PROCEEDINGS or THE YWKNYIRYH ANNUAh fylKKYING OF TII& IOWA STATE Improved Stock Breeders' Associationt IIILD AT CoR~ING, DECEMBER 6 AND 7, 1893. 0.;F":F'%C'J;l:.aG: Prei1ld~nt,-OA.!llll:1~ sn ■r.llAl'f, 0.-1&g•·. Vteo♦Proaldent1-nn:.. B. n. VA.L•• IJOOfl• parte; (.). w. :,{()Rt'Ol'I', WllLOn Juootlon; o. MUli.l)OCK. WAterloo; J:co. D. HzKRlCK, Froderlo1t,b11'1{; J. :,i. OUJt:(. Wau~k: .I. R,. CRAW· l'OHD, xo.. t.On; N J. 0,'.HRl~. tk1o MolnM; Hos w. o. ~li'l'OD• ■ LL, Comloq; PKO•- o. A 1{&..:T. Ame,: Ex·OOV'. QA.R,, ?~S\"£H, Ft,.OodJt:1.1: HON•• J. D.Ya:oVASf, tiloux Olty. ~,e,c,ret.a.ry Knd Tre1 uror-OIIO, W. PffA'.'lK1,t:,,:, At1antl~ l'IOST.ID UV OltDKtl or TU• OISl:P.U, AU81f0[<'1 l>I'.>; ~OINt:,;, o. IL J?AO~OA.U~. ST,'TV. 1•a1sn:1t lb!>-L PROGRAMl\lE. W£DNl-'.1mAY AITl!ll:,iOON. nECl:,rni:.n t.l. l.OOO'CWCK Wcloom('., by Hon- \V. O. Mitchell Rl•sponso. President's Address. Ap1>ointment of t:ommitU..ic.s. f;nrollment of Oflicor!I. "J)rl\,'' by J. W. Hom, "Ure.eding 1.rnd :Feedio" the Fnrui Horse," by B. F Go,·e. ··Typical Americs.o Uortie~ auJ How to Produce fhem," by N ..J. Harri!<., lhJJcusaion. 7 :30 o·c1.QCK (Specifll iovill\tion to re.-iichml8 to alle1l'.l thl!I ~c~1lon.) Motertaiumellt l>y tho hiJ(h school of Corning. Add re.. .,., bJ,· A. Y. :StouL ''Agricultural Educ::\llon," by J ohn Cownic. THCRSDAY IIORNISG, Ut!C&MOEH 7. 9o'CLOCK. Opening exercises. "Us.rn 8uildi11g." by Prof. U. A. Kent Oi.!ICUSBion. "The Iw11rovcd Farm 0.1lry." by Prof 11 C n°lllhce. Dii'iCU8Sicl!l, .. Fl.\t.Lening Auiilml11,'' by 1-::,.-l>rel'lldenL C F. lfart•l1ty. '"Soiling Cro1n1 Uuriog Drouth,'' hy Prof. J:,~. \\"illk>n. Di&:Ut-"41011, TJtr lt~l)A \'" A ll"T&HSQ(J'\ o"CLOCK. ·•P:l-81.Ur~"-.'' by non. J. B H11.r~h Necossny CbllDJtOS in Stock ll1,u;ln1:•n," l>y Jl,,nry \\'11.llaco. ..Stock Gosslp,11 by Run. Johu McHugh. "IJow to Mn.kc. Sheep Prolll4\ble In Iowa," by Jo,. ,1 E,lgertou. Diftcussiou will follow encll paper M tim(' ,, HI J)ermh. Unfinished business. Adjourn. OFFICERS l?OR 189!. THE CONSTITUTION. rRK8IOKNT, ARTICLlt I. W.W. McCLUNG ........... •... Wtrt,r/01. Thi" A11,ociation "ball be known 1\1 the low.\ hu•novRn STOCK Bm:1mHn,-' • At-11,0CIATION. ARTICLK II. The object, of tbi, ,ht0eiation are to thf' Ax0t•llency aml to pro"•idl' for the prfii••rvation and di•~eminntion in their purity or thP tlitf,.rent. l.lrtei.l• or impro-red at.ock of All kinds. AllTICl,K Ill. Any penon who i~ a ~ifo::c-ri of low• nod " breeder or ownP.r &f fine 11tock may l)(ocome I\. mem~r of th1~ At.tociation by payinM: a foe of 0,11 dollnr annunlly aoJ 11),tning the con1t1tution or ccnpowerinr( the St>crt!h\ry to writo hi8 nome thereoll. AUTICLlt I\'. Tbe officer9 or thi1J. A&,ocirttion @hall b"' a Prt;llllidenl. &Ye Vioo-Prt"tl:1Mnl1. lo rt·pre.ent the different brnnehe, of 11.oek hr,~itJll' and a. $ecrehr1 anJ Tren,iurer, 8ECl1&'l'AHY ANO TJtftA811K1ut. nnJ tbete seven 11ball con,lilute nn Ei:ecutive Ccmmilter, of whom n majority G!;O. W. FRANKLIN....................................... .. At/anti,. tihall be a qoorum for the lmneachon of bu,ine,it, and the dul1eii of lbt>80 •everal 'rha nPxt place of ruooling- will be in Ames, beginning Octob~r officer, ,nail be fbe orJiuar;• duLie• of 1uch offiCPrt in like aM>cmtion111. lith, 189!. AllTICLE V. Thf' nnnu11I meetio,r of this A1s.ociatioo 1hall be beld on the 6nl Wednt'~day in Llt'Cf'tnber or ca.:.h l"ear, at which time nll officen ,-ball l>i.t elected by \,allot, and they 11ball bold their offioea until their 1uc.ce11on1 are elect.Oil and qualilled, ,\11TICL1t \'I, Thi• A1110tiatioo. at. any nnoual DleetinJC, may m;\ke amtnrlmt·n~ to thit con• ..1itution, may adopt Ly•lliwt, mmy fix an annual (f"e or1111:iinhenbip ""d mar do i1ny other but1in.,,11 not,nl with the porpo~etof lhi1 A11'1'N.·iat.ion; 111·nriirl11I, that amendmPnte to lbi, con~htution mual receiv,, Mtwo-thirJ1 ,oleo( all wem\"'" rn•,.enl. [The nbove i'IL tho amt!:ndeJ. con11litution. The numbt.•rof Vic,... ·Prt.,,hlflnt1 have. 1,y the cu11tom of commilt~111. bceu changed frGm 6vu to on1• from f"ach coogn:•· 111ional ,Jidtr1ct -ED.l IXTJ:OL>l; lTrlON 11 was 11 •en unfortun:\tu 1110,0 whu, 1ho A ocla1lon ooacludod to hold tl10 m~ing in tho l!Outbwcttcru 1•1rt of the State.. (J.:,rulnl!, 1hoogh ., Ii, o town in tho midst of one of tho best •~cultural di•• tricta. faile-1 to ,1:\!t tho <·rowtls 'l\·hidt ha,·o rhn.r-a<"tcrb.ccl th09e uuwt• lni;s In tho 1•ast. Man\' mcmben were prevented from 1utendi11,i: the mrctinr uu 1u•couut c•f la gripJK'. awl mun\' (1tlu.. r11 ft•1m..!d bad weather, while othen wen, ao a,tus•eJ that they could not n:;ach this l"Jint without manv ruilwny tlurng~•• nml much •tolny. Tho i:cueral drifl of the discnmon why tho med.;=,: wu l!O liirli1ly a111,11d~~1. lcJ 111e111lwn to tho lwli1•f 1hu1 tl11, plft••o of nll'cl· Ing ahonlJ be .a eentrnl one and 1h~ the date of the mediag bo chaugcd to oRrlit•r iu tl10 lciuon. This ._\petrintic,n h!\11 luul m11ny a1orm• to contend with in yoan 111,,t and ,:one. ..\l.embcro who havu grown gray eiuce unliatinq in tho wrufnru ai,ra\ntt tho ecrnb, have alept In ,,oltl tx,ls, remained at M!ciu<luil railron,1 junl'lin111 waitJns: for 0 thmr train"' antl h11tu been 1111o'll"01.i in nt hlllct ln oat of tho way plat-et wl.wro holcl ar.comrnot)11tio118 wero n•ry 111,•ajtrt.•, till it bu loot llll It• cl1al'1118 for thurn. Those nteran• beli~ving dil<'l'Clion lo be the better part nf ,·alor, •11\\" RI hmnt• from the meeting on th!,, ,mo aecount. Tlictc la 1111otlu..•r CIUIM' to wl1id1 101110 uf the ■ln<'k 11ttondance may be attributed. Tho World'• !-'air and the 1triugont 11- hu laa,t ite mark rnado ott tin~ Kttt•111la11eo. Wo have many lottera or a tenor ne..or bcf~re known-in tho hlatory of th!. Aaoo ('iation. Tho fu1lowi11g is 1w 1mcom111nn rouon for not bein,r at tho meetinl[: "I !,ave not tho ,ncney t , 1111re; thlt 1bould not be uiJ b~· 11 •t• ,ck breeder, hul it i• ac,." "I ha•o boon away from homu oo mach thi• aummer alt~ndinll tho World'• Fair that I aan compellod lo atlly al home thla tlmo." "I am onu of tho unfor1· nnate "wnon of lw..-. and caonot oec my way cluar to attend tho meeting." "I an, too feeblo and the weather too 11oa,,beroaa at 6 l.STJUJ[)U( 'l'OR ¥ tht. -.OD of Ibo year to riu: attending tho tnootio •• Th ""'"Y. others nro the r1•!'"''"" (or not 11tlendi11g the ,,!~ti11 . eae ar,d [t 19 ti.Jo ~et,ural bcl,cf that the dai·• of • · I? A . ti h . mw,on.,y ..-ork of th 1 ll80CI& OD 38 oome to the n~ht. and it i1 tl,o ,ren<•ral be • " porm1111011t homo will be m,ule for holding th I l,tf !hot It h.. •'•<> been IU)?~oo that it bo hid al ti, e ,111110~ tn<·ctU1;:, 11 .. ~... u:tural JQf't,tin.l!. anJ tho two mor:tinjt!I to;..,7',7,1~ :~:~o ,~f thtt I: rN1mro,IThi numlx•r '", at1,•111lanro t0 !?Ot ti 10 raa'I ro.,d ri,h.•s .t tho • u,attor wul be broo.,ht np at the next . T\\'E!-lTIETH Al'\:-;Ui\L SHSSIO~. ~,",'_es an,lllwe hopo it will i,-;, a,ljueto,f for tho~=~~~:~ ~~•~I~ 0in ~ II ion w t ,out rla•hiug. ·'-• Ook"SL'.\01 )owA, I >ecc-1nh<-r t;, I !'\03. At 2.(~) P. x. the couventio11 wu called to order h,· PrcaMent I lanicl l-beehau, who ,poke .. rou,...... - G.. nt1~11, memutn c,( lbe fowA lmpr0•e.;l Stnek Utttdm' Auoci11tioo, )CU wtll p\ea,e ~me to Ofd.,.r. ,·oa ,N bJ' the ~mt th• i• oar t•eu,~h ann1.-eraan. an~ tl 11 a ,,tra•ott to IIM'. comh1r fNm tll(II not1~t part of lbe St&t11. to tOm4 do•n ,ato tbe .otdbwNt to mttt w,lb Jl)Q ge,ntl•mffl, and I hl"pt lo 1fO boml" w1U. • better ho•~ ol the ..- of •Olllll•.. t I..,_ Th1• a,aoaation i• not dannUh: It i• aOI wlft•h; It i, l1benl, it 11 what M can("il the lmprOYl'•I ~t.txk llr1.....,l••rc' ,.\lll)(t.tU.On of Iowa. Wt QN n..)t •Ut it u, wlaetber It l• a bone. a mw, •brep, l O£'I or chltbnt.. n•tJ 1Dt.M"04t. ,.,.rJ iDtht• try Ill lnw• that 8' iN to mah lo•• •ha\. 1\ i.-oce of tho 11raac!ett ~taltw in th1• l1nlo■ -ba• a bl'lffl"! aad 1, plaoo IM!ffl with lb~ lmpro,·td St.xk Hrttden' ANOC1.1lloo.
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