs weighing between 80 and Truck, for town or country hauling,Chicago Promoter Is the K. L. Smith family last week and blow. Johnny landed oftener as the Kid Sullivan al Madison Square Garden 100 lbs. J. J. Lanagan, Phone 9-R-23. any time. H. P. Mooney, Big Timber. In Many Bad Holes aivnii.panicd Mrs. E. L. Smith lo Bil- sixth got under way. Bernsleiu broke tonight. Herman had a safe lead on 50-tf I'li.ns on W ednesday. up ttfc attack with a hard left to the points when lie conceded ilic technical 5-2t .). S. Campbell went to Billings Satur­ CHICAGO. Dec. 14.—More irouble pil­ jaw, rocking Dundee. Bernstein follow­ knockout. For Sale—Joe Morstcin home. Mov­ day and returned Sunday on No. 41. ed this with a hard body slugging. See Big Timber Supply Co. for all ed up toda.v for Leo Kortez, fugitive While (here lie visited the Lee McMul­ Jack Dempsey, world’s heavyweight ing hack to ranch. 5-11 Dundee monopolized the seventh with champion, was given a tremendous ova­ kinds of farm machinery, gas engines promoter of a *1.00(1.000 Panama “oil len family and found them enjoying bubble.” ' a left jab which he poked in Bernstein’s tion and a few cat calls when he was For Sale—Jersey hull, about 3 years and cream separators. r grot! health. face so continuously that the latter gol old. Carl Moline, Gibson._________ 5-2t. Korelz who varied the usual practice Word was received that the Bvidger introduced from the ring. Prominent over only one body blow. Dundee, how­ sporting and theatrical followers hid For auto dray service telephone 105Z. of the fake swindler liy picking as (‘reel, school was closed. Tuesday morn­ ever, did little damage. Bernstein tilled for an oil painting of the champion that r H. P. Mooney. his \ictims his own relative^ and per­ ing because the Horton girl was found FOR RENT—ROOMS sons with large sains of money, many Dundee hack on his heels in the eighth was auctioned off by Joe Humphries, to have scarlet'fever. with a stiff left, both going into furious High school hoy’s suit for sale. In of whom hogged him lo lake it, was Mrs. L. Brumfield and son, A. F. and veteran announcer of the garden. The Light housekeeping rooms, furnished, quire front room Howard building. 5-3t reporled named in a true bill voted by body exchanges with which they ended port rail went to Harry Seigel of New for rent. Inquire of Mrs. W. R. Stokes. family, an toed to the hospitable home of the session. the grand jury today charging larceny son and brother, J. S. Brumfield, on York, for §1,100. Harry Wills, Demp­ 4-tf Hemstitching and dressmaking. Try and operation of a confidence game. Dundee took some more body drub­sey’s negro challenger, bid §1,050 for hast While Beaver, Sunday. bing in exchange for a few punches to us once, see what1 we do; as we please At almost the same time an involun­ Mr. and Mrs. Gezon, of Livingston, the picture and the champion wanted others, we can please you. Jackson and tary petition in bankruptcy was filed the jaw in Ihe ninth. In the tenth him to have il but Siegel offered the arrived Tuesday morning and went out Bernstein administered a two-listed Have Your Property Insured Mitchell, 312 Stapleton Bldg., Billings. against him by three creditors whose to the Ehret sale. They then came to other price. claims totalled *6.500 and a trust com­ (logging lo the head and chest lo which With G-lt town and visited with the Frank Miller Dundee’s counter attack was unequal. pany was named receiver. fannlv until Wednesday. Four brothers of the missing man Dundee was tiring more than his oppo­ O.
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