KOOTENAY One of the famous landmarks of Kootenay Park varied. The terrain of mountains, glaciers, alpine is Marble Canyon, approximately 53 miles north meadows, slopes, river valleys and lakes supplies NATIONAL PARK of Radium Hot Springs. The canyon was formed by many habitats, each with its distinctive association the waters of Tokumm Creek eroding the rock at a BRITISH COLUMBIA of plants and animals. KOOTE NAY shattered break in the earth's crust. One of the The effect of altitude on plant growth is easily Location major breaks or faults here is the Stephen-Denis seen. The lower transitional forests of lodgepole Kootenay National Park is situated on the fault. pine, blue Douglas fir, western red cedar, trembling western slopes of the Rockies in southeastern The Ochre Beds, or "paint pots", are also in this aspen, black cottonwood and a few Engelmann British Columbia, 107 miles north of the City of area. Springs bring this peculiar colouration of iron spruce soon give way, as one travels upward, to the NATIONAL Cranbrook. It includes the remarkable scenic val­ oxide to the surface, staining everything they cover sub-alpine forest of Engelmann spruce and alpine leys of the Kootenay and Vermilion Rivers. The with the rusty-red hue. Miners once hauled this fir, in which lodgepole pine and blue Douglas fir Park is a region 543 square miles in area notable coloured rock to the railway and sold it as a base are very minor elements. for snowcapped peaks and glaciers whose melt- for paint. There are many other kinds of trees in these PARK waters pour down rock faces and canyons into Radium Hot Springs are the result of surface forests. Some of these are water birch, western broad valleys with forested slopes. waters seeping deep along the Redwall fault to very white birch, rocky mountain juniper and western Kootenay National Park is one of Canada's 19 hot rock masses. The steam rises through cracks white spruce. BRITISH COLUMBIA National Parks which form a chain of nature and fissures, condenses into water, and returns to At timberline the forests end and the true alpine sanctuaries extending from Mount Revelstoke in the surface as hot water. flowers, in all their variety and colour, become the British Columbia to Terra Nova in Newfoundland. The Park is particularly noted for its icefields, dominating attraction. These Parks have been established for the preser­ towering glaciers, and the magnificent rock basin Many shrubs are as attractive as the trees or vation of selected areas in their natural state for lakes along the lofty peaks of the continental divide. other vegetation—at times dominating the land­ the benefit, education and enjoyment of present The rugged eastern escarpment of Vermilion Range scape with their colours. A few are serviceberry or and future generations of Canadians. is known as the "Rock Wall". The Banff-Winder­ saskatoon berry, ground juniper, buffalo berry, For thousands of years this stream has been eroding labrador tea, mountain alder, rusty menziesia, the walls of Marble Canyon. This vast area of more than 29,000 square mere Highway and many miles of trails provide white mountain rhododendron, and oval-leaved miles is administered by the National and Historic convenient access to these areas of unspoiled nature. blueberry. Many kinds of willows are present and Wildlife Parks Branch, Department of Indian Affairs and Plantlife some like the Barratt's willow have very large, The Park supports a large variety of animal life Northern Development. Evergreen forests clothe the mountains and val­ attractive catkins. but unless you have learned how to observe the leys. The vegetation of the Park is luxuriant and NATURAL FEATURES The wildflower display of the Park is a sight to smaller animals, such as the cinereous shrew, Geological behold. If one had to study and pick out each kind jumping mouse, white-footed mouse, and meadow separately the variety would be bewildering. You vole, you will see only the large ones. An incomplete This Park borders a 65-mile section of the Banff- will find them, each in its particular place or habitat list includes wapiti or American elk, black bear, Windermere Highway between the Columbia Valley whether it be in the lowest river valley or on the grizzly bear, moose, white-tailed deer, mountain and Vermilion Pass on the Continental Divide. The edges of a high glacier. No matter where a par­ lion, mule deer, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, highway crosses Brisco, Mitchell, and Vermilion ticular flower or plant lives, you can usually travel coyote, wolverine, lynx, beaver, red squirrel, Ranges and two passes, Sinclair (4,875 feet) and easy trails to reach and see it. golden-mantled ground squirrel, hoary marmot, Vermilion (5,416 feet). The Vermilion and Koot­ and pika. enay Rivers drain through this region. Only a few of the wildflowers will be mentioned. They are all gems when found singly or in masses All National Parks are wildlife sanctuaries in The rocks, especially through the Sinclair Pass blanketing a mountain slope or alpine meadow. which neither hunting or trapping is permitted. area, present a perplexing series of problems to Even their names promise visual pleasure—mari- Under these conditions some animals which you geologists. Exposed rock formations range from posa lily, purple clematis, dwarf Canadian prim­ may observe, especially along the highways, often the Lower Cambrian to Middle Devonian in age. rose, western anemone, white globe-flower, appear quite tame. This attitude in wild animals is These rocks were formed up to 550 million years balsam-root, avalanche or snow lily, yellow quite deceptive however, and bears especially are ago and were exposed by the upheavals that lifted Evergreen forests fill the Simpson River Valley and mountain-avens, alpine saxifrage, butterwort and not to be trusted. Under no circumstances should a up the Rocky Mountains in more recent geological clothe its slopes to treeline. Venus'-slipper orchid. bear or other animal be fed or approached closely. times. Some animals may be seen more easily from of nature. A walk along a quiet stream or up the Preservation certain vantage points; consult the Park Wardens slopes to timberline will reveal different facets of National Parks are selected areas set apart as if you need advice on getting a good view of wildlife. natural history. A trip into the high country will nature sanctuaries and special care is taken to Mountain goat frequently display their agility reward the visitor with an unequaled view of the maintain them in their natural state. For this on the slopes of Mount Wardle, while bighorn tops of the mountains. Massive peaks and glaciers reason all birds, animals, wildlife, trees, rocks and sheep visit the vicinity of Radium Hot Springs glistening in the clear mountain air provide a panor­ throughout the year. ama of geological features not soon forgotten. fossils are to remain undisturbed. Even the wild- flowers are not to be picked; they are to be left for Birdlife GENERAL INFORMATION others to enjoy. Feeding, touching or molesting wild Like plants and other animals, birds frequent animals is not permitted. This is in the interests of habitats of their choice and must be looked for in Park Administration the animal, as well as the human who could re­ these places. Some of the common birds found at A resident Superintendent is in charge at the ceive serious injury. lower elevations in the transitional forest of lodge- Park Office near Radium Junction. Park War­ Please help protect your own Park for future pole pine and blue Douglas fir are red-shafted Barrow's Goldeneye, one of the ducks dens stationed in the three districts of the Park enjoyment. It is part of your national inheritance. nicker, yellow-bellied sapsucker, western wood seen in the Park. are responsible for the protection of all natural pewee, mountain bluebird, tree-swallow, warbling Prevent Fire features and for the safety and guidance of visi­ vireo, western tanager, red-eyed vireo, dusky Campfires may be kindled only in fireplaces How You Can Learn More About the Park tors. A detachment of the Royal Canadian Moun­ flycatcher, Oregon junco, pine siskin, audubon provided for this purpose and must be completely ted Police assists in the maintenance of law and Numa Creek Valley—from Marble Canyon. warbler, spruce grouse and Cassin's finch. To help you know the Park better and obtain extinguished before campers leave the site. Visitors order. greater enjoyment from your visit, the National observing an unattended fire should attempt to The sub-alpine forest of Engelmann spruce and Season alpine fir is home to such distinctive birds as boreal Parks provide an Interpretation Service. This in­ extinguish it if possible and promptly report it to chickadee, Tennessee warbler, Lincoln sparrow, cludes conducted tours and nature talks illustrated Camping the nearest Park employee. Fire in a National Park The Aquacourt and the Banff-Windermere with coloured slides and films to explain the pur­ can cause damage that cannot be repaired in a Highway are open all year but the main visitor hermit thrush, varied thrush, ruby-crowned kinglet, Within the Park there are five campgrounds pose and the natural phenomena of the Park. hundred years. season is between early June and late September. Canada or gray jay, Bohemian waxwing and adjacent to the highway and one on a bench of evening grosbeak. The evening programs are presented at different locations according to a seasonal schedule. Redstreak Mountain near Radium Hot Springs. Mountain Climbing Some of the birds characteristic of the high alp- Redstreak, McLeod Meadows and Marble Canyon Well marked nature trails are maintained for For the protection of mountain climbers, all lands, above timberline, are white-tailed ptarmigan, campgrounds are fully serviced and camping fees convenient access< to unspoiled natural areas as mountain travel off the Park trails must be reg­ water pipit, grey-crowned rosy finch, and golden are charged.
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