2017 July 七月 Issue 110 第110期 SUPPORTING THE THREE-R U N WA Y SYSTEM PROJECT 支持三跑道系統項目 THIS MONTH’S CONTENTS 本月內容 COVER STORY 封面故事 President briefed on airport HKIA Tower, 1 Sky Plaza Road developments during visit Hong Kong International Airport Lantau, HONG KONG 國家主席到訪了解機場發展 香港大嶼山香港國際機場 翔天路一號機場行政大樓 4 www.hongkongairport.com FOCUS 焦點 Immersing in Hong Kong’s art and culture 匯聚香港藝術與文化 6 Have a great idea for HK Airport News? 機場要聞 AROUND THE AIRPORT Contact us via Examining the 3RS reclamation works [email protected] and tell us what you’re thinking. 中國民用航空局考察三跑填海工程 8 FEATURES 飛常事 Sweet treats for all as HKIA turns 19 慶祝香港國際機場啟用19周年 11 The newsletter of Hong Kong International Airport 香港國際機場刊物 A taste of the skies 航空業初體驗 2017 Jul 七月 Issue 110 第110期 12 HK Airport News is published by Airport Authority Hong Kong. All rights reserved. This publication may not be sold. No part of this publication may be otherwise reproduced, adapted, GOING GREEN 環保天地 performed in public or transmitted in any form by any process without the prior authorisation of Airport Authority Hong Kong. © Airport Authority Hong Kong 2017 Always ready to recycle 《翱翔天地》옏香港機場管理局印製並保留一切版權。本刊物為 非賣品。未丏香港機場管理局授權不得複製、使用、向公眾以 實踐回收 不遺餘力 任何方式展示或傳播刊物內任何內容。 ©香港機場管理局2017 14 TIME OUT 忙裏偷閑 Mahjong Masters Take Airport Title 機場麻將王誕生 15 Printed on environmentally-friendly paper 2 FOCUS 焦點 CHAIRMAN HONOURED WITH GRAND BAUHINIA MEDAL 機管局主席榮獲大紫荊勳章 Airport Authority (AA) Chairman During his service at the Hong 機場管理局主席蘇澤光榮獲香港特別行 Jack So was bestowed with the Kong Trade Development Council 政區政府頒授大紫荊勳章,表揚他在公 Grand Bauhinia Medal (GBM) by (HKTDC), he was instrumental in 共服務的成就。 the Hong Kong SAR Government driving the planning and construction 蘇澤光多年來在推動香港航空業及貿 in recognition of his distinguished of the Hong Kong Convention and 易 發 展 方 面 表 現 卓 越,例 如 他 帶 領 機 管 career in public service. Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) as well as 局落實香港國際機場多個重要項目,如三 Chairman So is awarded the numerous successful trade fairs. As 跑道系統項目等,鞏固香港作為國際航 GBM in recognition of his many Chairman and Chief Executive of the 空 樞 紐 的 領 先 地 位。 contributions to the development MTR Corporation Limited from 1995 他 在 香 港 貿易 發 展 局 服 務 期 間,推 動 of the aviation industry and Hong to 2003, he oversaw, inter alia, the 香港會議展覽中心的籌劃及興建工作, Kong’s trade promotion. In his completion of the Airport Railway 並 成 功 創 辦 不 少 交 易 會。此 外,於 1995年 current capacity with the AA, for and the launch of the Octopus Card. 至2003年擔任香港鐵路有限公司主席及 example, he played an important Chairman So said, “I am deeply 行政總裁期間,他完成機場鐵路項目及 role in taking forward several honoured by the award. I have had 推出了八達通。 significant projects at Hong Kong the good fortune to be associated 蘇澤光表示:「獲頒授這勳銜,我感到 International Airport (HKIA), including with HKTDC, MTR, PCCW and now 非常榮幸。我有幸在香港貿易發展局、港 the three-runway system (3RS) the AA, all closely linked to Hong 鐵、電訊盈科及現在的機管局工作,這些 project, which are key to maintaining Kong’s economic development. The 都是與香港丏濟發展息息相關的機構。 Hong Kong’s leading status as honour belongs to my colleagues 這項榮譽亦屬於這些機構的同事們。」 an international aviation hub. serving these organisations.” Chairman So has made significant contributions during his distinguished career in public service, including the completion of major railway projects such as the Airport Railway (middle left and right) during his tenure in MTR; the construction and expansion of HKCEC (bottom left) and hosting of numerous successful fairs including the Entertainment Expo (bottom right) during his service in HKTDC; as well as the commencement of construction of the 3RS (top left) and the opening of the Midfield Concourse (top right) in his current role as AA Chairman. 機管局主席蘇澤光在公共服務方面貢獻良多, 包括任職港鐵期間落實機場鐵路(左中及右中) 等主要鐵路項目、興建及擴建香港會議展覽中心 (左下),以 及 在 香 港 貿 易 發 展 局 服 務 期 間,舉 辦多個博覽會,例如香港影視娛樂博覽(右下 。 在現任機管局主席期間,啟動三跑道系統項目興 建工程(左上)及啟用中場客運大樓(右上)。 Photo source: MTR Corporation Limited (middle left and right), HKTDC (bottom left and right). 圖片來源:香港鐵路有限公司(左中及右中)、香 港 貿易發 展 局 左下及右下) 3 COVER STORY 封面故事 PRESIDENT BRIEFED ON AIRPORT DEVELOPMENTS DURING VISIT 國家主席到訪了解機場發展 [1] President Xi Jinping visited the During the visit, AA Chairman Jack Xinhua News Agency quoted Airport Authority (AA) on So explained to President Xi how President Xi as saying that the 1 July where he received a brief on HKIA leverages its unique advantages Central Government supports the Hong Kong International Airport such as its prime geographical building of the third runway to help (HKIA)’s latest developments and location, extensive aviation network Hong Kong consolidate its status as its three-runway system (3RS) as and close relationship with the a global aviation hub and improve well as the Hong Kong-Zhuhai- Mainland to develop Hong Kong its overall competitiveness. The Macao Bridge project. President Xi into an international and regional president said that efforts must be was accompanied by Hong Kong aviation hub, and contribute to made to ensure safe and efficient Special Administrative Region the “Belt and Road” development construction of the project, and Chief Executive Carrie Lam. strategy of the country. maximise its benefits after completion. 4 COVER STORY 封面故事 [1] [2] President Xi Jinping (third from left) views display President Xi Jinping (second from left) is briefed panels at the HKIA Tower as AA Chairman Jack by AA Chairman Jack So (second from right) So (second from left) explains HKIA’s role in on HKIA’s latest developments. Also present supporting the development of the Guangdong- are Chief Executive Carrie Lam (first from left) Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area. Also present are Chief and AA CEO Fred Lam (first from right). Executive Carrie Lam (fourth from left); Secretary 國家主席習近平(左二)聆聽機管局主席蘇澤光 for Transport and Housing Frank Chan Fan (first 右二)闡述香港國際機場的最新發展。行政長官 from left); and AA CEO Fred Lam (fifth from left). 林鄭月娥 左一)及機管局行政總裁林天福(右一) 國家主席習近平(左三)在 機 場 行 政 大 樓 觀 看 展 板, 在場 陪同。 並聆聽機管局主席蘇澤光(左二)介紹香港國際 機場在配合粵港澳大灣區發展擔當的角色。 行政長官林鄭月娥(左四)、運 輸 及 房局局 長 陳帆 左一)及機管局行政總裁林天福(左五)在場 陪同。 [2] Photo source: Information Services Department footage 圖片來源:政府新聞處影片 國家主席習近平於7月1日到訪機場管理 根據新華社引述習近平主席表示,中央 局,在香港特別行政區行政長官林鄭月娥 政 府 支 持 香 港 國 際 機 場 建 設 第 三 條 跑 道, 陪同下,聽取了香港國際機場最新發展 以支援香港鞏固國際航空交通樞紐地 及機場三跑道系統和港珠澳大橋工程的 位,提升整體競爭力。他期望相關工作能 匯報。 妥善做好,確保工程建設安全高效,項目 機管局主席蘇澤光向習近平主席闡 完 成後 發 揮 最 大 效 益。 述香港國際機場如何憑藉其獨特優勢, 包括優越的地理位置、廣闊的航空網 絡,以及與內地的緊密聯繫,使香港發 展成為國際航空樞紐,並協助推動國家 一帶一路」的發展策略。 5 FOCUS 焦點 IMMERSING IN HONG KONG’S ART AND CULTURE 匯聚香港藝術與文化 Travellers navigating HKIA’s terminals will embark on an artistic journey as they experience a series of exhibitions and live performances during the “Art, Culture and Music at the Airport 2017” festival. Hosted for the third consecutive year, the event celebrates and showcases the city’s unique heritage as an East-meets-West melting pot to global travellers. 香港國際機場正舉行「藝術、文化與音樂巡禮在機場2017」, 在 客 運 大樓呈獻連串精采展覽及現場表演,讓旅客充分感受藝術氛圍。活動 已連續第三年舉辦,向來自世界各地的旅客介紹香港中西文化薈萃的 獨 特 魅力。 Cinema Fantasia Hong Kong 香江星影夢工場 6 July – 12 November @ Hall A, Arrivals Hall, Terminal 1 Encounter Hong Kong – 7月6日至11月12日 一號客運大樓接機大堂A The Art of Cheongsam The exhibition gives a retrospective look at 香港「漫」遊:尋找長衫藝術美感旅程 the milestones of the films of Hong Kong, 6 July – 12 November @ Automated People Mover Platforms; affectionately known as the “Hollywood Ground Transportation Centre Downramp North of the East”, and view the creative work of 7月6日至11月12日 旅客捷運系統月台幕門、地面運輸中心北面緩坡道 photographer Jupiter Wong and poster designer The charm of cheongsam can be seen through two revered local Yuen Tai-yung presented by the Academy of comic characters: Lee Wai-chun’s Miss 13 Dots featuring different Film of the Hong Kong Baptist University. styles of the traditional dress and Ms. Chan’s iconic pink dot 香港素有「東方荷里活」的稱號,옏香港浸會大學電 cheongsam in Joseph Wong’s classical comic series Old Master Q. 影學院展出的「香江星影夢工場」,帶領旅客回顧香 李惠珍畫筆下的人物13点穿着的多款花巧長衫,與王澤《老夫子》中陳 港電影的光輝歲月,並特別介紹劇照師木星及海報設 小姐一襲粉紅色圓點長衫,展現了傳統長衫的魅力。從兩位丏典漫畫 計師阮大勇的作品。 人物,帶 大 家一 睹 長 衫 的 風 采。 6 FOCUS 焦點 Hong Kong Heritage Transcending Classics: International Students’ Museum International Poster The New Generation of Visual Arts Contest- Collection Highlights Cantonese Opera cum-Exhibition of Hong 香港文化博物館國際海報藏品精選 新秀遇上經典:越睇「粵」有趣 Kong – Photography 6 July – 12 November @ Ground 6 July – 12 November @ Coach Hall, 香港國際學生視覺藝術比賽暨展覽- Transportation Centre Downramp South Level 3, Terminal 2 攝影 7月6日至11月12日 地面運輸中心南面緩坡道 7月6日至11月12日 二號客運大樓第三層旅遊車候車大堂 19 August – 12 November @ Level 7, Walking through the Ground A striking exhibit set up by the Chinese Departures Hall, Terminal 1 Transportation Centre Downramp Artists Association of Hong Kong that 8月19日至11月12日 一號客運大樓第七層離港大堂 South gives travellers a spectacular encapsulates the enthralling world of Award-winning artwork created view of 96 vibrant posters Cantonese Opera featuring beloved by students depicting the theme mounted on a wall created by classics such as Princess Changping and “Good Earth” and the message worldwide designers during the The Purple Hairpin. Cantonese Opera of peace and harmony is on full recent “Hong Kong International Academy of Hong Kong students also display at this exhibition jointly Poster Triennial” competition. perform excerpts from the classics. organised by the Education 地面運輸中心南面緩坡道展出匯集了 옏香港八和會館介紹《帝女花》及《紫釵 Bureau and Po Leung Kuk. 「香港國際海報三年展」96幅精選作 記》等丏典粵劇作品,展示傳統粵劇的博 教育局及保良局合作展出藝術比賽得 品的海報牆,讓旅客欣賞各地設計師的 大 精 深。八 和 粵 劇 學 院 的 學 員 亦 會 演 出 當 獎學生作品,比賽以「大地」為主題, 創 作。 中部分劇目的折子戲。 鼓勵學生透過作品傳遞和諧的信息。 Airport Proms 仲夏音樂匯機場 7–13 July @ Meeters and Greeters Hall, Arrivals Hall, Terminal 1 7月7日至13日 一號客運大樓接機大堂 The Harp Harmony Street Music 29 groups of renowned local 天籟之聲‧豎琴協奏 樂韻街角處處揚 musicians and bands including the 14 July @ Meeters and Greeters Hall, 15–16 July @ Meeters and Greeters Hall, HKAPA, Yao Jue Music Academy, Arrivals Hall, Terminal 1 Arrivals Hall, Terminal 1 Shakuhachi and Samon Band, 7月14日 一號客運大樓接機大堂 7月15日至16日 一號客運大樓接機大堂 Dominic Chow Kai-sung welcomed The first-ever harp performance in Homegrown musicians enthusiastically travellers with soothing classical HKIA made its debut of mesmerising playing on their guitars and keyboards and jazz music performances.
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